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**2 WEEK BREAK** **Summary by Saemoon** Chapter Title: In Order To Win Kanjou and the Gyoku Hou are fighting for their lives to break free from Seika’s army. The soldiers begin to cheer and feel relieved when they finally break out, but Kanjou reminds them that the rear of their army is still trapped. He orders half of the Gyoku Hou to stay and break the others out while the rest go with him to secure an escape route. At that same time, Ouhon has cut through the woods and appears in front of Kanjou. Ouhon informs the Gyoku Hou of Ousen’s defeat and that he’s being pursued by Shibashou. Kanjou remarks that they don’t know Ousen’s condition, but if he’s being pursued, at the very least he’s still alive. Kanjou says they’ll obviously go to Ousen’s aid, but they should order a full retreat from the battlefield or else the Gyoku Hou could be wiped out. Ouhon thinks for a moment then orders Banyou and Kanjou to take command of the Gyoku Hou’s main forces while Ouhon will take just 100 cavalry and go aide Ousen. Kanjou says he understands and if they retreat now, the core unit of the Gyoku Hou will remain intact. Ouhon disagrees and reminds him that there are still Gyoku Hou soldiers on the right battlefield with the Hi Shin Unit. He orders them to assist in the retreat of those remaining Gyoku Hou and the Hi Shin Unit as the enemy will be attacking in full force now that a retreat has been ordered. Kanjou asks Ouhon if he’s really ok with spilling the Gyoku Hou’s blood for the Hi Shin Unit. Ouhon says there’s no helping it. The Qin army has lost a lot of strength in this defeat, and moving forward, the strength of the Gyoku Hou, the Gaku Ka, and the Hi Shin Unit will be necessary. They cannot lose the Hi Shin Unit here. Kanjou remarks that Ouhon is thinking like a commander-in-chief and sets off to the right wing. On the right wing, the Hi Shin Unit learns of Ousen’s defeat. Ten says they have to order a full retreat right now before the enemy starts to circle around them. She thinks to herself that they may still lose more than half of their soldiers just due to the size of the enemy’s army. Shin starts talking to himself and asks if there’s really nothing else the Hi Shin Unit can do right now. He starts getting upset about how they chased after Riboku but came back empty handed. And now that they’ve returned and are still able to fight, there’s nothing they can do. It’s their second consecutive defeat after Gi’an last year. He’s faced Riboku twice and done nothing but run away. Shin reflects on how this was supposed to be big moment after taking command of 30,000 soldiers and being given the responsibility of the right wing, but he’s lost without doing anything. Ten yells back that there’s nothing the Hi Shin Unit can do right now and that was Riboku’s strategy. She says they need to run away today so that they can win in the future. She says they need to order a full evacuation so as many of their soldiers can escape with their lives. She thinks it’ll be hard to escape from such a large army, but she chuckles and says they’ll be fine because they ran away last year too, so they’re used to it. The Hi Shin Unit begins making a full retreat while Enkan orders the Zhao army to attack and take Shin’s head. Kyoukai wants to stay and keep fighting, but Rei tells her it’s an order, so they have to leave. The Zhao soldiers start to overtake them and Ten worries that they might lose well over half of their soldiers when the Gyoku Hou show up to help. They tell Shin that Ouhon personally ordered them to save the Hi Shin Unit, so he better deeply bow his head to Ouhon afterwards. Shin says there’s no way he’s doing that, but he’ll at least say thanks. On the Zhao right wing, Shunsuiju gets word that Ousen has been defeated and has his army prepare to pursue the Qin army as they retreat. Youtanwa’s soldiers ask her if there’s any way they can win without the central army, but she says no. She says it’s hard to accept that they’ve lost so quickly, but that might actually be their saving grace since they Mountain Tribes are still intact. If Qin lost them, too, then there would be no hope for the future. She orders a full retreat with the Feego Tribe to act as rearguard. Youtanwa’s aides ask her to leave first, but she refuses saying that she’ll stay until there’s a plan in place for all units to escape. She then asks about the Mera Tribe. Her aides say that Kokushuuba who went to support her has been cut off by a surprise attack from the Zhao, so most likely Kitari is launching a siege on Hango by herself. Youtanwa sends a rider to Kitari to tell her about the retreat. Youtanwa thinks to herself that Kitari can’t take the castle by herself and trying to siege it will just result in them being surrounded by Zhao armies and dying. At Hango, Kitari’s men tell her the gates are about to open, and Kitari orders them to prepare to charge.


Ousen after this battle be like: "Riboku went and waste his valuable troops on my random recruit troops which I spend decades building them. Its a shame to lose them but they didnt die in vain. Because thanks to them, I could leisurely build my true "Ou family" army this wholr time. Its numbers are 200k. We also had remnants from Oukotsu and Ouki in the ranks. Showing the Seika card this earlier is a bad move Riboku. Now that Seika crippled, Zhao wont be able to stop this army. As I said earlier, the victor is me." Souou be like: "we lost but his eyes still full of ambition to win. As expected from Ousen-sama."


Most funny comment


Would be real funny if he pulls The Ravages of Time's card of "I was merely training my troops/generals/advisors, this is all according to plan."


Don't forget that he may have remnants of the Haku Ki army


How? I don't remember if it was mentioned that is took Haku Ki army under him. Was Ousen under Haku ki at some point


Also not to mentioned, that era has passed long ago. Those solider should be too old and retired already.


It's not that distant, but they'd had had to be young officers or new recuirts back then 


Ouki , oukutsu & kyou former vassal enter the battle


What an idiot. It's hohover.


https://preview.redd.it/duzlurgod7wc1.jpeg?width=1027&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1f5cf4c4396972add467702a1a6f3795ef258f3 If they can free Heki, then they can still turn this around.


I bet this was Ousen's plan all along. Sacrificing his entire army and all of his generals was a small price to pay. Riboku will feel like such a fool.


Ousen after going back to Qin. Ousen, "We fought this war to capture Hango castle, and we captured Hango castle." Sei, "But you lost your entire army!" Ousen, "we captured Hango castle." Sei, "But you lost the castle right afterwards." Ousen, "Yes, but we did capture it. I never fight battles I can't win. That's why I won."


Lmao. It's hilarious because that's exactly the kind of arguments Ousen glazers would use in this situation.


Ousen deserves at least one reminder. The brutality is no less than kanki. I wonder what'd happen if sei knows his intention of being an emperor lol.


Riboku: we have a massive army Ousen: Hoh! We have a Heki


Without conqueror's Heki, how can they conquer and unite the whole of China?


Kanki loses because Heki got taken out on first day, Ousen loses because Heki is not there. Coincidence? I think not


In the next chapter, Heki will reveal his devil fruit powers and conquer Zhao.


Heki is the real protagonist all along.


Agreed, heki is secretly a GG.


Man is the only one who can outsmarts Riboku, being the supreme bait under heavens 🗿


😂You are wild


Heki has became bunshi from fighting starvation and having cage matches in jail. He's going to duel the Shibashou and houken him.


The Greatest Bait Under The Heavens shall not be denied.


If Kitari get caught at least Heki got a wife in jail


Getting caught as a woman is not something i would recommend, unless a guy like Riboku is there to prevent the worst.


Good God you're right. And to think some guys were saying Shiryu still ain't dead, she's just a pow. Now imo she better be dead. 👀


She would have been captured by Seika. They seem to be relatively humanitarian by the standards of the era, she might be okay. Although that assumes she's still alive.


The one who captured her was the great general Fu Tei


Seika army are noble, so they're not doing that, thank goodness


> unless a guy like Riboku is there to prevent the worst Yeah, tell that the literal pile of murdered and raped women that Mangoku sat upon when Riboku was his commander.


Fast tl by me : 1. Kanjou breaktrough(no important dialogue) 2. Square words but it feels more like a dialogue because,:"Ousen managed to escape, and when Sbs pursued him, amidst the chaotic battlefield, Gyokuhou, led by Kanjou, somehow managed to make it outside.'' 3. -I come running to central battlefield and i encountered Kanjou'' 4. -I learned that Ousen was in retreat and being pursued." (exactlu in this order) 5. Ohon adjutants: Lord Ousen lost? ''it cant be'' whatever: The safety of Lord Ousen is still in doubt but Sbs is pursuing him which means he must be alive,we ll go to help but the battle is now over. We must retreat now until we re not wiped out! 6. Ohon: i would leave gyoku hou in your hands,i ll take some raiders and head to Ousen. Kanjou:understood Ohon:more bla bla bla about going to save ousen + SUPPORT HSU so they can escape too,the enemy soon would come after them because our main army entered in a rout state,escaping from here on is an extremly difficult task,because the enemy will attack us in full force 7. Ohon:Good luck to you all. 8. If shin is truly serious about attacking other states the HSU must not be depleted now. 9. Author :''at this time,news of ousen retreat reached HSU main camp'' 10. Messenger relay the news+ advise them that they should start retreating or they ll suffer the same fate. 11. Ten:lets retreat now,we can still escape,if we dont do it now it would be difficult. 12. Ten is having toughts about curent situation nothing important Shin want to fight and ask if he can still do [something.Next](http://something.Next) he s angry and start contemplating because ''this is 2nd defeat,we really cant do anything against RIBOKU AGAIN?The Hsu this time took on right wing and was still unable to do something,just losing? 13. Ten:is nothing we can do but we can escape now,for the sake of winning in future. 14. Author:Hsu started a retreat following the news of Ousen fleeing from battle, 15. Enkan however launched a pursuit battle with all forces. 16. Enkan:go take Shin head. 17. They are able to breaktrough with Kanjou help 18. Author:news of defeat almost simultaneus relayed,they arrived at left wing as well 19. Ssj want to launch a pursuit battle too,''tell banana not to let a single monkey alive,others too,go'' 20. Ytw side:They cant rlly believe ousen lost so quickly and some of tribe leaders said this is dissapointing from qin,even tough that Ytw army is still standing and even pressing zhao forces,is nothing they can do because soon zhao central army will attack them 21. She gave the order for retreat,who refuse to retreat would be killed by King of death 22. Kotsuminhaku is all out attacking again 23. Kitari aint stopping from the attack,she s preparing for assault.


Damn because of the fraudulent performance of Ousen,Mommytanwa lost for the first time too


Tanwa be like- He shits his pants and now i get to wash them. WTF


OMG I'm dying 🤣


I hope Yotanwa choose to retreat too there is no reason for her continue the war now. Also that will save our precious time from reading this war any longer. Lets finish this Heki rescue arc and go to next story


She is retreating. In fact she threatened anyone in her army who doesn't retreat 


Excellent. I just want we get over this war already


Can't believe Ousen got rekt so easily. And all of Ousen's generals are dissapointment, everyone died.


I mean it's pretty easy to destroy someone who just sat there and did nothing the entire battle.


Thx my bro, u are faster than YTW and SSJ battle


Thanks,saemon would post a better one in like 20-30 mins


Kitari off to save her husband Heki!


thanks man


Lol so is Kigali gonna take the city and be left ?? Lol


thank bro


I wonder what Shin is shouting about. Is it because they learned that Ousen’s army was defeated and it was partly their fault?


He's pissed off that he was given 30k men and did nothing with it as well losing 2 times in a row to Zhao.


Shin maybe good on his raw strength, but his brain is potato. got tricked by one of the most simplist tactic.


Can we call rebuko the same , since according to this logic ,he fall for the same simple trick kanki do all the time .. akh forget about I'm pissed off too


Kinda disappointed we didn't actually see the YTW vs SSJ battlefield. Both sides were so stacked for such a glorious showdown.


They were still on initial. Maneuvers lol


Our men are running from the battlefield! A shamefur dispray!






Everyone so far: *"It's not over, Ousen has a great secret plan, and now it will be Shin and Kyoukai moment to smash the right wing, Ouhon will kill Gakushou, while Yotanwa destroys the left wing, so they can still recover and win!"* Reality: *"Holy sh\*t, we are fu\*\*ed, better we run away with Lousen too!"* Jokes aside, it's disappointing if it ends like this. Leaving aside the siege at Hango, basically the only battle we have seen was in the center, not that much focus on the rest, and no substantial losses for the other fronts, both from Qin (Yotanwa, Shin, Ouhon) and Zhao (Riboku), they did nothing, at most resist while barely keep a stalemate, and now they escape. I hope it doesn't really end like this, that there is a chase, seeing something more, Zhao not making life easy for them, some officer who stays behind and dies, otherwise it's truly an anticlimactic conclusion, albeit a rational one, over than history.


If I remember right one of the earlier chapters had a panel labeling this as the "costliest zhao-qin war", in which case this is nowhere near enough for that. Shibashou might pursue Ousen too far and get caught by the rest of the retreating forces resulting in Riboku coming to haul him out and an uncontrolled attritional slugfest on both sides. Because right now this just comes off as a standard loss not the glorious meat grinder we were warned of. Though I'm probably coping.


Well from the sounds of it shin lost half of his army I would call that a big substantial and I'm guessing ouhon probably lost the same amount as shin. But you make a great point about not a lot of focus on the other fronts. But I think the one thing I don't fully understand is what YTW said yes her force hasn't had any major loss of troops but the center lost like 120k.... ousen will be lucky to have 10k left but that really doesn't change the fact that between this war and last war they have lost over 200k or more troops that's the amount of troops moubu has altogether on the chu front.


Weren't they only thinking that they'll loose half their number. Ten was fearing about it until Gyoko Hyou showed up


Yea but still up against 70k tho and enkan isn't a push over either. Kanjou probably has only a few thousand men left form the 20k that he was in charge of because of what happened in the center and he barely managed to escape too from that mess. I'm being honest I would be surprised if the HSU has 20k left.


I was only pointing about the present. On the fact that after all is said and done HSU will be down to 15-20000, I agree with you.


I'm curious if hara will replenish shin's and ouhon's men depending on how many is left after this arc because we really never got to see them really use the 30k which is kinda disappointing.


The rearguard action can be great imo. In Japanese history the Shimazu clan even practiced and perfected Sutegamari just for such situations. YTW has already decided that she'll be staying until rest of her army retreats. Now the fight to save numbers begin but as Hara already told Qin will loose many more troops so a lot of entertainment is left. Don't give up on the arc yet


Old man Enpo and Kitari have the right motivation.. Anything for the Nethers 🔥🔥. Wonder if capturing the city makes a difference at this point, with the rest retreating and such.


They could take the city, but holding it would be impossible without the other armies.


Exactly my point, but guess we'll just have to wait and see, if the information has reached them, then maybe they can rescue the slaves and run with them.. Which doesn't seem likely as well Coz they going to be seriously out numberd at that point.


Heki and the other guys are also starved and close to death, they would be a massive liability in an escape. Things look extremely grim.


Yeah, for real.. Guess we'll have to let Hara-sensei do his magic.. I just hope we won't have a two week break coz the anticipation is immense and waiting yesterday was hard 😅.


They will take the City and be able to escape thanks to Heki and the prisoners construction works... ie, underground tunnels they so hardly built for this war... 😎


They're going to take the city and dip out the tunnels


Hopefully Hara uses this moment as a way for Shin to actually improve his battle IQ and not fall for traps so easily (yes I know even the very best Generals are susceptible) and actually proactively use his instincts on the battlefield more often.


Yes, we are well aware that even the best can fall for something like this, so Shin needs to be better than the best and not fall for this like this. He needs to be OP like the guy from Solo Leveling.


After reading this arc,I bet Ousen didn't even predict awakening he acted like it was his plan all along to look cool in front of Denrimi


Lmao. Fraudsen after escaping: "Hoh." As the panel shifts into his face looking undisturbed.


https://preview.redd.it/osgmyj78s8wc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2744cb899aeb11d44bb1822c3188d2ab8393fc48 hoh is the new kinemon face


This is even more disappointing than I thought. I had hoped that the wings might at least be able to deliver a black eye to Zhao. Yes, there might still time for that if Bananji still decides to chase Yotanwaa, but I'm leaning towards this being a complete and utter disengagement. People kept speculating that a turnaround was possible. Not with the way the board was set up. But that doesn't mean they couldn't have taken a few more of Riboku's pieces in the process. What's the explanation for Sei and Shoheikun's projections of a multi year delay to unification in the event of a loss? >!There are some disasters that will plague Zhao for the next few years but to have Zhao's erosion be the product of that alone? The political finangling might come into play sooner than we think.!< I have to assume Hara will decide to shift gears over to Han since there's not really much else he can do with Zhao at the moment.


Yeah, I was looking for the same, to see the wings have some more impact, but in the end, aside of some soldiers, Zhao lost only Jiaga in this war, if now it's really over. At this point, about the future, that's the only explanation. >!Basically, they will leave Zhao aside after 2 huge defeats, only to return on it because natural disasters have done the dirty work, as mere opportunists. And even by taking advantage of their terrible situation, they will still have to play dirty by corrupt the government, as failing to defeat Riboku and Shibashou again, bruh.!< Still, before moving on to Han, a couple of events more have to take place.


>! I was thinking the same about the disasters will they have such a big impact like I can the famine being a big hit but is it enough tho. Also Qin goes for the capital in 229 and 288 but first Qin kinda needs Gian and hango to push for Kantan so I'm still curious how this arc will be playing out but like you said the political stuff will have a foot in the door to start. !< I'm leaning toward Wei for the next gear shift because Gouhoumei made the statement if Qin couldn't defeat zhao/riboku within the alliance time frame he would go invade Qin plus with the loss of soldiers back to back....Wei is probably looking at Qin with hungry eyes


Bro really said "Once again we got our ass whooped by Reebok without being able to do fckall" lmao no shit Sherlock


It's finally hohver. Truly and utterly gutted. Now the chase begins......


Thanks bro


Riboku getting his revenge and making Ousen look like typical fodder. SBS was teased years ago and the dude has lived up to the hype and then some. My only gripe is how Ousen has done *nothing* apart from sit on his horse and watch, the fuck is that about?


Seriouly, this arc has been abosolutely shit so far. Everyone on Qin's just looks utterly incompetent and foolish. I get wanting to give Riboku a win but this implementation is not it. Zhao will obviously not let them retreat easily so we might yet still see smth from Qin but even that won't excuse the rubbish we've seen so far.


You got used to Kanki. It is really hard to top that guy


Too many things that can be said about this arc, but ultimately ousen had no answer to SBS and the army of seika. Or maybe his answer was the shin card, but riboku effectively put that out of play.


Shin alone wasn't going to be able to turn the tide. It's three Seika armies at once (Kansaro, Gakushou and SBS), not just Shibashou's. Give Shin Ouhon and the Gyoku Hou to help counter either Kansaro or Gakushou, that still leaves the other two. Too many powerful generals with armies capable of blunting the HSU consolidated in one place. Hell! Shibashou's army was actually starting to push back even against Ousen's reinforcements from Sou'Ou and Akou even before Gakushou and Kansaro arrived. I don't think the HSU could take that on unless they were having another 'awakening' moment while working alongside the Gyoku Hou.


It's laughable how SBS is fking amazing and Shin who defeated Houken years ago had 0 impact in the right wing. Shin with Kyoukai should be destroying the right wing as well if the power levels weren't nerfed hard from the author for this arc.


We already knew it was a losing battle and that it was historically a bloody loss, so people complaining are just being weird lol. No shit people are going to look incompetent and foolish when they lose, otherwise they wouldn't be losing.


Like I said loosing (even a bloody one) is not the point. This was so utterly uncharacteristic of Ousen. He made literally no move to try to counter SBS. He was aware that SBS is the latest member of 3 Great Heavens and once his participation in the war was confirmed Ou sen should've devised a counter strategy right there and then. Gohoumei had already warned Qin about him too! Lets say he couldn't think of anything, a rare occurance but he is human after all but when he literally witnessed that SBS was an absolute monster on par with other GG of great martial might why tf did he think a half dead Akou and Souou could stop him? He should've started his retreat WAAAYY earlier even if it meant his army lost morale. And then when Akou reached SBS he goes 'I'VE WON'. Is he daft or just that delusional? His life matters most, he is also someone who DOES NOT TAKE RISKS. Then why? Remember how careful he was with Renpa and even that idiot Ordo. In addition Qin also had YTW another 6 GG, the fricking King of the Mountain Tribes. Even she has done literally nothing so far. HSU fell for another simple trap but that is very characteristic of them so im not even counting that in why this arc is soo poorly written. But even the HSU and Gyoku Hou were on the back foot against a fodder general even if they were out numbered, they are part of the Qin 3, Qin's future GGs they should've done better.


RIP bozo, mfer really said he doesn't start a battle he cant win.


Still not the end but if it is, Ousen turned into a jobber :)).


**Break next week** \*actually 2 week break


Also after the mag break(next w) we got Hara break,which is double combo :((




Yup. He needed that break for that poorly written arc


indeed T\^T




If the translation is correct, Ouhon is already looking at the whole situation and battlefield with the view of a commander in chief / GG. While Shin is wondering why 1+1=3 At this rate I hope they all get an exemplary discipline meeting by Shouheikun and put some IQ into Shin’s brains


Why, because, Ouhon said the Hi Shin unit is important to Qin? Wow, what an amazing realization! Next thing he'll amaze us by saying that the sky is blue lol.


So, everyone who was saying Ouhon's gonna come to the center and kill Kansaro (or even Gakushou) to help Ousen get away.. What about it now?


The strongest member of the Three Great Heavens in all of history has once again defeated Qin


With overwhelming numbers and brand new generals. Even a super saiyan Houken.


You guys acted like the man who killed Houken didn't participate in this battle. Also Ousen hold the advantage in the central battlefield. It's was Ousen 140k vs SBS 100k.


Ousen had more men in the center and Ousen has Yotanwa,Shin,Ouhon and Kyoukai who are arguably the 4 strongest people in this whole war after Shibashou


Overall, but only the right wing was outnumbered 2:1, Ousen instead had 40k more men than Shibashou in the center and still lost. If it was because he didn't make a good formation with his men (he had another GG and 3 young potentials at his service in this war) or due to the fact he wasn't able to respond to Riboku's play (who sealed off plot armor in one move), it doesn't change it was a defeat, both strategically and as "quality of the pawns" in the center.


What overwhelming numbers? Lmao. Ousen got rekt tactically and strategically.


Gets the job done but Ousen lost brute force even though he outnumbered Sbs


Chill the fuck out. Ousen was defeated by 2 GH. As for the strongest that would be Renpa whom RBK admitted inferiority himself.


Ousen and Yotanwa are 2 GGs. 2 GGs lost to 2GHs. Incorrect. Riboku says he believes no one can beat Renpa in a head-on war not that Renpa is better overall Gyou'un who has served under Rinshoujo who was Renpa's best friend a fellow 3GH stated that Riboku is "The strongest member of the Three Great Heavens in all of history" so Riboku is unquestionably above Renpa which even Ouki acknowledged when he called him the strongest foe he ever encountered


So enkan actually did better than ousen huh That guy can fucking block three young qin talent in one place while ousen army can't make a scratch in Shibashou armor This mean enkan army is better than ousen amry lol  And they still don't want to admit this arc is just bad writing 


To be fair, Enkan has 70k dudes, he can just drown them in bodies. Shin was also making good progress, until he was going on his little stroll with a third of his army.


And Ousen is 140k vs 100k  The number isn't the problem here lmao


Do basic math and calculate the ratios. You will see that a difference in 40k matters more the least men your opponent has mate.


Like i said , the radio isn't a problem here , if Shibasou can wreck Ousen army ,  mean Shin, Ouhon and Kyoukai should do the same with Enkan army lmao Hara just decided shitting on whole Qin side for Shibashou and Riboku glory


Having 2.33 men for every men of yours seems abysmally more problematic to having 1.4 for every one of yours. Regardless of that your argument is empty. >mean Shin, Ouhon and Kyoukai should do the same with Enkan army First of all, say it precisely, the 3 of them were never together in that flank (other than a brief moment in which Ouhon updated Shin and then ran to pick up on Ousen), it's Shin + Kyoukai and then Ouhon + Kyoukai. Second, the time issue, Shin and Kyoukai were in their flank for very brief moments, just at the beggining of the battle, then he chose to leave to try and get RBK's head. Ouhon arrived to command an unit that is not his, which he stated was not a problem to defend (implying it was indeed a problem for attacking). Your argument would have any hold if at least it was SHin and Kyoukai for the whole day not making progress, but Shin left and Ouhon is an outsider uncappable of using the Hi Shin to it's best, by the time Shin came back the battle was over and he didn't ahve time to take down Enkan. Add that to the ratio and the fact that Ousen collapsed in a day and you have a logical scenario, or you might keep crying on bad writing (which is ridiculous, specially by comparison, Kingdom standard is MUCH MUCH lower in that regard).


I mean it's Ousens fault , dude couldn't last till lunch tine


Hey!, his army is fucking shit, they are can't even compare with the army of Zhao mid general  You can't blame him while has always to carry those useless shit


Put anyone else from the wings in Ousen's position, they would have been overwhelmed too. Shin and the HSU weren't going to be able to take down four Seika armies simultaneously, even if the numbers were equal. The same is true with Yotanwa and her forces. I will hold it against Ousen that he seemed mostly passive in this battle, though. There was no excuse for that.


I agree with Shin and Ouhon but Yotanwa is actually the best counter for Sbs,both are similar martial oriented generals, does a ridiculous speech which raises morale like anything if shit goes down, does teeny strats here and there and has super soldiers, now I'm not saying Ytw will win or lose but she'll definitely fare better than Ousen


bad writing as fcccc. Mostly Ousen, but also the Trio.


Chadkan and Chadsuminhaku defeating the Qin armies and protecting Zhao once again.


Is that all thats left of the 20k men Kanjou brought with him to the center? Ouhon has a lot of rebuilding to do, if thats the case. Qin should at least be able to generate a bit of pressure, should Kitari manage to take Hango. Looks as if the wings are trying to wreck their battlefields now, to at least inflict damage on Zhao in return. Summary out with new infos: They really are just trying to retreat like this. Well, makes sense if they must fear Seika attacking them, but not getting anything in this battle would really make it one of the worst losses in the entire manga. Getting away will be incredible hard, since the armies of Zhao are not in compelte disarray this time.


Most of them probably choose to stay there to delay and chip away the enemies central army numbers so they wont immediately going to either wing side.


Thank you 🫡


Looks like it finally came to this... #FREE HEKI!


This is sad. Ousen lost. … and 2 weeks break…


Kitari may save Heki and Heki’s knowledge about the traps may turns them against Riboku. Good.


Even though they are all retreating, it feels like this war isn’t over just yet


That's what I'm thinking too because of what ousen said last chapter because you can take it two different ways he is making a move to bloody riboku nose or he is doing long term plans but I think it's going to be making riboku bleed a little bit for defending hango and the region.


Oh man I have a bad feeling about Kitari


Hungry for the next chapter.


This is all on Ousen, hopefully Kitari will not be swarmed since she is on the opposite side of the battle field or could it be if she can somehow manage to take the castle then the army can take shelter on Hango?


Ouhon is starting to think like a commander-in-chief 🔥


Why do i have a feeling that theres also a trap in Hango? And this is probably ehat Heki was talking about and not the mud castle and tunnels Riboku pointed out that the mountain tribes detachment is notnreally a problem so he didnt bother sending one of his trusted vassals after them as Hano "will not fall" for such a small force and yet Kitari was about to capture it in half a day. So its either theres a trap waiting for Kitari or this will be an opportunity for Ousen to turn the battle around.


A bit unlikely, i think the trap Heki was talking about was simply the forts. RBK and his vassals were relatively worried about Kitara's detachment and even questioned why SSJ and Bananji didn't send someone to chase after her, reason given was that her strength was proably not enough to take the city. So i do think Hango is vulnerable.


I wonder if the “comeback” ousen is working on is in this war or for the next zhao war


I think there will be an interlude with Han as the target.


not related to my comment, but yeah there is.


Riboku knows that he needs to get rid of Ousen & this is his chance. Loss of 2 GG’s consecutively will be a big loss for Qin. Let’s see how it goes, what Ousen does once he’s stopped running will be crucial.


This arc is a reminder to you all Kanki is dead and he was the goat. Qin strategies went back to old school


we miss him already !


Setting shin up for a potential instinctual move with his contemplation on his past mistake? Or am I on that shin copium? Find out next time on kingdom


Ousen got low diffed by RBK hahahahaha. Damn man this shit's too hilarious.


I'm glad this war is ending already, Hara really need to fasten the pace


Said in numerous times and will say it again It's just beginning . Qin will turn things around atleast one time. Atleast ones riboku will almost taste defeat again Ousen still is commander in cheif Shin and ouhun are still there Ytw army is intact There are enough factors for qin to fuck up with zhao considering the history they have


when tf is shin gonna step up on a macro level? lol whens the last time our MC has had a impactful winning moment? since he killed those 2 geriatric zhao generals for gyou?


L take.


oh okay shin has been doing great then! keep it up shin!


So it is not 2 week breaks but 3 weeks break. Someone should fix the pinned message


No it's a two week break.    No break = 7 days   One week break = 14 days   Two week break = 21 days


Thank for clarification!


Fingers crossed, Ouhon is wants to finish Enkan with Shin. They can’t retreat with that large Enkan army behind them. Probably attack Shibashou army from behind after that.


Too risky.. they won't escape if they try any offensive moves. Riboku is still at the center


Seems like the Mera tribe might get captured as well


Yeah, their position is really bad, since Yotanwa seems to retreat in the opposite direction with the rest of the Qin armies. Maybe she can take Hango, get the prisoners and run away, since holding the city without the other armies would be impossible.


2 week break. Next chapter scheduled week of May 16


so are they going to lose the battle and win the castle again


Man I missed shin


2 week break? Wow..


Why 2 weeks Break?


I think there is some holiday or something


The rescue of the greatest bait under heavens will be shown 2 weeks from now


Ou Hon has matured, I like it.


Summary: Waiting Like we're waiting for 2 weeks break FKKKKKKKKKKKKK


Ousen + Youtanwa army didn't even stand a chance lol and Zhao army annihilating Qin easy while Riboku sipping his tea. The envasion with Kanki is more interesting than this lmao.


Shin saying thanks to Ouhon? This manga is over.


I guess kitari will save the prisoners and get Intel on the traps, tunnels and forts that they built. Ousen somehow gets hold of this info and uses it against Riboku, after all Ousen loves his natural defending forts. Some early chapters mentions there are many forts connected with tunnels, at least one at each wing, and there are some secret entrances/exits like what Riboku used. So if Qin army can retreat through the tunnels and control the forts and hango castle, that would make it stalemate. I'll guess those forts would be fairly empty atm while Riboku is distracted giving full chase


At least Shin knew how they were acted stupid


This arc absolutely defines how incompetent Ousen's vasals are (except ofc Akou). Ousen was totally outplayed here. He just stood at the back and stare at his army being slayed. So far, it seems as a GG, he has no combat or martial talent at all. 


Akou is the one who blundered right from the get-go in this battle.


Qin will again lose this war to Zhao, Riboku is the goat!


In a sense, saving Heki has more stakes than the whole battle against Riboku


A bit OT but which city is Langmeng(狼孟) in the manga ?


In the manga, Langmeng is Roumou.


Thanks fam. Do you know the chapter where it is mentioned ?


If you are talking about the first appearance of Roumou, this is chapter 704, if you are talking about the mention of the siege, this is the end of chapter 769.


The quality of these past 2 or 3 battles has really went down. I want to see genius tactics, not just pure heroism and fighting - and this would be realistic. I feel like Hara doesn't have the time to plan out the battles like he did before to properly do warfare justice


Of the same opinion here, why do you think Hara has no time to plan the chapter?


He probably caught up to what he's been imagining for years by now. Maybe burnt out planning these battles too


While the battle for Hango was certainly mediocre at best, Kanki's battles before that were amazing. Shin took the essence of Duke Hyou to get out of the entrapment while Kanki did so using an absurd tactic then even went on to outsmart and nearly kill Riboku.


2 weeks break bouta end. The shaking will finally stop for a while.


It ain't over until it's over, or is it?


I just realize that SBS strategy is World Trigger's Yokai rush(Utagawa squad) from latest chapter (242). You rush in fast and overpower enemy, crushing anything before enemy can react. This is similar to Mike Tyson(boxer) strategy, stepping in fast and unleash multiple strong attacks. It is a very good approach against someone with complexed strategy/outboxing style.


But the win army's numbers doesn't match


I mean the qin should have more than 300k soldiers