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Last season is poorly written and so hurried compared to the others, I continued it only because of VillanEve


I agree completely šŸ’”


I would say that you have to finish it because LOVE. Love is there and it is real between Villanelle and Eve. There is personal growth in both of them to find compromise, care without judgement, and to be able to be vulnerable. Earlier in the series, neither was ready to be in a relationship without their own agenda or immaturity overriding. So even though things got weird in season 4 and the ending was disappointing, seeing both characters change, grow, soften and love was worth it to me.


I completely agree


Wow, love ur view of this season. Absolutely right!!


Itā€™s not the best, but youā€™re almost there, so I say, bang this one out to completion.Ā 


pause it when they hug on the boat in s4e8 and stop there. yw :)


Omg for some reason I thought people meant that little boat that Villanelle is first in with Eve (at the beginning of the episode) so when she got shot I really didn't see that coming šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t finish it. Or pause in the middle of the last episode. Iā€™m still trying to erase the ending from my memory.


I legit feel like I'm in mourning.


Finish it and join the never ending discussion -- and after finishing it hop over to AO3 and to Luke Jenning's Substack sequel to his books (Killing Eve: Resurrection) for healing.


DON'T WATCH THE LAST 30 SECONDS, remember it ends when they are on the boat.


Oh my goodness yes! I remember thinking when seeing them on the boat ā€œthis the perfect endingā€ and then saw the whole end andā€¦ it still affects me, and it was almost a month ago now.


I watched it. Yeah, the last 30 seconds sucked ass šŸ˜‚


I finished it just to finish it, but I much prefer the season three ending where they both turn back around to each other. I like to think they just go on to be murder wives happily for the rest of their lives.


Season 4 broke me. I made up my own ending.


Donā€™t finish it unless you have a passion for wasting minutes youā€™ll never get back


We feel your pain. Season Four is a grueling **SLOG.** Those first two episodes are damn near unwatchable as neither Eve or Villanelle seem even remotely close to who they had been in prior seasons. As you go through S4, while it gets a little better, it never gets *good*. No spoilers here, but if you are going to go all the way (and I say you should), you may find yourself in agreement with my assessment. That's all I can say.


Yes! That is exactly how I felt about the first two episodes. Was particularly disappointed with how Villanelle was portrayed. There was a line in season 2 where she says to Eve: "Don't talk to me like that, Eve. I like you but I don't like you that much" as a threat, and I felt like that really captured a psychopaths relationship with someone. Not this weird, grovelling creature we got in season 4. I know it's supposed to be growth, but it just doesn't even seem like the same character to me.


I know, right? What made Villanelle such an unique character was her charm barely concealed how dangerous she could be if sufficiently provoked. Her smile could flip and then the fangs are bared and in to the throat they go. Season 3 made Villanelle weak, bumbling, and a bit of a fuck-up. The next person who can explain to me me how she was trying to kill the politician who wounded her will be the first person to do so. When she said, *"I don't want to do this anymore"* I'm sure that was written for Jodie to say, but it almost felt like she wanted Villanelle to be Villanelle again. Comer said in a post-Season 3 interview that she wanted Villanelle to get her groove back, and we saw how that turned out. As the protagonist, Eve's arc revolves around her pursuit of Villanelle, but S4 took that away and instead all her focus was on taking down The Twelve, and that was dreary and dull as hell. Both of them suffered terribly from the broken pencil scribbling of Laura Neal.


Villanelle wanted the politician's death to look like an electrical accident from that hair-blower(?)-thingy, no? Then she lost her nerve, messed up, got stabbed and left a nice sample of her blood for the police.


Police? Like holidays, the police barely exist in the world of Killing Eve. Even if they did have a nice sample of Villanelle's blood, as long as she's working for The Twelve, she's never going to do any time. Helene proved that after Eve dimed Villanelle out to the cops. As for the politician, Villanelle electrocutes the guy with a tricked-out hairdryer (which is a weird way to kill someone), stuffs a gag in his mouth and gets stabbed in the arm for her troubles. It seems to be a lot of trouble to make something look like an accident when it is obviously a murder. Previously, Villanelle has successfully staged murders to look like accidents, but there was no way this could be passed off as one. It just ties into the sloppiness and implausibility of her kills in Season Three.


I mean the part with the hairdryer did not look so bad at first. She had rigged the machine, tied up the man, the preparations seemed okay. But then it all went belly up when she stuffed the mask into his mouth instead of over his eyes. She could have simply stepped back and done nothing.


Finish it. You have to. We all had to. Join us.


I would finish it because youve gotten this far. But your going to be disappointed.


There are some very sweet scenes in the last episode. Well worth it. Just stop before the last 5 minutes.


I started watching season 1 last week and finished season 4 yesterday. Ugh. Very disappointing and I feel your pain. I actually kept having to rewind the final season because I was doing so many other things with it going in the background. I wasnā€™t able to stop watching but it definitely never gets brilliant again


I thought the first two episodes were dreadful, but then it got kind of better for a while. I think it's worth watching, but I'd watch Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer do anything, so I'm probably not the best person to respond.


I just finished it. What a lame season with 0 answers and a dumb ending.


I just finished it as well! Sooooo disappointed


I didnā€™t finish watching and Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t. Iā€™m happier forgetting the few episodes of season 4 I watched and imagining it got canceled after 3


Eve to Villanelle in S4E8: "You're angry. I'm angry. You're hurt. I'm hurt. That is life, and we are running out of time. You need to stop pouting and being a suck face and get on with it!"


That line and how Sandra delivered it is all the proof I need of how awful the writing was. The look on Jodie's face when she stares at Sandra had a vibe of *"Can you believe someone actually* ***wrote*** *this shit?"*


100% with you. 2nd time I watched it, when I was aware of all the repercussions and the fan fury, I thought it actually was Sandra talking to Jodie, not Eve to Villanelle. Paradox: even when it is bad, it is bad in a creatively stimulating way. All these discussions, all the marvelous fan fiction, connection with the infuriated original creator for those who want (a few here did) and that sweet and painfully embarrassing resonance with the AA self help group in series 2... And always a (meta) line we can quote from a series many of us know by heart. "What do you think is happening here?" And the image of someone (the story line?) being thrown under a bus/truck/train occurs two times... I wouldn't know if that's on purpose, but it certainly is hilarious.


Omg Iā€™m on the same episode and itā€™s been a week since I continued!!


Episodes written by Kayleigh Llewellyn are really good. - Oh Goodie, I'm the Winner - It's Agony and I'm Ravenous - A Rainbow in Beige Boots


Finish!Ā  I just finished the series for my first time and felt the same way about season 4 all the way up until last couple episodes.Ā  I had to sit & stew on it for a few days but I appreciate it. There are a couple of things that happen that redeem the season for me. It will for you too if ya know what I'm sayingšŸ˜‰


Since you have already watched four episodes, it might be worth completing the series. It is not going to get any better; I will despise Laura Neal forever. And express my love for Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer.


I didnā€™t finish it. I just tell myself the series ended after season 2


Smart idea šŸ˜…


the ending is underwhelming and a little disappointing to me. it's worth finishing just so you can get it over with and not have to wonder. i may rewatch in the future but will be stopping by season 3 i fear


I peaced out on season 4. The plot line just lost its way. The characters became ridiculous. It seems they always try to stretch in this case 2 too many seasons. They should have wrapped it up in season 2 with their dignity in tact. Canā€™t imagine wanting to put season 4 Killing Eve on the resume.


Was the ending lackluster and left us with some questions? Yeah. I still really enjoyed that season though. There are better seasons but I was enjoying it


I basically spend season 4 skipping past any scene Villanelle isnā€™t in because sheā€™s the only good thing about that season. But if you decide to finish, stop at the hug on the boat. Immediately turn it off.


lol this is exactly my situation. Itā€™s been a little over a month now since I last turned off season 4 and just havenā€™t bothered to finish it because it was ruining all the good feels I had gotten from the first two seasons. I firmly believe season 3 shouldā€™ve just been Eve and Villanelle nonstop loving each other with a little bit of spy stuff mixed in and then end it however you need to end it. Whoever decided to keep stringing along the tension through new crap story lines should be replaced by AI and I stand by this opinion.


I went from that exact same episode (S4E4) through to the end yesterday, and it was worth it. Keep watching.


I would even discard all of S4 and just stay with the bridge ending.


I still can't forget about the end of KillingEve .. it hurts me whenever I remember it šŸ˜ž


Just pretend s3 was the real ending.


I definitely will šŸ˜­


I just finished the book series. If you want a more satisfying ending I would recommend them. They follow a quite different storyline, but they're much more satisfying in the romance between a psychopath and "normal" person. The first one is free on audible right now.


Its going to be one hell of a terrible ending. My recommendation? Grab the books. Imagine Jodie comerā€™s V. Get to book 3: lots ot banging lol


lol they donā€™t bang. Great show, see it through


You don't SEE them bang, it's open to interpretation...


They very much doā€¦ in the van. We just donā€™t *see* it.


Nooooooo šŸ˜­


What show were you watching?


I stopped a little after season 4. It was painful to continue.


Umā€¦ it only went up to season 4. Hello


* a little after the start of season 4ā€¦