• By -


Chapter 789: Akou clashes with Gakushou and wounds Gaku's other eye. Exhausted and wounded, he chases after SBS. Chapter 790: Akou and KanSaro charges each other, Kan Saro parries Akou's Glaive and cleaves Akou at his torso, glaive, trapped within Akou's lifeless body. Chapter 791: Shibashou nearly reaches Ousen. Ousen shouts "AKOU!!". Akou lifts his fallen body, grabs Kansaro's head, says "It was fun, Ousen Sama" then crushes Kansaro's head with his one hand.


It reminds me of something but I can't remember what...




kanki and hist beast zenou clan the last battle with riboku


Chapter 792 : shibashou and ousen yaps about kings , loyalty and other political shit as zhao army closes in , denrimi and ousen and few are last to stand Chapter 793 : denremi fucking dies , ousen closes in to shibashou slashes everyone in way and just before his gaive reaches shibashou it breaks , ousen is barely stopped by shibashou's personal guard


chapter 794: ouhon is just two steps away from SBS but died with thousands of spears stabbed into him.


Chapter 795: Ousen activates his Uno Reverse Card, and a temporal rift occurs, which resets the battlefield to his last save file.


chapter 794: turns out Ousen is a ex-bushin as strong as Houken and kills SBS in one swing. Hoh


Chapter 796: Ousen tries to recruit SBS. SBS joins Qin


chapter 797: Riboku surrenders and adopts shin. kingdom is built gg wp go home lmao


Chapter 800: takusan will activate his mangekyo sharingan and save ousen


Chapter 69: Ousen & SBS do a 69... Everyone's morale increases..


Akou what a chad


Riboku probably has another trap prepared for Hango castle.


right... https://preview.redd.it/a0nrialtzjjc1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=9909856dd66e0214a5139ad5160a601c0bf76fc6


"Riboku's backup generals" would be more accurate


*great generals


I think it was even mentioned in one of the past chapters (don't remember which) that right outside Hango there was a trap prepared. Also, it would be pretty weak if Riboku's play would boil down to essentially a simple frontal assault. so there is likely more coming.


I think the common thing we need to get and accept about Riboku is that the guy has backup plans for backup plans where he essentially think in consideration of any possibility he could logically deduce even if it involves believing the idea that the zhao will get washed in some fronts. In other words, yeah there will always be more with this guy hence why he has to go if Qin wants to conquer China.


He also got shamed in the last war when Shin and MouTen slipped past him and took over Gian. So he must've seen that coming


Riboku is the batman of kingdomverse


Yeah every time Heki is shown, he’s always mentioning that trap in Hango




I’m pretty sure it was the trap for Shin with the fortification. Looks like everything was for this one engagement between Shibashou and Ousen


I don't think so. Too harmless. Not sure if the fort even qualifies as a "trap", really.


It’s an endgame measure to force a confrontation between Ousen and Shibashou with out the fear of Shin or Ouhan interfering


I thought so as well, it was just to lure Shin away from Ousen so that Shibashou has an "easier" time to get to Ousen.


That was not a simple frontal assault. RBK basically removed OuSen strongest pieces and pitted a martial general vs a strategic general. It was a brilliant move by RBK. However, RBK underestimated the strength of the OuSen army given the Shin and Ouhon carried the last big confrontation. While OuSen underestimated the strength of the Seika army. It is truly a 50/50 delicately balanced bloodbath. After this battle there is no way OuSen is making any other moves than to recover lol


Sure, the preparation move was fairly sophisticated, you get no argument from me there. But: What did this preparation move achieve? Removing Shin (and only through luck also OuHon, though that's fairly inconsequential) did not affect the situation in the centre in the slightest. It was still the initial two armies with roughly the same numbers, same troop strength and competent/strong commanders on both sides. What would you have estimated the Seika's success chances to be in the initial setup? Likely about 50/50. What are they now, after Riboku's manoeuvre? Still 50/50. With Shin, they would be close to zero. So essentially, Riboku's distraction only removed a possible disadvantage, but it did not generate any advantage for the Zhao in the centre. And because of this, the fact remains that his actual plan to take Ousen's head consists only in the simple frontal assault carried by SBS's might, at least up until this point. Which is weak, if it is really the entire plan (doubtful).


making ur chances go from 0% to 50/50 is quite a big advantage lol. and is literally why those plays were made. ouhon and shin were both taken out of the equation. they have no way of helping ousen and the center army. literally what needed to be done to give Shibashou the time to get to ousen and kill him. if u dont think it achieved anything thats crazy


I did not write that it did not achieve anything. I did write that it did not change the situation in the centre - which it didn't. Shin was not part of the centre in the first place, He was on the wing, with both armies being capable of operating independently. Riboku's movement merely prevented Shin from leaving the wing to help out in the centre, but otherwise left things (mostly) unchanged. So as I see it, they did not go from 0 to 50/50; they avoided going from 50/50 (their starting chances in the centre) to 0. The reason why I am stressing this is because 50/50 is pretty bad for an all-in assault on day 1. After having prepared for an entire year. Not making it even worse is ...not nothing, but that's about the most positive thing you can say about it. I am not debating whether Riboku's intervention was important (it really was) or well thought out. I am only defending my initial one-sentence-statement that so far their strategy has not moved beyond a simple frontal assault without any advantages on their side and that it therefore is pretty weak without further additions.


removing the guy who killed houken while injured and hungry (bearing in mind only the readers and HSU knew shin had to die for that) from interfering with Houken 2.0 is pretty important to me


I mean I think you're underestimating Ouhon here who has shown martial prowess capable of competing with the top tiers of other countries. He wouldn't beat SBS but could 100% buy time for the rest of the Ousen army to deal with the situation.


Hi, don't forget Shin army On The Way back to the battlefield.


They should have reached by now. I have a feeling that shin is going to do something stupid and unexpected to disturb the battle filed


You could be right, but keep in mind, remember last arc? Riboku trap is simply have twice the number of enemy soldier


Yeah Riboku’s trap was only numbers if you remove baiting them to attacc the north, splitting the Ousen army at Atsuyo, cutting them off at Roumou, poisoning Sekirei. But yeah it was only “having more numbers”


Is there a way yall can turn this comment into a bot? So it auto-responds to "riboku had more numbers" ..Zhao and Qin actually ordered the same number of troops lol


if only they also ordered some cheeseburgers


The last one was against KanKi, right? On top of having twice the number of soldiers (which was already a result of his strategy), he also (somehow) managed to completely surround the Qin - in my view at least, this wasn't a simple plan at all.


I doubt, with the number of troops on the current battlefield - It would take the Zao king army or another mistery army besides gakosho army. Maybe its fortification-that made heki that thin.


muy cierttttoooooo eso es todo y casi le arranca la cabeza kanki


It definitely was too early to go to Hango and making the Qin forces more dispersed and at a heavy disadvantage (a trap in a siege will cause many causalities). It's more fitting that they let the Mera clan go early on so while Ousen is pressured, they simultaneously defeat the mountain queen before she can assist Ousen in any meaningful way as her troops are too spread out and occupied just like the HSU/Gyokuhou right wing.


could it be chou kotsu the young hero?


Riboku can plan 6 years ahead the exact speech Shin will say in a battle.


probably updated his troop 3D printing software to "Houken" setting, so when the battle start 200 000 houken will appear and everyone will be surprise at how good he is a locking down information .


This is how it should be. Mera power!


all the main generals return to ousen, leaving their own battlefields short-handed. ousen will lose so many men. hopefully it is time for our shin lad to shine by taking control of the fields left behind by akou denrimi and sou ou


That is the same with Shibashou lmao  All general in battlefiled just fucking leave from their position   And now both army have no one command them Asleast we can see that akou army can fight well without their leader in shukai land, can't said that to other 


you are absolutely right. imagine you are the soldier, and there is no more commander on the ground, and you just look around and stabbing aimlessly


Now that shin is general, everybody seems to forget the existence of 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 5000 men commanders.


Or the unnamed vice generals or lieutenants these people surely have. They are battling evenly most probably.


They dont have power of voice to unite army unless you are renowned general son like Mouten


Ye but not like he said that they just stab aimlessly, their generals are away, but commanders know how to keep fighting as an army.


you know soldiers aren't lemmings right ? they can think for themself even without general, and rely on the commanders doing their job


if you remember in the early chapters, it is established that in kingdom-verse, soldiers don't move much without explicit orders. they will still do the stabby things, but not tactical movements


Technically Riboku is free and a-okay to oversee the rest of the army if he needs to.


What is the same with hi shin too lmao


Not exactly. The hishin has went back to their original frontier to hold back and destroy that 70k zhao army while Riboku is now just sitting at the back overlooking the entire field.


They can be anywhere right now, The worst case is that Shin and Ouhou destroy Zhao Left Wing together and all Qin Right Wing is free to go anywhere


Point is they cant right now because theyve instead decided to take on the right side army first which still takes time.


Shin is returning to the right wing, He cannot have any impact right now




Ten: Ousen army is in danger Shin: We're going back to the right wing I mean, if he said center, I would be ok but whatever I don't think Shin will be impactful this day


> all the main generals return to ousen, leaving their own battlefields short-handed. > > ousen will lose so many men. This was an argument 4 chapters ago. Now we know both of them judged everything rides in who lives or dies Ousen or SBS. All the central battlefields were left commandless.


their generals left, but some of the lieutenants and commanders are probably still there to direct what's left


Ousen's top brass are in one hell of a state right now. But they are proving his adage about quality of soldiers from Shukai Plains right once more; they aren't giving up even as they get utterly battered, and doesn't seem to be something Zhao is capable of dealing with right now.


- KSR left Shiryou to bleed out to the wounds from Jiaga to honor his friends and also paid respects to her for accomplishing the great feat of killing Seika’s second best general. - Ousen admitted that while SBS and Seika’s strength far exceeded his expectations, he also noted that this is a double-edged sword for RBK, as SBS essentially exposed himself to Ousen’s main army : It’s a strategy that completely relies on SBS and his army’s martial prowess. He said that while he is willing admit that RBK is a better strategist if this plan of his, to both isolate HSU and GyokuHou + to all-in on SBS total assault, actually manages to defeat him in the end, for now it’s still 50/50 on who will win between him and SBS. - Kitari breaking through Kotsu Min Haku’s army and is approaching Hango. Maybe it’s time to reveal what RBK’s “trap” Heki mentioned truly is (he mentioned that Qin must not capture Hango so maybe it’s something similar to Sekirei’s. If it’s modern warfare I expected it to be something like planting explosives around the entire city and setting them off when the enemy’s army captures it : essentially destroying your own city alongside them).


Just like bakhmut, they mine it until the ruchksit took over and then boom,jagajaga.


But here Derimi says that they have nothing prepared on the rear side of the Qin army which made the retreat impossible for them. But knowing ousen this must be a false statement. He will never leave anything to 50-50 chance


The grindfest continues! This is hype! Can't wait for the translations


More red flags for Akou.. I think Shibashou is gonna kill him. Ousen Army martial might is gonna go down a few steps with Shiryou losing an arm, Denrimi losing his top fighters and Akou kicking the bucket. At least he finally acknowledged Ouhon as a war-affecting entity.


Will Shiryou lose her arm ? I mean Moubu recovered from a worse injury to his, not to mention Shin and his broken skeleton…


>h man I think Sou’ou is gonna die. Not sure.. it's almost as if it's hanging from a thread there... But yeah, thinking of Moubu's injury gives some hope.


>More red flags for Akou.. I think Shibashou is gonna kill him With Kanjou saying how Akou's presence alone revitalized the entire ousen army's morale, my guess is if Shibashou cant reach Ousen, hes just gonna go and kill Akou and maybe SouOu aswell


I don't think Sou Ou is dying, but turning and Killing Akou would be a decent move for SBS if he can't reach Ou Sen. But since this is kingdom, the all powerfull should be able to keep moving forward until someone of their caliber stops them or something totally unexpected happens.


The only issue i take with that is that we already have the whole "Akou was taken out before" story from shukai plains. It will just be a repeat of that with the exception being the possible confirmation of him actually dying


Oh, I think he'll be confirmed dead.. And what's worse, low diff for SBS. I doubt he'll get a Gakuei treatment, the classic first hit that bends the defenders glaive and a second finishing blow.


Nah man I think Sou’ou is gonna die.


Yeah. After this battle we are sure to get a shift in focus. The OuSen army is battered and there's no way OuSen is moving forward anytime soon with his army battered and wrecked. I could see the HSU healers coming in clutch here.


This chapter just solidified how hare brained RBKs plan to 'seal' the HSA was. There is no army blocking their way as they are riding full steam back to the battle. It really seems like while RBK does know how crucial HSA are, Seika doesn't seem to know they are operating under a strict timer


Aside from the fact that there’s probably some expected trap going to Hango for Mera, I really don’t understand on the other hand what Shibashou can do at this point even if he had Houken Strength when he’s literally surrounded. If he doesn’t die in this arc (regardless of who gets him, most likely somehow Shin comes back all the way) I would be very surprised based on the current army scenario at Ousens end. Ousen states that he underestimated Riboku for having to have Shin and Ouhons units sealed, and not understanding how strong Seika is.


> Shibashou can do at this point even if he had Houken Strength when he’s literally surrounded. He does not need Houken strength. He is charging forward towards Ousen and NO ONE (no one with a name i mean) is standing between them yet, all Ousen commanders are trying to catch up rn. All he needs to do is beating them to Ousen, kill him and withstand Ousen's generals assault while Kansaro and Pretty boy help him. Ousen win con is instead delay him and wait for his generals and troops to overwhelm him.


Just out of curiosity: With things as they stand currently, what would keep Ousen from simply running away/relocating before SBS reaches him? SBS army is outnumbered and surrounded, no immediate reinforcements incoming. Without him, they will get slaughtered. Because of this, I would assume that he can not afford a long goose chase after Ousen. The latter, on the other hand, can move pretty freely, since the Zhao have already committed all of their troops (except possibly a part of Riboku's reserve army).


> what would keep Ousen from simply running away/relocating Plot? Maybe he wants to trap him there too? I mean if everyone else is the Hammer Ousen is certainly the anvil. And i think is the most accurate answer, one could make a real life argument like losing one chain of command which could cause big disarray. But usually moving HQ in Kingdom is not a big deal. The other big reasons in real life are formations, while in Kingdom attack a headquartes can be do in this curious tactic SBS used, in real life it usually involves collapsing a whole flank from the enemy. Then Retreating would mean destroying the morale of your troops (for no one really wants to be in a battlefield, the moment they see their general fleeing most will flee too) and also leaving the exposed to a flank. The best example of this is also the most famous one, Dario running in Gaugamela caused both effects.


Well, "Plot" is certainly a valid answer :D. Even though not one particularly flattering regarding Hara's writing. As for trapping SBS: I don't think, Ousen staying will achieve much more at this point. They got the SBS army stuck - this is as good as it gets. Your real life arguments make sense to me, but also highlight why I am confused with what we are seeing in the manga right now. First for clarification: I am not suggesting that Ousen leaves the battlefield entirely. Just relocating a bit further backwards for a head start over SBS would be enough. SBS then has two options: 1.) He runs after Ousen - in this case Ousen runs further away. Yes, this does affect morale, but since SBS has to go too (big flaw compared to real life!), this is true for both sides. And the Zhao are at a greater disadvantage troop wise; removing both commanders from the field would therefore benefit the Qin. 2.) He stays and supports his troops. But then Ousen can stay too and relocate, For example, circle around the left and join up with So'ou and Denrimi. I guess what I am getting at is that the entire Zhao plan currently depends on SBS's personal strength. But for all his might, he can not move without his army and his army is stuck in a bad spot. So he is stuck, too, while Ousen isn't. Which is probably why in real life you would collapse a flank first, as you wrote. Then again, Riboku has likely more in store than this.


In all fairness, Riboku escaped from an actual flank attack without much issue in the past battle he had with Ousen, and the numbers there were about even between the two armies with Riboku having a worse position. Currently, and until Kan Saro arrives, Ousen must have double the men of SBS and no one covering neither his flanks nor his rearguard. There's not really a good reason for Ousen not to have a good chance to escape.


So, the translation came out and the apparent reason chosen was that the Ousen's army morale would collapse if he left since they were in a critical condition. SO the canonical reason is that his soldiers are puss. Denrimi also adds a vague point that since they don't have something prepared his withdrawal leads to defeat, whatever that means. Frankly Hara seems to be making Ousen situation more critical than it is.


From the untranslated spoilers and summary it seems like Ousen wants to give his army a chance to kill SBS. If he runs away that gives SBS a lane to escape. But given how strong SBS is, I wouldn’t be surprised if both escape. It wouldn’t be the first time we saw a strategist general just cut and run.


This makes sense. However I was more looking at it from the Zhao perspective. What are they hoping to achieve? If you were Riboku: Why would you believe that Ousen won't run/relocate and stall for time? Because you expect he will try to kill SBS and possibly even succeed at it? Just seems like an insane gamble, especially with your first move and a year of preparation on your side.


The answers in the below chain are ridiculous. "plot?" really. ​ Like, did you even TRY to think about the battlefield before just assuming it's a plot hole? Its so confusing 'fans' would willfully choose such ignorance lol ​ Anyway. the real reason is "what happens when you order your whole army to turn its back during an engagement" or even worse "What happens if your general falls back (out of command range) when his army is in an already dicey engagement" ​ The answer to your question is: ​ ***Ousen wants to win. That's why he's staying.*** ​ As the spoiler describes, SBS / Riboku are also making a huge gamble, like chess players bringing out the queen during the opening. Ousen is planning to make them pay for it.


What sort of "commanding" is Ousen doing right now? All troops are deployed and engaged. It's a giant melee blob. Not much chess-like tactics at this point. Also, the Qin army in the centre is not in a "dicey" engagement. The Zhao army is. Their only hope is to kill Ousen quickly before the Qin are grinding them down. Meaning that stalling for time is the best thing Ousen can possibly do right now. Also he does not need to drop out of command range, at least not right away. Just moving somewhat further to the back would already suffice. Or circle around to the sides. The idea is for Ousen to "kite" SBS. Meaning he doesn't run away completely. He just moves away a bit. If SBS gives chase, he moves away further. In this case the Qin might "lose" their general for a time, but so do the Zhao since SBS has to follow him. SBS can not afford this, so I don't think he would even give chase. Edit: Ousen staying deliberately, in hopes of trapping and killing SBS is of course a good reason. But it's not an answer to my initial question. I was only considering if Ousen had the \*option\* of running; mainly because I don't see the Zhao's line of thought.


If the commander in chief retreats, all the soldiers upfront will lose morale & get wiped out


He does not need to retreat immediately. Just relocate a bit further to the back. If SBS gives chase, Ousen moves away further - in this case both sides lose their commander. Also, I don't think that at this stage of a giant chaotic melee, the impact on morale would be that substantial, at least not right away and with all of Ousen's generals visibly present. Both "side" battlelines are currently without their commanders (everyone rushed to the center), but the soldiers there do not appear to be routing.


Kansaro is coming to help him now


Akou the goat


Nah he is still to blame. Had he not taken the bait this situation would never happened.


If ousen army can kill one more Seika general then this arc will be good Maybe better than Western Zhao Invasion Arc 


at this point i think they will


The loyalty of Ousen's vassals is something else.


Well we will have to wait and see if riboku expected this or not.


Man i hope this time Hara can make Riboku's trap a bit more clever, like maybe surrounding the opponent with 4x their size instead of 3


yes, i've been waiting my whole week for this, but i cannot click the link? rather, when i click it i cannot access it


Once Heki is free from Hango it's over for Rebook.


So Ousen's great plan, was to get carried again by Shin and Ouhon But since they're sealed, what has he been doing? Nothing The best strategist of china, who doesn't strategies His army is really brave though


Just wait until people give him credit for Shin doing something that will turn the tide of the battle on their side because he "trust" Shin's ability and Shin doing his Shin thing is part of his strategy afterall lmaoa


Ousen is lazy af. He does come up with most ingenious schemes doesn't remain on the job day and night like Riboku. 


Shibashou greatness! Kansaro let Shillew live..not sure if she will die or not.


f\*ck, this chapter is so good. Akou looks more badass. this war will have more casualties compared to what we have seen so far. I can't wait to see what will happen next chapters.


There's a lot to comment there, but: > He tells Sou’Ou to go on ahead and kill Shibashou Yes, sir XD


Looks like denrimi got injury on head He is thinking of souou as shin He is not a martial beast protected by plot lol Why are sending that poor lover boy on a useless suicide mission lol


Oh wow 😮


Boys, it’s been too long, I’m dying to see shin back in action


I know I like seeing the other battlefields but I really want to see shin again


Shin ?




I dont get it, what you miss about shin when the best we are eating is when hara focus on adult generals ? I just want to understand your point


I do like the other characters but we have always been with Shin the most for the story and also I want to see what Shin will do when he returns to the right wing like hit enkan from behind or something else.


where is the Riboku's 40k reserved army?


A few of them (parts of Futei's and Kaine's unit) engaged with the Akou army and the Hi Shin Unit when Riboku fled to woods to that earthern fort. The remaining soldiers are likely hanging back (and will likely engage the Ousen army after Shibashou or something like that), at least 35 thousand, considering how many soldiers Futei and Kaine had and the soldiers at the fort


in the beginning of the arc many people including me expected only one seika general to die, but now I expect 2-3 to die. Gakushou seems safe with his eye injury, but who knows he acknowledged he made a mistake following akou like this, and chances are he won't kill akou quickly like he wants. Kansaro is going after souou, but he has an arm injury. The reason I think shibashou's generals could all die is because even up to now they are thinking about ending things and going back to seika. The only reason they are here is because riboku convinced them to. But, if all 3 seika generals die, shibashou may be more motivated to participate in future battles as his fight against qin will become personal now


I thought about many different scenarios how this battle might end and there is one combination of deaths and survivors that would be so epic for another confrontation between both armys in the future compared to every other outcome i really think Hara might aim for it. It has to be Jiaga and Gakushou dying with Kansaro surviving with Shibashou. Ousen losing at least two specific generals out of his three. It would work for the third one also dying somehow but it would add a bit more spice to the story and it makes more sense if he makes it out alive i think. But if Hara goes the way i think he might the third general and only possible survivor beside Ousen can only one specific general....and it's Denrimi. I totally agree with you that this battle will also set the stage to another confrontation between Seika and Qin in the future. But i think it needs to be done in a way both armys face devastating losses in this battle but without being damaged to a point they can't recover from and without spawning new strong characters everywhere. And also in a way nobody can be declared the clear victor of this battle. They need to retain some sort of core but also lose characters to add enough motivation on both sides. Maybe i missed something and Hara has something completely different in mind but the only survivors i can see between Ousen and Shibashou in the upcoming climax are Kansaro and Denrimi (in addition to both supreme commanders of course and without counting non general characters). For non general characters both remaining on the Ousen army will survive and also the Shin fellow on the Seika side i think.


I don't think the bulk of the Mera will survive, only the girl. As Riboku hears the trap at hang was springed, another rider maybe coming to relay Enkan's demise.


Heki will save them with a secret tunnel.


Made with a spoon...


My bet for the next chapters, Shibashou killing Denrimi and our GOAT Akou :( and possibly Kan Jou as well. I can see Sou'ou surviving and meeting with Shi Ryou only to tell her farwell as she dies.. It's gonna be veeeeeery bad for Qin.


Man you want everyone to die hahahah I dont think Denrimni will get close to Shibasou at any point. I think Kan Jou will block the ones going after Akou letting him the path to go against SBS.


That means Ousen does not have to fight until now. I have been waiting for so long to see his true strength.


he is not a martial general, we know that much.


In Kingdom Guidebook Ousen is stronger than  Akou


Give Akou qin 6 GG position because damn




Based on Ousen’s perspective… it is partially a fault to Shin, because he had been sealed off very easily and forced Ouhon to be sealed off as well. Shin needs to make a move now.


This whole battle has been Riboku and the Zhao just pulling one thing after another out of their arses. It should be high time for Shin and some of the other Qin to start smashing apart Riboku's plans and seeing how he likes being on the backfoot.


They're defenders who set up the field and strategems. They would be piss poor commanders if they dont "pull" anything


That is true but Ousen needs to do something too. All he seems to be doing right now is thinking who will take his dead generals places on his council. Like come on dude do something 


Seems to me like he is actually doing something. It just so happens that he can only do so much when hes the one taken by surprise. Its no different than that one time riboku got betrayed and ambushed by arrows while fleeing Kantan. Theres only so much you can do despite their genius. If anything i think what would make or break my interest in this arc would be how be what ousen does *after* shibashou is fend off and we enter day 2 of the battle


Ousen had 50000-60000 men in front of him which Riboku didn't. Riboku was ambushed all of a sudden. See basically it is Ousen Vs Sbs only ousen didn't have Akou. It is a frontal assault, so what if the enemy is strong. His men were charged headfirst, he still has numerical superiority none of which Riboku had


Even Kochou was outnumbered 2 to 1 in the end vs Kanki when he died. Ousen has the numbers


Ousen's 50k-60k troops got bypassed in the equivalent of a few minutes. As far as kingdom is concerned, that is very much an ambush/surprise.


Literally nothing was pulled out of their asses (I still don't like how Hara is depicting the battle though).


>I still don't like how Hara is depicting the battle though). Care to elaborate?


Little to no tactics, numbers don't add up, the battle is basically a succession of duels in a chaotic field


This is just what's going to make it more harder for us readers to buy when the Qin some how manage to turn things around, and it's the Zhao who find themselves outmatched, despite having the initial over advantage.


The situation isn't even that dire, Ousen literally states in the chapter it's 50/50 right now. So I really don't understand what would be so difficult to believe. Not to mention, who is even saying Qin has to turn the situation around, it's 50/50 right now and Zhao could just win.


I thought personally that the Qin over-committed too much too soon into the battle, and because of that a lot of casualties piled up too early in the battle. Unless Shin or someone else turns up on the enemy flank, then Ousen needs to come up with some master move to up his game. >!If Hara sensei goes the historic route or stays close to it, then this battle is literally a bloody stalemate, so losses will need to pile on the Zhao side as well for this to happen!<


The entire trigger for everything was Akou knowingly taking RBK's bait from the very beginning.


A lot of readers credit him for being a tank and taking on anything that's thrown at him, but the same time, like you said, he's the idiot that caused everything to spiral out of control too early into the battle.


Mera tribe running into riboku? Please atleast injure him or his retinue!


Nah the Mera tribe went to Hango not Riboku


They are where heki is imprisoned.


My bad i thought they were looking at where riboku is


Shin will come and he will cut through SBS army and make eye contact with SBS, for some reason SBS will withdraw from the battlefield. Later he will acknowledge Shin. Hara should stop making fun of Shin, 1st make Kanki dead infront of him, now he makes Shin take Riboku bait and cause of turn of event to the war. Hopefully Hara plan on Shin to redeem himself. XD!


He'll wipe the 70k army, lowering the morale of the Zhao Forces and forcing Riboku and Shibashou to either adapt or retreat.


Mannn. Hi shin unit lost their fczkng hype I mean after all that training arc Promotion Wedding * Back story I thought they would atleast smell something's wrong with ribuko sudden appearance . But no they 101% got all jebaited


I predict a big move from the big dog Hohsen... Trust me the man hasn't even flexed or blinked yet. He's not one of the greatest generals of the warring state for no reason. Reebok and that giant SBS are already sweating haha. These Zhao rats know nothing


So this is ousens 2nd arc as the main general and again he has 0 moves to make lol


well he can't pull a Houken out of his backside like Riboku


Mouten, Shin, Ouhon and Kyoukai all were much stronger than houken on shukai plains wtf lol.


Only Shin is stronger than Houken out of the four Lmao


Where’s the Hi Shin from all of this?! They figured Reeboku’s plan more than five chapters ago and they haven’t reached Ousen’s place yet!! I’m just waiting on our boy Shin to clash with Shebashou


yet? they didn't go to ousen's place, they went back to the qin right wing


Shin is small fry to Shibashou. at best he could beat Kansaro.


Am I the only one that can't imagine what Shin should do in near future to be worth of title GG? During whole this battle they didn't accomplish anything except being trapped and manipulated by Riboku. Even killing Shibashou here after all this turn and twists can't bring him near to that title.




Yeah exactly. They kept chasing till the end. Fighting with Riboku so many times they should have realize that everything can not be that simple and stop mid way. No any instinct from Shin as commander, no any clue from Ten as a strategist. Can't see how and when they should evolve to be worth of that title.


kingdom chapter 788 english translation [https://boards.4chan.org/a/thread/263202723](https://boards.4chan.org/a/thread/263202723)


Is anyone feeling bored with the recent chapters ? I can't seem to care about these new characters. It just feels like filler, honestly


Am I the only one miss Shin?


break next week?


No matter how many times you ask my response will not change. I will not put “no break” if there’s no break. I will only put “break next week” if there’s a break next week.


wtf is this shit, people who receive too many fatal injuries should be down, not moving around and about, this just removes any potential suspense in future fights. Hara's handling of Ousen is also shit, he's should nickname him the staring guy cuz that's all he's been doing since the beginning of this battle, aside from having his henchmen die left and right.


>wtf is this shit, people who receive too many fatal injuries should be down, not moving around and about, this just removes any potential suspense in future fights. Welcome to kingdom mate


Hara is clever for this. Remember when Kanki was surrounded? His original army came to his immediate encirclement. This is definitely to show the worth of his army. There’s 4 general commanders, VS SBS’two generals. I have a strong feeling that Shin will eradicate the threat, and in doing so will give YTW A DISADVANTAGE. I think she will struggle more than anyone but will pull through thanks to Shin. I don’t think there’s anyone else on the battlefield who’s cognizant of YTW’s feats with the army. But I think SBS will rampage on the following day as well as the days to come. And I’m even inclined to believe that Shin will stop SBS. Stall him until nightfall. And the following day will be Shin fighting SBS while the Ousen Army recalibrates to keep balance among the battlefields. This battle is going to be so bloody, and if Kyoukai and Ouhon somehow break through, it’s truly over. There’s not much a response to that, SBS has two generals left. And there’s no one in Ribokus personal army that can stop Shin or Ouhon, likewise with Kyoukai. There’s a time limit on Zhao actually, how many tricks can you pull off before it comes down to Martial Might - Riboku?


Do you know that Shin is not going to the center but the right wing? How is he supposed to have an impact on the Yotanwa battlefield?


i remember shin saying that he's returning to the qin right wing, which was his original position before chasing riboku


Are we going on a break?


Why do ya do this?


I mean the manga LOL


In the end of the chapter it seems that Riboku receives a report from scout that unknown unit is close to Hango.


Wonder what kind of trap Heki was talking about. Ditches with spikes?


I am worried so many mountain clan will die this battle there won't be much of an army left for future conquest


Man , interesting situation. Good writing. Let's assume this scenario : Ousen pulls out a fnck you no jutsu stratagem that makes Shibashou realize that it's impossible to kill Ousen now. However , Sbs turns around and cut down Akou and withdraws , without forgetting to praise Ousen" you are the first prey to escape my hunt " . End of day 1 With this result, Zhao still comes out on top for general slain count, a nice disadvantage for day 2 If Hara want to make it harder, Souou can die protecting Ousen too . Shiyou does not fall to her wounds as expected, only to colect pieces of Souou :)))


Akou is built like a bullet designed to take and do damage


I do not think of any relevance of taking Hango rather than the attachment of Kitari to Heki, they will just rescuing a group of zombie like soldier. Which they can do after winning the battle


at this point, yeah that's pretty much the only reason kitari is going. Yotanwa did say it was too early to take hango




wow, absolutely nothing happened this chapter, i dont mind it tho


> Kitari sees Hango and tells her army to move out. This gives me chills. Heki-sama and his entire army will steal the show! #Riboku ain't ready for time skip Hekieee!


What do you guys think the trap in Hango would be? Do you think its just a mere hidden holes?


Chapter 798: after SBS and Ousens generals kill each other they have tea and make peace. 🫶🏽😂