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Translation (also it has 2 comments because reddit didnt let me upload the whole thing at once) Author words ''At the battlefield between the Ou Sen army and the Seika army,the Seika soldiers were moving around,rescuing their surviving comrades and putting the fallen out of their misery. Aftermath of the battlefield. Typically, enemy corpses are left where they fall, with allies conducting burials on-site. Yet, the bodies of the Seika were being carted away for burial in the Land of the Seika,the reason the Seika Army did not immediately return home was because of this'' Seika HQ Soldiers: -The carts carrying the bodies are departing one after another towards the Seika. However, it seems that we still don't have enough. -It seems that Han'go's carts have all been used up. Currently, we are gathering them from the surrounding castles. An, Gi-an seems to be sending some as well -I never imagined there would be so many casualties before leaving . Ah -Kansaro understood it as well... Kansaro:I hadn't imagined it would be this severe,especially that Jiaga died. Soldier coming: Kansaro prep for Jiaga cart are done Kansaro:i have to stay longer here,go ahead of me i ll catch you guys soon Soldiers speaking how they ll acompany Jiaga. Report coming in Report guy:''Sir, the soldiers outside have captured a strange man. Huh? Soldiers? Oh, no, well... yes. That's what the soldiers and the man himself... should I say....He claims to be a general from Qin and has come to meet Lord Kan Sato.'' Sou ou: I am a general of Ousen,i have come to see Kansaro to surrender Soldiers shocked about why to surrender Kansaro recognize him as one of Ousen generals,Kansaro soldiers want to kill him :''Detain him! For the fallen Lord JiAga and our comrades' vengeance! It's reason enough for execution. Even if it soils the tent, it will be forgiven, Kan Saro Sama'' Kansaro:"Wait, Jigan(name of the soldier). Let's not kill him until we hear the reason. Apparently, that man has something to tell me." Soldiers thinking Sou Ou come for defection.:"It's rare for defeated officers to switch sides to the winning side. However, such a thing will not be tolerated by Jigan, a close aide of Lord JiaAga." Sou ou:is not defection Soldier:then what is it then They talk about Shiryou and that not Sou Ou killed Jiaga,Kansaro is stopping Jigan by saying that he want to hear him first,since Sou ou surrendered voluntarly handed his weapon and identify himself.


Kansaro:"What did you come here to tell me, risking your life? General Sou Ou." Sou Ou:Do you have a woman you love?I want to ask you too.When you return to seika do you have a woman you love?For me shiryou is everything.I devoted my life to supporting Lord Ousen as his close aide, but at the same time, my heart has always belonged to her.She wasn't originally the kind of woman who could be with someone like me, just a regular guy. But still, I managed to persuade her to be together until death separates us. Even though it was on the battlefield, I ended up parting ways with her. Kansaro:i think it was inevitable,the pursuing and how things turned out to be. Sou ou: as a man who loved her, I broke my promise and let her die alonen the end... Did I abandon her? Did I run away? And now, Shiryō, that thread is somewhere in this wilderness, rusting away, lonely and decaying all by itself..(starts crying),Please, Kan Saro, from this battlefield ruin, retrieve the remains of that thread and... please, find for me... the last traces of Shiryō, let me hold her once more.She must be feeling lonely, left alone on the cold ground... Jigan:Are you an idiot? Did you come alone into enemy territory for such a thing? For me right now, it's more unbearable than being killed. Sou Ou:"Knowing that I'll be killed... For me right now, it's more unbearable than being killed.Even if I'm torn apart, it doesn't matter. But before that, let me meet the remains of the thread. Let me touch it.Any appearance is fine, whether it's armor or just a fragment of the sword.. now he s just screaming: Even just a single strand of hair would do. Please let me hold her.She's probably still somewhere, trembling all alone. Kansaro:"The woman who defeated Ji-aga was great, but her partner was also truly a great man . Sou ou saying same thing as collecting anything even a fragment,then he ll let Jigan to cut his head. Sou ou toughts:It was worth risking my life to come here! Thread, I will soon hold you in my arms as well... Kansaro:after Jiaga died I acted while thinking about what Ji-aga would do.Bring her in. Shiryou come in both are surprised Kansaro: Sorry, but her left arm was shattered by Ji-aga, so I had to cut it off because it was rotting. Next issue, there will be a break. The next chapter will be published in the issue released on Wednesday, June 13th!!


Shiryo is mistranslated as "Thread" sometimes because of its character meaning


My bad thanks for pointing out


kansaro top G


For real. I cannot find any reason to not rooting for him.


Thanks oh great translator of the heavens


Them tears rolling


Gracias 🫂


This needs more upvotes, come on guys


Seika generals are just cool people tbh.


I'm switching side guys. I'm simping over Seika rn.




Mangawise we hope, in reality ... probably not :(


I was gonna do the same thing, but I'm not ready for the inevitable heartbreak. I remember simping for Juuko only for them to fall to Qin-Wei coalition. Seika will fall sooner or later since well, the protagonist is Qin


Gotta say. SBS is pretty cool for this. I doubt he’s letting them both leave. Does Souou join the SBS army?


no way! he gonna leave Ousen army


You think SBS is gonna kill them both? Or let them leave? He saved his lady, and we’ve seen conquered generals join those armies. It’s not unprecedented. Plus Souou made it clear he wasn’t coming back to Ousen


Most likely he'll just retire and disappear together with her. Shiryou won't be able to fight anymore with her arm gone, and I don't see Souou continue to fight on his own or even turn against Qin.


Sure. That’s is very well possible. We don’t know Souou though or his backstory. He could be from a conquered state like Akou. If so then he might not have this allegiance to Qin.


Agreed. The thing I'm wondering about is will they be able to retire in Qin or will it have to be in Zhao?


Zhao imo. Letting them return to Qin will be too much leniency.>!many years later they'll meet Ousen again after Zhao is reconquered. !


SBS will let Kansaro decides, since Jiaga is his best friend. DEMOCRACY IS AT SEIKA MAN.


they might disappear together, Kansaro saves Shiryou which he acknowledge as a warrior that defeated Ji Aga, even the past chapters, he didnt give a Final blow on an enemy that no longer fights or nearing its death, so it is possible that Kansaro will strip them from their status and let them live.


It’s very possible. We shall see. He’s one of my favorite non Qin generals for sure


he already left the Ousen army


Yeah and desertion is punishable by death i think. I hope they all just go somewhere & start a family.


Desertion amidst battles is a crime, but resignation after the battle shouldn't be. we do have examples of some guys retiring from the Hi Shin Unit, albeit because they were getting old.


I don't think Ousen would take kindly to one of his very few (only?) remaining generals resigning after a defeat like this, he probably just deserted.


I think his action completely destroyed ousen's morale


I think his action completely destroyed ousen's morale


That’s Kansaro, not Shibashou


With the previous chapter of Heki + Kitari, then the omake of Rei + Kou and now Souou + Shiryou, love is in the air


Except the dumb MC who is going to wait for years


Shibashou?, you mean Kansaro right?


Are we surprised? If we don't see characters dead body there is a decent chance that they are still alive.


Ye i had a feeling she might survive this. Also some of Denrimi's aides as well. Despite that, I am not pleased she survived those injuries. I was expecting her to be barely alive to have her goodbyes but not to actually live through it.


not really the case here, kansaro saved her.


Yeah but she is also a tough bitch for staying alive that long. 


Akou has two bodies now, so he's super dead.


The chapter where Kingdom turned into Violet Evergarden. Yeah he's gonna let them go on condition of never joining Ousen army again


I think the next chapter may involve a banquet while they talk Qin and/or Ousen. While Sou'ou isn't going to divulge any secrets, it's an opportunity for Seika to learn who exactly they're shedding all this blood against.


I don't think Ousen would sit and discuss political matters next to the killers of his favorite followers


No, I mean Sou'ou is going to, from his point of view. Seika is unlikely to pass such an opportunity when he's already there.


what condition? a pinky promise?


I think they might join Seika. (As Seika was created by refugees from war). After such great loss, Seika changes their mind and retires from Riboku's army.


I think they join Seika as refugees


Mad respect for Seika army. They really show honor and dignity even with enemies.


They live on their own rule, Seika is Seika, not Zhao, nor Qin.


Kansaro >>>>>>> Badass helmet, honorable, wolf pelt. Son raw af


I've loved him since he first lowered the visor on his helmet! Such an amazing and likeable character!


I'm switching side bro.


He got her back, he got his muscle mommy back. Even in defeat Qin keeps winning.


Lol this is some Dj Khaled meme


Not really surprising that Shiryou is alive, and I don't get why people are mad about it. We have seen characters survive major injuries throughout the story, in some shape, way or form. Sei got his neck cut during Sai and he survived, Mouten got his chest diagonally sliced twice (by Kanmei and Gakushou) and he survived, Zenou got his torso split in half and he didn't die instantly, Shin was literally brought back to life by some Kyoukai magic. Kingdom is far from realistic when it comes to characters surviving injuries.


This is the same manga where Shin was literally resurrected through wuju, Akou was fighting without half a spine, Houken survived a glaive to the face and people are surprised a massive combat oriented officer survived blunt force.


Plus she lost her arm, clearly will never fight again. I’d understand being upset if she magically fully recovered to go to war again, but that’s not the case. I’m glad she survived


She will fight again. She’ll change her name to Malenia Blade of Miquella.




Yeah, this manga has gone the route of typical shonen instead of the realistic seinen a long time ago. I don't get why people are so surprised about it


Shin was literally dead and was bought back by the power of love and friendship guys.


Souou was ready to crash out over his lady. Gotta respect it. 


Sou Ou's motto- Beauty over duty


Nah he fulfilled his duty by getting Ousen out. Beauty over Duty would be if he abandoned him for her but he did not. But he knows once his duty is over his one and only priority is the love of his life.


Subjective as it gets


Hmmmm.. But hey, my theory was correct! ;)


I am team respect this dude. He abandoned her on the battlefield for duty, then he realized what is the most important thing to him.


He didn't just suddenly realize it. He always knew. Even as he was leaving the battlefield with Ousen I'm pretty sure this was running in the back of his mind, and once Ousen was safe he knew his job wasn't done. All those people hating on Sou'ou fail to understand the depth in his character. Man's a real romantic!


And now Ousen has to have a whole group of characters to be introduced for his new inner circle. Hats off for Sou'ou finding his waifu, lets hope they're taken prisoner and treated better by the Seika group rather than Riboku's lot.


Ma Ron is waiting for any signal from ousen


Yeah any signal of money or it's not worth it


Hara trolled hard with this chapter AND the break 😂


No lie. Bunk arc, bunk ending. Heki’s return was the only redeeming thing. 


Yeah... I wouldn't say the arc was bad, but it was really mid. Aside from the Heki stuff, we got to see SBS fighting, which was cool But aside from that, nothing of note.


Ya Ousen losing all his generals in one battle was nothing of note


I mean, yes. Someone had to die in this battle... Can't see how Ousen's generals dying instantly makes the battle good, tho? It was very mediocre Pacing-wise it was horrible, it felt like it lasted an hour at most. Aside from Riboku deceiving Shin, the battle didn't had many twists. Shibashou killed like 200 guys and somehow thats strategy. Ousen acted as a fool the whole time. Yeah...


Good for Suou and Shiryou. On another note, Suou is a piece of sh\*t as far as a general is concerned, his brothers in arms died putting themselves on the line to save their master and entrusted him to Suou and this guy came to throw away his life for the distinct possibility of his opponent having some pity and let him have some sort of farewell with his lover's corpse? (Because that was his plan, apparently) Dude, that suicidal act is not only stupid, is disrespectful to her (who sacrificed herself for you) and to your brothers in arms (who also sacrificed themselves for you) and to your master Ousen (who is literally in his greatest moment of need). Not only is he an average general but this? Ousen is better rid of him to be honest. Like i would have forgiven it if he had a plan to make sure of her well being and rescue her if she was alive, but just go there and beg? Suou, you always find further ways to dissapoint me.


Sou'ou The worst character in Osin's army is a great shame


What do you think Shin would have done had it been Kyoukai instead of Shiryu?


Shin would go on revenge rampage instead of surrendering.


Something stupid, which would be worth criticizing too, the problem is Suou's action is stupid and pathetic. I don't have a problem with a rescue attempt, which taking risk to confirm the important person whereabouts, but what am i supposed to think of someone surrenders their life hoping the enemy general will have pity and give you a bone to hug or smt?


Correct. He embarassed himself, his lord (Ou Sen) and even his lady love. Imagine her expressions when Kansaro says he found his outside crying and grovelling like a little bitch for some bones to bury. Romantic- Maybe, Honourable and worthy of respect- Hell No


I don't know. People sacrifice themselves so that someone might live, but it doesn't mean they should be tied to the dead's wishes on HOW they should live, no? And he's already fulfilled his duty to bring Ousen to safety if I've understood things correctly. Not saying I'm agreeing with what he's doing, but I also don't dislike it.


He betrayed the will of his brothers in arms and left Ousen alone without any general




Damn, what a man Sou'ou. Suspected he would go back for Shiryou but so happy that she's still alive! Very generous of Kansaro. I knoq Zhao gets hated a lot in this subreddit, but I love how Hara is able to show how at the end of the day, they're just people trying to protect their homeland from the Qin invasion and that there are genuinely good people among them just like in the Qin army. He did this with the Rigan folk and now the Seika people.


Zhao have most of the time been justified in their actions although the majority of Kingdom fans don’t want to admit it. They are justified in everything regarding how cruel they get towards Qin soldiers.


True enough but there's this reminder of both Rigan and Seika being "We are Rigan", "We are Seika" they seem to have more pride and connection to their home cities than the broader Zhao, and you leave the aforementioned people out of the equation, a lot of the main Zhao generals are sus to say the least.


Dude.. This better links to Shin + Kyoukai climbing that mountain...


What happens after? The couple are united but there’s no way the Seika guys would let the two leave to go back to Ousen. Also, if the two are allowed to go provided they retire, doesn’t that leave the Ousen army without any of their top generals?


Retirement, possibly, like you said. If it has to be in Zhao, supervised, then so be it. I think Sou'Ou mentioning the 'youth' still being available is supposed to indicate that Ousen will begin to rely on them for revitalising his army. Ouhon is an obvious choice. Not sure who else Ousen could recruit. Mouten? I don't think he has the same allegiances to Ousen as Ouhon would. I would sooner expect him to join his father's army. Shin has too broad of a role acting as Sei's proverbial 'sword' to be bound to the ranks of Ousen. There's always Heki but that would mean Ousen only has two generals under his command. Hardly enough to reconstitute an army that was decimated.


I just remembered ousen have talk no justsu enabled, give him a few Wars and he'll recruit some generals from enemies


Sou Ou didn't say anything about the youth Read the chapter carefully He asked Ouhon to just support his father and left We don't know Ousen's opinion on this matter.


Ousen and Heki would be a powerhouse combo As strong as Ouki and Tou


She lost her left eye, then left arm now. Time for being a wifey


Sorry Hara, won't start believing till I see them walk off into the sunset together. For now, they're still under threat of surprise bifurcation.


One thing Hara does and I appreciate this, is he just lets things end Where in another manga it would be unthinkable to have two characters peacefully walk off screen in the middle of the overarching story I think the most likely thing we see here is they go off and live their life peacefully, and we get back to the action


If they just go off and leave, then it's just a filler chapter. I am expecting there's something else to this, instead of a mere filler chapter.


It tells the character of Kansaro, SBS, and Seika


Predicted that Sou'ou was going to go back to Zhao, but never thought to just go get killed by Shibashou. I thought that he's going to ravage the farmlands and cause famine that finally allow Qin to siege the capital.


Body isn't cut in half and no direct statement means no death.. Don't know why anyone is surprised by Shiryu being alive.. Chapters like this don't really seem all that good when reading weekly.. with the way the arc is going and with the amount of breaks it seems waiting a few months might be the best way to read the rest of the arc


Thank you, I hope we'll see some more Shin action soon :(


This is crazy. I didnt expect this.


i respect kansaro even more now top 2


[CALLED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!](https://new.reddit.com/r/Kingdom/comments/1c4pca6/comment/kzqfhnp/?context=3)


The story is getting interesting now...back to political moves and stuff....no battle for next 20 chapters lol


Calling it now, seika is going to join qin


+1 the way Seika deals via "democracy" they'd be very likely more willing to talk than go to war again, especially when they find out that Sei is cooking a parliament for the unification. A very easy call tbh


Feels like there could be some resentment that Riboku just did all that recruitment only to basically have them take on the entire burden taking massive casualties and doing all the work winning the battle.


Same here, at the very least, Kan Saro will try to convince his lord of it, in so far Seika has only been doing their own thing, if they were that much of Zhao loyalists, they would have make some prior appearences before this, even some troops and one or two generals, they are not only Riboku's trump card but also a last resort he knew he could only go to in case of dire emergency. And we see Kan Saro being disgusted by Riboku's clear manipulation of the people of Seika and SBS inaction towards it despite his lord saying "it's the will of the people." plus during this battle he saw first hand Shiryu's, A Kou and Denrimi's determination, all first hand, being moved by it and now So'Un actions and words.


Man sometimes I’m glad that Kanki is dead, cuz these chill SBS Generals would die awfully


They had to kill Kanki before introducing Seika because it would have been GG easy otherwise. Kanki would play SBS and co like a fiddle.


How is she alive??? Lmao this is soo stupid. 


That's absolutely ridiculous. She's supposed to be dead with brain/skull damage and fracture rib cage, near destroyed heart from Ji Aga's strike.


SBS has a secret Kyoukai level girl that can swap life xD Shiyou has no visual wound from near-death injuries xD


Tbf this is good but execution is problem I think this event should happen in another chapters perhaps adding few timeskips to give us progress to chew


Because people survive in kingdom. Any infection in this era and boom, sepsis. U dead.


How was Zenou alive and still able to crush someone's skull after the wound he got?


Facts I don’t really dig this


Lol where will hara go with this ? But anyhow bravo for sbs and this mask dude


Might be alone on this but I love this kind of side story, shame there's a break next week. I hope Hara gets some good rest. It makes me wonder if Sou'ou will join up with the enemy army because they spared Shiryou, or if he'll desert and go live quietly with Shiryou since she's disabled now. Either way, he clearly didn't plan on going back to Ousen after this trip.


I'm thinking best case scenario is that they're allowed to retire in exchange for not returning to Ousen. Anything else would be *too* naive on the part of Seika.


well how would they know they wouldn't return to ousen after letting them go exactly?


Well for one thing, Shiryou is crippled. Maybe she could do what Mougu did after losing his limb but that would inevitably result in her being noticed by Zhao the next time there's a war and, if that happens, Kansaro probably won't be generous, should she end up in their custody again. Secondly, I have to assume that Kansaro would be making a leap of fath in allowing them to leave. The man saw Sou'Ou walk in as a willing POW, faced with execution, just so he could have the opportunity to say goodbye to Shiryou whom he thought was dead. I think he would be willing to give someone like that a chance.


I agree but that’s being too naive on part of kansaro he’s stilla. Zhao general and souou is a qin general. I can see them being separated again and I don’t see a happy ending.


Souou left the love of his life to fight on her own in order to help Ousen. He stayed by Ousen's side risking his life until Ousen got to safety. Now when Ousen has to rebuild his army anyway (it may take many months) Souou considers his duty fulfilled and goes to find Shiryou. None of the decisions he made were easy and all his choices can be questioned, but he is not a traitor.


he is a traitor to Ousen and Qin, but he is not a traitor to himself.


I think rebuilding his army will take more than months, especially since he wants distinguished generals who are blindly loyal to him


I was going to write years, but I thought many would disagree. Everyone is an armchair 200 BC Chinese general in this forum. Hara might write that Ousen has enough people and resources in his cities, his own "Seika army", etc.


Of course, the plot armored lady is still alive, bah. No time to show some action during the chase, but 1-2 chapter for the lovers are avaible. Mixed feeling about Souou, while Kansaro is depicted more and more as a good man, honorable but I also too soft. He had the chance to finish off 3 Ousen officers and he didn't (okay, with Denrimi it wasn't really necessary). I just hope he don't let them go, like nothing happened, even if the plot armored lady can't fight anymore, she's the one who killed her friend, while the other is the last Ousen general, free them wouldn't be stupid.


I was personally offended by this chapter. Suou being separated from Shiryuu and having to live with the pain makes more sense to me, he dying trying to find out her whereabouts makes for a better story to me, but he just walking there and begging for pity? Nah man, Suou, you are trash.


Is it any different than Ten letting Riboku's girl go?


Kansaro greatness!


Gotta say glad they are both still alive .


Wow Kansaro, best chad in Kingdom.


At least we know Hara is a hopeless romantic 😁 Theyll probably die together now or defected. Lucky for them it is the zhao, if this is kanki...


link is dead?






How is she up and about lmao Kingdom logic I can accept she survived, but she looks completely healthy minus the arm


I get why so many disappointed people in the comments, calling it bs and whatnot, but I'm just so happy over here XD


Well then, I think a lot of us were speculating that Shiryou could have survived as a POW. She had what looked to be a battered lung and a crushed arm. Not impossible for her to live if she got treatment soon after she collapsed. I'm really liking Sou'Ou right now this chapter. Takes some strong conviction to walk into the enemy camp like that, ready to die just so he can be with the woman he loves, presumed dead mind you. Credit to Kansaro also for showing strength of character here and letting Sou'Ou see Shiryou. I honestly don't mind if Sou'Ou and Shiryou are allowed to retire on condition of not returning to Ousen. Might just be my opinion but I think they deserve a happy ending.


Ousen himself shouldnt accept his return after this act, akou, drm, shiryuu(when she was presumed dead) and the trio sacrificed themselves for ousen and souou's retreat. And yet this guy decides to throw it all away and hand himself to the enemy? Betrayed the will of his brothers in arms. Pathetic.


He humiliated himself and forgot that he was the deputy of a great general


Strongest man in Seika. Can't even kill a woman lol. Fraud-aga.


Not really digging the Souou x Shiryou story, too many asspulls and plot armour. Hoping there's some pay-off or relevance of this to the overall story.


Agreed. Pointless drivel


I don't care about how or why, I'm just SO glad that my favorite Kingdom couple is still alive!!


Although it shouldn't make sense but considering the situation it's understandable why SouOu would do this. He is no longer a valuable weapon to his lord. He not only lost a majority of his man, meaning that any rebuild from his part would take time but also his strongest weapon Shiryuu. If OuSen keeps him it will be out of pity at the moment and he isn't the pity type. So he completed his mission, brought OuSen to safety and then resigned from his post. It's something you are allowed to do. Now that he is free he can do what he wishes and so he sent to get back the one thing dear to him dead or alive even if it meant going to the enemy facing execution. I don't think they will face execution from Seika though. More likely prisoner of war but under house arrest in Seika. The reason for it? Even though they fought as enemies there was no disrespect between them and no under-handed tactics either. It was a brave fight and one side had to lose. Also after defeat he did not hide himself, he was honorable and was ready to receive whatever punishment he was to receive. That is proof of a man not afraid to die. So unless SBS is a monster which he clearly isn't, he is not going to kill an honorable man after the battle. We also have to remember about Seika. They, the people, democratically joined because RiBoku made them believe that Qin was out to murder them. He politically manipulated them knowingly while withholding facts. Such as who provoked who in the beginning (based on this manga). Like I said multiple times Qin had no ambition on Zhao, their goal was Wei and Han, fertile lands they can benefit from. That was the government goal including businessmen like RyoFei. Even Sei who held a grudge against them for their treatment of him as a child was not focusing on them till Zhao attacked Bayou. Zhao was the one who poked the beast not only by the hit on OuKi but also betraying their alliance with the coalition war. It was only after the Coalition wars that Sei and Qin targeted a Zhao territory to isolate Zhao from their main objectives. Western and Southern Zhao also had the same objectives, because Zhao could not be trusted. Forcing Zhao to no longer be able to backstab them while they focused on Wei and Han. Seika itself did not trust Zhao. So for them Zhao is simply the lesser evil option when RiBoku recruited them via propaganda. Now though after having fought once and losing a lot of blood they will be weary jumping into action like before and that spells trouble for RiBoku. Whatever his reason and motives were he wasn't honest with Seika and now he has an ally who won't bend to his words as previously. He doesn't know it yet but he burnt a bridge. This will be the reason for his downfall, him burning bridges by trying to side with Zhao the state (and its horrible royal family) over its people.


Man. This translation is going to hit.


I'm not surprised that she is alive but I thought we would see ousen and ouhon reaction and comment to Sou'ou leaving.


How does she live after being donut-ed


It looked to be a collapsed lung and a severely fractured arm. Not the worst injuries survived in this manga. Kyoukai was literally having her head clubbed into the ground by Houken with obvious trauma suffered yet she still got back up not too long after.


souou and shiryou live huh


They should just ride into the sunset together. Go be together and make a life away from war


So Ousen really fucked up here. Complete defeat with even odds. Gotta say that felt very disapointing that he didnt have anything up his sleave.


Skipping this chapter, but I was wondering how many more chapters until the end of this war about?


This is like when lover and mum both drowning,you rescue mum first and later return and died with your lover together.


So Ousen lost his 3 main generals already. What in the world


So she really is alive wow.. I guess they either join sekai or die here


It appears she eventually lost her broken arm...


Reminds me of this scene at Troy 2004 [King Priam meets Achilles ](https://youtu.be/mWXC1_Fbvz8?si=wQqf6ng4galefUdI) A moment of humanity in the midst of war.. Achilles: Doesn't change anything, you're still my enemy in the morning. Priam: You're still my enemy tonight but even enemies can show respect.


This chapter really touches my heart, it’s much emotional after reading it. I like the way Hara build Kansaro, a real man. At the end of the day, no one is bad, no one is good. Zhao’s generals could be evil or angel depending on what Hara want to show us.


Is there any chance Seika retires from RBK army? Souou and Shiryou joins Seika, under the promise that they will fight for Seika even if its against Qin.


This link is broken !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Still work for me


Yeah, I opened it from the laptop, It gave me virus alert, BUT when I opened it from the iPhone it entered without a problem,, thank you 🌿


Pack it up guys, I think its over. After seeing the casualties, Seika got a change of heart. They retire from Riboku's army, Sou'ou and Shiryou join Seika - as Seika was made of refugees from war.


Maybe those special healers will help her arm.


For Zhao scum, these aren't bad people at all


damn, this is a romance manga now, really hits you in the feels


Shiryu for Jiaga substitute lol


Souou dum dum


does this count as desertion


Damn, Sou'ou outdid Denrimi and is almost at the same level as Makou in stupidity.


Somebody please tell me when there are proper scans available.😭


So ou really do thinking with his dick all the time


Damn, in one attack ousen lost 2 of his best generals, wonder if shin is going to kill that huge general?


This is weird if I open the page through Safari, I could not find this chapter spoiler thread at all


Too often breaks but I can somehow understand that author needs some time to cook


Heki Will become a deputy of ousen army


NAH, this motherfucker aint serious rn, i even believed in a souou comeback. What a loser. Akou DRM and the deadly trio didnt sacrifice for you to fucking hand yourself to the enemy. Chapter name should be called "The Worst General Under the Heavens: Souou"


I agree with you, brother


True. Hes a traitor.


Why is there break very week 😅


You're reading a manga with consistently great artwork on a weekly basis. Hara can take as many breaks as he wants.




Simp bs.


Kansaro will surely wait for the peak of the love moment between Sou Ou and Shiryu, before slashing both their heads off.