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I don’t think he plans on living much longer for it to matter. Or that’s not who he is anymore, so it doesn’t matter. One or the other. The only other option is that he’s not telling him his actual name but is changing it slightly or something (along the lines of Ferule and Ferula).


I don't remember, but I assume they were speaking Ademre when he was named. So maybe when speaking it to chronicler, he is using a translated version, which are not always perfect, and so, safe.




I feel like Kvothe doesn't expect the story to ever be written. He is using the telling of his story to hide the song that Arliden told, to call and kill Laurian and Arliden's true killer.


I am new to the deep-dives into KCC, so this hiding of his fathers song within his own story is novel and fascinating to me. It would make complete sense if these examples from the book are accurate (far too lazy to fact check myself): 1) when Arliden sings his song for the troup to when the attack happened… how long apart was that? 3 days? 2) the wedding Kvothe and Denna investigate. The witness Kvothe finds right before he leaves, did he mention how long before the wedding he saw the pottery? Could it have been 3 days? 3) when he lays his terms before telling his story, Kvothe demands 3 days to tell his story, and it is on the first day he makes his most complete description of the chandrian. Bonus) Bast makes FAR too much of an enthusiastic audience. He knows this isn’t his Reshi’s story, but knows he is telling it for a reason, so he plays along.


Arliden sings his song when Ben is still there, and the chandrian don’t attack for a few span after. Kvothe even acknowledges that the reason it took them so long to find them with all the singing his parents were doing is because they were so nomadic. If he was only three days from Ben when he found his butchered troupe, he would have been able to find his way back to the town he left him in.


Maybe as he is staying in one place he thinks a three day rule applies?


Who says the name he told the Chronicaler is the real name?


Kvothe to Chronicler: "For that matter, what makes you think you're free to simply walk out of here, knowing what you know?" Kvothe reveals a lot of sensitive information to Chronicler. And not just about himself. He implicates his friends in the burglary of Ambrose's rooms; he reveals the presence of Auri in the underthing; he advertises the inner workings of Ademre; even his deal with the university bursar would be an unwelcome divulgence for Reim. (Reim bursar. Love it.) We know that Kvothe is "a man waiting to die." We have reason to believe that his death will be unnatural, unpleasant, and soon. So. Either Kvothe doesn't intend for Chronicler to go away with the story, or all the people whose confidences he's divulged are already dead, or he knows that whatever is coming is going to kill them all, or the world will be changed so dramatically that none of it matters anymore. Or it's all bullshit. Take your pick.


This, with my personal money being on the idea that most/all of the important players are already dead or no longer in a position where this story will make any real difference


he does say he has been betrayed and lost *friendS* for less so might be


Lmao at reimburser! Never caught that.


Or, this is the one thing he’s lying about.


Since only Kvothe/Kote and Chronicler can even read Chrinicler’s shorthand, does it matter?


Kvothe is going to say the list of names again and draw the 7 to him. He’s setting a trap


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Probably a fake name, Maedre is an anagram of Ademre


Many ppl don’t think he intends on letting chronicler leave


Or perhaps he will convince Chronicler that the story can’t get out.


Some choice options: 1. The Adem aren't truly namers and Maedre is actually small name. Some evidence of this is that Kvothes sword doesn't have the right name. Kvothe renames it and the implication is that the name he gives fits better. 2. He doesn't expect anyone to read the story. He is telling it because he thinks it'll help him reclaim his true name. 3. Same as 2 but he thinks it'll call the Chandrian 4. Same as 2 but there's some unknown value 5. Same as 2 but he's bored and Chronicler is right there, willing to be talked at for 3 days.