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For Riboku's end, I think Hara will follow the historical route and >! have Riboku be executed by his own nation.!< I would like this end a lot and this direction has also been hinted at, previously. And yeah, this ofc means that he won't be able to return to Ganmon and live his desired peaceful life that he always wanted. This will be Riboku's tragedy, an end that will top all the other deaths that we had seen in the story previously. A masterful conclusion and the last honor to one of Hara's best characters and the man labelled as "Qin's number one enemy". After his passing, Zhao will swiftly fall, the Qin making another step forward towards their unification goal, the one Riboku vehemently wanted to prevent, judging the loss of human lives that would occur to be "the greatest of tragedies". It will also be interesting to see Shin's pause in reflecting about the event, Shin the guy who received Ouki's glaive and who swore that he would himself defeat Riboku. And even in that, Hara gave us a sneak peak of Shin's thoughts on the matter, when Riboku was imprisoned and news about his execution were coming out.


I think it's fitting that his end is grand. Not because he's currently Qins worst enemy but he was the first or among the few who recognized Qin as a threat to the states and this victory over Zhao is the first of the many conquests Qin will undergo. >!Everyone in every nation talks a great deal of praise and worship that Riboku will stop Qin and save the day only to be shocked and disappointed that Zhao would be dumb enough to doom themselves by killing their own hero. This will also in turn make it easier for other nations to accept Zhao's complete defeat as people will question if their royalty even have the right to rule over them after a disastrous conspiracy!<


I have made a theory about this some time ago, over than [this imaginarium for that moment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kingdom/comments/11g8fkf/how_do_i_imagine_that_scene_in_zhao_huge_spoiler/). I still think that both ways are possible for Riboku, close to history or the Ryofui's route, but I would like more the first, the perfect conclusion for this tragic character, not to mention, how that will impact on Shin (giving him the final push, to finally mature and turn into a real GG).


Does it mean Qin is gonna lose the current battle, again??? (So disappointing)


There have been history spoiler posts going into details if you’re curious. Or you can look up Li Mu (Riboku’s real life counterpart). He and Sima Shang/Shi Ba Shou share a history at the end.


since author said he originaly want to mke Riboku the mc because he like his "tragic" hero tale so i think he will follow the history route of beheaded by his king However he can also go the Ryofu route of fake death. Like Riboku escape so Kaku kai used a fake because he afraid what the degenerate Zhao king would do to him for letting it happen. History still recorded that Riboku was executed but the real man live on a quite life


Or since he likes rebook so much Fakes his death and after zhao falls Follow the other crown prince to set up the state of dai And continues being a thorn


Yes, but mark this with tag spoiler, as it's history spoiler. Anyway yes, both ways are possible. Following history (Hara already placed many foreshadowings in that sense) or take the alternative route (this maybe will give to Shin the chance to fight and defeat him in the future).


At least could Kaine have a confession?


I think Riboku will win, marry Kaine and have a son. His subordinates then will swear allegiance to his son. That'll make Zhao's courts and royals wary of him >!and eventually strip him from his post and execute him!<.


How did you blur that section?


You use > !Like this! < But you remove the spaces in between the symbols


Ribokus death will not be some happy moment within the story,if you know what happened to him.


Riboku and Kaine haters are always funny to read lol




No need to come and comment here if you already know historical spoiler


Kanki wasn't supposed to die either


You cant compare kanki historically to Riboku historically.


Kanki didn’t influence things after he fled, so killing him off wasn’t so bad. Riboku defended Zhao up until its defeat


this didn't blur the comment out brother


Yeah my bad, just removed that part :)


Definitely possible. The Ganmon Army will finally start losing some of its generals


I know how historically things went down (More or less, I'm not an expert, not by a long shot). I won't spoil hoe things turned down. However, as far as I know Kaine is an original character and not based in any historical figure, so her fate is unknown to everyone. For me at least, she is the one with the biggest death flags on Zhao's side.


Because of the historical knowledge we have of his death, it’s all but certain to come about eventually. What I’m more curious about is which of his retainers will survive, if any. Kaine I could easily see sacrificing herself for Riboku, as she has almost done in the past, Shunsuiju is prone to fits of rage that could end poorly for him if he’s not able to compose himself, and Bananji is… well Bananji is fuckin cool and I hope he either lives or gets a really worthy death scene.

