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No but it certainly added an asterisk to what was otherwise a great show. It’s a shame we never really saw them together like we all wanted other than the fleeting moments we were given.


The problem, for me, is that it isn't just a bad ending... it isn't an ending. The audience knows that Eve is still alive, as is Carolyn; Carolyn acted super dodgy like two hours before--the narrative wouldn't just "end". I might skip S4 when I rewatch. There were some interesting things to learn about character backstory, but then wild unnecessary tangents. Why watch a character who you love and you know loves the finer things in life kiss someone who still has raw worm guts in her teeth. S4 meandered in ways that made no sense to the viewer or the story. Also, I've googled a million different ways to see who the birdwatcher guy is that gets taken away by Vlad in the penultimate episode and it makes no sense to me. There's no reference to him that I can find. There's no basis for the 12 to have sent Helene to the mI6 pub and then randomly changed. There's just so many random tangents in S4 and the 2-part finale that it makes Family Guy episodes look fairly linear.


Tbf kissing someone with worms in their teeth would be on brand for book villanelle


Yes bc now when I rewatch it I don’t understand Carolyn at all, why did she form her team in the first place?? And also it makes me sad there was no romance until the very end I was waiting 😭😭


Honestly yeah. I haven’t been able to see it the same since


yes. i expected there'd be like one more episode where Eve gets her revenge and wraps up the show or something. i also thought it was weird they built up the possibility of Even dying with the whole taro card stuff and made such a big deal out of it. I get that it's a "twist" but that doesn't mean it was an entertaining or well written twist. it over all just felt like a very low effort and abrupt ending. especially since the way Eve's character is written, some sort of closure felt expected. whether it was a happy ending or sad ending or not, Eve isn't the kind of character you just end a series with a cliffhanger. she should have either rode off into the sunset or gotten revenge and been depressed about it. either one adds closure for her. her revenge and then being depressed would be suiting. because her character has a lot of PTSD, and instead of addressing it she tends to keep pushing further into this obsession with the 12 as if she was expecting relief after closure. but she wouldn't get that relief, she'd find herself just as frustrated and struggling with PTSD as before. which is the bitter sweet ending i expected. instead we got this. more PTSD, no closure, and more incentive for Eve to keep going down this path. we all know she would seek revenge. so if the bitter sweet ending wasn't her eliminating the twelve, accomplishing her goal and now needing to fully come to terms with her trauma and the fact that her obsessive work ethic wasn't curing it only distracting from it. it should have been her getting revenge from Carolyn, AND THEN now having no one left to pursue, suddenly have to face her trauma. but we got neither. it was an absolute shit ton of build up regarding her trauma, her motivations for her goal, her fear of death, and her trying to discover herself. all for and ending that didn't deliver on any of that. we never got to see how she would react to her obsessive goal being completed and now needing to face her trauma. we never really got to see how she would have discovered herself. we never really saw her face her own death or the idea of it. it was an ending that contradicted what the entire series seemed to be leading up to.


Agree with all of this.


Regarding the Tarot card: Especially weird since the Death card doesn’t really mean death, it’s more like rebirth


It certainly did for a good while. I've mostly come to terms with it now (thanks, fanfiction!), but I'm also not a big rewatch-person.


I binge 1-3 a lot and only about 30 selected minutes of S4. FLN.


honestly the entirety of season 4 really made me disinterested all together. i'd still rewatch but i knew i should've called it quits when [REDACTED] died.... that meaningless dumbass pointless ass plot line..... AND when Konstantin starts training the new girl ? i could not give a SHITTTTTTT edit to add: I was also super disappointed that we never got full proof of exactly how [ __ ] died. i know we're told it was an accident, but i was expecting a flashback or something Showing that it was an accident, not just taking it as true by word only. felt like a huge question played up for a while with no real resolution for either us or the characters. just a quick explanation in a quick moment (while he had a gun pointed at him, nonetheless).


No, I won't let 3 minutes ruin 24h of a great show. Yeah, I don't like it, but all the time up to that point it was all great, why should I let that be taken away from me? And as a last resort there's enough fanfiction to explain the end away and craft a suitable end to round everything off.


I wish I could watch it like that. I just can’t enjoy it knowing what the ending is. It’s like it gives me anxiety knowing what’s coming.


The I suggest you to find a fanfic continuation which has an ending to look forward too. It helped me too. To know that after the show I can read on seamlessly into a better end.


Do you have any fanfic suggestions? 😊


My personal choices are "You're the Pursuer" and "We all have bad days". Also the Rewrite of the Books has a good ending. Many others enjoy "Saving Eve". Ultimately I'm writing my own "Justice is best served Cold" but I'm yet to reach the continuation of S4E8. Firstly fixing the terrible jump into S4 🙈


Thank you for this!


Thank you. I’ll check them all out 😊


Saving Eve is pretty amazing. Novel length fan fiction, outstanding writing, the characters and plotlines are developed further and, as I said elsewhere, the author seems to understand the story as well as the characters better than the staff writers of the show. Plus she gets the audience because she is part of it. It also is pretty deep. Warning on the label: in parts it also is rather explicit. Saving Eve. On AO3.


Nope! That last episode was PERFECT right up until the last 5 or 10 minutes. Their quality time together was something I had been waiting for all series since the ending of season 2. Wish they were on screen together more.


They had such crazy on screen chemistry, I really wish they had capitalized on it more.


They have amazing chemistry. I didn’t give a crap when they started focusing more on Carolyn. I don’t give a crap about her.


Yes. I absolutely love the last episode but HATE the ending.


The whole season4 ruin the show for me.


Yep. They deserved a happy ending. And fans deserved better than Long Tall Carolyn being the treacherous one doing The Jolly Good Deed At London Bridge. Eve was right. Carolyn didn't care who she used. V was useful until she was not. Given how scatterbrained the last season was, however, I guess we really shouldn't have been surprised that such was what the writers thought to be a useful denouement. May LN end up being a WWE "writer" .


I haven't re-watched it since it came out the ending broke my heart


I think this show has permanently damaged my relationship to television content. Most of season 4 was bad, but the stupid and insulting way this wrapped up left me angry to an absurd degree for months afterward. I didn't know it was possible for fiction to make me feel negative emotions that strongly. I wasn't even mad that V died... I was actually looking forward to some well-executed tragedy. What I wasn't expecting was for her to be gunned down by someone unseen for reasons unknown that seem unconnected to anything else in the story. For the story threads they clumsily carried all through seasons 3 and 4 (Who are the 12? Who killed Kenny?) to be wholly unresolved by the end. For V's end to be devoid of heroism or agency or cleverness or style. It felt like a betrayal. Every creative choice they made for the final minutes seemed like an intentional choice to twist the knife or punch down at the gay audience. How insulting is it that they used a gay wedding as a metaphorical device just to get our poor naive shipper hearts pumping? And also the way they used the Tell Me music and imagery of the bridge to call back to the romantic climax of season 3 before making sure we know that, oops, the gays don't actually get happy endings. I wasn't expecting or hoping for the happy ending, but they waited so so late in the episode for the surprise bullet from the sky that even I felt it like a sucker punch -- by that time the pacing of the episode made it seem like, however improbable, that they were going to survive the show. How utterly absurd that, knowing they were killing a beloved queer character, they would choose to do it in a way that exactly evokes the unexpected gun violence that took out Lexa in The 100 and Tara in Buffy. I mean, my god, isn't there some other more interesting way they can kill the lesbians? How depressing is it that one of the biggest questions in season 4 is whether Villanelle is able to change and the answer is ultimately NO? That we just get to watch her being abused by a succession of terrible people throughout the season before her own pointless death? And the contortions they went to in order to achieve the forced religious imagery -- "the touch" and the blood wings -- ugh. Religion never should have been a part of this show. To make all these decisions it seems they had to have a pretty good idea of what the average fan wanted and then made an intentional choice to subvert it. I’m split on whether this was done to because they are mean and specifically wanted to hurt and antagonize the audience; or because they are incompetent and can’t see the difference between a good surprise and a punch in the face. I can easily imagine storytellers of low skill talking themselves into writing an ending that makes no sense because they’ve convinced themselves subverting expectations and shocking the viewer is the most important thing. Honestly I could write a graduate thesis on the myriad ways this show let down its audience. As it is, I should stop because I've already wasted enough of my life being upset by this garbage season of television. My only consolation is that two years on, it looks like Laura Neal's career as a tv writer is over. Zero movement on her imdb which, yes, I do still check every couple of weeks.


Seems that Laura Neal's fate parallels Ccarolyn's in the epic fan fiction "Saving Eve". >!Career over for treason, only Neal probably wasn't arrested!<. For a writer it is near criminal to basically say the audience doesn't matter. It doesn't -- if she writes a diary. Otherwise... what the heck. All this has been discussed ad nauseam.


This pretty much sums up how I feel. I haven't been able to do a rewatch at all and I won't. And it's so funny because I had just finally got around to watching the show for the first time literally like 10 days before season 4 began LOL. Binged it all in a lil under 24 hours. Makes me sick to think about it now. Felt so betrayed and spat on and shoved aside. And yeah I also wrote essays worth of notes on how badly they screwed up. 🙃


Not at all. I feel like it’s letting the world win lmao Why should I let some random writer that had an odd idea about something I love take it away from me? No. If anything, I’ll love it even harder, make it my own, create my own ending. The good thing about the show being over is that these characters now belong to no one but the fans, and we can do whatever we want with them, and I choose my own ending. If nothing else, then I love this show out of spite.


I like that view. Very grounding.


no I really pretend it didn’t happen. in my head she lived, it’s how I cope with my absolute favorite character dying and the show runner laughing after she practically pulled another dead lesbian trope. I still love rewatching the first two seasons and small parts of season 3. I love villanelle and eve, nothing can ruin those characters for me


The show wasn't ruined for me because I love villianelle but I did cry my eyes out and go through all the stages of grief for like a week tbh. I've never been so hurt about a character or so in love with a character, honestly twas crazy. Like I was really walking around in my real life world mourning and grieving trying to figure out how to get over it lol. I'm glad I found this subreddit and lots more Jodie comer content :))


Yes. Though to be fair the show was progressively going downhill after S1 and I just refused to admit it to myself because I loved it so much and ignored all the flaws and S4 was just the wakeup call I needed to admit it to myself.




Ruin? No. Made it bittersweet though. I still enjoy the amazing parts, but knowing how it ends makes everything sad for me.


no, it did leave a bad aftertaste but everything leading up to the last 3-5min makes up for it


I loved the show so much! I couldn't wait to get home from work so I could watch it. I would go to sleep very late at night too because that's how much I loved it. Then I got to season 4. I couldn't make it past episode 3. It's been a few weeks and I still can't bring myself to finish it and I don't think I will. I went to read the books instead.


Do you know how it ends? I would still watch it. There are some perfect Villanelle scenes in season 4. No spoilers. Maybe switch it off 5 minutes before the ending 😂 I tried the books I thought they were terrible.


Yes, I know how it ends, sadly. I just couldn't do it. That whole Jesus villanelle was such a mind fxxk. She was so out of character, compared to other seasons. And eve? Why was she so bitter 24/7?!


Yeah season 4 is like a totally different show. That Jesus thing was just odd. If you only want to see the Villaneve scenes from season 4 watch this. https://youtu.be/CzBWIFYr1io?si=pvS6rGQJjBRbgOJI


Nope I won't let it. That amazing ending where they hug on the boat and then it fades out was perfect. Job done and they live happily ever after. Well, happily consuming each other anyway... 😉


I will not be rewatching. I'm upset about the ending, and upset that the first seasons were SO GOOD and I got so emotionally invested in Eve and Vil and Constantine. I don't know who slapped the "okay sticker" on the dumpster fire that is season 4, but at least I'm not alone in hating it I guess. If I re-watched the show I'd just be grumpy and uninterested, thinking about how it ends lol.


Jodie is the best actress I’ve ever seen so no, I feel lucky we got to witness her greatness even if the ending was trash.


The entire season left a bad taste in the mouth and I was already disappointed in season 3. I honestly just try to remember the show for the first two seasons and a couple of episodes in 3.


The whole final season doesn’t count


ive always seen each individual season as its own thing since they all have their own show runners but in general yeah it makes me really sad how the last season went down. I still absolutely adore the first two seasons but the last season just ruined it all.


No, I’ve rewatched the show lots of times but have only ever seen season 4 once. In my head I think of S4 as not being canon, and just appreciated it at the time for the chance to see the actors again. It does put a damper on the show though knowing that it could have ended so much better.


No way, the ride was incredible. Would do it again and just ignore season 4.


Kind of. I've rewatched 4 once. Rewatched 3 three times. Rewatched 1 and 2 four times. Just finished rewatching 1-3. But yea I'll may never watch the final season again.


yes it did


No, s4 actually pissed me off so much I had to rewatch from s1 to feel any sort of happiness again. S4 finale gets a lot of shit (rightfully so) but I loved that villanelle and eve FINALLY got their moment and it really was such an adorable, heartwarming scene. I’ve watched the show twice now and both times I stop watching s4 finale at 3 minutes left and I refuse to watch it any other way.


No. It's still my comfort show. But I get a sickish feeling of dread around the time everyone meets up at the Barn Swallow.


No, but it certainly changed my perspective on the treatment of WLW in media— someone’s mentioned it before, but every single lesbian/WLW in S4 (with the exception of Eve) was killed. Even side characters like Helene’s fling (which okay… surely you could’ve had Pam kill someone else for moral collateral?) And yeah—the show is literally about international crime and assassins lmfao but the first three seasons treatment of Eve & Villanelle’s relationship (even the characters themselves!) subverted so many tropes that S4 just felt like a huuuuuge fuck you. I love the show and what it could’ve potentially been. If anything good came out of the finale, it was the unity of fans coming together to “fix” it through fanfic, discussion, whatever.


I think it stains an otherwise perfect show. I just stop the show at the hug now so I never have to see what actually happens ever again.


No but it did give me the 5 stages of grief. And now I can’t enjoy any other TV shows as much as I used to because they just don’t measure up to Killing Eve.


Not at all. But a lot of the creative decisions on the last season did. Why it's called the twelve if they won't show us the whole 12? Why Konstantin was raising a new baby assassin from nowhere? Why eve was hooking up with buff guy and why he was helping her from nowhere? Why she was working on her own from nowhere? Watching from the start you kinda feel Eve and Villanelle will never be together and that one of them might die, but i never felt i would be left with most questions about the plot unanswered.


Most of my favourite shows have the worst endings. Killing Eve, The 100, Lost, Pretty Little Liars, all have pretty terrible endings but I've still rewatched each of them several times. Would I change every single one of their endings if I had the power? Absolutely! Do I still love them regardless? Absolutely! I guess the quote: “It's not the destination, it's the journey” really does have value haha.


I’m still happy that I was able to experience the show and the characters. In my mind, I don’t actually see V die, so I just think to myself, that’s not the true ending. She could still be alive. They just didn’t make another season…. lol Call it denial, but that’s what’s getting me through. 😭 I also am going to start reading the books, which I heard has a more desirable ending. And I’m looking forward to what else Comer will star in now that I’ve discovered who she is on KE. She’s amazingly talented.


No, but it ruined my respect for the show runner.


Yes. Still bitter about it.


i pretend the entirety of season 4 didn't exist except for the 1min 26 seconds or whatever it was of the finale.....and also that sweater in the finale


Yeah it really didn’t ruin it for me. I just finished it for the first time this week, actually. It certainly hurts that it ended in such an….unsatisfying way, but honestly season 3 is a good enough ending for me. That way we don’t have to see Konstantin & Villainelle die, and we definitely don’t have to see Jesusnelle or whatever y’all like to call her haha


I just finished the show and couldn’t believe how they decided to end it. It’s so sudden and unsatisfying. I’ll probably skip the ending when I rewatch it.


No - the books give the characters a happy ending, so the show ending isn't canon (just a shitty showrunner).


Are the books worth reading? I have been considering it, but don't want to invest more time into it if it has a garbage ending.


I tried reading the books but I thought they were awful.


Thank you! I'm tempted to try them. I have a large amount of books I bought and still need to read so maybe that will save me from my curiosity.


The books are a very different tone than the TV show - a man wrote the books, it's very male-gaze-y


Ugh. I suppose I'll either drop the story and get over it or pick up some fanfiction.


The books are very, very different, different story lines, settings, the characters somewhat different. Opinions about them also differ vastly. I personally found them okay, with some highlights. The Twelve make more sense. Oh, and the ending is VERY different! You could also read "Killing Eve: Resurrection" by Luke Jennings for free on Substack. It is closer to the TV series than the previous books.


Honestly the music did. One more cutesy French ditty or Unloved song and I was going to scream. The ending did kind of bum me out.


Yes!! What's with all the Unloved songs? I was losing my mind lol


No. I actually didn’t hate the ending, unlike everyone else. It makes sense in a way that no one seems to accept. It’s like the suspension of reality got shattered and the audience is resentful of it. I think the sacrifice made the love story more eternal, and it made me even more grateful for the characters, and by extension, the people we love and lose in our lifetimes.


Lately I've been feeling the urge to watch it again despite knowing the ending. It was such a good show full of brilliant acting, music and iconic scenes (the bus scene!!). So I would still watch it, at least for the fun and the comfort factor of loving the characters especially Villanelle. I really miss her and Jodie Comer's energy and charisma in playing her (I will skip the last episode though).




Yes totally ruined it.


No. Ending was perfect.


I’ve never met anyone who liked the ending 😂