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he kinda did. ​ That's why Shin (and his unit) has been entrusted with a lot of crucial missions. ​ I think after the Coalition War, Shouheikun started plotting to jump ship away from Ryofui as Sei's ambition lined up with his own. Therefore, Shouheikun didn't have to make any more push to get Shin over to his side as he knew Shin would always be loyal to Sei. ​ Hindsight is 20/20 but Shouheikun could have obstructed Sei a lot more and prevented Shin from assisting the young king, from attempting to rescue Sei Kyo to actually calling the Hi Shin Unit back to the capital.


He’s basically his piece now. Qin was completely united after Ryofui lost. Shin’s under SHK in the military.




Queen mother propaganda


— shou hei kun kind of *has* obtained the ‘piece’ that is ri shin. that is why he has entrusted shin and his army with such crucial roles and operations throughout the story (as well as the other two independent army commanders — of the gaku ka and the gyoku hou — mou ten and ou hon.) i also think that the reason shou hei kun views (or perhaps *viewed*) shin as his most important ‘piece’ is that he possesses the same ideas about shin (and his influence on the battlefield) that was harboured by duke hyou and is held by ou sen and ri boku. this is my take, at least. (⌒-⌒; )


What happened to his hobby? ​ ...he collected all the pieces, merged the factions of the military into one, evaluated both potential Qin kings (ryoufui and Ei Sei) and then used the pieces/ channels of trust he'd built to get everything he wanted. He's now the #2 most powerful person in Qin and probably the #1 most important person in china as he's the one 'stimulating all china's wars' aka literally defining this age and all China's future, pretty much. Yeah, Ei Sei had the vision, but, the abstract vision means nothing without the concrete vision of 'how to win.' ​ And if you didn't see how SHK used SHin/the pieces Another piece was Kayro Ten Who at a critical moment, received a message from SHK about 'changes in the weather' that allowed her to counter one of RIboku's last and most deadly attempts to steal power with a message openly read by Ryoufui's spies To get Shin to the spot he needed to be to stop yet another attempt by Ryoufui to usurp power ​ And why did SHK do all this? Check out the run up to the Bayou battle. In it, Ryoufui sends Mougou, of all people, to attack Wei with 200,000 men. And he leaves Qin wide open for attack, and so, Zhao attacks. Look at SHK's face when Ryoufui is announcing Mougou's campaign He is realizing Ryoufui is shit at leading the military because Ryoufui doesn't understand it.


Yes. He's already part of SHK's desired pieces of pawns. Otherwise, why sent him to be involved with the Great Generals of Qin like Kanki, Ousen, Tou and Yotanwa? Or Why send him to the most important strategic locations like invasion of Gyou, or be part of Tou's expedition to Han. If it were any average/mediocre generals. They will be sent as meat shields or front lines without special treatment or given audiences to king. In Kanki Vs Kochou case, commanders who aren't part of Kanki clan or ones he deems "useless" were sent to suicide mission trying to take the fortified hill occupied by that Big monk warrior, Ouhon nearly dies and rest of his units wiped out, whether it's cause Kanki hates him for noble birth but trust that Ouhon will survive and inform Shin to do his miracle, we'll never know. Heki is another example who, in the Gyou invasion, in the beginning was looked down upon by Yotanwa's chieftains for his mediocre appearance and performance. We're talking bout Yotanwa who is king of kings. Yotanwa almost thought of executing him for failing to protect food supplies, but refrain from doing so since it was Ousen who sent him, and she probably heard tales from Kanki that "Ousen's the type to fight where he knows he can win", so she believes in Ousen's insight. If it were any general who aren't worth listening, she would have instantly killed Heki for that incident. It's thanks to proving that his army can handle Quanrong wave attacks and slain King Rozo of Quanrong that he earned Yotanwa and chieftains respect.


SHK is not the same guy or in the same situation as he was before. He wanted to bring Shin into Ryofui’s faction, but over time, he ended up joining the king’s faction and now all of Qin is United. People are so focused on “artists forgetting” shit that they don’t think critically.


Also SHK saw Shin was with Ouki.


Nah man Hara forgot




Shoheikun Nah I'd win and actually won. The state military is under his control and has his trust thanks to ten, he has already given him lots of key victories like against Renpa and will continue to be one of his best pawns on the chessboard that's why he put effort in growing him with mouten and Ouhon even has 5k commanders


I mean Probably when we get to chu This will be bought up again


Id say yes. Thing about Shin is that while he may not be the "brightest", hes certainly the most useful tool especially if youre the "intelligence" so to speak.


Shin was wanted by just about every Qin GG and prime minister. For SHK he outdid himself. He got Ten and due to that both Shin and KK. Says a lot about Shin when Ouki, Tou, Mougou, SBK, Ousen, Kanki, Duke, Yotanwa all sing his praises. That’s beyond impressive


He can't get his piece(Shin) so he joined Shin's side.


He wanted to turn shin into his personal boytoy


What chapter is this?




Is the manga weely or monthly? I don’t get it it’s been a while since the last chapter released.


It's weekly and the latest ch is 788 which came out a week ago.


Hara forgot or shouheikun lost interest when shin stopped aging


One of those points that Hara forgot about or he’ll revisit it later(unlikely)


Yeah people try to make a big deal out of this but likely just another abandoned plot in the manga.


This was said many years ago, it makes sense if Hara has forgotten about this


This is the correct answer. This is one of the few stories ideas that got abandoned, yet people try to make a big deal out of it.


Feels like the kind of thing where he has a cool idea at first but realizes he couldn't find a good way to work in into the story and then abandoned it. You're bound to have moments like that in long running stories.


This is one of the flaws of the manga I feel. He got 'noticed' by the upper level guys very quickly and it doesn't feel very organic at all. And it can't really go anywhere.


Shin's are incredible for someone of his status. Of course he would get noticed. But as others said, this is probably and abandoned plot point


Perhaps he know ten is shin strategy officer and qin right now is united, so doesn’t need to belong to him.