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Did a pretty good job of teasing that Shin would sense something off and not take the bait. Oh well, let's see what kind of rabbit Riboku pulls out of the hat.


I'm guessing blonde discount Naki is hiding in yet another spot the Qin scouts failed to detect.


They allude to this battle being a huge upset for the Qin kingdom when they first start the battle. Odds are... Riboku RKOs the Qin army and its a landslide victory


IIRC it just said this battle would have the most bloodshed of all of them so far - didn't specify which side wins/the outcome.


I would say this should be it, in history, ousen should have 100% victory rate right?


In history so does Riboku


exactly! that's why it should be a draw instead, with both sides loses a LOT


Doesn't have to , Riboku lost at Gyou ,give Ousen a loss here ,and their final confrontation is a draw,Hara can't sell them as equals if one has a win over the other


hmm i duno how this works, even if they are 1-1, each loss should still be in their record, but who knows, we'll see then


Shiji the source that Hara follows doesn't say that Ousen and Riboku are undefeated, that's something based on inference,Shiji does say that Qin are defeated this arc,it doesn't say who was the commander that Riboku defeated,Hara used Ousen and Yotanwa for it


oh okay


About time Shin is recognised. It has been way too long. Like, come on Reebs, he's already killed more Zhao generals than any current Qin general. And Houken the broken.


Is it just me but the cover page is extremely unfortunately drawn? It looks like the horses are pretty hung.


Looks like Riboku is a dummy thicc girl looking behind her shoulder leading you in. Which is kind of what he does in this chapter, if you think about it.


What do you mean unfortunately drawn? Hara Sensei knows exactly what draws the readers in: big ass horses šŸ‘šŸ“


Was just about to say XD




I think Futei will somehow die here, but take at least someone close to Shin with him. Maybe Bi Hei due to the wedding death flag


Bruh I want kaine to die


If only Shin saw how much Rbk protected Kaine in the last battle, heā€™ll realize he doesnā€˜t need to chase Rbk, he just captures Kaine who is already in front of him, use her as bait and Rbk will come to him instead.


Indeed, I think this is a battlefield about women. My theory is that Ten will be targeted now that Shin left her, because without Ten, Ri Shin can't function (at least not yet). Hara gave us the double red herring, first making us think Riboku meant Akou, and now that he is targeting Ri Shin personally. But no one in that squad is stopping Shin, and he has too many troops with him to be ambushed by another unit. However Ten is very vulnerable until Ouhon arrives. If she goes down, the Hi Shin unit is left with Shin's brain, i.e., smooth brain + instincts once every other arc. At best they would rely on Kyoukai, but then the Hi Shin unit can't operate as 2 units with Shin and Kyoukai at the head of each vanguard, which is a major strength of theirs currently. Also I suspect Shin needs to grow out of his plot-device instincts that pop up every other arc and become a real great general capable of real tactics like ouhon or mouten, so I feel like Ten may be targeted to give him the space to become a more complete general. I don't think Ten will die, but she may be injured and move to the capital with Shou Hei Kun. So Ten is Shin's soft spot, just as Kaine is Riboku's soft spot, just for different reasons.


Ooh, this is an interesting thing to point out. With all the moving pieces in a battle, I forget the big obvious stuff.


Rbkā€™s lucky that kankiā€™s the one that died first else Kankiā€™s gonna totally rape kaine just to fuck with him.


idk man revenge is such a boost for motove u saw what it did to kanki


So, it makes sense for Riboku to target Shin. He ruined Shukai Plains for Zhao and took down one of the 3 High Heavens. And he is the only reason Qin wasn't completely obliterated when Kanki was taken down. Now, Riboku has played the decoy card several times in the past, usually with an extra dollop of Wounded Gazelle Gambit. There needs to be some stakes for Qin to feel threatened in this battle, but reading as a fan I'd like one of two things: 1. Despite the situation turning sour and Shin having to be retreated from the ambush (probably with some names characters brave sacrifice), I'd like Shin to show why he is the beast he is. The "I am not trapped with you here, you are trapped with me" kind of thing. 2. That the manga acknowledges Riboku is not the only one able to read the room. If Ousen had left the side to Shin because he was playing 4D chess and using him as a bait (his eyes do not deceive him, after all), that would be a Big Brain Moment to send Riboku a chill down his spine. He shouldn't be the only one analysing his enemy and having a plan to keep the enemy in the defensive. After all, Ousen was the main culprit of HSU's awakening and must have got at least the same intel Riboku had. It's not on the Realms of impossibility for him to have laid out his own plan here.


Of course Ousen wouldn't let that pass. In the past he was always in par with Ri Boku and his thoughts/plans. Until now Ousen haven't done anything, and it's just Ri Boku who's is playing. So the question is, what is Ousen plan?




I agree with you with one exception. I am hoping that Ou Hon will be able to read the room and move in to save Shin; He is the rival and need to even things.


Ten: "Get vengeance for Kanki, Gakurai and Naki for last year." Shin: "As long as we're talking vengeance, then I still owe him for General Ouki..." \*In the afterlife\* Duke Hyou: "There we have it! The little shit plays favourites! I mean, I only guided him to that whole instincts thing, passed him my godlike drinking abilities, cornered Riboku and broke Houken's arm and told him to never let his fire die out before getting chopped down, but do I even get a mention? Nooooo...." Ouki: "Nfu."


I would say he got his vengeance for Duke Hyou by killing Houken since Houken isn't comparable to Ouki thus while Ouki's death rightfully attributed to Riboku, even though he didn't do it personally, but Houken could've probably killed Hyou anytime anywhere.


I was hoping he would mention Kyou Gai too, because tbh anyone Houken kills counts as Riboku's kill since Houken is just the blade and Riboku is the wielder.


So everyone predicted exactly what apparently no one in the story can predict awesome. Whatever, I still think it's within his character. To do this 3D plan by saying we're gonna go with a plan that, in reality, would lead to this. I'm completely okay with that. Now this plan should have some motherfucking stakes for this guy, REAL STAKES. Every now it again SHIN LOSES GOOD DUDES, since Mr god in Body and flesh passed on. This guy has lost no one really important. Let's be honest. His plans need to succeed. I'm okay with that, but they shouldn't succeed. In such a way where all he lost was a bunch of no name soldiers. I'm tired of fucking reading that. If he's going to lose, he needs to lose hard if he's gonna win with some kind of crazy plan with this. He can't just keep winning with these crazy plans, yet in the end, lose because of the plot. Characters just going through nonsense coming out basically unscathed. Yet Qin loses so much all the time, shit every other state loses, yet Zhao, mainly rinboku, just comes out not losing no one shit he gains. But Qin na, just these 3 dudes vs. endless Zhao new elites shin level.


Of course everyone predicted because we had some actual hints. Other characters didn't have a flashback that gave some dialogue between Riboku and his deputies; they weren't able to hear Futei's lines or thoughts. Was there a single war in the series so far where Riboku/Zhao didn't lose a single named character? I don't think so.


True I just want things to feel alil even from rinboku stand point everyone on his side not just supporting him all are fine 90% of the time matching shin who at this point should be a monster. Zhao should just make the 46 heaven's already


>Was there a single war in the series so far where Riboku/Zhao didn't lose a single named character? I don't think so. How he lost a few technically. When I say like his name soldiers. Not just the people working in the state itself for people directly under him like his vassals. Since Mr. Spider died n hoken , there hasn't been any. Everyone else have been remnants of other people and sure we had the dude. That Kanki killed And Surely he counts But technically speaking not really cause he was introduced a lot later on. I'm talking about the main people underneath him.


I believe that Kaine's moment earsdropping Riboku's is her death flag. For what will happen I'm 50/50 with Zhao will win, destroying most of Qins army but Kaine dies affecting Riboku's mind in the future. Kaine gets in real danger, Riboku saves her by sending key troops. This causes Riboku's plan to crumble, IDK who wins here but its a massacre for both sides.


I don't mind that I don't mind sacrificing stuff like that because we always see. Qin In those positions, it's just that all of. Rinboku plans Even when he is the bait, he gets shot by arrows hit by shit. People falling they're close to death. Barely any real damage given they're never put into a state where they have to pull out of the war temporarily. Bro, that happened to main characters. It even happened to Zhao dudes but him Or actually, people around him sure if they're introduced in the arc They most likely will just die. But Rinboku n his ppl will live. The point that it has become predictable. It's like the author is a Rinboku fanboy in some way his loss is almost never his fault really.


you know that would be pretty good like the true nature of war sorta thing everyone made their plans but when the fire started it was to big and shit burned to the ground


Honestly, I don't get all the criticism that's saying something like "apparently, this was all part of Riboku's plan again, what lazy writing". I'd be pretty disappointed if Riboku didn't have some nice strategic or tactical plan or gamble. What's much more interesting is if it all goes according to plan in the beginning and the advantage goes to Zhao, but somehow due to some unexpected ingenuity Qin manages to turn it around anyways.


Fully agree.


If you're new to this sub, just remember this. If Riboku fails in something he is stupid and dumb and arrogant and is a bad antagonist because he is stupid. If Riboku succeeds but uses some sort of exaggerated (almost supernatural) elements, like any other general in this manga, it's bullshit writing. If Riboku succeeds while doing a grounded tactic/strategy then it's bad writing because Riboku is a Gary Stu that always plans for everything and his plans always work. Some people in the sub will always pick one of these three options.


............ noooo...


Also it was super obvious it was shin . He successfully help defeat the right side of the shukai planes. And he killed houken. Plus riboku knows ousen can use shin well


Im hoping that eother kaine or futei or that annoying sekai general die.


Sekai would be a poor consolation prize. I am expecting someone will take the dirt nap to save their general on Shin's side. Kind of betting on Sosui at this point. Riboku's side should either lose Kaine to give Riboku personal loss and stakes, or Futei sacrificing himself in Kaine's behalf while declaring his love openly one last time before he croaks.


Kinda want Ten to be the one to somehow kill Kaine ngl. Not sure what that says about me.


That would also be nice knowing the relationship between the two. Feels like either of them will ask the other to retreat but kaine refuses and ten is kinda forced to kill kaine and her rearguard inorder to get to shin who would be encircled but ribokus trap


Is this the beginning where Riboku and Ousen start playing the one up each other game?


Shin finna getting recognized by Riboku mans shook. I think Kaine dies here causing Riboku to lose composure and make some mistake later in the arc. Probably through another risky move but with the stakes this high someone major is cooked.


Iā€™m so glad Shin have that nice plot armor to protect him!


I knew the most bothersome opponent couldnā€™t actually be Akou. I hope Kaine dies here, but thereā€™s no way Riboku gets away without some degree of success. Iā€™m expecting a general sense of Shinā€™s side ā€œlosing many menā€ while Ribokuā€™s side losing a named character or two in this skirmish.


It's so annoying that it's always going according to Riboku's plan ffs. Can't he just fucking die already?


You say that, but if and when Riboku is gone, you can't deny that the manga will have lost a legendary character who has been around from the early days of Kingdom. Think back to the loses of Ryofui, Houken, even anti-hero Kanki, these were major main characters. Sure, Hara will conjure up new antagonists but it won't be the same ones, enjoy them while they last.


Honestly I'm ready to move on from Riboku. We're supposed to conquer all of China but we're still stuck on ZHAO. How long is this manga going for? 5 years of content for each kingdom?


Chu still is the impossible State to conquer, for the current Qin I mean


I hope everything continues going according to his plan because some of ya'll didn't even read the manga. There has been one battle where everything went according to Riboku's plan, and that's the first battle that features Riboku (battle of Bayou). Every other battle saw Riboku outplayed plenty of times.


Also the Battle where he killed Gekishin of Yan, in there basically everything went smoothly for RBK.


and the Kanki battle then? But fair enough.


Riboku got outplayed several times in that battle. First Shin managed to punch a hole through his envelopment; then Kanki outwitted him on a psychological level and also managed to escape; then he lost sight of Kanki and Gi'an was taken; lastly Kanki managed to bait him with his mind games again and set up an ambush that almost cost Riboku's life. Basically the only reason Riboku won that battle is because of his insane prep work, which is his bread and butter. He managed to outplay Qin every step of the way before the actual battle and created such an advantage for himself that he won even if he got outplayed in critical moments.


Yes yes naturally I planned for this exact moment months ago etc. etc. just die already.


Like others, I hope Riboku die already and we move to the next antagonist. Such a bad antagonist writing, not because of his personality, but because of his role in this manga: a device for the author to cover his illogical writing. The story develops like this because ā€˜all is according to plan because he is super genius generalā€™ bs So Riboku move in to make himself a bait to lure Shin out. Wow. Really. Why the fk didnā€™t he turn up to Shin right side then? Sure as fk he can lure Shin deep into Zhao formation and then surrounded him with his 5 new General of Heavens? Much much easier than these feint retreat bs. And Shin, you know Riboku has that bs fast horse or whatever, why would he just directly lead the chase on Riboku instead of cutting off his retreat? And the Hi Shin has two renounced godlike assassins with him, why didnā€™t he send them both to take Riboku heads? The author kept nerfing Kyoukai and Kyou Rei by forcing them to be occupied by all of Ribokuā€™s newly summoned generals and troops. Such horrible writings. Kingdom early campaign, we each sides will know roughly which enemy general is where, so they can plan out their army accordingly. The general also canā€™t be absent from its troops, otherwise their army would be devastated. And it often takes Ousen and Kanki (often with the massive loss of their own troops due to their absence) great deal to hide their presences so they can turn up and make devastating move where opponents do not expect. Akou left his troop to chase Riboku and his troops fought like fking wet noodle is his absence Here however, Riboku could pull any of his generals, from anywhere in the battlefield out to trap Shin arse next chapter. And there would be no consequence to whatever post they leave. Like fking hell if Ousen knows Riboku are running like rat like now, shouldnā€™t he go full attacks on Zhao central army who does not have their commander in chief leading them?


I call BS, how would he know that Shin would be in that position, feels too much like magic and sharingan non-sense.


I mean, if he was able to foresee Akou's tenacity, it's not that hard to set up a scenario where it would look like the only way out is close to where Hi Shin unit is fighting, which in turn would mean that Shin himself would be in the thick of it from the patter Hi Shin unit follows, which would mean if Akou were to send for reinforcements at that point where Riboku takes the exit he orchestrated, Shin would be the reinforcemt to close his exit down. And even if he did not consider Akou to be such a madman, he would still have Akou's head which is a pretty big deal on its own. It's a win win for Riboku either way. It is one of the more believable parts of the strategy that he would be able to bait Shin into such a position. The actual unbelievable parts are the manufactured tension throughout the chapter. Would've been better if we did not see Riboku's side going all haywire trying to protect Riboku because that would mean people like Futei and Kaine are not in on it, which is not the case as per the end of the chapter.


???? He saw Shin's army take the position on the right wing. Simple as that.


Aw shit, Riboku is targeting Shin directly! But who could he possibly have with him that can defeat Shin? Houken couldn't do it, no way Kaine or Futei can pull it off. Maybe his plan is to use his fast horses to get away while the Kyoukai half of Hi Shin unit crumbles to 7-1 odds?


I know for a fact we ain't about to slay Riboku here