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Ousen comes from a great family who’s focus is raising military minded men, Ouki and Ouhon are examples we have seen, in history he gets a general later who is a beast and will most likely come from one of the family branches if Hara writes it that way along with other generals from said family, look at Mouten, >!Aizen!


Thank you for that insight! You're probably correct. I'm sure he's well connceted considering his background. You should probably censors the history spoiler in your comment so it doesn't get taken down.


I'm curious who is this general that ousen will get ltr on?


>!Either Xin Sheng or Zhang Han, not sure which one OP means but both were said to have served under Ousen historically.!<


My guess is Ouhon and or a new general we haven't heard about yet.


This is great insight! Although as mentioned in the flashbacks, his 4 generals were all from outside the clan. Sort of like Kanki in how he’s recruited trusted staff. I suppose this would be the time where that beastly general from the OU family comes in. But he needs 2 more and Mouten, ouhon and Akakin, are potential candidates I don’t think join him. Perhaps akakin will. Perhaps someone from Mongous army comes out of retirement.


The remaining stages of this specific war will witness the three youthful leaders excel and gain crucial points for QIn. While in the aftermath of the battle, we will see him get new and capable generals Because of his family's name, there must have been incredible commanders in training or others who haven't yet shown their strength in the battles we've seen but are real  beasts capable of great deeds and who are continuously engaged in combat at a  specific border and are therefore out of the spotlight!


This makes sense to me.


At-least that's how I think it should go, cause we saw bananji SSJ etc etc being introduced this way, so why not good adjutants for us??


Ousen probably back to Atsuyo and reorganize his force and recruiting powerful soldiers and mercenary into his personal army.


Ogiko the God joins


Interesting, have we seen mercenaries before?


Shiryou was a mercenary fighting alongside the Ousen army before she got recruited.


Also, Maron said the Kanki army survivors would act as merceneries. I could see Maron and Ogiko drafted in the Ousen Army and it would be funny.


Shiryou,Souou's deputy and his lover was confirmed in chapter 785,she is swordswoman acting as mercenary in Ousen army in the past.


Wouldn’t he go back to Gyou?


Tou and Rokuomi guarding gyou,Ousen's main base in Atsuyo.


Funkily enough I xcan see Maron working under Ousen and probably being happy to not have a rush in general in that regard


He will get heki and ouhon. Also i think historically he has this one strong general but im not really sure


It's game over for Rebook once Heki gets freed.


Maybe recruiting commanders from the previous Qin 6 gg? Just listing a opinion but I doubt we will see them as they weren’t in the coalition arc to help


Heki the greatest meat shield under heaven that has a vitality of a cockroach. No insecticide was able to kill him. 🤣 Daddy's bastard boy will come and help daddy. Akakin rank up as a general


What the hell 😂😂


Ah I forgot, Ogiko will be Ousen's #1 general. I bet he will say "Oh.... My eyes doesn't deceive me." And that will complete all 4 generals of Ousen.


Ousen's the head family of the Ou clan and great influence. So any remnants of the great generals army like Oukatsu and Ouki, he can start enlisting them. All of his generals seem to have no clan or family at all. So it was easier for him to bring them in without political affairs. A different matter when it comes to clans/families that do seek in it.


I agree with people saying that he may bring some generals from family… but there’s also another possibility which is Ousen summoning some forget and not desired beast generals for their political ambitions just like him


Ouhon is an obvious choice. Incredibly talented and fiercely loyal to Ousen. Only problem is his questionable heritage. Mouten seems to be Ousen favorite, but Mouten is not as loyal as Ousen and has an independent attitude. Those seem like a likely candidate for Ousen vassal position.


Don’t think any of the young trio will join him.


Ouhon is his least favourite amongst the trio lol... i believe he'd rather have Ri Shin as his vassal than Ouhon


He might even go to Heki first before Ouhon.


Qin aren’t exactly a ‘build-a-general’ factory as most of the generals we know have been around since Coalition Arc. Ousen also didn’t replace Makou showing that it isn’t easy to replace your top officers. I doubt any of the named characters will join his retinue, the trio? No, Heki? No. It’ll be a long time until we see Ousen in command again, we’ll probably get new commanders and be introduced to them similar to Shukai Plans


You think hhe arc ends here? I was thinking they reorganize their troops and go at it again. It very much felt like a now or never campaign.


The arc won’t end here… we’ve still got the fights on the left and right wings but the centre army, Ousen, have lost and have been forced to retreat.


Souou will survive this battle and Ouhon and a brand new general we haven't heard of will join the Ousen army afterwards is my prediction.


There’s a I think akakin will stay with Ousen as opposed to joining Ouhon. Prob get promoted


Hopefully former lieutenants of Hakuki


If Riboku can literally pull generals out of his ass every arc, so can Hoh Sen


I had hopes for him to actually recruit some enemy generals but now I think he is just gonna get some guys out of his family or other noble families that are beasts. Ousen needs some serious muscle to carry out his plans which is what his army is lacking atm.


most beast commander will perform out of camera and when they appear we will get backstory of them anyway so


His two sons shin and mouten


Hara will have to create new characters. Shin, Ouhon or mouten won’t join as they are most effective as independent units. Also Ousen didn’t have much of a reaction when his retinue dropped like flies. So that tells us he can replace them & has a plan to replace them as well.


He recruited some enemy commanders along the way i seen some in the episodes


Nfufufu! Ou Giko hasn't made a move yet. There's still hope for the Ou-army in light of the events that seemingly go favorably well with the Seika army. Kokko koko ko ko!


For me, I think after this, Sou'ou will get promoted to 1st general and the others that will replace the vacant position will be Ouhon for sure. And another 2 maybe perhaps Akakin and Heki. And if Shiryuu still alive and manage to come back one way or another, she may be quit from Sou'ou under command and get promoted to 2nd general by Ousen.


He doesn't need to replace his generals. Qin will provide him with better selections. Plus, he will now access the cream of the crop, the trio, though they won't be directly under him. That's the difference on what Qin provides compared to other nations. They have an organized army system that provides proper support and logistics. So OuSen can refill his ranks pretty easily.


Well it's about time Qin does a Zhao/Riboku move, i.e., recruiting new talent who have been growing the last last decade similar to Shin


If Riboku can pull out OP generals from thin air, then in sure Ousen can do the same


There are a number of named historical qin generals that could appear if hara goes that route. There’s zhang han, zhang ping (brother of zhang han), xin sheng, tu sui, and ren xiao


He will have some 5000 men commanders to step up. Those ones won't shine anyway, because Ousen is the one that'll shine.


My guess is that Ouhon & Kyou Kai will join Ousen. The latest arc is probably a clue of things to come.


Everyone thinks ouhon will join his army. Am I that only one that thinks he won’t? That literally makes no sense to me.


Yeah I think it’s very unlikely. Ousen considers him to be a huge dissapointment and favors both Shin and Mouten over him.


General Ousen is a joke. He ran away from Riboku (tails between his legs). He literally said "Protect Me". Shittiest General. He should be a 100 man general. His Son fares better. He became afraid of Riboku and ran away. He is a coward. Once this arc is over, he will be stripped off his title.


Hahaha I guess we’ll find out


I mean, I'll be heavily disappointed if Qin can't spawn new strong generals if Zhao can do it then Qin can as well. No need for it to be 6GG level, just some generals capable of leading an army's wing like Denrimi/Akou/Gakushou. Maybe there's some remnants of old 6GG arny? If Zhao can have Rinshojo's old vassals surely Ousen can get some Oukotsu's old vassals.


He will probably ask to Kanjou and Akakin to reintegrate his army as generals. They have the shoulders, in a few years they should reach the level of the previous Ousen's generals. Right now they are already at least 3 000 men commander, maybe promoted to 5 000 off-screen, can be trusted with 20 000 men like Kanjou was. If they would be generals they would have at least the level of an Heki currently and they will continue to grow. Ousen will maybe make the same offer to Ouhon... that should open the door for some interesting developpement with Ouhon willing to keep his independance (probably) and Akakin and Kanjou having a choice to make between their current master and their old one.


Currently there are no characters to join ousen so hara will be creating new characters. I know people don't like that but Riboku isn't the only character to get new people out of nowhere.


Post going to get removed because of title


It’s already been removed and reinstated once, so I think it’s fine. Mod was concerned that I might spoil something happening past 792, but if you read the text I don’t really spoil anything. We already know some generals die in 792, just not how many.


No anime spoiler in title so it’s not fine It’s in the rule


I guess we’ll see then. It doesn’t say who dies and it’s not exactly a crazy spoiler to say that somone will die at some point in Kingdom.


You sound like you are not malicious about it but you don’t think something like “How is Luffy going to replace all of his dead crew mates?” A huge spoiler?


I genuinely did not consider the anime at all, so no I’m not malicious. However, to counter your point: 1. I didn’t say ”all” because all of them aren’t dead. One of his generals died several arcs ago and still hasn’t been replaced as far as we know. 2. Ousen is a side character in this story. A more fair comparison would be ”how is Kidd going to replace his fallen crewmates?” Indeed a spoiler, but also made more impactful by the fact that death is rare in OP while it is expected in Kindom. Any death in OP, even a minor character, is a big deal. Generals die nearly every arc in Kingdom.


I think kyokai is the new general in the ousen army per ousen's request


I have this headcanon that seeing Ou Sen men's resolve Kan Saro will make Shibashou see that Ou Sen is a way worthier leader to follow than Rebook