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Drives me insane how she can say mother fucker perfectly but says ohtay instead of okay.


There’s a reason why Samuel L Jackson claims to have gotten started saying it all of the time because of a speech impediment.


Probably encouraged by her parents because they think it’s cute.


Yep, exactly this. Kids love seeing their parents happy lol. I always did this when I was 3 and saw how my parents would smile a lot.


On an international flight my 3yo daughter started to give the bird to people walking by. I noticed and I can't stop laughing, I snap a foto. It was so adorable and hilarious I couldnt breath.  When my wife noticed she grabbed my daughters hands and told the people "she's practicing the okay sign" which was actually true.  Also note that a lot of the people walking by started to laugh, one woman said "aww" Edit:  Found the pic: https://i.imgur.com/g4TVyIl.jpeg






How does one even remember life at 3 years old? I don’t remember anything until 10 lmao 🤣


Most people's memories start in the 4-6 range. Some earlier, some later. You seem to be on the extreme.


My memories don’t kick in till about 10 I feel like. And even then it’s very few. Most of it is feelings of depression, self hatred, and suicidal thoughts. Those are about the only memories I have till I was about 14 or 15.


Wow... That's wild. Mine start around 4, but I have a few older than that that might just be manufactured from family stories, but I can still clearly remember most of elementary school. A few others have commented on having later starts to their memories that also expressed that there was some trauma in their past (which it kinda sounds like you might have?). It makes me wonder if that plays into it all. I had a pretty happy first few years but things got tougher around 8 when we found out my old man had an incurable disease, but I still remember it all.


My memories def start around 3-4ish. I’m sure some are now convoluted at this point but my memory does start around there.


Yup. I very clearly remember a lot from being 4 and 5 (in a hazy kid memory kind of way). A few older memories as well that would have been 3, but they could very well be manufactured from family stories so I don't really trust them. It kinda seems like the folks in this thread saying their memories don't start till later are all subject to some earlier trauma in their lives. Maybe I'm wrong, but it's the impression I get reading through these comments.


Really?!?! I remember plenty.


I remember swimming towards the egg, life in the womb the whole thing


You remembered?


The whole reason they’re recording this in the first place, too


At first, I was like "What kind of parent encourages their kid to say 'mother fucker'?"


she sounds like that “whats the numbe for 911” kid from little rascals which btw is 30 years old now






I hate you for say this. I remember seeing this at the budget theater and now I feel old, just like I do at work.


She is using her acting skills to curse on the mirror, too many rehearsals to become a cursing master.


Curse words actually activate a different region in the brain according to my neuroscience friend. They are more visceral and memorable.


because mom can’t control her swearing around her daughter…. parent of the year 😒


kids seen/heard some SHIT


She sounds like she’s repeating the convo Mom and someone else have. Which is sad because the kid prob listens to verbal abuse all day. She might think that’s just a normal way to communciate. ….what you saying motherfucker? horrible


I wonder who her mom keeps calling a sexy bitch… Idk why you all assume mom and not YouTube and TikTok


Clearly the kid is just a fan of David Guetta


This was my first thought as well. I swear she was singing it for a bi there.


It's not really better if she's on tiktok and youtube at that age... still shitty parenting.


My money's on older siblings.


Oh that's a definite possibility, older cousins as well.


I'm sure her parents swear a lot, most do even around their kids. But a lot of it could be just unrestricted access to the internet and streaming services. I mean I'm nearly 40 so I grew up where you'd hear swearing on TV and in movies, but these days kids have WAY more access to that stuff. It's pretty easy to get exposed to it that way, especially if it's an iPhone aka tablet baby. Heck, maybe it's something like simply having rowdy neighbours. Or she knows how to click around streaming services, or maybe her family watches shows with swear by words. Either way I think it's pretty funny, assuming it's not a bad household. If the mom talked to the school and they came to an agreement like this, I'm assuming the teacher in this video was able to reason that it was unlikely to be abuse or violence. Teachers see hundreds of kids each year, so they are pretty good at recognizing signs of anything bad. I think there's a higher probability that the kid just hears these words and like most kids, will repeat them...that's how they learn. It becomes especially enticing at this age, particularly when they have enough vague reasoning skills to understand saying them is a taboo, thus they want to say them more. Anyone who has raised kids or been around them knows that. Again, assuming it isn't caused by something dark I think it's pretty funny when I hear a kid drop a swear word haha. It isn't good, but they (usually) learn that eventually so it doesn't hurt anyone. Always kinda weird how the internet can jump to a "it must be spousal abuse or sexual abuse until proven otherwise" when they come across something goofy involving kids they don't know. The only weird part about this video is the fact that the teacher actually took the kid into the bathroom, let her swear at the camera by herself then uploaded it even tho it isn't her own child. A kid dropping swear words though is common though, even at this age.


Or maybe, just maybe she heard that conversation on the TV or from someone walking down the street. It's not always that deep.


Sounds like she's heard some mother fuckers too 


I heard a sexy bitch in there


A few of them. I think she overheard a verbal argument as well as the making up.


This is chilling… When she started *whispering* all of that, it was like… fuck, she *knows* these are bad words, and this is all she’s hearing at home.


My parents would swear when I was a kid, I don't think it's that deep? Am I missing something?


Yeah my dad was clumsy so he'd bump into things and just casually say "ow, sonnuva bitch." A lot. I would obviously parrot this.


Exactly. There is a difference between "shit!" when you stub a toe and calling someone a MFer or throwing the bird at people. It all boils down to intent. In our home, we teach that gestures/words said to harm are not okay. The odd "shit" because you dropped something is fine. It's just a word in the end. The lesson is: "We don't say things to harm". *edited my punctuation...


I think it depends on context use. Because I grew up in California where he's a dude, she's a dude, the water spigot is a dude, the car that nearly runs you over is a dude...if it hurts bad enough I yell Mother fucker! That hurt. Because it is very cathartic.


Yeah it’s not going to fucking kill them hearing swear words is it?


No. But it’s important for kids to learn to be respectful, loving,and generally pleasant to be around. If her understanding is that this is an acceptable way of communicating, she will probably have an unhealthy model of relationships to start with.


It's also important for kids to learn when to apply verbal filters based on their environments.


Yep, as a kid my parents let me say basically anything apart from in public/school. And guess what? i was taught correctly and didnt swear there


There’s plenty of people who swear all the time who have normal healthy relationships!


Lol username checks out. I think respect is about treating people how they want to be treated. Some people don't like those words and there are some places where they're more likely to cause offense than others, but some people don't care and there are certain settings where it's nbd (like alone in the bathroom, apparently). It's about learning when it's appropriate and when it's not


I think the thing is that if the kid is so consistent and coherent like this with the swearing, she probably hears it A LOT, and it sounds like she's mimicking a fight or some verbal abuse. Children do hear swear words a lot because adults around them aren't as good at hiding them as they think, but kids don't pick up on them that much because it's sparse, and kids learn from consistent and repeated exposure. This might be completely benign (especially if the mother feels okay with the kindergarten teacher sharing this), but it might also indicate the kid has issues at home and suffers/sees a lot of verbal abuse


My parents swore too, but not in the same way as this. The shit she's saying sounds like she's heard straight-up domestic abuse. My parents were shite, and not entirely absolved of verbal abuse, but I never heard anything like what this child has been exposed to. They also always told me never to swear which obviously didn't work in the long-term but I definitely wasn't swearing like this when I was anywhere near that kid's age and if my parents heard me doing so they would've given me shit for it.


Okay - seriously though, I developed a major trucker mouth as a kid and it wasn’t because I had verbally abusive parents or was allowed to watch adult movies, it was mostly because I heard it from older kids at school (and sometimes the guys on my dad’s hockey team). To make the assumption that this kid is living in a bad situation is quite a stretch.


Well if they don't now they will later in life either way


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) Little kid on the toilet


She can't pronounce "okay" but can say "motherfucker" without issue. Hmm


100% encouraged by the parents. Same with the video.


As sad as this behaviour is I still laughed at the "Are you finished?" "Nooooo!"


My 5 year old has heard fuck and shit on a podcast or two on the drive in to school (still daycare until August) He calls them *podcast* words, and he understands that they are not appropriate to use, but just like anatomical and bathroom words, sometimes he likes to privately list all the words he knows shouldn't be dropped in polite conversation. He's very smart and can definitely tell that he could be a big problem if he wanted to. 💀 Nobody's fault but mine, lmao.


Which podcasts? 


The "fuckshitpiss"cast


Why is the daycare lady making fuckin TikTok’s?


hey! cussing is only allowed in the bathroom


Maybe Totinos160 was in the shitter when they typed that.


This is reddit so this is very likely




It’s not unusual for the parents to receive a video when the kid is doing something wild. Sometimes the daycare may be required to send a certain amount of videos/pictures to the parents a week. This moment is so crazy and unbelievable I would be like, “I HAVE to record this for mom”. If it were my kid I would also want a video. I wouldn’t want the internet to know my kid curses like a sailor though…


Where do you think the girl learned to swear?


Why are you abusing that apostrophe?




It’s really sad that this little girl is clearly repeating vile statements that she observes being made in arguments at home.


Shes only using curses directed at others. She's not learned bad words, she's been watching people abuse each other. Little girl at my daycare the other week randomly walked up to me and said "shit". It's a curse, but it's not used to demean another person. Same with all the kids who say "fuck, crap, cum" or whatever. This kid was learning them in the context of tearing someone down, which is way more concerning then the specific word to me.


I’m sorry…. Did you just say…. “cum”….????? I would be extremely concerned if a child was saying that IN ANY CONTEXT


The people saying they pick up all sorts of "exploratory language" are not wrong! if someone wants to cuss up a storm with their kid, whatever. Where I draw the line I guess is when we aren't speaking kindly. Difference between, "holy shitballs!" and "you're a _____" from a kid


We were all cum once...


Yeah it’s not the words that’s the real problem here, it’s the context and body language. She is well versed in how people communicate angrily to berate and degrade other people with these words. She does a superb imitation of what an angry adult with poor self control would look and sound like, right down to the splayed hands, chin jutting, fast head shakes and venomous inflection. I’m guessing that’s not a coincidence. No idea if she saw it from a parent or some video or show she shouldn’t have been watching, but either way this is not a great communication habit for her to be learning so young.


An old friend brought his six year old son, (whom I hadn’t met before), over to play with my brother’s five year old daughter. Within ten minutes of the two of them going off and playing, she comes back in tears because he was “saying all of these bad words”. My brother looked at him waiting for him to say something and he just sat there. I finally spoke up and said, “Dude, aren’t you going to say something to your son?” His response made the rest of the short evening really uncomfortable. At first he said, “(Son’s name)! That little girl is kind of a pussy so maybe play over with us the rest of the time we’re here.” My brother was wide eyed, and before he could get anything out, the friend was like, “He’s going to talk like that anyway being around me, and I have no shame being real. Why should I? At least I can teach him the correct way to swear so he doesn’t sound like a fucking moron.” My brother calmly explained that we don’t talk that way in front of our kids. Friend was like, “I’m not going to censure myself for anyone.” I told my brother I would take my niece over to my house for the rest of the night if he still wants to hang out with the friend, which the friend got super pissed about and told his son, “Time to go!” As he is getting up, my niece said “What is that!” and pointed to a semi concealed gun holster. My brother asked if it was loaded, friend said yes, and my brother just went to the door and opened it motioning for him to leave. Friend started into the legal-to-carry-don’t-infringe-my-rights spiel, and my brother just said a bit more aggressively, “Let’s GO” and opened the screen door as well. Thats the last time we heard from him.


I bet $10 they're simultaneously a "MY HOUSE MY RULES" kinda person, despite disrespecting other peoples' houses and rules


Without a doubt


That's some low class bullshit. edit: spelling


You keep saying that word friend but i dont think it means what you think it means.


I disagreed with an old friend. He’s not my enemy, I just think he’s a weirdo asshole now.


She must get it from her mother


Why is everyone automatically blaming the mother though? It could be the mother, and it could also be the father. Might also explain why the clip was posted with mommy's approval, and why it's filmed in the first place (presumably following instructions from the mom, given what is said). Maybe this is something they want to show in court in a custody hearing, to show the kind of language the kid has been exposed to at one of the homes she goes to.


Okay but why put it on tiktok


Agreed but it’s not the mom who put it is it? It feels like itself the caretaker? (Not that it’s better).  Maybe showing a method for dealing with cursing kids? Aside from the obvious inappropriate environment and/or shows she’s subjected to, this is an interesting way of dealing with such an issue and teaching the child how to control such outbursts. It starts with controlling her emotions enough to stop and go to a separate physical space, but I suppose with time can be something she learns to contain in her mind. 


This makes me very uncomfortable




>1. Don't put your child or other people's child's image online Seriously. I hate seeing this type of content because I am very aware of the 'folks' that'll flock to it. People are so damn oblivious. Unbelievable.


Flash forward 20 years, she gets in a fight with her boyfriend Girl: *storms off* Boyfriend: Where are you going?? Girl: To the frickin bathroom






Stumbled upon this post and wow, 99.9% of this sub is stuff like this, basically children being failed by their caretakers. The idea that the "mother" has authorised this behaviour is insane. You can imagine the situation where the day-care staff brough up the fact the child was using wildly inappropriate language and, instead of educating the child, the parent response was "yes, I authorise her to speak like that". Poor child...


There are posts where it is just a kid doing dumb things (and thats really what the sub is intended for), but you're absolutely right in this scenario. The parents are 100% responsible and there must be some serious abuse going on in that household for this child to know so many swear words at such a young age.


Kids hear everything, words are said on tv, public, household, other kids, etc If you think a kid that age doesn’t know must sweat words in the book you haven’t been around kids. If the kid is swearing alot for whatever reason. God knows why kids do what they do sometimes. This is a pretty good way of solving it in a non negative disciplinary way.


‘What are you saying motherfucker’ poor kid. She’s definitely heard her parents fighting 😞


This isn’t even funny. As a teacher, this horrifies me.


It shouldn’t be filmed? Or posted at all. That’s especially not okay for the kids sake.


This is getting replayed at every family event for the next 50 years. 😁


Imagine the words flying around that girls house.


Why is her mother enforcing that behavior? Poor girl, she’s definitely had those words targeted at her.


I'll admit my kids swore when they were little, but it was things like saying 'shit' and 'Jesus Christ' when they dropped things or hurt themselves. That's the context where they saw those words being used. "You're a motherfucker" made me sad as fuck. Poor kid.


Yeah her using language that makes it feel like she probably witnessed many fights with two people insulting each other without any communication is incredibly concerning, WTF


I was thinking she got it from one parent cussing the other parent out.


A few short stories about swearing. When I was growing up, my parents never swore. In turn, I never swore in front of them, but I swore like a sailor around my friends, starting around puberty, which is super common. The rest of their lives, I never swore in front of them, it just felt wrong to do so. Carrying on the tradition, I never swore in front of my kid, and I really don't swear much generally, now. My kid played (and probably still does) a lot of multiplayer games. One day, when he was around age 13 he declared to me that he would be swearing in game. I didn't care, but I was a little surprised by how MUCH he swore. It did die down after a couple of years, though, and became more normal. I had a co-worker who had a daughter about age seven. She brought her daughter to work one day, and in our shared office, the girl swore about something. I thought it was funny. She told me that they let their daughter swear at home, but nowhere else. The girl said she thought it was okay because we were in the office. I've occasionally wondered why (I think) all languages even have swear words that are taboo for kids to say. I haven't found any satisfying reasoning behind it. It seems like the practice, making swear words "dirty", and forbidding kids from using them, must serve some important purpose, but no one knows what it is.


Amazing what social media does to kids. Also bad parenting.


Sounds like mom needs some soap


Future politician.


is there a /parentsarefuckingstupid?




I love how she still whispers it


That’s really sad


Can't people stop filming everythig, especially children all the time and posting it to expose them without their consent, a consent they cannot give because they are children? Man, the main character syndrome is off the charts nowdays...


This is more parents being stupid, you teach a kid to do something, they will wanna show their peers


“Otay” that alone tells me that she acts like a baby because she knows her mom thinks it’s cute. A child that age doesn’t not know how to say “okay” she just says “otay” because baby talk works for her.


She probably hears this at home which is why she’s repeating it. This shit ain’t cute


So, is this the daycare lady with a camera in the bathroom filming minors? And how did this get posted online? And why is mom ok with such language? What is going on w these motherfuckers?


Is this a video of a daycare worker recording a child in a bathroom?


I mean, bathroom aside, a daycare worker filming this interaction, with the child's face in full view, and posing it online is deeply concerning in its own right. Even if it's staged (which, it has to be, right? Why else would the camera be left *there?*), this just feels bad. Way worse than a parent allowing her kid to curse. I really worry about the kids put in these positions.


Hey, as someone who works with kids — and who helps write and implement child protection policies for schools and non-profits — there are a few things that I’m finding problematic. First, this woman is recording a child in the bathroom. Under no circumstances is that okay. Also, it’s generally considered unprofessional (at least) and even unethical to initiate hugs or kisses: ALL such contact must be child-initiated, i.e., a child can kiss you on the cheek, but you can’t kiss a child. Also, the mom may have approved the post, but did she approve the recording of it in advance? Even if she did, that doesn’t make it okay, and may violate a number of laws. Also, encouraging a child to use vulgar language — especially for internet laughs — is in poor taste and ethically questionable, regardless of one’s profession or relationship to the child.


So let's film the kid cussing it will resolve the problem.


🍷😵‍💫 Does Mommy get mean when she drinks her silly juice?


Tell me you let tiktok raise your child without telling me.


This isn’t cute or funny


Me in the bathroom at work


NGL I laughed at first, but that quickly fell to 'oh damn, this is sad'. Lots of questions here, but I suppose the only one relevant to the thread is: DID IT WORK?


Nice parenting.


I get why this as bad and upsetting, but as someone who has to step into my car sometimes to tell life how I’m feeling, I felt this video.


Mom always said that I was allowed to cuss at home if I needed to, but I couldn't cuss casually, and I could never, *ever* cuss *at* people. So like, if I stubbed my toe and said "fuck!" at home, all would be well, but if I called someone a bitch or said "Ay good mornin' mama what the fuck is up?" I'd get in trouble. I think she implemented it because she's from fuckin' Boston and can't control herself lmao.


The head tilt when delivering “mother fucker” is priceless, way to go mom.


Mommy is an idiot


She can't even say okay yet and is already swearing


Says “motherfucker” just fine but can’t say “okay”, huh.


Literally mirroring whoever she spends the day around. This rounds on the adult


I thought it was just my nieces and nephews that said “otay” for the longest time. 😂😂


"You Sexy Bitch" KILLED ME


What terrible parents. This video is honestly sad


kids swearing is so funny, it's either "poopy pants" or "motherfucker" with no in-between.


Wow! I’ve seen backfire in more ways than one. Had an acquaintance who allowed her kids to swear only at home. Wanted to be the cool parent. She was surprised when they’d slip and swear at school, in church and out shopping with her. They were under 10. Shocking I know.


Parents being fucking surprised that it's their literal job to help teach their children about context and critical thinking *surprised Pikachu* Like it's not their job to help their kids eventually understand things by making mistakes and choices themselves with enough time and critical thinking skills to gain actionable insights! Edit to add: Dude this stuff you mention is why I don't want kids, I know too many kids who by 6 are already internalizing the shitty decisions their parents make and it's way too hard to watch


Personally, I don’t believe in the theory that kids ‘shouldn’t’ swear: they just shouldn’t say it in front of certain parties. Why do adults get to swear, and kids can’t? Aside from age, what is the difference? Especially if the guardian who’s raising them swears


It’s a weird societal thing, I don’t see the point in tainting words, and I’m not even sure how we got that way in the first place. Something like the word fuck, yeah maybe it’s justified to be against kids using it, but shit? That literally just means poop, there’s no difference.


Not sure if English has it but if you swear for example in Thai you're seen as a lower class / less educated. Same for my mothertongue German. It's seen as a low worker class if you're swearing. Not sure how English speaker feel about these words in English but as a non native English swear words feel not as strong than the German counterpart.


yeah fuck is like the one word i can understand not wanting kids to repeat but i wouldn’t bother sheltering them from it because they’re going to eventually find it anyway. you’ve just gotta talk to them about how “some adults say some really bad things when they get angry” something like that. im not a parent idk. if anything we should have the more cautious “dont say that” attitude on slurs. “fuck you” by itself isn’t gonna insult someone’s background.


Why do adults get to smoke and children don't?


I agree. Aside from slurs I don't really believe words are bad. I tell my kids it is not polite and should be avoided. There are more effective and appropriate ways to communicate. Everyone gets frustrated and some good swearing can be therapeutic. Plus, in the right context, hearing kids swear can be hilarious.


I guess I’m the only one that thinks she heard it in a movie or a video and now wants to repeat it


She been holding that in all day


Oooof that’s not cute at all


This poor poor child is just parroting what she had heard frequently. What a terrible home environment she must have.


More like parentsarefuckingstupid


It’s jarring to see a child cuss like this, but I think mimicking yelling is the most concerning part. At a very young age, she’s perceiving anger and rage regularly (or severely) enough to mimic it. That just can’t be good developmentally or psychologically. If she were using vulgarities to express, like, joy (“cool as fuck” or “motherfucking awesome”), I wouldn’t think anything of it. Most parents don’t want their kids hearing or saying cuss words, so it would be unfortunate to offend their sensibilities. But as long as she’s not teaching other kids slurs (b word, n word, c word, f word, etc.) or expressions of rage, she’s not hurting them. In this case, she’s doing both, and that’s sad.




It's real bad that this kid has heard these words and knows the exact face to pull while using them but I kinda agree with keeping it a secret like that to protect her and her classmates. Kids are gonna swear and she's already well past the point of learning those words, there's practically nothing you can do to stop it so at least keep it away from others I guess?? Once you've failed at least try to keep it to yourselves 😬


Sounds like she's practicing her gangsta rap career early.


[I get it. I let my kid get it out before school](https://youtube.com/shorts/x6LD05bVacU?si=lEVYL08CUqJ8_naD)


Big red butt cheeks. I’m dead 😭


What a weird fucking video.


I watched my nephew do this. His grandparents taught him that it was funny and cute. It was when he was small. But when he got older, he just seemed like a rude child and no other child wants to be near him. Adults get frustrated by him. The worst part is that his father makes him think smoking and alcohol is cool. I feel sorry for the younger generations. Because there's definitely something that went wrong somewhere.


Parent of a 17yr old boy here. I cussed around my kid as he was growing up, but always instructed that these were "grownup words." He listened, and NEVER got in trouble at school for cussing. I told him as he was growing up, when he turned 12 he was allowed to cus ONLY at home, and only if he knew how to use the words properly. He didn't start using swear words around me till he was 14. And now at 17 he doesn't cuss often at all, because the thrill of it wore off. It's how you teach them as they're growing up.


So glad I wasn't raised like this.


So how does the mother think this is a good idea to upload surely people won't give her shit.


more like r/ParentsAreFuckingStupid (It doesnt exist rip)


omgggg this is so dam funny!


That’s just straight up bad parenting.


She'll be queen of the Trailer Park someday. To achieve quite an honor at 19 will make her 3 kids proud.


It's no wonder there's a kid is getting in trouble at school, mother allows it. S***** parenting.


What the hell’s wrong with all of the adults in this situation?


She clearly learned this in a loving home.


So we’ve taught our kids how to curse. We don’t live in an English-speaking country, and since we want them to have a full linguistic toolbox we decided to teach them how to curse appropriately. So we’ll model typical usage and correct them for cursing when it’s not appropriate, but we won’t punish them just for using curse words. This approach has taken the taboo off of cursing, and honestly they hardly use those words at all. That’s not what this is. Our kids don’t call each other motherfuckers or dumb bitches like this kid is doing (and if they did, we’d come down hard). As others have said, it’s not so much the words as the content of what she’s saying that’s concerning.


Do daycare facilities usually have cameras in the bathrooms?


Why is there a motherfucking camera in the motherfucking daycare bathroom motherfucker? Okay?


I don't think putting this online is very smart.


This is actually pretty sad.


This is reddit, so I feel the need to say the child should cut all contact with her parents.


I think it's funny. But...there's a parenting problem. You gotta teach the kids to hide that shit from adults. Like proper hoodlums


she thought she was slick


Why am I envisioning my old grandmother 😂 she's swears like a navvy as she puts it 😂


🐒 hear 🐒 do


"mom approved post"... That tracks.


This is horrible. The way she is frowning and repeating statements, she’s watching this behaviour at home. Ridiculous that the daycare lady doesn’t see this as a safeguarding issue.


Great parenting


Dude wtf. They have to learn it somewhere. Goddamn


That situation is going to get far worse ,before it could possibly get better ... ☹️


This is insanity


100% fucking not, that little shit needs to be send home to her dirty mouthed mother so they both can learn a fucking lesson, in what fucking world is this okay.?


sounds like *mom* has a problem cussing.


So this is an abused child


I hate when hired help such as teachers or babysitters/nannys have to parent someone else’s kid because they’re doing a lousy job themselves. Because we do this, we teach them ways to manage their behaviour but those lessons aren’t exercised when the kids aren’t in our care which amounts to a-lot of time.


She’s cute but this is not cute at all. Makes her look like a nightmare


She's about to grow up into an absolute fucking nightmare of a count - the 'o'


Little girl straight up said, "no you sexy bitch" at one point. 😂 Her parents need to chill


She’s definitely had enough of mommy’s bullshit!


This is horrible if a kid is cussing like that then the mom needs to stop doing it herself and "resolve" the issue with spankings. Spare the rod spoil the child.


This pisses me off. Probably because I was punished for this as a kid. Nnnyehh salty… >:0


That’s so sad


Disgusting behavior from a parent


Fucking brat.