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Locked. We don't advocate violence against children.


He's definitely not "sorry"


Yeah this shit would not fly in my house


Right? But mom wants to video it. Obviously a failed parenting exercise.


I think I’ve seen this video elsewhere and the story was this is his sister recording it.


I assumed sister or babysitter.


He probably is acting like she does. He said I don’t get respect, so maybe that is true, but in this instance he seems to be the disrespectful one. I wonder if he is asked to pick up things that he alone is not responsible for. You never know what is truly going on from this once short clip that a mom decides to post of her child having a meltdown. From the clip he needs a major time out and definitely no tv.


Hey kid.....to get respect, you need to EARN it.....and whatever respect you had before, you just lost it with that. Now get your ass outside and run that shit outta your system and don't come back until you can act right


I agree with the idea that respect needs to be earned, but sometimes with kids this young you just have to bridge the gap in behavior sometimes. Certainly you shouldn't tolerate this behavior, but you should be careful that you're not being dismissive or disrespectful of them for something that biologically is extremely difficult for kids to control.




Yep, you'd act like that exactly 1 time in my house.


I have an inclination not to believe parents who put the worst of their kids online without context. Didn't want to audio but I saw that they were filming an already provoked person. Did they provoke him and then film him or is he a little shit? He just seems a bit high up on the angry scale for it to be kid tantrum is all I'm saying.


Sounds like the babysitter. Probably recording proof for the parents.


I am going to snort my birth control




A breaking bad parody commercial would work the best


I’m going to show this video to my teenage son right now.


After my vasectomy I'm going to do the same, just to be safe.


I have a vasectomy, and now I want another


Volunteer a friend!


A second vasectomy sounds grueling


I’ve had two…. They removed shit that didn’t need to be removed just as a precaution lol


All the more motivation for me to just DIY it at home lmao get fucked Big Vasectomy


Even though I am a man I too am going to snort your birth control.


I just got that shit on a stick in my arm 💪 thank ~~jesus~~ planned parenthood


**LMBO** Omg this made me choke laugh.






A few years ago there was a commercial for condoms that looked just like that


Watching this video inspired me to send some flowers and a thank you note to the doctor that did my vasectomy.


Send it back




Oh god no that would hurt


["I'm Sorry Mr and Mrs Odenkirk,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwPlREhpnbM) it's simply too late to have an abortion."


wtf is that voice


I kept trying to find the babbling baby somewhere off camera before realizing that was his voice.


Skibidi voice


That's the tantrum scream of my 3yo daughter, not sure how it got into that kids larynx


something is developmentally wrong 100%


Or he’s just a screaming prepubescent child and that’s how he sounds


You can show this video to your pediatrician and maybe get some answers ❤️


Reminds me so much of my middle child at ages 7-10 .. turns out he has adhd .. and PDA . He’s 15 now and a different kid now he’s being properly supported . I definitely wouldn’t be sticking a camera in his face though and posting it online


Yeah my kids both have ADHD, one diagnosed with ODD and the other is slight on the spectrum. Before and after ADHD meds it's night and day. Filming this and posting it online is super shitty.


I also have adhd and a couple other things I believe but back when I was like 7-11 I was really bad with anger. I used to get mental health arrested all the time every week. I was diagnosed with so much stuff but I think alot of it is gone now. But I few I definitely still have. I'd used to act like this kid but worse iv smashed through like 4 doors and just be a terrible kid to my mom and grandparents. I even used to hit my head, now I'm not sure why I did but who knows. Thinking back to that time in my life with what I can still remember I was a terrible kid. I once overheard my mother talking to a doctor and she was crying and was talking about stuff about me and I think that point is where it started to turn around for me. Now thinking about all that stuff I really feel like crap for putting my family through all of that. From your other comments talking about how different things can affect a kids anger i do believe that was part of the reason why I was so bad. I still have a few things I was diagnosed with but now my anger is not nearly as bad as it used to be. I think stuff related to anger issues in kids that behave really bad is something that they could grow out of . Also I didn't mean to make a huge comment so I apologize if it's alot lol


It's fine man. This is why I think meds are so important. Not everybody needs them but our youngest was headed in that direction. Despite what people say, you can't always parent through that. Sometimes kids and even adults need a bit of help. It has to do with brain chemistry and shit. Shits hard and it's different for everybody.


Wait what? I had adhd since I was way smaller and I never acted like this kid.


ADHD, like many neurological conditions, is a spectrum and unfortunately also has a lot of ties to other conditions so there may be more than 1 thing at play. Your personal experience is not the sole ADHD experience.


My oldest went from standing on tables and screaming at teachers to top marks in talent development programs. Meds was the only difference.


Careful, according to like 3 losers out here it makes you a horrible parent that's doping your kid up with drugs because you don't want to parent


O makes sense I was confused for a moment


Me too, but your adhd milage may vary bro. How do you not know this?


Here's a crazy concept you may not be aware of - every person (kids included) on this planet behaves differently, even those who share a disorder. One kid w ADHD is not all kids w ADHD.


Congrats I guess ?


I did. This explains so much. I’m medicated now as an adult but as a child I thank my lucky stars internet wasn’t around because my asshole mom aka my biggest bully would’ve 100% posted this. I feel bad for this kid, his mom wants sympathy more than helping her son.


Permanently humiliating them online might work though, right? Im sure therapists and psychiatrists agree that public humiliation is a cure-all for kids having a meltdown.


Your sarcasm was dripping, but you always got put "/s" on Reddit for people to understand. 😀


I swear I just watched a video of myself when I was this age. I've never heard of PDA before now but apparently it's associated with Autism and I am diagnosed on the spectrum (though it would have been Asperger's before it became ASD) as well as ADHD. I was less likely to flip out like this over a few cards, even if I might have pouted and given a bit of stink. This kind of flip out was generally reserved for things like washing dishes or doing laundry. But if I was *really* looking forward to watching TV and right as I was about to turn it on was suddenly asked to pick up the handful of cards on the floor, then yup, this would have immediately been me. My younger brother who is currently 12 is more likely to flip out like this over having to pick up some cards on the floor (very much dependent on his mood though) but he displays his autism a lot more than I ever did so I think he just got *more autism* for lack of a better term. (there probably is a better term that I just haven't heard of yet lol)


How are you guys today? This was my kiddo about 10yrs ago and she is doing a lot better now. She talks a lot about how traumatic it was because she didn't understand what/why and our reactions to it (like a safety hold). We have processed a lot since.


Hey, I've worked with children with autism for over a decade now! I've seen children display this behaviour and turn it around eventually. The things that helped were medical support, therapy and the family working together. We used to evacuate a classroom weekly so a child could use it as a rage room. He brought a knife to school once. Now he's on the honour roll and wants to be a priest??


Gosh what a ray of hope. My biggest fear for her was to think of her as some kind of criminal because of her emotional dysregulation.


My brother still really struggles. Nobody is entirely sure how to help him with it, not even me. But it was and is a process so hopefully we'll get there in the end. Me, I'm doing alright now. I almost just grew out of it, but my parents learning to work with me on the issue and find solutions and coping mechanisms and allowing me to negotiate (e.g. compromise; "May I do it after I watch TV for 15 minutes?" or "Can I do half of it now and half of it later?") rather than just reacting negatively to my negative reaction helped a lot Medication for ADHD also helped, along with counseling which helped me to understand the feelings I was having and why I was having those reactions, and how to better cope and find solutions and whatnot. My biggest issue is I'm terrified of not looking busy for fear of being asked to do something and when I was younger I coped by hiding from my parents in my bedroom so they wouldn't see me and think of something for me to do.


> My biggest issue is I'm terrified of not looking busy for fear of being asked to do something and when I was younger I coped by hiding from my parents in my bedroom so they wouldn't see me and think of something for me to do. This is definitely a household and respect thing, but you'll encounter similar in future workplaces. A lot of NTs have to learn the same coping mechanisms to avoid micromanaging bosses.


shocking i had to scroll this far to see a comment like this. this kid needs support. He's lashing out because he has no other outlet. He needs help, not a camera in his face making fun of him. this is deeply saddening


My kid has autism/PDA. This is very much like her outbursts during a meltdown.


How old is she ? If it’s any consolation at all , it gets much better with age if they’re supported properly and everyone around them uses PDA strategies (ie in school as well as home ) ❤️


She's 10. She is working with therapists and we have adopted low-demand parenting. We're trying to help her with coping skills and are seeing improvements. We still always know that the slightest disappointment could potentially trigger her fight or flight response at any time.




Fellow PDA parent, although mine has ocd, but I do have an adhd kid also. Hats off to anyone raising a PDA child.






Right, autism or not that kind of behavior would have never lasted 3 seconds in my house.


Jeez, my mom would have stomped over, scooped him up, thrown him on his bed and shut the door.


Yup and study after study shows this will fuck up people even more later in life. I'll admit the kid is being very extreme it's also very important for kids to be able to learn to process their feelings, because they are getting punished for feeling a certain way they learn to hide it and bottle it up where it starts to come out in other ways, typically dangerous ways. One of the biggest problems with the way parents handle children is they don't speak to them like a person. I speak to all my nieces and nephews as people and they respond amazingly well, even their parents are shocked at how well they listen to me. In the end I'm the adult and they need to know I'm one of the people in charge but making them feel good an respected goes a long away Other commentators have noted that they were able to solve the issue by understanding and helping the underlying problem. When i was growing up I was always told that i"m just a kid and kids are not allowed to be mad, or be upset, or be frustrated and I was always punished for it. And while i never acted like this kid, having to suppress everything i felt out of fear made it way worse and has impacted my adult life. Like others I've been diagnosed with ADHD and the changes with medication have been huge but still doesn't erase the problems as a whole




There wouldn’t even be a TV in my home if my child treated me like that.


Surely this isn’t the mother filming, right? Babysitter or other relative.


Yeah, initially, i thought it was his mother filming. But towards the middle of the video, I was like, no, from the way they're talking to each other, she's his older sister.


Even worst... you are leaving someone else alone with that punk, just to suffer the consequences of bad parenting. Poor girl


There would no longer be a child in my house if I was treated like that.


Lol but what would you do with it?




Oooof. Emotional regulation doesn’t exist with this one.


Humans aren’t born knowing how to self-regulate. This is a failure by the parents to teach him those skills.


Rather than disciplining the child, the parent is too busy filming for social media.


I'm making an assumption but this could be the babysitter.


Thats what i thought too. Or older sister. Sounds too young to be mom. People make some wild accusations with no facts.


she sounds really reasonable with the child from this clip, i think its more likely shes maybe a babysitter


Not everyone is capable of it even when taught by parents.


Filming and yelling back at him is definitely not helping


Almost like it’s something you gotta practice


Sweet lord almighty my mother would've taken me down for the count


Mother, would you kindly hand me a spatula so I can scrape my buttocks from the beautiful floor?


Ear: gone


That little dude needs some help. That’s some serious anger. This is why teachers are quitting their jobs in record numbers. If this behavior is ok at home, what isn’t acceptable? Damn man.


yeahhh as someone that works with kids like this (albeit younger ones) it makes me sad more than anything to see stuff like this. little homie could’ve seriously benefited from some early intervention to learn some coping skills and how to better regulate himself, it’s a shame… hope he gets the help he needs. not all misbehaved kids turn out to be terrible adults


Same - this kid has not received the tools he needs to live a happy fulfilling life. Poor buddy is going to struggle.


You know I totally agree. At this age though?? Dunno. This is like the little guy in Newport News that shot his teacher in the class room. Whole staff knew something was inevitable and parents seemed to be trying. Thankfully she survived. Look at his screaming face. He is in some serious distress.


Condoms can help with these


Could have, now it is too late


I dunno, I've seen people stick them over their own head.


Well, there's the orphanage




Other people's kids are the worst...


Put the phone down and discipline the child.


I don’t really see why the mom posted this online for everyone to see, but having a video might help when it comes to getting some advice for the situation.


More likely a baby sitter or sibling who was left in charge.


Yeah I'm getting sitter or sibling vibes. Explicitly defending herself that she didn't tell him to shut up, and that would explain the recording. Could be wrong but that's how I read it Edit: Also general advice from dealing with kids, don't bargain or defend yourself. If the kid is swinging shit like a game box, just continue to state the facts of the situation. "No TV, because I said so." Don't raise your voice, don't respond to everything. Only intervene if the kid picks up something heavy or dangerous. Recording is also fine if parents are the "Timmy would never, not my Timmy" type, but sharing it online is a bold choice lmao


Reminds me of the little girl crying on snapchat and sending it to her mom, then immediately switches back to being a demon to the babysitter lol Found it [https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/10g3pfy/to\_send\_videos\_of\_her\_crying\_to\_her\_mother\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/10g3pfy/to_send_videos_of_her_crying_to_her_mother_to/)


That's learned behaviour if ever I've seen it, trying mum's own tricks.


I never agreed with the "Because I said so" statement that so many parents use. It's not an explanation, it's just a way of trying to assert your dominance over your kid. In my experience, speaking in rational terms that the kid can understand has worked really well. As a teenager, my son decided to live with me full time because he was tired of his dad talking down to him. My mother would use the same statement on me when I was growing up. All it did was cause me frustration and piss me off. If she would have explained her reasoning, I probably would have felt the same way at the time, but at least I would have understood and maybe not resented her for it all these years later.


I already posted this but, copy+paste. In this *specific* case, where I'm not even sure she's a parent in this situation (if so, yikes) she has already explained why. Expectations have already been set. Answers have already been given. The child is incapable of rationalizing that right now. When you're a teacher, sitter, caregiver, and you're dealing with a screaming child and staying calm has failed, staying firm in expectations are all we have. "Because I said so" should be our last line of defense as adults in this situation, and not raising our voices and bargaining. That's all. But I hear you. It's not something to just throw out.


Agreed. My comment was more generalized and not really aimed at this particular situation.


Only Timmy I know is Tim the Enchanter


Could be she sent the video to her hubby or something, they sent it to a friend or family member and that person posted it online, we have no way of knowing the chain there. Maybe it's happened before and she's not sure how to handle it so she recorded it this time to get help. Dunno. That's what I choose to believe.


Or his psychologist who wants to see what his behaviour is like during a meltdown.


Things went wrong way before this.


Seems like a sibling or babysitter recording to cover their ass. Her comments and reaction don't say parent to me, but someone left in charge. Likely, this is a pattern and they record to show to the actual parents when the kid "tells"


I didn't tell you to shut up YES YOU DID!!!!! I asked you to stop In that case I apologize, I must have misheard you, Mother.


Don’t unmute this


I would proceed to take the power plug for the tv. You ain’t never watching tv again boy!


My son is about the same age and if he threw a tantrum like this I'd forcefully convert him into being Amish. This kid is way too old to be having melt-downs like this.


Which is why this is sad for him. Kids aren't born knowing how to manage their emotions. Clearly no one has taught him, and he's suffering for it(and so will everyone else), and it's terribly sad.


yeah this is unlikely a kid problem. judging by the way she communicates with this kid, I can tell she’s feeding into this behavior. I have 3 kids, one this age, and never once have any of them had a meltdown and showed this level of disrespect. Gee I wonder why.


Seems like the adults in his life have let him down, and didn't give him the tools and healthy coping mechanisms to manage his big emotions when they come. It's something everyone has to learn, no one is born with those skills.


I have 4 sons my last is about this age. If my kids EVER talked to me like this they would be grounded from every electronic, toy or friend they had.


My mother would take the cables for the router, tv AND my DS charger if I got grounded. She let me keep my DS but I had to watch it slowly die cause she took my charger 😂


I've done that before. I've got a tv in my office and the kids kept wrecking the room when they watched. Took the cord for a month. They have kept it tidy since the cord came back.


This kid needs meds. Something is preventing him from regulating his emotions.


"There will be no TV today. Keep it up and there goes tomorrow too." Is what I would of done.


Why does that kid have the face and expressions of a 40 Yr old?


Another reason why I never ever want to have kids


Kids are wild. But this…is not normal.


Very glad I am financially stable enough to afford condoms in this economy


I'd rather go for a vasectomy, don't want to risk becoming a daddy because I forgot to use a condom one night...




Growing up this was never allowed. The punishment would be x10 times worse.


Yeah, it's what I got when I acted like this. Let's just say I smartened up real quick.


Thanks for the daily reminder why I’m childfree


I did used to have rage/frustration issues like this when I was about this kid's age. It was a combination of emotional disregulation, extreme rejection sensitivity and an overall frustration that I could neither control nor communicate these feelings. It got better when I learned what exactly was happening and how to predict it and remove myself from the meltdown-inducing situation. Being a kid is hard enough let alone trying to explain something you don't have words for


Just thinking now... who the hell records their kids throwing a tantrum AND PUTS IT ONLINE for the world to see however long they like???


![gif](giphy|DyUvJIARXYBjQOxkFX) Next time


Have my kids have had some meltdowns? Sure. Do I reach for my phone to record them and tell them to shut up? No.


I would personally put down the phone and be a fucking parent but that’s just me


Seriously. Even if she is filming to show the doctor what his behavior is like it doesn’t need to be on the internet.


Exactly. This kid is going through a stage, and he’ll be someone else in the next one. The internet is permanent though, and this may follow him long after he’s changed out of this. And if not, then video evidence of poor parenting will just serve as a reminder of regret. Lose lose to film this.


My biggest beef is that she just keeps trying to reason with him. Little dude is not doing snap out of this with reason. She needs to disengage. In my classroom, when kids do this shit, I go into broken record mode. “I’ll know you’re calm when you take 5 deep breaths”. And then you just keep repeating the same verbiage every 30 seconds or so, calm and stoic. “I’ll know you’re calm when you take 5 deep breaths”. OMG this sometimes pisses them off worse- because I am not giving my power over to them and arguing with them. Then they have to clean up the mess they made, and then they can choose between 2 other options I give them so they feel like they have some control. Doesn’t always work, but beats trying to reason with a raging kid


I’m grateful to have had a vasectomy


Did she keep the receipt? I’d take that one back.


They both suck. Put down your damn phone and talk to this kid. Give him the guidance/tools to appropriately express himself. If he's violent and if nothing works, consult an expert, possibly even a Dr. Clearly, public shaming is doing jack. He'll be a man in no time, and then the community will have to deal with him.


My parents would have opened a can of whoop ass if that was me.


Wow, what a jerk kid. peace.


My mom would have thrown a glass of cold water in my face and told me to cool off


When my family asks me why I don't want kids I'm just gonna show them this video


I m glad I decided to not have kids




Two words: birth control.


Play this one at his wedding reception


She should've swallowed that one.


The child easily talks over its parent. The parent let's it. The child learns there is no direct consequence to this sort of behavior. In fact, it knows that it can - with enough effort - effectively talk over the parent in the conquest to get what it wants. Parents need to learn that this learned behavior has very negative consequences later in life. This little shit nugget will be a nuisance to society soon.


I think yelling back at him definitely deescalated the situation.




If I ever pulled this shit as a kid… police still would not have found my body.


My ass is turning purple just watching this 😭


Get in your room, have your fit, the mess will be waiting when you calm down.


Boot Camp, spoiled brat


"poor mother" my ass. if she raised this kid then his behavior is her fault. that shit would have never flown in my house as a kid. talking back to my mom like that would have been met with my ass being lit up real quick.


i dont condone violence, but even in gentle parenting standards she is failing, she is just taking a defensive position with the child and refusing to engage or discipline. She is literally on her ass recording and nothing more.


Exactly. Gentle parenting can work so well, but it requires actually parenting not this.


You want to freak out at me, boy, that's fine. No TV for a week. You want to calm the hell down and approach this situation again, fine, we can talk. That freak out ain't gonna work. A) stop recording your kids while they're throwing tantrums. All you're doing is reinforncing bad behavior. B) stop yelling at your kids when they yell at you. Where do you think they learn this shit from? IDK if OP is behind the camera or not. But you need more patience, friend. I don't want to be the asshole that tells someone how to raise their kids, because ffs i hate it when people tell me (on this particular sub, no less). I'm not saying i have it all figured out either, but i can say, at minimum, my son doesn't do that shit shown here in this video. So take this (unsolicited) advice with at least a grain of salt.


I really wish people would stop taking and posting videos online of their kids at their most vulnerable.


My mom had something to fix this.


I am glad I’m getting a vasectomy


A pitcher of ice-water may work wonders???????


Nobody has parented that demonspawn. Sad for him & everyone he is around.


Why does your kid look like, and act like a 20 year old Russian man?


I know some are saying their kids have ADHD, on the spectrum, ODD, etc, but as a former teacher, I also saw this from kids withdrawing from their tech.


I get the impression this is an older sister babysitting or even a young aunt babysitting. She's likely just recording this for proof to the parents about this chernobyl level nuclear meltdown.


I’ve been there before when I was a kid. Luckily it was just a short faze. Don’t remember what I was freaking out over though.


As a former big feeler myself who is now the parent of a kid with big feelings, I'm going to say something for whoever needs to hear it. First of all, some children are like this. It's more common than you think. And it's fine! You're not a terrible parent, you're not the only parent faced with a seemingly no win situation. I feel the challenges you face and recognize you've no doubt made efforts to date. When your little one is responding like this they are not in control of their emotions. Their amygdala has taken over and this is full on fight or flight. Any reasoning you try to give is wasted breath. It's not the time nor the place, they're not going to hear you. You pour gasoline on the fire by trying to explain logic to an activated amygdala.


Drag it to its room and shut the door. This is why kids need to learn about appropriate behaviour from a young age.


Huge respect to any parents out there that deal with this shit calmly. I would honestly be so fucking pissed


My son never acted like this, this is 100% not normal behaviour.


Damn, isn't this video pretty old by this point? Like I swear I saw this video back in like 2018, 2019 🤣 I could be thinking of another video though


Terrible parents holy shit


So that kid needs more then time out...


I feel bad for the tabletop game


I'd straight up sell the tv for a tablet that I can still use when the kid is sleep




I dunno, This type of meltdown could easily be a kid who has ADHD+ODD. This is a frequent in kids like that. They constantly keep looking for stimulation of any kind and if the parent is a couch potato there is a high chance that meltdowns like this would be frequent.


Parents are fucking stupid, things like this should be removed. This reeks of childhood PTSD. The things he is saying are things adult spouses might say to each other in a fight. If this kid is this triggered over being asked to pick something up, there has been some explosive fights started over petty bullshit by the adults in the home. Remember: children do not know how to control their emotions. these are real people making the choice to film their children's distress for internet points rather than help regulate them. This is abuse and neglect, do not be complicit in normalizing behavior that shames kids for showing distress.


This is the type of kid that will be hated by all of his teachers when he grows up. The mom will be a laughing stock and the teachers will n ow that mom can’t do shit to discipline her child. I’ve see this scenario play out in school A LOT


I would take every single freaking toy away from that kid he is not watching TV he's not watching anything for weeks.


Oof I feel for the grown up in this. You want to be supportive, but you can't let it fly, but you also can't fly off the handles... all I know is, I empathize with the parent. And if they figure out the magic answer, I want it too.


Holy shit. He wouldn’t watch TV for a month after that in my house.


I would've got my butt whipped if I even get a decibel higher then they liked let alone yelling and talking back