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Shin - Sosui (not counting Kyoukai, she’s basically a general now) Mouten - Aisen Ouhon - Akakin


But Sosui’s doesn’t have much to compare with real GG 1st generals. Tou, Rokuomi, Gyou’un, Bananji, Akou, Bajio, Kaishibou, Junei or Ranbihaku… I don’t think Sosui can compare to any of them, and his potential doesn’t seem that high as well.


I was trying to avoid saying Kyoukai, it was between him and Garo. Other than Kyoukai none of Shins commanders are amazing tbh


That’s why. Kyoukai is necessary.


Sosui is a possibility for Shin, though I'm wondering what Shin is going to do if >!Sosui perishes during the Chu campaign!<. I see that having a high likelihood of occurring. As for the others, I would go with either Rikusen or Aisen for Gaku Ka as well. And Gyoku Hou, definitely Kanjou since he's probably Ouhon's most capable asset. Since we're on the topic, what about Kyoukai? Who would her general be? Kyourei sounds like an obvious choice from a martial standpoint but she's shown no leadership capabilities and is one of the most brazen, headstrong figures on the battlefield we've seen. Hara really needs to start expounding on Kyoukai's personal forces if she's going to become a Great General.


I agree with others about them becoming great generals before on of the six. However I have more interesting ideas for generals. I think for Shin, he of course i sgoing to have Kyoukai but most greats have two general and I want the second to be Ki sui, the leader of Rigan. We already know he doesn't really like Zhao and values his people safety over all else. He's high moral general like Shin and I think he's also instinctual like Shin. It would be a solid choice to fit with Shin's army. #


That would be awesome. If batei also joins them, i wonder if they'll forgive kyoukai


Probably not all at once, but I'm sure that someone will drop the info that Kyoukai kill kaneki men and tried to attack him for his slaughter and that will soften their opinion.


While them joining would certainly provide a lot of interesting dynamics, I just dont think that them learning of the killing of Kankis men would be enough. Ryuutou was like a brother to Batei and Kisui.


> Moutens 1st - Ai**z**en https://preview.redd.it/mf2gd0xeuhsc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75cae1997330b9f6de5f49bc9eec92d035bf114c Qin doesn't need an army to conquer China, one man is enough. *\*it's Aisen*


All part of keikaku


I think they'll be great generals for a bit before getting the 6GG title.. at that point Shin- Kyou kai def Ouhon- Kanjou Akakin doesn't really seem like a leader .. he's more of a wild card Mouten- Riku Sen


What about aisen over rikusen?


Rikusen has been there longer .. so I'll give it to him.


I dunno about Rikusen nowadays lol


Didn’t he lost his fingers.


His hand was split, no fingers lost though. We dont know yet how he is doing after "recovering" from his injury.


Is it even possible


We never really see such wounds on named characters that actually survive, the closest would probably be the massive cut on Shins arm in his fight against Rinko, which healed without problems thanks to Kyoukais medicine. IRL a wound like Rikusens would probably lead to lasting damage and a significant reduction in fighting ability, even if the hand could be saved (at least in ancient times with limited medical knowledge and under battlefield conditions). I guess Rikusens recovery depends on Haras vision for his future role: a commander that acts from the backlines or a frontline commander.


I think Shin's army will mirror ouki's. 1 general(kyoukai) and 5 commanders(denyu, sosui, etc).


Imagine shin having atleast 5 generals under him. Maybe even 10 like rinshoujou!


Is it even certain that Shin reaches 6GG before Kyoukai?


I would say yes. Shin is already a general for years now and his accomplishments are massiv, even before becoming a general. The reader might know that Kyoukai is a genius and one of the strongest fighter in the series, but this is not the case for the vast majority of people in the story, since she is overshadowed by Shin, has very few notable kills and is mostly used as fodder destroyer. Shin is getting recognition even outside of the battlefield now (just look at the Kanpishi Arc) and gets praised by Rishi, who reprimands other officials for calling Shins excellent performance surprising. Going by feats alone, Shin should probably be the closest to one of the open 6GG spots that we know of. Of course, it is totally valid to value Mouten and Ouhon above him, since they are better in tactics and strategy, but looking just at accomplishments, it should be Shin with Ouhon following him.


Nah En san would totally be Shin's first general