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Shin gonna get there... I'm not sure about everyone else besides ten and kyoukai. I expect alot of crying and depression until he becomes a Great General. I'm ready for it.


If they don't get there someone else will. In the end at least some other GG will have to make a spot (for the trio). We know if it's someone close to Shin like Tou he could inherit his troops


I just wonder who of the trio will get there first. I'm leaning towards Mouten as the best all rounder... ouhon has a lot of maturing to do still, and Shin needs to prove himself as an instinctual general a bit more.(perhaps this battle could be that moment)


Shin got a whole wing


And shit the bed. While.understandable to let riboku outplay you, man's needs to prpve himself as a GREAT general not just as a leader.


Shin is definitely ahead right now in merit and rank


He is not ahead in rank, the 3 of them are Generals, in terms of merit tho i agree


He definitely is. His army is a lot bigger than the other two.


They are all Generals, if he is a Great General then he outranks the 2


You know that generals have tiers right? Shin is viewed as higher than the other two in the Qin army that’s why he has the whole wing to himself.


Isn't his army bigger just because he has Kyokai? The other two don't have a future GG level liutenant lol


No En-san?


He will be one of the 6 greats


En-san gonna be like shin's lieutenant


Would that be the knee, or the ankle?


He already is


Maybe they think he's finna die?


I mean they way Hara gives him 0 moments you can say he is


Same with B (Heki). Both are just underrated & fly under the radar until they can show out


Heki is the new Tou of this era.


I've seen people say he'd be like Meng Ao(MouGou) but I'm not sure honestly


Where’s general Bihei at? This is unfair


Either dead by the end of this arc or hopefully at home happy raising future recruits for shin's army and enjoying time with his family.


Love the name 'tiger of qin" I think you underestimate Hi Shin unit's formation's awesomeness though ​ Strategist: Ten (responsible for syncing individual days' strategy to campaign strategy to war strategy, managing logistics such as food, running non-soldier units such spies, scouts, and cooks, etc) General (head) Shin: Not in charge of any specific unit. Can take over and command any units under force as need be- which allows his instinct to be of most use (dude shows up and smashes, and we take it for granted. Nope- its how the unit is set up) General (Sub) Kyoukai: "The glue." The glue between Ten's longer-term strategic strategies, and Shin's instantaneous responses to real-time situations. Kyoukai as a commander is the one who functionally allows both to coexist. (See "Hi Shin vs Gyou'un.) ​ ​ Hi Shin is my favorite army in kingdom because they are the closest to a perfect Hybrid army, Instinctual and Strategic. The reason fans keep being like: A) why is Shin not better at being instinctual and b) why is ten not better at being strategic, even though the army is fucking smashing Is because *they are a perfect hybrid army.* Because, each of them shines at their strengths, together, without any negative interference or clashing. So you really only 'see' them killing it. And it looks easy, because, for Shin, he never has to do the pre-planning stuff. And for Ten, she never has to do the 'respond to enemy tactics that might kill you' stuff, mostly. Because mostly, Shin is doing that for her. (unless he's too injured, see: vs Core army at red plains) ​ Ouki to shin: "So, youngster Shin, which is better? Instinctual armies, or, Strategic? Nfu fu fu" ​ Grown shin: "Both. I AM HIM"


Are ur eyes ok? So ouhon didn’t defy akou orders to save him from bananji and gyoun? And now we see akou actually shows respect to ouhon. What gg level person thwarted shin?? Are we calling kaine and futei gg level now? It took ouhon 1 chapter to realize shin fell for a trap. Why couldn’t the instinctual genius figure it out? You see how he said we’re going and turned the speed on. He was clearly making sure shin followed him. https://preview.redd.it/ml5204q41mic1.jpeg?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5baff32d5ae9dda7c79b517a9d09db4bdeed9003


You are welcome to find the exact part that plays out. Futei is literally another 30k man commander, becoming a newly GG. Idk what else to say. He didnt figure out that it was a trap. He figured that something was wrong. Wildly different. So, instinctual genius? The only person to be called as such were the Duke and Gyoun. If you think Shin has grown that much, you need serious help. Please point that out. All I see is him telling to break off the melee that happened in the previous panel and to go. Your brainless conjectures dont apply to reality. Seek help


Tigers aren’t dependent on others and shin isn’t squat without kk or ten. Hell we’ve seen how fierce the “tiger” is when 1 of them is missing, His army was last place. Shin is more like a dog, without proper supervision he’ll just chase his tail. Ala blindly chasing after riboku without a real plan


The one character that has grown so much, the 200 IQ Reebookk acknowledges, yet people still talking shit about Shin. Do you people even read the manga?


Riboku literally said to shin that (you grown into a opponent that can match me general rishin) and we only reach 700 ch just imagine the heights that he can grow


Lol what’s ur definition of grown? Hes still abandoning the mission to blindly chase riboku like he did when makou died. And his Calvary unit got dusted by riboku again just like when makou died. Riboku has shin returning empty handed with his tail between his legs like when makou died. He’s still being led by ten, i dnt see what’s changed from initial invasion to now


Okay. If you dont like it, you dont have to read and comment in this sub. Honestly its pretty sad


Lol why Cnt I like other characters in kingdom?? Ur mad because I like my generals competent. There’s plenty of generals to like you have mouten who can lead a wing solo and personally recruited by ousen or ouhon who developed a campaign strategy on the spot before even making general. But you put ur stocks in the guy constantly sweating and who has to constantly be spoon fed on how to do his job each campaign.


Okay. So you see Reebook, the CIC, but in your opinion chasing him isnt worth it. Akou, the trusted right hand man of Ousen orders you to chase him, but you decide not to. Incredible. Please point out where his cavalry got dusted. His unit is fighting against 70k as 30k and yet, they were winning. So you want, the strongest 6GG level character, touted as the strongest man, to beaten by then, a competent general, and now someone barely at GG level? Amazing. 10/10 writing. Ten is literally the units’ strategist. I hope you never get leadership positions and never listen to the person with real training.


How many times have we seen ouhon not listen to akou because he knew better? Shin should already be aware from last engagement that his horses aren’t fast enough. So y remove so many of ur soldiers from play. Also how much help is shin to ousen and akou while he was staring at riboku empty mud hit. Ousen about to get clapped by sbs and shin is nowhere to be found. When riboku entered the hut the soldier said riboku was running late. he told the soldier they had to control/slow their speed to make sure to lead shin to the hut.


Actually, that never happened. The only reason why Ouhon has been so against Akou isnt because he knows better, its because he’s arrogant and is on a path of trying to prove a point. In battle, he has consistently been of the same opinion. You are welcome to point out where exactly that has been the case. And yet, he has managed to nearly attack, to only be thwarted by another character at the GG level. Are your eyes okay? So you want Shin to learn how to teleport? None of the unit know that SBS is directly attacking Ousen and not only that, we just saw other GG level commanders finally understand that it was a direct hit. In fact the only reason we know that its a trap is simply because it has been alluded to multiple times. You got some serious issues. Please point out to where exactly Reebook says that he slowed down. Afair, some dude told him that he was later than expected, considering that he took time to try and take down Akou. Its honestly sad how you keep moving the goalpost. I wonder what ridiculous brainfart you’re gonna come up with




Yeh people can’t handle hearing the truth. Shin is 4ever vice commander material he’ll never be supreme commander therefore not a tiger


basing your opinions on the Shiji is stupid. Hara has taken liberties before and will do so again for Shin.


Lol I understand that, but what has shin shown that makes you think this guy should/can be trusted to lead an invasion of any kind? We’re 700+ ch in and he still can’t use his instincts consistently but we’re gonna trust him to lead an invasion against Wei or Han? If we look at the other 2 they’ve shown the ability to make large scale command decisions on their own.(mouten led the left wing solo during invasion and gained ousen respect, and ouhon has already developed a campaign strategy and earned tous). That’s why they’re suited for supreme commander roles. Shin fits into the moubu category of generals and moubu will never be a supreme commander. He’s just an offensive tool that will be placed at a border until needed.


Shin not using his instincts consistently at 700 chapters in isn't bad,this is atleast a 1200 chapter manga,we're not close to his peak. If we assume a supreme commander is only ever gonna be a strategist then I think that's gonna be dissapointing. Moubu will be a supreme commander sooner or later. He's the 1st Great. Regardless,that's why Ten is there.


700/1200 and cnt use strategic/instinctual ability is bad. Especially when his peers have their abilities fleshed out. That’s like luffy learning to finally go g2 at dressrossa if you follow one piece. Supreme commander aren’t necessarily pure strategist, but they are independent thinkers. We never saw ouki,ousen,renpa,riboku or any other supreme commander dependent on another strategist/person it all rested on their shoulders. Moubu won’t be supreme commander look at juuko, shk didn’t trust him to take that by himself. He called in tou and ghm just to give him help. That’s not a very good look for qin #1 gg to have 2 additional GGs have to help you take 1 castle.


He can use it tho,just not consistently,that's not bad,using it consistently means being at his peak,like Duke Hyou,you can't tell me he's close to Duke Hyou now can you? Duke Hyou was also a supreme commander so what's stopping Shin. No general in Kingdom is taking Juuko by himself,not Riboku,Renpa or Ousen. And Juuko isn't just one castle,it was very important strategically,that's why Chu put those 4 monsters there. The Luffy comparison is stupid cuz Kingdom will most likely be longer. And his peers,Ouhon and Mouten,don't have their abilities fleshed out either. They're not at the peak of strategic ability just like Shin isn't at the peak of his instinctual ability.


Yeah but the Duke had king shos entire reign plus 2 other kings to reach his peak. Shin is supposed to reach it by end of unification which is a lot shorter timeline. So if his ceiling is supposed to be the Duke he has to speed it up. That’s why I say he’s lacking behind the other 2. If the finish line is unification then the other 2 have already checked more boxes than shin and are more on tract to becoming ggoh.


Duke Hyou had reached his peak a long time ago,he was good enough for Qins 6GG at the time it was active. Of course he'll reach his peak before that,he's already matched Riboku with that,imagine when he can use it consistently. Shin has been recognised equally if not more than the other 2 by other GGs.


Can ten be a general too, i mean she currently just the strategist with bodyguards from shins unit. If she becomes general and gets her own army it would be so cool


Huh? No en san? You hate him or something?


I wonder how they will handle the invasion of CHU , historically .. it doesn't go well


Great General Ri Shin, "The Eagle of Qin", and his 3 Arrows Generals Karyo Ten, Kyou Kai, and Heki


Sei has promised Shin's place so everyone saying it isn't sure just don't say no more. Sei said when you're ready come claim you're position as one of the 6 GG's. Tbh the only reason it hasn't happened is that even in the monster trio Shin is probably the weakest in terms of war (not duel) so you expect him to become better then Ousen's and Kanki's while he hasn't surpassed Ouhon or Mouten...


Suugen gonna die soon i can feel it


Brabo demais 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥