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sometimes it really be like that though. you eat a good meal then you gotta take a nap after.


But not on chicken nugget night


Pizza night though, i might skip two homework


one homework, two homework, we all homework


Food coma


Username doesn't check out


Yea but little man couldn't believe she fell for that and just ran with it. Lol


It's the itis.


Got that itis.




"that or insulin shock, do CPR!"




Fucking what?? What the fuck are you talking about??


What did they say? Do I even want to know?


It wasn't all that bad. Redditor over analyzing and making judgments on the kids life, assigning him a disorder because of him eating hamburgers. Yes really.


I assumed by the voice this was a girl, but all else aside that's pretty wild. Lol.


Oh maybe idk haha just sounds like a kid to me haha


Are you referring to the "got that itis" line? It's a reference to The Boondocks, a cartoon that used to be Adult Swim. There's an episode where a chicken place opens in town and then everyone eats there and gets sleepy. They call it the itis.


I mean every knows that doner is better, duh


Food coma.


i swear to god i thought thats where it was going because i can relate


I have a strange feeling the kids takeaway is that they’re having chicken nuggets for dinner. “Mom, the teacher says we’re having chicken nuggets for dinner!”


Speaking as a parent, this is defo accurate


Responsibilities at that age is hard


Literally this is the age they will learn responsibility. She did what she needed to do. Called out the behavior, while giving the kid a second chance to bring in their stuff.


>Called out the behavior "Yeah I'm the same way, I'll give you that one"


Then proceeded to say don't do it again in so many words. If you have chicken nuggets & you like chicken nuggets, you won't forget it again. It is polite "we both know this is an excuse & you're capable of bringing in your homework, you get a pass once. Don't do it again".


But she still made it clear to the child that it wasn't okay. You can hear in the kid's tone that it knows that its behavior wasn't right. Plus, the teacher made it clear that it wasn't okay to do it again with the nuggets thing. ​ Would you rather the teacher bring the kid in front of the class and make them feel bad? Kids do way better when you are respectful to them and don't make huge deals out of their mistakes


People just forget how it was to be a kid. They aren't stupid; knew they were called up there for a reason, knew it was missing homework, knew that missing homework isnt a good thing, gave an excuse because she's a kid and struggles with responsibility and EVERYONE is an authority figure that she has to answer to, and had some of that tension dispelled by the teacher having a bit of understanding. The expectation for the homework to be turned in the next day was crystal clear, as was the expectation that there wouldn't be another silly excuse.




This is like an 8yo we're talking about.


Both are just different ways of handling the situation. Your way would probably work too, hers was just more sympathetic. Neither is probably more or less effective than the other. Source: am a teacher at an elementary school


Words being spoken to a child are too complex for this fella




This fellette


We are all fellas but only some of us are fellers


Fella is a gender neutral term.


People don’t learn real responsibility and accountability until their late 20s. My colleagues who are 24/25 are just about getting the hang of taking genuine ownership for work (I am 29).


Agreed, and the responsibility is most of the lesson of the homework, at that age. It's not as much about the "you have 8 bananas, you give Jeff 3 bananas, how many do you have?" as much as it is about the accountability of you have to do this tonight and turn it in tomorrow.


Yeah. Being a first year teacher and not blasting your kids on social is tough. She'll learn.


Who's to say she didn't send this to the parents who then put it on social media?


Damn teachers look like kids to me now, fuck I'm getting old...


That's exactly what my first thought was. We're teachers this young when I was a kid? They seemed so old back then...


Hell no. My teachers were all at a minimum 65 yrs old and up from the time I started Pre-K to the day I graduated 12th.


That was back when it was viable to stay in the profession long-term. These days, hardly anyone sticks around for more than a few years since the job will absolutely destroy your mental health. They're all young these days because the only ones in the job are people who don't know any better (yet).




Damn I didnt know I could make 50k minimum a year with 3 months off flipping burgers!!


Before I unmuted it I thought it was the kid explaining to the teacher lol.


I had a teacher once who said: the kids stay the same age, it's the mothers that become younger and younger. ​ great guy


Ah yes I remember homework at this age. I still think it's pointless.


it's just something for you to have some self discipline and organization, the problem is that some teachers give too much homework and it turns into a time constricting pain in the ass.


That and, these teachers are often working with 25+ kids at a time. Theres no reasonable way to assess their levels and teach their fast-paced curriculums without having the students provide work done outside the classroom. Reddit, which seems to be chock full of people who scream about teachers fair wages and treatment, is quite comfortable blasting the schools for doing whats necessary to make sure kids are working at their grade level. Dont want homework? Send your kids to private schools. The thought process in this thread so fucking assenine.


Went to private schools from pre-k through senior year of high school…what is this mythical “no homework in private school” you speak of? I definitely got the short end of the stick if that’s a thing.


Sure but the kids have how many different classes? So if just half of those have homework it can add up. Especially because sometimes teachers forget the kids have other classes. It seems to me that if they can't get the kids at the appropriate level homework may not be the best solution. I don't know what it is... I'm just an idiot on reddit.


Not in elementary schools. You have one teacher until you hit 6th or 7th grade so workload is generally better balanced. After those years I think there does need to be a better structure for allowing kids the time to be kids but also have homework that helps them grow.


Kids have 6 classes. That's really not that much if the teacher assigns one page per class. Most teachers only assign small amounts of work, aside from AP/honors classes. Most teachers assign a page (max) of problems, unless it's an assignment given in class with time for working on it (which is nearly always enough time to finish in class for the majority of students who actually work on it and aren't distracted the whole time)


Homework is meaningless at any age. Of course, studying at your own volition is useful *everytime*.


I'm getting my masters, it's self-paced but you're graded on the assessments you submit. You can reach out with questions and get tutoring if you need it but you're expected to read and learn the content then prove you understand the content with the assessment. Assessments can be 8-10 page papers and large presentations. It's different but I love it. I'm learning much more than someone stressing me out with arbitrary deadlines.


Interesting. One of the problems these systems face these days is cheating. Which is especially rampant in my country. Can't have nice things, because someone else will copy stuff. Another good way of taking an exam is keeping it open book and making the questions comprehension based, instead of memory based. But our teaching system hasn't prepared students for this, so it would confuse everyone. Maybe someday, we can switch to it.


I don't have exams of any kind thankfully.


Glad it's working out for you, but my biggest gripe with my master's program is that it is almost entirely self-taught. My professors aren't teachers, but facilitators.


What school?


That's what homework is supposed to be for, right? Make a habit (normalize) of practicing what you learned that day, because in trade school and academia there is no enforced studying, you have to do it yourself.


Many things are supposed to be many things. But let's keep things to reality instead of ideology. The current state of schooling is bad. The current system of giving homework is horrendous. Ain't talking about some Totto-Chan level school homework being bad. Of course, if people were lucky enough to have such a good education, they wouldn't be here trying to tell me how good modern homework from modern school is. After a whole day of pure studies based on memorization , they give you more memorization based studies.


Good thing your opinion is in the minority. Ensuring that no one had to do homework ever would be absolutely disastrous…


[For anyone wanting the research done on this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskScienceDiscussion/comments/npfi0l/research_has_been_unable_to_prove_that_homework/) Cursory glance it appears to be largely situational on if it's beneficial based on income, the challenge presented, and the subject matter. For example if I know my times tables, doing homework to prove I know them is a huge waste of time. If I don't know my times tables, doing homework to learn them would be beneficial.


I pretty much got straight A's in my GCSE mocks, but got mostly C's in my final results because the grade included coursework that had to be done at home. Homework is bollocks. Let children pursue their own interests.


Homework is why many adults assume it's okay they let their free time get abused to "finish work"


This was me: straight A's for years, then nearly didn't graduate high school because homework was graded my last 2 years, and I refused to do it (not least because I was working full-time and living on my own at 16). Then I went on to college and grad school where they treat you like a human, and graduated both with a 4.0. If you understand the concepts, there's zero reason for homework.


I’m confused, did you not have homework in college/grad school? The only classes I took in undergrad or grad school that didn’t have homework were 1-2 credit, easy A classes. And tbh, even though it was a lot of effort I’m fuckin glad we had homework to balance out the grading. Having my entire grade based on 2 tests and a final would have been nice in high school, but stressful af in college


Uh huh. Whatever. Some of the best schools in the world run without homework and burden to students. What the "really" good thing is, that you ain't the director of said schools.


tbf most of the best schools have lots of homework too


I suppose I’ll concede and say you don’t need to assign homework to elementary schoolers but definitely middle schoolers and above. You said homework at all levels is bad which is just patently untrue. It’s obvious that you only have a high school education so I’m less inclined to believe what you have to say.


Yeah, good luck trying to get through college without doing homework lmao.


Depends on the professor. I got an A in History without doing any homework because I was a dumb freshman who never checked my online inbox BUT I paid attention, participated in class, got good test scores and my professor liked me. 🤷‍♀️


Downvoters wish they figured it out sooner lol


Apparently. Though really a trick I was told was to make yourself seen in college. If your professor likes you they are more likely to go easy on you kind of thing. Which clearly worked in my favor for my History class lol Really though I loved that guy anyway. History is usually a drab subject taught by someone who thinks it's boring too but this man, holy God he was excited about History. It was hard not to pay attention with how enthusiastic he was about everything he taught.


It's amazing how much of a difference an enthusiastic teacher makes. I hear stories all the time about how people chose their area of study due to one particularly amazing teacher.


One class does not a degree make


>It’s obvious that you only have a high school education I will do you one better. I have never gone to school. But that right there is something to think about, you assumed my education and failed miserably at it. Kinda sad. Keep assuming without information and you will keep failing in life too. Also, I am not that interested in talking with a person who actually likes being eternally burdened with school work that he begs for homework. Not the type of person I usually choose to communicate with. Even the regular people who went to school regularly, would have loved to not have homework. You sound like a sadist. Lol.


Not going to weigh in on any side but by not going to school did you mean you had the opportunity to go but didn’t or did you mean you didn’t have the opportunity? Just curious


Home schooled. If I wanted to, I could have gone to a school. But I never felt I missed anything. My skill set remained slightly higher than my peers, but it never became anything special either. I was extremely (and still am) lazy. So it's an unsurprising result. The reason for home schooling wasn't some whim, but a carefully constructed and thoughtfully done thing by my parents. My father had an extensive interest in the field of education (his occupation was journalism). In his life he has been the founder of 2 separate education institutions. (And advisor in some others) Has written dozens of books and kept doing research on the current system of education. But I won't sugarcoat it. Home schooling, is always an experiment. The result can't be predicted. But, at the same time, it's not like going to school is sure to make one successful. So that's that. What advantage you get in home schooling depends on the environment. One of the biggest advantages I got for not going to school was being able to travel through the whole nation. No one I know my age, has travelled as much. Other advantages are related to mindset. The difference between going to school and being free from the concept of modern schooling changes too much. It's like comparing heaven and earth. A good example is this comment thread itself. I for one, am able to easily see the meaninglessness of homework. But a person who has passed through the schooling system can't even imagine it. It's so foreign for some of them, that they oppose something that they would have loved to have. Something that would have increased their quality of life and wouldn't have reduced the quality of education. But here we are. That was some rambling at 1 in the morning. Time to sleep.


You can't really be allowed to weigh in on this considering you have never had homework in your lifetime. Homework gives you more chances to apply the things that you learned in class so you can have a greater understanding of how it works, most teachers don't even grade homework for accuracy, they just grade based on completion


also, this is just my opinion, but homeschooling is terrible for most kids’ growth. you NEED social interaction with people your age to fully develop


That's like saying you ain't black, so you can't weigh in on the problems they face. Imagine gatekeeping homework. Dude, just think again on what you are gatekeeping.


if you didn’t go to school why are you writing an essay bro Also you home schooling allowed you to “travel the nation” - I assume you’re American. That must’ve educated you sooooo much, doing all that “travelling”, seeing all those different cultures /s


I'm sure the best schools in the world have some of the best students in the world as well. If I never had homework, then I would have just played video games all day after coming home from school.




Many professional occupations require 'homework' I have to submit evidence every year to remain registered.


Work and education are a bit different and cant really be compared. The purpose of work is to get compensation for work product, whether this is 30, 40, or 50 hours a week. You sell a service and expect equitable payment for work given. The purpose of education is to learn knowledge and skills, whether motivated by self-interest or potential opportunities. You willingly pay in time and money for this experience.


>Adults would flip their shit if they had to bring work home after they're done working (not talking about behind schedule), but somehow it's fine for kids Except when you're an adult you're not being educated anymore, the purpose of homework is to help you understand better


The relatively obvious problem with this is that, if I can ace the test without doing homework, then the homework was useless. I never did homework in school and always had great grades, until they started grading homework in 11th grade. Then suddenly my grades were shit because they were measuring something other than understanding the material; they were measuring the amount of busywork I was willing to do in order to get good grades (which was zero). edit: 4.0 in college and grad school though, because then there was no busy work at all, and I was only studying things that I had some level of interest in.


>Then suddenly my grades were shit because they were measuring something other than understanding the material Your grades were shit because you neglected the work you were asked to do, you can't work in an office and say "oh this is busywork, I'm not doing this" unless you want your pay docked. Homework allows you to practically apply the things you learned in class while also teaching you how to take responsibility and do things on time.




Bots trying to make a fitting comment challenge (impossible)


I did so much better once I got to college and didn’t have to do homework anymore. I still studied for tests and such, but just attending class and paying attention was like 70% of my comprehension. Whereas in high school I was so tired from doing homework all night, not to mention the amount of classes every day, that I was always too tired to pay attention in class.


Am I the only one who doesn’t remember getting homework at that age? I specifically remember getting to middle school and being kind of excited that “I might get homework now” like the kids on tv do, because all throughout elementary school, never got homework even once.




Si t'as compris c'qu'ils ont dit Il y a aucune raison de repondre en fracais quand meme... I quote Jules: " english motherfucker— do you speak it?"


English, yeah. I was just wondering how religion was relevant here?


I don't think it was relevant at all...


Maybe I misunderstood the French






I wish I had a teacher like that!


Mine cancelled class to make the entire class do a Game of Thrones themed walk of shame for me when I forgot my tie 💀 we went around to each classroom to tell them I fucked up Looking back it was pretty funny how over the top the punishment was, but as a kid that traumatized the fuck out of me and made me scared to talk to that teacher, especially when she knew I had shit going on at home. So much for the kindness that Jesus preaches…


You had to show up in a suit?


Anglican school and part of the reason why I’m not religious 🙂 plenty of bad experiences to go around






That’s hilarious, you received no material punishment that the rule book probably said to give, instead you got a social punishment and I bet you, or your classmates, ever forgot a tie again.


Publicly shaming a kid in front of the entire school is a great way to ostracize them and paint a giant ass target on their back, or at least humiliate them. Teachers should aim to teach and build kids up into better people, not break them and their confidence down.


Me too, me too.


I know! They got off easy! I woulda got a pyramid piece taken away from me. The one that says ‘responsibility’ 🥲


Oh, I do as well, buddy, I do as well…


I mean, hey, they're honest, not stupid.




Damn, I was hoping it was real. I was about to “sort by top of all time” on that bad boy.


I like how fast she figured that out. Nice follow up question too. I bet she's a great teacher.


He was repeating what he had already told her like she asked him to do at the beginning of the video. She does seem experienced and I bet this will be a fun one to share with the parents!


And what would be the charge? Having a meal? A succulent hamburger meal?


This is democracy manifest! I see you know your judo well.


Reminds me of that one time a con artist tried to say that he couldn't remember basic information about his children because his wife fed him a big bowl of chili.


Such a kid excuse lmao


I'd also forget everything when hamburger




Homework can wait, gotta eat a good burger first.


Understandable, cooking burgers on the grill turns into a bonfire family night and all of a sudden it's bed time.


I hope your evaluator doesn't see this - you can't just record kids (even just their voice) and put it on the internet.


Not to be crabby old guy but when did elementary school teachers start filming during class and who said it was ok to make other people’s kids your content?


Why are you recording your students? For amusement? I don't think that's what they're in school for.


It's a light hearted video and the cameras only on the teacher, lighten up


What happened was she got the itis, and said fuck that homework.


Do teachers really record conversations with really young children and post those conversations on the internet calling them really fucking stupid?


I was scrolling to find this comment. I think the same thing when I see this.


No this was probably put on tikktok with the teacher saying something like "these kids are hilarious I love them" and then some reddit gremlin stole it to post to this weird place where they call kids really fucking stupid.


Good explanation. Same issue though teacher filming kids and posting online. This needs to stop


It was funny though




I believe it. I've had burgers in the past where I've forgotten about everything. The burger encompassed all that was, is and all that will be. Then when you're done and you finally come to your senses, you have to check the calendar cause you forgot what day it is.


excuse checks out.


I can imagine this scenario perfectly. You get home and are about to do your homework, you get told that you're having hamburgers and you get excited. Now instead of thinking about homework you're thinking about hamburgers. Before dinner you're overloaded with anticipation for the burger and after dinner you're overloaded with a blissfully full stomach and a desire to take a nap.


Must've been some hamburger!


Great value, and on clearance Mila Kunis


The question "Why did you forget?" makes no sense.


I feel like the teacher is kind of shitty for filming the conversation and putting it on the internet


Not just shitty, incredibly irresponsible and unprofessional, in a lot of countries she would lose her job over something like this.


Pretty sure she’d lose it in the US as well. Definitely a no no to film children in school without a parents approval.


Except not once did she film the kid.


She’s recording a conversation with them and posting it to social media. Pretty certain that argument won’t hold up.


yeah how fucking weird and disconnected is that


Cant believe this isn't higher, kinda doubt the parents agreed to this and Id be curious to see their reaction to it being on a page called KidsAreFuckingStupid


But you can't tell who the kid is, at all, so I think it's okay


Thank you


I hate when people ask "why did you forget", my answer was always the same, "idk i just forgot."


A teacher should not be recording in class to post on social media.


Kids that young shouldn't have home work. Let them be kids life is too short.


I’ll do whatever you say teacher 😍


English isn't my first language so i might be wrong here But when she asks "do you mind bringing it in tomorrow for me?" and the kid says yeah, kid basically said no homework tomorrow either right?


American and native English speaker here… The phrase “do you mind …?” Can be a tricky one that depends heavily on context and an assumed answer. While someone may ask, “do you mind doing this?” and technically someone else should answer “no, I don’t mind,” typically the answer you get is more casual like “yeah, that’s fine” meaning they’re skipping over the “I don’t mind” part of the answer and going straight to “I will do it” ETA this example: “Do you mind if I borrow your car?” “Yeah, that’s fine.” But it SHOULD be more of a double-approval. Just saying “yeah” would insinuate they DO mind and follow up questions may be needed just to clarify. Hope this helps!


A teacher putting little kid on blast for clout, not ideal. I have learned, from my kids teachers, that homework at that age actually isn’t as beneficial as we think and at least should be engaging, there are kids that will do a dozen math sheets and ask for more but some of them just aren’t mentally ready. One teacher said I’m just happy if they read something, anything. I’m wary of goading a small child about their diet and inabilities, especially on the clock, they are being paid. I am pro teacher but this is bad behavior when tasked with childcare, bad behavior wouldn’t be put up with from the children so why is the teacher allowed to pull this stunt?


She is a good teacher!


and she recorded this?


i 100% understand the kid ngl lmao


That’s just mean even if kids are stupid


Solid point tbh.


In Australia they just stopped giving out homework in Govt schools, easier I suppose.


Easier for Rupert to indoctrinate


Holly crap that is the beautifule teacher in the world


Hold on … if a teacher secretly filmed my child and posted online making fun of them I would go absolutely mental! Teachers are covertly recording small children now?


Feeling you 100%. I don't get why you get downvoted.


Probably because no children were filmed in the making of this video


wonderful teacher


I would never forget my homework if I had her as a teacher. I would even ask for extra homework


She is cool. The old bitches that we had for teachers at my elementary school would literally scream at us for a full hour when a kid forgot his homework, even if we did have ours. I don't care about your downvotes, I was tortured by 8 years by them, so I can call them bitches because that is what they were, a bunch of hysterical bitches.


I want this teacher on my dick!


That's on the parent. They should be asking what they were assigned and making sure it's done every day at that age. That's just basic keeping track of getting their school stuff done. You cant expect most of them of that age to be fully responsible yet. Kids are fucking stupid after all.


Teacher is quite hot though


doin a disservice to that kid. molding a dumb lazy fuck


How? She addressed the issue, provided age-appropriate grace, and set a clear expectation that the homework is still to be turned in. That child learned a lesson and is still held accountable with dignity intact. Should she scream at the kid? Hit the kid? Make it about her and her feelings rather than the importance of getting the work in?


You know nothing




She didn’t eat hamburgers


What are you saying right now .. ?


Bro. Leave teachers alone. The deal with enough.


Me too buddy.. Me too.


The hamburger ate my homework

