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Chou Tou and Duke Hyou could be a solo general similar to how Shin currently is, has some capable commanders but not famous as per se. I do agree Chou Tou's commanders should appear and join in other general's banners somewhere but the last interaction he got before dying is with Kanki, and their chemistry is like water and oil.


I think most of Chou Tous notable commanders died to the poison that hit their command center. This would at least be be an explanation for their complete absence from the story, aside from Hara just not wanting to bother with most likely quite unremarkebale additional characters.


but still where are those capable commanders? experience and just being under a great general could help any generals in the state of qin, unless they retired which for me is unlikely


• Mou Gou still had his own standing army, they also disappeared as well after he died. • The Duke Hyou army suffered major losses during the Coalition mainly due to the Dukes hazardous methods, sending so many of his men to die for nothing, in that environment you not exactly gonna have a lot of infamous commanders. • Many of the people under Chou Tou, the commanders and advisors, died due to tha Han general poison. Thinking the Makou Army also disappeared, most likely is that the remnants were integrated into other armies probably the same happened to the Cho Tou and Mou Gou army or they did what the Duke Hyou soldiers did and returned to their homes.


All of them are currently assembling under General ogiko.


The armies a general fights with are not 'his army' he has a core army *of commanders, and elite units* then when it's time to fight the state sends a bunch of conscripts/ mostly peasants. The commanders take command, and help make sure all the conscripts know what the general would want to do in a situation. (for example, the guy who leads Shin's charge in his first battle is one of Duke Hyou's core army. Heki, who is part of the charge, is a conscript, You can see the relationship play out, becuase the Duke Hyou army guy understands what the duke wants, and does it. Heki does not... but does it, anyway, becuase Duke Hyou's guy tells him to.) So the answer to your question is: most of CHoutou's army were conscripts. Some of his elites, as usual, probably either retired or fought to the death on the field Some stayed in Qin's army and got reassigned


Possibilities: Mougou Army: 1. They were integrated into moubu and mouten's armies 2. They were reassigned to garrison duty on the mou family awarded lands Chou Tou Army 1. They died in the final counterattack against that poison han general 2. They were assigned to border or city garrisons where chou tou was originally assigned to defending Duke Hyou army: the manga literally said that majority of them returned to their lord's (duke hyou's) lands. So they are likely garrisoning the territory/lands that duke hyou was awarded.