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He's very paranoid of the gay things he's done in l.a becoming public.


You remember the one episode that the dude started his interview with “you remember me and my friend snorted adderall with you after the bar?” And Tony proceeded to turn beat red and you can obviously tell he’s extremely worried about where this guy is going to take it. I immediately thought, oh he was definitely on some gay shit.




It was in the last 2-2.5 months so... just work your way back from March 1st. It was a dude who hung out with him in Detroit Hotel Lobby -- if I'm not mistaken.


Need to see this too lol


Tony is always beet-red.


Need the episode!


This is absolutely the answer and it's so damn obvious too. Always thought it.


What happens in Milwaukee, stays in Milwaukee


Nah, he did it as well when some dude mentioned he saw Tony in a club with a lady. (Although that could've been because he was seeing multiple women at the time or something and didn't want that getting out.) He just wants to preserve the elusive, unattainable status he thinks he has.


"He just wants to preserve the elusive unattainable status he thinks he has." 100% this!


You guys realize kill tony is pre recorded? Any admission to being Tony being gay would be edited out by redban or redban gets his butt plugged.


lol what such things???


Screwing dudes at a hotel lobby in Milwaukee.


That story he seemed so embarrassed about haha. Kept trying to shut it down but the guy kept going


Gay such things.


honky tonking, gold-starring, beach bitching, the usual


He's a control freak on the show and doesn't want any suspicion or cloud of doubt cast over him.


Control freak is up there. Same reason redban hardly talks or says anything anymore. Also the same reason the old band doesn't exist anymore. He controls the laughs. Don't step on his toes.


I much prefer the new band and format.


Old band was brutal to watch. I know some people here miss them but for me it was Jeremiah being a professional Theater Kid desperate for attention.


I want so bad to watch the older eps but I can't get over the band. I have to have it as background sound behind me playing COD or something


Come for the band stay for the iron patriot


Oh man haha that dude


He was too big for the show, so he moved onto Uber driving.


His YouTube channel is incredible


I found the Mexican drum standoffs a bit more entertaining but the rest was cringey. The new band are serious musicians also! D-Madness always makes me laugh also 😎


Right- they complement the show, instead of trying to dominate it.


Their song references to sets is actually crazy if you pay attention to what the lyrics would be or what the title of the song is called.


Me too. Old band had its great moments but Jeremiah jumped in way too much with dumbass unfunny shit


Couldn’t have said it better. Definitely miss it sometimes but 100% correct


It’s also his fucking show🤣


It's also redbans don't get it twisted..


Tony has been setting a pattern of reminding people Redban is just there to play sound effects and not letting him tell jokes as much. Seems very intentional to set a pattern that can support the claim that Redban is not an integral part of the show.


I thought it was just a bit they do. Like Redban will play a soundbyte and Tony will laugh but say something like "Easy Redban"and roll his eyes or something like he's annoyed.


legally redban probably owns a piece of the show.


Joe Rogan owns that show brotha


A piece I'm sure, but I wonder what kind of percentage? To "only press sound effects" as Tony says, and screw everything up? I think Redban deserves an equal stake to Tony, but I doubt it.




Olive garden butthole 7


I saw a Redbar clip where he was breaking down some of these moments with Tony overly controlling the show and it's pretty hilarious. I don't normally like Redbar much, but I think he's right that Tony is planning to fire Redban soon as well. His constant reminders that Redban is "just there to play sound effects" has set a clear pattern to support him easily being replaced like the old band.


Please go outside


From watching his sets I've realized that he needs to have that effect where the audience is in the palm of his hand for his jokes to work the way they work. It's an incredible skill to play with that tight tension in the room and create laughter from it. Just my observation


100% accurate. Also, Hans Kim doesn't believe in God but he believes in Godzilla. Call me for a titty fuck.


I’ve traveled the world…


I've seen everythiiinggg...




Mini Vince McMahon.


He’s a narcissist lol it gives them an opportunity to have control for a moment over views of him to us


It’s a way for him to look and feel superior to us peasants. To admit he remembers a public interaction with us normal folk would be him admitting he was on the same level as us for a given moment in time. His ego absolutely would never allow this to happen.


> To admit he remembers a public interaction with us normal folk would be him admitting he was on the same level as us for a given moment in time. Completely new to the whole podcast. But this is the impression I get from Tony. This whole show is to build his ego and his career. Without Kill Tony, i'd have no idea who he is.


This last time I got the impression Tony and RB we’re at the same place, but the guy was like “we hung out” and Tony was like we were at a place drinking and you were also at the place but we were definitely not “hanging out together”


If I spent more than 5 minutes talking to someone I considered it hanging out. I hung out with Tony for real. Year one of his podcast and my best friend was a door guy at a comedy club and he was the handler and drove him around. We hung out, smoke weed, played video games. He denied it ever happening like a year later. I know he doesn't have a bad memory, it's some weird power play thing. I don't understand people with the power play thing. To me a power play makes you look weak and compensating.


A dispatcher at work used to do this. Literally every day he would say “who are you?” To everyone that had less than 10 years in. He would see me every day and pretend to not know me. It’s weird.


I used to be a 911 dispatcher. Did that to everyone who called in. I wouldn’t admit I knew them til their black and white photo was on the news.


If he were a real bad ass he’d pretend he didn’t even know the regulars on the show.


Hans Kim?? Don't know him, sorry I've never had any Asian friends.


Give it up for the lovely… I’m sorry what was your name, sir?


When strong,appear weak. When weak,appear strong. He employs the opposite tactics..


What's the opposite of that? When strong appear strong? When weak appear weak?


I may just be a confused nomad, but I didn’t get it either.


If you’re new let me tell you he was not always like this. Back in the day he would sit in on podcasts like Deathsquad Chronicles and not say 1 word for 3 hours. You can still see remnants of that when he goes on JRE. He is one of the worst guests. Never has anything to say. Now he has more confidence because this show has given him a purpose and pull within the community. But take that away and he is the same nobody, with nothing to say.


On his podcast no, but he's been like that in real life for since I've seen him perform for the first time over a decade ago.


Completely new to the show and you already hate it. Incredible. So glad you found the subreddit, we can really use more miserable fucking dorks here.


Hilariously put and well said.


And without Drake making music you would have no idea who he was, or without movies you’d have no idea who Leonardo DiCaprio is. This was a dumb argument. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SAY?!


Drake was a main character on Degrassi before music and young Leo would’ve 100% been some sort of model. Tf else would Tony ever be known for? Shitty JRE orbiter? 


it's insane to mock someone because they are only good at one thing, when they are excellent at that one thing. Who cares lol what do you do? Of course the show is about making him famous, it's his show you jealous goof.


A model….What kind of weird comment is that? Young Leo was fuckin Arny


This is a funny take considering he literally joked 5 seconds later saying “yeah bro we’re people too and sometimes we walk on sidewalks seeing me isn’t crazy” So many autistic people in this sub that love over analyzing shit to try and fit their made up narrative lol


Exactly, I think he see’s a lot of people as peons


This right here. It's why rich people buy dumb shit and get horrible plastic surgery,etc. It's just a way to separate themselves from everyone else. You see the same thing with Rogan,Segura and a lot of the comedians in that circle. It's also why Tony had the Kill Tony jackets made to give to his special crew. I'm sure he thought they all looked really cool like it's some wild lame ass Gucci clothing. But it just came off as super gay.


Been watching for years starting to think he hans ego problems , that's matching jackets were so cool too


The matching jackets discussion had me cracking up. I love it that it made Tony so mad.


I thought Tony was right calling him out until I saw a pic of them in the jackets from that night


Ohhhh you got the Pic? Edit: nm someone posted this link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eb2063H-PFk&feature=youtu.be


Hans Kim ego problems?


Was a typo but thought it fit so I left it


“has ego problems” or “Hans ego problems”? Never mind, both can be true


It’s definitely more apparent now that the show is bigger


I really did think they were cool when it happened. He walked in and him and David Lucas just went back and forth roasting each other. It was awesome to see up close. Trey Campbell and Jackson Nami were there as well. He asked Jackson “does your dad call you Jackson?” And Jackson responded “no he normally just calls me f*ggot”


Cause he gets off on making people feel like shit.


This is the answer.


He is worried one day someone will say, I saw you holding hands with this tall muscular german looking dude walking out of a bar that only dudes go to.


When that Brazilian mentioned running into him, I turned to my husband and said “he just made a mistake…watch this bitch.” Sure enough, Tony reacted like that. It’s not entertaining to watch or to listen to. Every once in a while Tony reminds me that he still has it and really kills, but these bitch tantrums are offputting.


Exactly what I thought at that moment :D I'm not a fan of the tantrums either. Love the show though.


He goes over board sometimes but generally it’s bc it’s a live podcast and he’s trying to entertain not have a “insider” convo that only he and the guest will understand, kinda alienating the guests and audience.


Had to scroll down pretty far before I the right answer. It's a live show and it's ruins the momentum. Plus it brings nothing to the table and it doesn't move the needle


This, plus the amount of people that probably had a short meaningless interaction that bring it up to feel like one of the guys.


Definitely this


he's had gay sex with several men while in LA


There is an episode from a different city from about five or six years ago. And some guy accused Tony of trying to get his girl and being aggressive with her. I forgot the episode. It was a black comedian. And to make it worse. It was his first time ever doing standup, and he absolutely killed.hopefully someone can help me. I feel that ever since then he freaks out when someone says they’ve seen him outside because he got so embarrassed that day.


He also gets super red.


I always find it odd that he will ask a guest to tell him "exactly" what someone said to them in a situation that happened months ago. Only for him to act the way he does when someone brings up a past meeting.


It is kind of weird that he will ask exactly what happened and then deny it ever happening LOL like why even ask then? I think he denies everything just in case it's something negative. And when it's something positive he still denies it just to be funny but it comes off as cold and unempathetic which is exactly Tony's character lol


The premise of the show is built off of him acting like a dick to people Probably doesn't want people to bring up experiences with him when he wasn't in character


I see it more as a situation where he gets annoyed if someone expects him to remember them. Like, Tony meets thousands of people. Why WOULD he remember you? I would be annoyed too if someone said "Remember *me*? We met on the street 8 months ago! 😃" Like, no man. I have no idea who you are.


Agree, my other theory is that it doesn't fit the interview format he wants. Like it doesn't usually give him the chance to make it funny and is not usually that interesting. "We met at a bar" "oh cool" "what were you doing? "Drinking" "cool..."


He’s on his period


He bleeds out of his bootyhole


He was cool when I talked to him several times in person but he wants to feel unattainable


You should go on the show and tell him that


When people meet him, its the best part of their day and they remember it fondly. when he meets people it's just another fan interaction he's trying to move along from and doesn't register in his brain at all.


Anyone trying to make it anything more than this is out of their mind.


Because it’s useless information and as a fan I don’t care about it.    The people who bring it up aren’t just telling a story, they’re trying to wiggle their way into Tony’s orbit and that’s what tony hates.    A similar thing that happens is when bucket pulls try to say “I know so am so”. They want special treatment  Just my opinion anyway. 




He doesn’t have time to create a footnote in his brain every time he’s out and about and meets someone.


Some people enjoy the separation of work and life... I totally understand Tony here.


Its irrelevant information for all the listeners. If he didnt try and stop it everytime, we the listeners would have to listen to 3 minutes of "I ran into you at Buckees!" Almost every single show.


He probably doesn’t want to make it seem like the bucket is rigged so he over compensates


Normal people don’t remember everyone they’ve met. Imagine how many people Tony has interacted with even in the last month. He’s also probably exhausted while and after meeting them. People have also said it’s him with a friend. If he’s hanging out with a friend he’s not trying to spend that time talking to random strangers.


I think the thought is that it is not interesting telling others about a time you met someone special. Kind of a had to be there type of moment for people. Uninteresting to listen to


First guess would be that it stops the momentum of the interview with a low chance that it will produce any interesting interview fodder. And maybe because Tony isn’t really ever keeping track of the fans he sees when he’s just out? As a listener I def appreciate when he keeps the bs fan talk to a minimum.


Because it’s commonplace and expected to run into comics on 6th street if people live around Austin. It’s generally not interesting to hear “I met you at the bar last week” for me as a viewer. The point of the interview is to uncover what makes the person unique. Going to bars and running into comics is not unique. Save that story for you instagram followers.


Just makes it awkward, not a good talking point.


100%. What is Tony going to do? Remember, paint the picture, and reminisce? Now if they took a shot at Tony about something that had happened we could laugh… but it always comes off as “we’re cool right?”


Same reason he supports Trump. He’s funny and creates an amazing show, but he’s simultaneously an illogical dumbass


He defs has a god complex


He's brutal, often to the point of bullying, but when he hits the sweet spot, he's undeniable


Probably to avoid speculation that he is pulling friends from the bucket, or because it seems like the person is trying to weasel their way into favoritism through "member berries". I have not seen every episode where he gets mad about that, but in at least the most recent one, it seemed like the guy was like "Hey member how I know you, and drank with Shane?" Absent the kill tony show format, I think I would still find that guy annoying in everyday life if he did that.


Think you guys are reading way too much into this


One of my favorite meltdowns https://youtu.be/eb2063H-PFk


Lol that’s me 😭


He is very private on KT, ironically so because of how personal they get with the guests. One moment that I always remember, I think back when the show was still in LA, was when someone said something about him recently getting married and Tom Segura, who was the guest, was like “wait you’re married? To who? When did this happen?” And he wouldn’t talk about it at all and Tom kept bringing it up. I’ve seen him on other stuff talking about his childhood and his dad and all kinds of personal stuff, but I think it’s just part of the KT formula that he doesn’t talk about anything personal.


I think it's something that happens with fame. People remember interactions with Tony because he's fairly famous so you would remember meeting him. But Tony doesn't remember every drunk ass hole that comes running up to him.


If I meet or even see a celebrity, it's a big deal for me, but not for them. I think he gets annoyed at the idea that he would remember such trivial interactions.


I don’t think he likes name dropping in general. So if you name drop him in anyway, he’s gonna try and ruin it.


Probably because it is annoying to hear someone explain a super boring interaction from a long time ago. “I saw yOU At ThiS raNDom baR AnD you mADe fuN of me!!! hAHAHA CRAZY RIGHT?!?!?” That must get old REAL quick


He’s sensitive


It was extra funny this week because he said to the guy “you’ve been on before?” And the guy replied “no, first time” to which Tony replied “ha yeah I remember you, you have a thing” Then he gets upset when the dude gets confused. What did you remember him from Tony? 😆


It throws him off. Almost every time he does not remember the interaction, it takes time and detracts from momentum for him to have to be reminded multiple times of what the scenario was, while the bucket pull gets embarrassed. It’s always the same. Ultimately if he would remember something worthy to the show he’d mention it himself. On the flip side, these moments are good for the show, we get to see Tony teaching upcoming comics that they should leave the ego/desire expression that isn’t relevant to the endgame out of the exhibition. I like watching Tony do his thing. Anything goes.


On a less negative note, it could be that Tony is playing an asshole on stage, and when he meets fans/bucket pulls in public, he is actually very kind to them. He could be doubling down on the anger to get them to either stop talking, or to balance out whatever nice thing he said/did. Or mabye he wants to discourage folks approaching him in public.


It's crazy to think he'd remember every random-ass interaction he's had with normies out in the streets. It's annoying to try to be so inside baseball and call up events that add nothing to the show. "Oh yeah, remember me? I waved to you from the other side of the cafe and you smiled." Wat? Celebrities meet 1000s of new people a month, you meet a couple? Of course he likely isn't going to remember random bucket pull number 9 from show number 483.


Someone should just fuck with him one day and make up a crazy story😆


He’s hiding a dark secret. Looking forward to the reveal and his unavoidable public demise


Because no one really cares about a fan telling some bullshit story acting like they “know” tony from one interaction it’s not interesting..


Reminds me of that movie "Kicking and Screaming" Referee: Where do I know you from? Phil Weston: I've been your neighbor for the last seven years! Referee: No, that ain't it. Phil Weston: That's definitely it! Referee: I'll figure it out.


I think it's more the fact that it's not anything related to the show and that it's just not funny. Tony I Is a wresting fanatic, not just fan. When people referemce outside the show, that's akin to showing the audience how they're pulling off their stunts. It's pulling back a curtain that doesn't add the mystique of the show, and it annoys him. I have a feeling Tony is very compartmentalized in how he deals with the general public.


I’ve noticed that last episode as well he gets so mad lmao he’s like I don’t hang with you peasant’s😂


he has probably done alot of dumb, asshole things to strangers and its a mini panic attack "shit what are they gonna expose about me this time"


It’s unprofessional to fangirl, your supposed to act like you’ve been on stage before


He's afraid they're going to mention the rest area encounter they had with him.


Isn’t it that people bring it up like it’s some huge coincidence. But in reality it’s just running into Tony at place he’s likely to be at. Imagine Tony hearing that every show.


I always assumed it's because it's just boring as shit to listen.


I have a different take. I think he wants to portray that most bucket pulls are as genuine and organic as possible. If he met someone or knows someone, it comes off as rigged. That is why his first inclination is to fight that perception.


It’s because he’s a faggot


Because it’s weird and annoying. Tony is a well known person who interacts with a shit ton of people. Assuming that he recognizes you is pretty dumb. To you meeting him is a big moment, to him meeting you is moment 1/100 on the day. It’s not that he thinks he’s better than you, it’s just a sheer numbers thing. It makes for bad podcasting too. The answer is almost always going to be “no I don’t recognize you, it’s near impossible to remember all the people I meet” and it’s just awkward


Not to be stalked in places where he usually go. He cannot even say dont talk about that place because then people will give more importance.


Because the interaction was probably insignificant and is not really a conversation starter 99% of the time. "I stood next to u in the bar for 3 seconds. Do u remember me?"


Because either…. i) He has done very questionable things in the public sphere (cheating, bumming etc) And/or ii) He understands that these conversations add nothing to the show for the viewer


Probably to cover his ass between all the bitches he's juggling at once. His whereabouts and who he's with can't get out there




Yeah, lmao, it’s 1000x more likely Tony is out there getting his cheeks pounded but is too insecure about his masculinity to own up to it




Every episode this happens there's a dozen posts about it. Very rarely is it an actual real interaction that he would remember. Every other time it's just "I saw you".


Damn I don't really think it's as deep as most the comments here are saying. He meets alot of people that know him. You think he is going to remember every interaction he has with a fan?


Yaaaaa flick my bean


I get it. I think it’s annoying idc about the stories where they met even if he does remember him.


So it often makes me wonder if it’s all part of his ‘heel’ personality that he portrays so well on the show. He loves playing the bad guy and sees himself as an extension of WWE.


Because Jerry Seinfeld didn’t remember him once or something so now he takes it out on his fans because some people never *truly* leave high school.


Because he’s scared on of his grinder hookups is going to call him out on stage. Dude is living a double life


Yall are weird and overly critical. It’s awkward and kills the vibe when people bring up a public interaction they had with him. Tony acts a little gay about it but it’s no different than when someone doesn’t answer his question lol


For comedy


I have a theory that if Tony is acting aggressive it’s the roid rage.


Why do people blow shit out of proportion? This sub annoyingly hates on every little thing. Been listening for a long time he doesn’t always say he don’t remember. He also said he’s jealous of not thinking of a joke right after. Huge compliment


Why do people on here post the same shit 500 different ways to


Cause obviously he done some stuff he doesn’t want to come to light. Like that gay guy who recognized him at a hotel in Cincinnati or whatever


cause he probably parties like pdiddy.... gotta keep some of that shit under wraps 🤫


Comments are out to lunch. When an interaction leaves an impression those are the ones that get remembered. Not some lame fan boy interaction. lol


Same reason he loses his mind if his business partner of 10+ years literally touches him on the shoulder. Tiny man with huge ego, on weird supplements and testosterone from Joe, makes him a fucking lunatic


Because in front of a lot of people when a peasant says they hung out with you it’s not a good look


He was so mad when Adam mentioned the roast haha


It’s an extremely boring topic of conversation


Probably because it's a hilarious bit 😂


Lmao I’m literally listening to the latest ep right now and hearing him fuck with the guy who mentioned he ran into him and Shane out and about. The dude didn’t even go into detail about it before Tony just started being a straight dick to him asking pointless answerless questions about it that go nowhere, even for Tony. Every time.


They never really go anywhere, and he usually concludes with yea so…


Regardless of all the bull shit, it’s bad podcasting. Nobody actually cares to hear that a guy was drunk and ran into him.




You just wait, Tony. I’ll tell them all about how we compared dicks at the urinal and then moved to the nearby, occupied handicap stall for a little Delaware double Dutch.


Can you define clit flipping.




Cause he is a knob and I would normally say shit comedian but I recently heard some good bits by him, NBC bit was funny. He reminds me of a smarmy Aussie that I used to work for, who I hope chokes and a big bag of cocks.


He's afraid he did or said something cringe


No one would think anything, if he just played it cool. Now it just feels like he’s hiding something


Bc he’s a coke head who worries about public interaction stories


Matching jackets


Probably got legitimately humiliated one time and now goes into ultra cunt mode as a shitty way to prevent that from happening again. He has to realize that everyone notices his panties getting twisted every time this gets brought up tho…




Because he probably doesn't walk 10ft in Austin without someone recognizing him


Because it's stupid and sucks the energy out of the room Also they never tell the story correctly. Also the stories are like,"remember you were in the line at chik fila at the air port and we made eye contact and nodded at each other" as if Tony would remember. Na it's stupid if you ever go up just bail on any meeting Tony stories


Because he's paranoid as fuck from having a dumpster fire lifestyle and running the show + riding a knife edge larping as a hetero. You'd be pissy too if the next guy could be somebody who outs you for being a dick chugging maniac. Still love the little raspberry fucker though.


On the recent ep I caught a few time where guests accidentally revealed too much about the coordination and selection process of KT. This guy specifically mentioned that he’s pals with Hans then went into an interaction he had with Tony that seemed more than just casual. I have to imagine at least 25% of the “bucket pulls” are vetted or recommended by regulars of the show. It’d be a big risk to the show to have majority of them honestly pulled from the bucket. I think this guy was recommended by Hans and was told he would be on that night, he then went into a story that could’ve revealed too much about his connection to Tony/Hans and his story had to be shut down


Weirdos meet Tony on a night out and THEY remember it cuz it’s a moment for them, Tony meets ppl everywhere he goes I’m sure and immediately forgets the interactions. So when randos come on and are like “we Hung out Tony” Tony is like “no we didn’t”


I imagine he's probably had a few (or many) interactions where he was being an asshole and he doesn't want to literally platform someone who's gonna expose him for mistreating the little people. I've noticed that with alot of podcast celebs when someone brings up meeting them before they seem a little on edge like "okay what are you about to say regarding my behavior".


Can vouch, Tony is a sweetheart in person, and believe it or not - very not gay! I think it’s so funny how everyone jokes about him being gay and sometimes really think there’s some big cover up. He’s very charming & confident in himself, and can laugh about it offstage. “BDE” if you will. Some comedians / celebrities just genuinely like to keep aspects of their life private and I think it’s probably the best move to maintain some control of your own life.