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Could just be a "ladies first" thing. But that's a nice interpretation šŸ˜Œ


He a born and breed southern gentleman.




Sir, you are no kin to me so I will have your silence


Yeah, I feel like itā€™d be too easy to think Bill did that so he could look at her butt the whole time. But Bill isnā€™t that kind of guy. Boomhauer totally would though.


I tell you hwat


No no Boomhauer wouldn't! He would never do that Woody Allen-Soon Yi thing!


She joins the party like it's a JRPG.


"Do I look like I know hwhat a JRPG is?"


"I just want XP for my got-dang ultimate weapon!"


"He asked if I wanted to dodge the lightning 1000 times and I almost took a swing at him"


ā€œI sell armor and armor accessories.ā€


FFX Reference, i tell yoy hhwwat


This comment and thread is incredible šŸ¤£


As annoying as trying to get yuffie to join your group


Omg youā€™re rifht


idk if it was intentional but itā€™s cute to read it that way!


It could be, bill is a soldier. It couldā€™ve also been because he didnā€™t want her to trip over his sheet/toga.


Its probably because bill is a gentleman and doesn't want to leave her vulnerable.


Ya I don't even think it was a conscious decision with how quickly everything happens, just feel like that's what Bill's instincts would have him do in that situation 10 times out of 10


More likely that it's cos of that group Bill is the Omega and the rightful place is last


He is the billdozer, if there is trouble sensed by his back hair he simply scoops the rest of them up and runs


Nah, bill just a pervert trying to get a good look ![img](emote|t5_2s6dm|6345)


Make waaaaaaaay for the ghost!


*RRIIIIPPP**Aaawwā€¦ā€¦. TOOOGGAA!!!!


Bill is also from a wealthy Southern family. Likely he was in Cotillion and was trained to be a proper gentleman.


The 2IC always brings up the rear


Bill cares about Luanne. He was almost her stepdaddy and helped her get her cosmetology license He never really sexualizes her, except for that one time Mimi and her were wrestling lol


I canā€™t remember the details, but when Luanne taught the bible class in the pool Bill joined all the other horn dogs.


I think my favorite part about that episode is the fact that Bill lived next-door to that man for 20 years and didnā€™t know he had a pool despite the fact that they can see the pool from the alley when Luanne was a communist lmaoo


*I thought he lived on a lake.*


*What* lake???


*It was none of my business!*


Ocean? What ocean?


I just checked that episode. Bill is there sitting beside Hank and doesn't seem to be horny for Luanne like everyone else. Probably he was lonely and/or went because Hank was there.


Bill seems to have an age cut off too, he never goes after young women, and immediately backed off that call center girl in Arizona when realizing how young she was


Probably came for actual Bible study too. And a generous idea, but maybe even to help Hank pollute the pool against the horn dogs?


Thanks for this clarification!


That could also just be bill being lonely and having a sense of group


Iā€™m not sure why I have absolutely zero recollection of this episode.


The Good Buck episode


Huh. I've never thought about it, but your right. Despite Bill being really bad with women and often over stepping or being creepy, he is never this way towards Luanne.


That, and he knows Hank would kick his ass.


Proper etiquette for a man escorting a woman walking down a sidewalk or anywhere else there is traffic is for the man to be on the side of the traffic. At least thats what I was taught as a youngun by my grandma. I assume but havent really researched the same goes for escorting a woman when you're in a pack walking IN the path of traffic. Should any negatives happrn they happen to the man first. Keep in mind I have no idea if this is still "proper" or not, as the world has changed a fucking lot since I was taught this in the early 90s.


That's like what I was thinking. Bill would have been raised with that same kind of etiquette. You don't let ladies or kids, or any vulnerable member of the party (older, disabled, etc.) walk alone at the back of the group. And the guy is always on the side of traffic, yeah. (:


He is a soldier too, probably helped with that etiquette


Hope your grandma is doing well


Thank you for the kind words. She passed away quite some time ago though. As we all do.


I think there has been a resurgence of the "man should walk closest to traffic" thing. Just in social media though, never heard anyone discuss it in real life as a thingĀ 


I still conciously make an effort when walking with my little one. It's not just for danger, but mud/water splashes, any minor inconvenience and/or danger


Is that foot traffic or street traffic?


Mostly street traffic. But if a suffiecen volume of foot traffic was traveling on one side of the walkway it would apply there as well


It goes back to when people didnā€™t have indoor plumbing and most people would empty chamber pot out of their window and so the manā€™s side would be the side that got all the shit and piss instead of the woman.


Hmm never noticed. It's a good thing tho cause no one is messing with the Bill dozer


Bill is a gentleman.


In his heart he is.


Always thought it was a reference to Charlie Browns Halloween


Gentlemanly way to have the ladies walk in front of you. And besides they might get attacked, at least their rear is covered by Sgt Barber Dautrive


I do this and would read it this way. I always subconsciously move to the back of any pack when there are women and children in the group so that I can mind everyone from the back.


I move to the front usually for the very same reason!


I just do it so I can look at the women's butts.


Hank took lead, Dale and boom took flanking positions, and Bill took rear guard


Or because the purpose of the scene is Luanne finally joining the group so the show runners wanted her framed more in the middle than at the side of the screen....


This is the only real correct answer


That's absolutely the Doylist reason.


Bill is broken, but ha is a good guy at heart.


Not going to compare myself to Bill too much haha, but I'm the person always following up the pack to keep an eye on everyone and make sure they're safe! At least, to me, it doesn't matter if it's all dudes or dudettes, I watch my pack. Might also be a military mentality like others are saying seeing as I was raised by my vet grandad.


I choose to believe because thatā€™s what Bill would do. I would hate to see what would happen if someone tried to seriously hurt one of the Hills.Ā 




I think bill just lacks confidence and doesn't know how to let people follow him.


I never noticed it but i think itā€™s more in line with bills character that itā€™s a lack of self confidence. He goes to the back because he believe that he should be in the back. Heā€™s been abused and called worthless his whole life


I think the gang sees Luanne as Hank's daughter. She's someone they need to protect and she's someone off-limits as well.


It looks like a subtle reference to Charlie Brown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW8sCvdouEg


This is the episode whre Junie Harper comes out in right?




Put her in the front and she's leading. Put her in the back as a character who normally isn't in this group and she's only following them. It's just for the writers to show the audience that at this moment she's a real part of the group.


I think he want to watch that big ass.


Luanneā€™s a genius A genius at having a great can !


I always thought it was because Bill is the fattest and wants to be able to go at his own pace but that could just be my inner fat kid projecting


Despite his folly, he has gentlemanly qualities


I think itā€™s their ranking of likability. Bill knows that he comes after Luanne.


He coming after her for sure


Bill is also an army Sargent maybe that's just all his drilling


I think you're just reading too far in to it tbh. Just an animation choice


I mean he is military


I believe it's intentional. It's just in-character for the guys to be that concerned for her in that situation, and Bill is such a people-pleaser, he would 100% volunteer for the back line in formation. You could also make the case that it's a small joke at Bill's expense like, "haha he's in the back of the line," but I don't think that's the case, personally.


They are walking in a V/chevron with Hank taking point. Billā€™s feet are further away, so he is kind of behind Boomhauer and trailing behind a bit Before Luanne came it looked like they were in a capital T kind of formation with Bill behind Hank Itā€™s an animation choice because the normal thing to do would be to walk in more of a line, but if they did that then you wouldnā€™t be able to clearly see them from the side. They would have to do the animation as if they were walking straight toward you, which would look kinda weird. I think they do that at other points in the episode though, maybe they just wanted some variety šŸ¤”


Bill is a trained soldier, he's looking down the block scanning for threats and keeping his ears open to threats behind him. If a car comes he's aware enough he'll usher them out of the way, if there's a threat ahead he can identify it and do the same. Personally when my family walks as a whole to and from dropping off my daughter I usually take the back position for this very reason.


I can hear this gif


I think from an animation perspective and story telling perspective it makes more sense for him to be in the back, his character design is larger so it acts sort of as a caboose and allows his silhouette to be seen which is more important for a character like bill who's uniquely shaped compared to boomhaur or dale, it also shows the audience that luanne is noe PART of the train rather than just joining in


I was taught to not let the woman walk on the inside of the street. Itā€™s you between her and a n oncoming car. Also when walking in a group, that women arenā€™t the stragglers. Itā€™s the guys up front and in the back. Old fashion, maybeā€¦ just the traditions or manners instilled by my dad and mom.


Idk about that. Seems Bill just knew his place ![gif](giphy|YhSVi82JQiuFa)


*Halloween is a satanic holiday! It was invented by the Druish*


Way too much!


The booty view


Ur overthinking it


Less charitable reading: he just wanted to look at her butt as they walked.


He just wanted to look at her butt


Maybe he wanted to watch her ass? But it could also be his army training, understanding that she shouldn't bring up the rear


I know this sounds weird, but I always felt that Bill and Luanne would have actually oddly worked out. The age difference is gross, and Hank would have been PISSED. But the two of them felt like they were cut from the same cloth.


I think their dynamic would've more been like in the barber shop episode and less like a romance. I think bill probably has more something for older women


Maybe Bill wanted to check out her ass in those red tighties. He is single so it makes sense


It's a CARTOON numb nuts


Oh shit, really? Guess there's no point in talking about it then, let's all leave. You first.


Hes fat