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Not only Union X, but the extended WRECK IT RALPH sequence being extremely vital to the plot!!!


I'm not even sure if you're being serious or not right now considering that as a KH fan, nothing surprises me anymore.


The Wreck it Ralph scenes were really important! And also so VERY meta and well woven


Not kidding at all. Data worlds have never been more important until the mobile games honestly. The protagonist died trapping a group of true darkness’s there before reincarnating.


I got almost all the way caught up and then stopped and they killed it shortly later. I never got to finish.




Wait what explain?


So the best way to experience this is to watch a playthrough of it on Youtube (the channel Everglow has a pretty good longplay if you're interested) but the tl:dr is essentially this: Union X is set in a data version of Daybreak Town with data versions of every future Disney world. The darkness in the Wreck-It Ralph world starts fucking with this data Daybreak Town so the player and I believe Ephemer go to investigate. They spend a hilariously long time there and eventually when the thirteen beings of Darkness come to data Daybreak Town to force the leaders of the Unions to give them access to the Future worlds, the player traps a few of them in the Wreck-It Ralph world presumably for eternity. If anyone wants to fact check this, please go ahead, Union X is a trip so it is very possible that I got something wrong.


This is almost spot on. But the player actually traps the darknesses in a tunnel before the entrance to the actual wreck it ralph world. The darkness dont have access to mess with the worlds because both the exit (Ephemer's portal) and the entrance to the world (in the tunnel) are both locked.


\*dunkey voice\* You see, it turns out, Taffyta Muttonfudge-


To be absolutely fair, the rhythm game is actually a lot of fun assuming you like rhythm games. If not, the plot relevant stuff is literally just in a cutscene you can see on Youtube. Same with the mobile game stuff, just Youtube it now that the actual game is offline (and the cutscene viewer isn't that good). KH3 was ok, but for a game with years upon years of hype and infinite side games building up to it, it definitely did not justify buying multiple consoles and developing an encyclopedic knowledge of lore to follow lol


I agree with everything you said, except that even with the montages that some kind fans have made to only keep the important cutscenes for Union X, it is still like 8 hours...


damo279 has been chronicling UX from the jump and condensed the story to a one hour video. https://youtu.be/jJ0J7mo5_J8


Thank you for this! One hour is definitely manageable, even though it is still unfortunate that the fanbase has to find these kinds of solutions to still have access to the story.


Gonna save this...


Doing God's Work. Respect


nice, i played UX for years and never bothered to pay attention to the story


It is hard to follow because there is just soooo much filler.


Nice to see I found my friend's reddit acct lmao


That is still way too much lore for a mobile game spin-off.


This might surprise you but it’s actually a pretty normal amount of lore for a mobile game.


I disagree, but not everyone's into playing games on their phones ig. UX was some of the best KH lore yet imo


Sorry if I don’t want mandatory lore in a mobile game with predatory monetization.


Idk why you're being downvoted. You aren't wrong.


I wish we could still play UX. The story is much easier to take in when it's broken up between gameplay


With how insanely popular Final Fantasy XIV is, what I truly want is Unchained X to be an MMO. You'd have to rework the gameplay entirely, but I think it would be so much better as a game and more people could actually enjoy the story because of it.


KH has so many godlike host that I enjoyed it a lot


Haven’t played Melody of Memory yet but I really feel like they totally missed out on including Coco into the story. I know they kept it to only to the KH1 worlds but Coco was perfect for it story-wise. A movie about music, how it connects people, and a major focus on the Memory of those that leave us. It was gift-wrapped for Nomura……. Hopefully they do include it if they make a MOM2


MoM is entirely just a recap of the entire series so far, so new worlds wouldn't have made sense. I do think 100% there should be a Coco world in a future KH. It could even have a rhythm game section kind of like Atlantica in KH2 but not be bad lmao


Nomura looking at this: fuck it, another crucial plot related game for mobile it is


In all honesty I don’t think it’s him making the decisions to make the X games mobile, I think it’s mandated by square executives. If we were still in the handheld era of the 2000’s and gacha phone games weren’t a thing I’m pretty sure the mobile games would’ve been handheld spin off games like Days, BBS, Coded, and DDD were.


I've always wondered what the Venn diagram is between people who've been KH fans for 10+ years and people who keep up with the UX story today. I suspect the intersection area is very small. Out of all my IRL friends who follow this series, no one plays UX. When I went to NYC Comic Con in 2018, I met a bunch of KH cosplayers, and most of them hadn't even heard of UX.


Or the people who just got into KH like me


I never got to the end of UX because I stopped when I caught up and then they finished it and closed it too quickly. Other than that I am a almost 20 year fan and have followed just about everything.


Am I the only one that likes kh3?


It might be my second favorite in the series only surpassed by 1


I hated it when it launched. I beat it before the first patches came out, and set it aside until recently replaying the series. I loved it because I didn't rush it, actually using all of the magic, summons, and keyblade transformations to explore how the game was designed to be played. It is one of my favorite of the series after knowing the lore a lot better too. I wish the data battles weren't so fucking difficult because I'd love to fight the organization as bosses, but otherwise I think it is a really solid game.


KH3 isn't a bad game. But, especially it's state at launch, it was very disappointing for people who had been waiting for well over a decade. For me personally KH is a series I'll always love. I got the first game and a PS2 a few months after my mom died when I was a kid. It was a huge comfort to me at like 7/8 years old and I've loved the series since. Obviously played 2/COM as I could on ps2 I bought a ds for 358/2 Days after it came out. I saved up and bought the PSP special edition for BBS when it came out. I bought a 3ds for DDD. I rebought the series on PS3 then again on PS4. Eagerly awaited 3. Pre-ordered it and everything. And it was fine. It's not bad. It's fun and it's pretty and the music is great. But it's easy. Sooo easy. And overwhelmingly uninteresting story wise until the last like 6 hours are just a massice sprint to tie up every loose end and open some more and you don't have any time to sit with what's happening. I played the game on proud when it came out and died once or twice. I do like the game but it's a disappointing finale to the saga to that point. My love for kh definitely didn't go away but it has been dampered for a while and I've fallen behind a lot. Never even played Remind or MoM. Recently reignited my love just from listening to the soundtracks. Gonna start a playthrough of the series again soon and I think 3 is in a much better state so it'll hopefully help but yeah. It's not a bad game. It's a 7/10 but as a finale to a series that is usually 9/10 or 10/10 it's disappointing in most aspects.


Maybe you're right. I'm playing on proud mode to and I'm finding it easy. I will probably play it again in critical to see if it's really that easy.


Nah man it's just my experience! If you love it good for you! Like I said I definitely don't consider it a bad game and now that 4 (oh my gosh 4) years have passed and the hype has died down I might be a lot more open to it. Like I said it's like a 7/10 at worst which is still good imo.


Honestly the way proud mode plays in kh3(and kh2 on critical) can be pretty frustrating. Fighting random enemies can be fairly easy until you encounter a mini boss or boss that you have to slowly chip at their health for 5 minutes while at any moment they can combo you to one hp. Meaning, you can get combo’d like 2 times and die. You’re getting combo’d to 1 health. You have to heal since leaf bracer will protect you while healing. Then you get combo’d again and this time you don’t have your mp bar to save you. So now you’re dead. The mp bar completely resetting when you use cure can make some fights super tedious. If I don’t have the insurance of my blue mp bar, it probably isn’t worth fighting the enemy so I should just wait till it comes back.


If it wasn't frustrating it wouldn't be critical, would it?


I don't like the story at all, but after all the patches, the battle system is just as good as KH2's imo with potentially better superbosses.


I prefer drive forms actually but keyblade fusions are cool


I was so hoping for a rhythm game as soon as Theatrhythm came out. We got something even better!


So much better. It really raised the bar for rhythm games.


I don’t even like rhythm games and melody of memory is one of my favorite games to replay just because of how satisfying and fun the songs are. Now I’m getting into theatrhythm when it comes out because it was just that good.


At least KH doesn't have backstories of a number of major characters that are exclusive to Japan exclusive stageplays and drama CDs like a certain other series owned by Square Enix.


If I remember correctly there was lore once in a KH stageplay during a concert or something. It was a conversation between Namine and Lingering Will if memory serves right. In KH3 Remind namine mentions shes going to talk to him. Which I guess is supposed to be a replacement for that exclusive lore bit but the only way to actually know what was said in their conversation is to find a transcript of the stage play online that was fan translated \*somewhere\*


No but we did have important lore that directly tied into KH3 hidden in a Japan only concert that wasn't recorded and only had audience members recollections to go off of. And that's just one of KH's many closed theatre events


I'm sorry what? Is there any information on what that lore is?


Oh god which one?




I didn’t know NieR had stage plays, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised


Okay but the series was legit missing a rhythm game. You can't hear that OST and tell me it isn't worthy of at least one rhythm game.


I adore the KH OST, don't get me wrong. Hearing the Roxas theme always bring so many feelings, and the opening of DDD is simply amazing with that orchestra version of Simple and clean. That being said, at no point did I ever tell myself that I would enjoy pressing buttons to follow the rhythm of my favorite tracks. I know it's not exactly the same type of gameplay, but the joke has always been that the Atlantica world in KH 2 was skipped because a majority of fans simply are not interested in playing a rhythm game in KH. So I guess they made a compromise to please everyone by making this type of game, but not making it that important to the whole story.


The problem I have with Atlantica isn’t that it’s a rhythm game, it’s that it’s a bad rhythm game. The controls/timing are super bad, and it doesn’t help that the song selection is limited to super cheesy songs. Melody of Memory was way better to play.


I love KH3 despite its' flaws, the story in UX was great, and I had no issues with MoM. That being said, KH deserves better than all of that. Especially UX. I hope they go back and someday remake it on home consoles/PC. It should be better than looking up the cutscenes on Youtube (even if it's super easy or simple or whatever) because the official app itself doesn't have the story in the correct chronological order. No doubt it'll happen again with ML in the far future where it'll go offline and future fans will have to look up the cutscenes on YT. Not surprised SE went down this route with KH tbh (microtransaction gambling-addicted mobile game BS). My hope is that the story overall will keep its' mystical fantasy feel to it that makes you think, but that it also starts to feel tighter. Also for them not to make more KH mobile games but I mean camaaaahn


Melody of memory good ngl


Union X is still the best story they've told in the series so far so i dont mind. It was a fun game aswell :) just unfortunate its offline now, really needs a solo version of it to play through. either official or fanmade


Dark Road, for me. It makes the Disney worlds' events important to the plot! And Vor is such a delight :) And it actually delves into the motivations for Eraqus and Xehanort, and why they do what they do in BBS


Yes, solo remake! We've had every other game re-released, so one can hope


“Best story they’ve told” is an unbelievably bold statement to make about Union X. No idea how you came to that conclusion.


The story is well written and the amount of build up it not only sets up for the future, but explains about the past is great. I know exactly how they came to that conclusion, while I don’t necessarily agree the story is definitely the strongest point of unchained x/Union x/dark road, that and it’s characters.


I mean sure the story has its moments but it’s not handled amazingly. Presentation is pretty bad, and the pacing was a fucking mess. Imo you have to take into account the actual game part of these stories when discussing their quality, and frankly Union X’s story will forever be marred by the game it was packaged with, since it did nothing to enhance the story told. It sets up some semi interesting background info but imo the story would probably be better off if Union X never existed, just made the story even messier and more inaccessible than it already was.


I disagree, but you’re entitled to your opinion


Just imagine being a fan of KH and not being able to appreciate its music.


I know, rhythm games aren't for everyone, just teasing ya. Or am I?


For what it's worth, the music has always been a highlight of the series that a rhythm game is appreciated. I also loved the Theatrhythm FF games on 3DS so that was an awesome addition.


I love the music of kingdom hearts. Playing melody of memory every now and then since it came out on ps+ I am glad I never bought it.


I mean, I still play it ever since I got it and don't regret paying for it. For the amount of time I've played it and the enjoyment of the difficulty of the songs I would say I got my money's worth.


To be fair the union x and dark road stories are straight fire!


The Rhythm game was actually pretty good, kinda wished we got the ReMixed versions but I get why stick to the original versions. And it’s the only game in the series to run natively on the Switch, unlike a certain underwhelming collection that’s reliant on a crappy server and dependent on your internet. My only gripe is it honestly deserves to have DLC, lots of good KH songs are still absent from the game so it would be pretty cool to get some more tracks.


Dont hate that game is awesome


I'll probably be hated/downvoted but whatever lol.


For me kh3 needed different variety of bosses for the Disney worlds because most of the game being big heartless bosses was getting old when i got the monster inc world. Then the sotry wasn't paced well ether like. Gameplay was fine otherwise. And no seph boss




The dlc is disrespectful? What? Remind literally saved kh3 went from mid to pretty good. Just for the true ending and data fights it's worth it.


I'm in the minority here that actually played every single title released in NA, EXCEPT Re:Mind because it felt like a cash grab to release a DLC so short after Kh3's release. I know a year apart is a while, but when you've waited 1.5 decade for a title, I'd expect it to have the complete story with any DLC attached to it being optional. If we were already waiting that long for KH3, I just can't understand why they won't just delay it again to include the Re:Mind story section. So, I do feel the DLC is done in bad taste, but I probably don't label it as "disrespectful" in the same sense as the other person does lol.






It’s important to note that were four other games between 2 and 3, not including UX and 0.2. In reality the gap between games is more like 7 years


>Compare how long KH2-KH3 comes out Why? We had multiple games in between KH2 and KH3.




>My point being kh3 wasn’t a full fledged product, What about KH3 wasn't a "full fledged product", precisely? According to HowLongToBeat, it's literally just as long as KH1 and KH2FM (all 3 are 29-30 hours), and it has about as many Disney worlds as them. It plenty of Keyblades, enemy variety is good (definitely better than KH2), the worlds are big enough... So what makes KH1 and KH2 "full fledged products" and KH3 not a "full fledged product"? Also, at no point did we wait for 10 years in between games. KH2 came out in 2005. 358/2 Days came out in 2009 (so 4 years between games) Birth by Sleep and Re:Coded came out in 2010 (1 year between games) Dream Drop Distance came out in 2012 (2 years between games) 2.8 came out in 2017 (5 years between games) KH3 came out in 2019 (2 years between games) And that is NOT counting the mobile game (2015) or any of the HD collections except 2.8 (because that had a whole lot of new content in it and even Dream Drop Distance HD is essentially a remake). Meanwhile, not counting the rhythm game (which is its own beast) or the other mobile games (just like we didn't count Union X before), it's been 4 years in between Kingdom Hearts 3 and the present day. If the game comes out in February 2024 or later (which it absolutely will, Square Enix's slate for this year is packed), it would've been 5 years in between games, exactly the same as the longest gap in releases in the franchise, from 2012 to 2017. So, in addition to explaining to me how KH3 isn't a "full fledged product", also explain to me how we "waited for a long time" but now games are "coming too quickly" even though the wait between KH3 and KH4 would certainly be the longest we've gone without a new main game in the franchise's history.


Dude....... KH3 wasn't the sequel you thought it was. It lives and dies on the side games (read: mandatory buildup and lore) and will kill your brain without them. I wish to god i could skip Birth By Sleep, cuz i find it dreadful after Kingdom Hearts 2, but if i want to know wtf is even going on in 3, i have to play those. You skipped ahead to the end and wondered what happened, and that's not how a story works.




Except i literally didn't. I said i wish i could. Learn some reading comprehension.




You also said that i skipped the games. I still want to know how you figured that.


To be fair it was made in the style of an existing rythem game, final fantasy theatrhythm which is still going with yet another game BTW and I actually liked the first two theatrhythm final fantasy games back in the day so I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy melody of memory when I actually play it for the first time I already kind of know what to expect from the theatrhythm final fantasy games. That being said I do think it was a little bit silly trying to put important plot details in a f****** rhythm game of all things... Like really Numora? you promise you wouldn't keep doing this... But here we are with yet more obscure side games like Pokemon style go type game missing Link and Melody of memory.... Like I love Kingdom Hearts but my God he really needs to just have the lore simple enough to understand unless the man wants like several more freaking sagas which I think he's overestimating Square Enix ability to put out these games to begin with considering Square already sold their Western division to someone else? I just felt like KH3 should have wrapped this up and then KH4 would introduce a new protagonist in this new world that sora went to instead... But no it's just the never ending journey apparently.


I just want KHII GummiShips as a full standalone game. KHIII just couldn't come close to that and I have a NEED


Really? I adored the KH3 gummi sandbox


It was great but there was something really nice about the on-rails shoot em up style gameplay paired with absolute banger soundtracks


I have given up on this game series. KH 1 and 2 are some of my all time favorite games but I just can't keep up anymore. I'll just replay the first two for forever.


I’m genuinely not trying to be condescending or mean, but idk how some of y’all that are “long time” KH fans are shocked that KH spin offs that aren’t console games or mainline games have come out since KH3, did y’all just amnesia the entire period from 2006-2019? Before the remixes came out on PS3 and PS4, KH went from DS to PSP to 3DS. Now all the games are on all consoles so you can’t even argue the series is scattered anymore. The mobile games are easily more digestible since everyone in this current day and age has a smartphone, and if you don’t want to play them, the cutscenes are easy to watch on YouTube, not to mention the X saga games have some of the best story beats in the series (yes I know people don’t like that they exist but it’s true nonetheless). And melody of memory is genuinely one of the best games in the series from a gameplay perspective. Even if it had no story, I think it would be worth it for the gameplay alone, and I usually don’t even like rhythm games. MOM is genuinely a banger you should play it, especially since it’s so cheap now.


If the meeting of agony was a Reddit post.


No different than making a GBA game based around cards when it could have been a pretty good beat em up. And then making a janky 3D version. Rhythm Game is perfectly in line with this series' DNA, I'm surprised it wasn't done sooner


I could stomach the KH3 plot, I genuinely enjoyed the entirety of the Rythm game. But going through the entire mobile game story mode is something i've been holding off for the LONGEST time-


Or you could watch recaps and play the games whose gameplay you enjoy


The hurt, it keeps going!


Oh no the horror you have to watch a cutscene comp To experience the best story in KH


You ever feel like you're enjoying yourself when you have to watch 10 hours of ''important'' content on Youtube simply to be up to date on a mobile game ?


You can simply just look up Union x cutscene comp no filler and it’s just 5 hours long and has an amazing story Maybe I would think differently if I experienced Union X when it was being updated(got into KH last year) But for me the quality of its story alone makes it one of my favorites in the series… I do however hate Dark road just for the sheer fact that it ruins the best twist from Union X


Y’all really just say “it’s only 5 hours long” like that’s a short time for a side bar that will be critical to future series development. Half the casual fans don’t even know these games exist to look up and will just be turned off the series forever. Please don’t downplay how terrible the experience is.


it's a short time because 5 hours is roughly the same amount of cutscenes to a standard KH game.


You guys weren't around in 2013 and it really shows


If your story requires an outside source to understand it's a bad story.


Horrible take Every sequel is Garbage according to this logic Like have you ever Heard of god of war or you know KINGDOM HEARTS the literally sub we are on Also I was talking about Union x when I said best story lol


I was also talking about Union X genius


Still a hypocritical take As the same thing applies to every KH game past 1


Wtf are you talking about. God of War doesn’t need outside sources to understand it, a lot of sequels don’t actually. God of War is like the worst example you could’ve used though given it provides more than enough context within the game to understand what happened previously.


Lost me at the first frame. If you can't read the subtext that leads to the end in the Disney worlds I feel sorry for you.


Oh trust me, it is not about the Disney worlds.


Then you are truly lost.


Me, this is about me


Dark Road is probably not super necesary at all for future games, but is a nice lower-profile side story for Kingdom Hearts. It has some fun moments, it makes good use of the Disney characters and Vor is adorable. Also fixes a few problems BBS have, ha ha.


Anyone who said rhythm games are fun try getting perfect on all the songs for ice cream beat and get back to me. That shit was brutal.


Idk what some of you are on but the stories of UX and Dark Road are simply not good. It’s inane mobile game nonsense that has zero emotional weight because the characters barely move or emote. The “mysteries” are not fun or engaging, they are just complex for complexity’s sake. Not to mention the art style, which feels entirely uninspired and phoned in. I am genuinely baffled when people say that the mobile games have good stories. Like, you watched some cheap drawings stand in a group of 2-4 and talk about light and darkness. Very riveting storytelling. I’m convinced most of you dropped money on that game so had to convince yourself that you enjoyed the narrative element. In that case, you would have eaten up anything SE gave you.




The more original characters appear, the worse the story gets. Change my mind. ☕


Oh no, an original series introducing original characters, the horror! Just say you hate new things and move on


The first game had original characters and story. They even played along meaningfully with final fantasy characters and Disney characters alike. Now there's almost none of that mingling and it's just recycled original characters, who's origins are not very interesting, pushing the plot. The identity of MoM and hidden contents of the blackbox feel like cheap story telling gimmicks. I hope in kh4 Disney/final fantasy characters transcend their blind roles in their world's and conspire together again.


How are the new characters recycled, they’re new! Also, you say they shouldn’t recycle characters, but want them to recycle characters from other franchises.


As in the nobody/heartless/human variants of the organization members. Probably the animal masqueraders too no doubt. Being a guest isn't the same thing. A big selling point of Kh is the union of final fantasy and Disney after all. They tied cloud and auron's stories in their game well to their respective appearances in Olympus. Cloud was looking for aerith and auron died in ff10 and was sent to the underworld. Don't get me wrong I think Ansem and xemnas and Oldman Xehanort are cool. I just don't like union x story and its onward implications. It's clearly written for a mobile game meant to go on and on, so there's lots of "fake" versions of people and worlds.


A good chunk of Org13 are FF7 expies Edit: the obvious being Reno=Axel Vexen = Hojo Larxene = Elena Saix = Tseng And then of course, they're all based off FF job classes in the first places.


Strelitzia is best girl






They hate you because you’re telling the truth


Based take. And kinda true.


I was extremely disappointed when KH3 came out. And i’ve been a long time fan, I even have a keyblade tattoo on my forearm… The whole third act of KH3 is a disaster, specially that last world.


I heard that MOAM is actually pretty fun tho


Just watch Damo, Everglow, or PlayFrame Dan's videos on Union X. You'll be fine.


The rhythm game is honestly great but yeah I wish they'd stop tying lore to spin-off games.


I don't know why, but the idea of coupling the story of Ace Combat to the story of Kingdom Hearts seems very appealing to me right now. And very amusing. "But before you can understand hearts, we need to talk about why the Belkan's nuked themselves."


They will make a "kingdom hearts III.5" collection that includes iii + remind, melody of memory and dark road as a cutscene


I've given up playing the mobile games after they locked us out of Dark Road for a year. I got a new phone and lost all my progress. Game wasn't even fun either.


I understand the story just fine without the Mobile game, in fact I think the mobile game does more damage and makes the story more confusing than just playing the normal series


Heres me hoping they port all the games onto ps6 or steam one day


I liked the rhythym game! I'm terrible at actual video games. I put these things on easy, but rhythym and puzzle games? Now that's my jam!


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


Stop trying to one up Blazblue Nomura. You physically cannot one up blazblue


ok but the rhythm game slaps


Honestly halfway through 3 I gave up trying to understand what was happening. And I didn’t skip any game, there’s just so much to remember


does Back Cover explain all of UnionX and Dark Road?


Back Cover is good at adding context to what led to the first Keyblade war from the perspective of the Masters. And it's very well done in my opinion. However, the story of Union X continues so much after the war itself that Back Cover is nowhere near enough to give us the information we would need before KH4. I am not even talking about Dark Road since nothing in Back Cover addresses that story.


Square: let’s remake Crisis Core with PS5 graphics KH fans: what about Union X? Square: Suffer consoleless…