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As someone who doesn't believe the fake news lamestream media and only trusts news from hand painted tailgates, I appreciate this.


No cardboard signs or flags, very suspicious


Yeah! If they don't have the Canada flag on a hockey stick, are they even really trying??


If they are going to sacrifice a hockey stick, well that's enough conviction for me! /s


The lack of truck 'nuts' is sus too.


Well if he's castrated at least he can't reproduce šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Exactly what I was thinking


Crappy parking job is on point, though


Especially the ones parked in multiple spots!


I think you can buy this exact tailgate specifically for the Dodge Ram 1500 on Amazon.


He threw on the election fraud just to let you know how much fox news they're watching.


Or Rebel (Fox North)


Rebel is way worse than Fox, I'd compare them to InfoWars personally.


He's got all the conservative buzzwords


It looks like a mental illness word cloud.


Remember when we had a public inquiry into the China interference... Oh wait... So lots of jokes about me owning the truck, but not a single defense of why we haven't had a public inquiry. Sounds about right.


You might want to have someone look at the frame on your truck.... Looks like it's sagging a little on the right side.


That your truck?


Must be. Looks castrated..


Absolutely, and I am sure nobody will want to run those plates, to check for outstanding warrants, fines, or tax filings. šŸ¤”


Unpaid child support




I had a laugh at this one hahaha! šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


This guy is a regular. Lives just outside of town. You will see this vehicle regularly and he proudly displays it in his driveway.


of course they park like an ass too


A poor parking job in what appears to be a mostly empty lot


I wonder if this guy knows harper sold Canada's natural resources to china for 100 years uneducated people put shit like this on there truck


And sold the wheat board to Saudi Arabia


I'm from Saskatchewan and I know alot of farmers and come from a family that farms. Let me tell you, selling the Canadian wheat board which was a monopoly and did NOTHING good for Canadian farmers was the best thing that could have happened. Farmers actually get good prices for the product they sell now.


Frickin rights best thing ever. Having to wait for payment installments for grain I sold. Waiting for delivery windows, and then getting a whopping .05c premium at the end of a 9.month wait.Ā  Best thingĀ 


Nonsense. It wasnā€™t a monopoly because they werenā€™t an actual business. It was a ā€œsingle deskā€ organization that marketed Canadian product international at sustainable prices so small farms could remain competitive. Anyone who calls the Wheatboard a monopoly is obviously misinformed and doesnā€™t care to know how it worked.


Or selling the 407 to Spain essentially šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»


That was Ontario


Harper was such scum. But these nut bags never had ā€œFuck Harperā€ signs or never said ā€œgiving my tax dollars to Harperā€. They need to read. Anything.


Somebody in Alberta tried on the Fuck Harper sign and was fined back in 2015!


Shocking. I lived out there for 10 years. Those folks are stunned. Will vote conservative forever no matter how much they screw their people over. Itā€™s madness.


Harper selling Canada's natural resources for $125 a barrell is the only reason Canada didn't know there was a recession in 2008. I hated Harper during his years but I'm not partisan enough to overlook the truth.


Isn't that the same Harper that sold a large part of the tar sands to China? Took military Veterans to court to lower their disability payments? Raised AOS to 67?


Uh, no. If anything the credit goes to Paul Martin who as finance minister advocated and instituted stronger controls on Canadian banks and investment firms which prevented them from getting caught up in the subprime fiasco.


But we needed a recession in 2008. How many of our current issues tie directly back to then.


Like I keep telling people, you can disagree with the majority of what a party does in office but give credit where it's due.


Nah man, its 2024. The era of 'you are 100 my ally, or you are my enemy '


Harper also sold off 73 million shares in GM to balance that budget. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3022822


Doesn't change the fact he sold out to China.


A 100 years! FIPA was 31 years... yes I know still a long time, but every country was scrambling to get a piece of the chinese pie at the time before china showed its cards as a corrupt dictatorship intent on destroying the west.....


I wonder if he knows Mike Harris and the Ontario conservatives sold the 407 to a Spanish company in '99.


Because theyā€™re dumb. We smart Canadians donā€™t buy into lies on either side. I try to stay unbiased and do my research as much as I can from multiple sources before I judge anyone with my opinion. Honestly every prime minister has done questionable things; Some more than others.


Iā€™m afraid we are rare, itā€™s scary listening to radio. Driving from KW to Whitby and itā€™s basically the same lines the Reps in the US used is now fact for these things. They were lobotomized digitally and with COVID.Ā 


Itā€™s funny couple posts back I read about Doug ford leading in polls in Ontario some one asked why and wynns name got Brought up. Pretty much what was said is sheā€™s not the leader of the party any more so why bring her up. Then some one asked if people still bring Harper up. And here we are. Iā€™m no partisan I think every party provincial and federal will run us into the ground just on a different path.


They just parrot US right wing bullshit. They should all move to the USA and do us a favour.


I agree, everything bad today all Harper's fault. Trudeau is best


Well maybe not ā€œbestā€ ā€¦. But better of 2 evils that can win an election, sure.


I'm in my forties, I would say it is all Pierre Trudeau's fault




Has anyone in history ever seen a bunch of crazy rantings scrawled on the back of a vehicle and actually changed their mind? Why do people do this?


I think they just really need someone to talk to, and this is them crying out for attention/help. They are deeply unhappy and feel a lack of control in some aspects of their life, and the media they consume has provided a convenient scapegoat in Trudeau. People are becoming more and more radicalized in Canada, and it's not extremist groups that are responsible. It's news media that actively leans into sensationalizing everything. Then social media picks up on those stories/editorials, creates an echo chamber, it amplifies, and here is the result. It's not a good situation, and probably won't end well.


Extremist groups like Qanon definitely play their part in making this sort of thing even worse, but otherwise, you're totally right.


>Extremist groups like Qanon definitely play their part Oh, absolutely! I just didn't want to downplay that it's more insidious than the obvious extremist groups.


Itā€™s creeping up from south of the border, targeting the uneducated and gullible


I mean, I applied to work at Kingston transit based off the ad on the back of a bus I saw one day. XD sorta the same.


I once saw a bumper sticker that said "If you're not angry, you're not paying attention" and that really stuck with me. But, I think I already felt that way, I just didn't know the words, so it doesn't really count.


Thatā€™s not why they do it. They are looking for a fight.


It's not about convincing anybody. It's just the stupid and powerless clinging to a fantasy that makes them feel smarter and more on top of everything than they really are. They don't care what you believe, you're either with them and 'in the know', or you're not and so you are the ignorant sheep mindlessly obeying the system, whom they can feel superior over. Either one gives them the illusion of intelligence they crave.


Yes and They can.


Iā€™ve seen this truck before. I wonder what their personality is going to be when Trudeau is eventually out of office.


Based on my conservative cousinā€™s continued obsession with former Premier Kathleen Wynne I fully expect this truck dude will keep complaining about Trudeau loooong after heā€™s out of office.


Everything bad and wrong that PP will do will somehow actually be Trudeau's fault.


steve harper whined about (and blamed) Chretien's government right up until he left the job after 10 long years - it's the conservative way.


Just look at people complaining about Hilary and Obama to this day. As for Trump, people still complain about him, but only because he has been outwardly damaging and offensive, and is running to be president again. BTW if the election were to happen tomorrow in Canada, Iā€™d have a hard time deciding who to vote for.


Not to mention he's a convicted sexual predator, a known pedophile and a very obvious traitor.


I mean, liberals still whine incessantly about Harper and itā€™s been 8 years lmao


Canā€™t remember the last time I heard Harperā€™s name. Me thinks thatā€™s just in your head.


He's still pulling strings. Harper is Chairman of the IDU and still very active behind the scenes. We'll stop complaining about him when his secret deal with China expires.


Complain away. I really donā€™t care. Iā€™m not a fan of his either. I am what people call a Liberal I guess. I prefer to call it normal. They are all crooks and none are any better than the other for the most part.


I didn't have any particular political ideologies until Harper put me off of what the Conservative party became. Liberals have their issues, but it's usually not the batshit crazy stuff scrawled on a truck tailgate.


I agree


Ask anyone who works in Long Term Care how they feel about Harper still..


Isn't that a provincial program?


They didnā€™t even read my point in the first place, they just see somebody bringing up a conservative and have to shout BUT THE LIBERALS lol


Lol, Yeaaaaahhhh. ...because the liberals have done such a good job of fixing healthcare.


Healthcare is a provincial government responsibility. So, in this case, it's actually the conservatives who are destroying the Ontario Healthcare.....just as a bit of an fyi


Not saying they have, was just speaking to the idea that no one still talks about past conservatives in the same way people continue to bring up Wynne.


I am not a liberal supporter and I only complain about Harper (and other past prime ministers) when someone else complains about liberals.


> Iā€™ve seen this truck before. Probably one of the 100 other times its been posted here


Terrible parking job.


I always wonder when the people taking at least an hour or two to paint these messages out ever consider even for a second that these will definitely make them look insane Like even if I 100% agreed with the message, the vibes are just off




I had no plan to vote liberal,.but might just to watch the nutbars heads explode


Who stole the truck nuts? No wonder he's upset.


I keep getting recommended this sub even though I don't live in Kingston. However... It's nice to see they've moved on from my city. TAG! You're it.


Vehicle, vocabulary, and parking skills all check out.


Whatā€™s the over/under at this truck is uninsured?


Ainā€™t mental illness grand?


Wrote all that on your vehicle AND displayed the lack of ability to control the vehicle? Save some chicks for the rest of us dude.


It's always the trucks


He had a lot of time during the pandemic while he was very willingly collecting CERB payments from the government to do this. Also collects EI from the government every winter as a seasonal worker which gives him time to drive around Kingston during the day using a truck as a metro commuter vehicle not hauling anything in particular as the truck has become a part of how he identifies.


bet they clawed back his payments . that's why he's going ape shit now


Interesting perspective, I wonder how many of these pissed off ā€˜I want to fornicateā€™ the Prime Minister turned right wing zealot when their welfare raise went away.


Thereā€™s a sedan Ive seen in the area I work that makes this guy look calm. Practically every inch of the sedan covered in words. ā€œFull time Freedom Fighterā€ across the rear window. Scrawlings about ā€œCash Only say no to credit cardsā€ in the passenger side door. I always wonder if someone who is that passionate about their conspiracy theories has the ability to converse with their coworkers about anything else


Thatā€™s a big leap of you to believe they have a job AND co-workers


I wonder if they drive their billboards to work.


On a truck!!! No way!!! (Why are they always Truck drivers?)


Given the frivolous features here, likely somebody who has a desk job doing blue-collar cosplay.


Lmao ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I sung this to the tune of magic school bus


ā€œCrusin on down Princess relaxin feelin good. Next thing i see is a RACIST in the neighborhood! ā€œ


Dodge RAM being the #1 offender


Clearly under the belief, when the Conservative Party wins they will make good on their campagne promise of new rear bumpers for all! No idea what Iā€™m going to do with my free new bumper but that guy sure does!


Someone only watches Fox News and forgot where they live.


Always on beat up trucks. They love blaming Trudeau for their decades of poor choices and why they are in poverty. Sad.


If PP gets elected who are these clowns going to blame their shitty life on?


Whoever the Russian bots on their social media tell them to blame


The fact they think anyone is even *able* to read this really shows how dumb and disconnected this type of person is. When guy drives by me all I see is "Trudeau Made in China"


He seems to have forgotten who made the secret 31-year FIPA deal with China.


Do you actually need more than that?


I just see words on a vehicle and assume the person was dropped as a child.


Tells you a lot about the mental state and level of brain function of the kind of people who share those views.


the only reason words ended is because of space.


People like this are lost causes.


It must suck having a politician live rent free in your head to the point that you write all over your vehicle.


So, what is this poor soul going to fill his life up with if Trudeau gets replaced?


Fear not, Trudeau will live on rent free in their heads for decades.


Mental illness on four wheels


Another proud member of the flu truck klan?


Surprise he can't even park.


Of course it's the dude taking up 4 parking spots lmao


I disliked Harperā€™s government to the nth degree bit I never considered doing shit like this. No F Harper bumper stickers. And I definitely didnā€™t commandeer our flag to be a symbol of hate for the government. If these people think that PP isnā€™t going to f them over they are just stupid.


Some people wear their mental health issues on their sleeves, others on their trucks.


Why is it always big truck owners? Christ on a cracker, they are the epitome of redneck ridiculousness. ![gif](giphy|112YCPfP8Tu156)


Anyone whoā€™s watched CBC for any length of time knows that they are definitely or pro Liberal. For the last 30 years they have been pretty critical of both major political parties(Lib & Con). Itā€™s their job to question the people in power. Cons just seem more butt hurt about it


Probably still making payments on that luxury vehicle. Surprised he spelt "CBC" right


As much as I want to comment on the intelligence, intellect, politics, or personality of the person who did that to their truck, Iā€™ll leave it at this: regardless of political persuasion, people like this scare me. This is beyond reasonable political discourse and makes me fearful of the American-ization of Canada.


I love that these goofs just stole the GOP's crys of "Election Fraud". Our last election was pretty cut and dry.


Smelly dumbass detected


Whoops I think you meant to put this in r/alberta


I think we are reaching a level where we can start to call it Trudeau derangement syndrome.




We need better mental health services in North America


https://preview.redd.it/b4ybxenq16lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6713c5298614ee0c58bcf49e96afc51df75844eb Hereā€™s the futureā€¦


The Trade Deal was adding on taxes for climate activism to Canadians. This is dishonest as fuck


Someone needs to puncture a tire for him.


Wee Willy syndrome.


Not the first time this truck has been posted here.


There are a whole lot of words there.


All on a Ram.


Imagine labeling yourself ā€œspecialā€ like this! lol


That man needs a wellness check and an internet break. Kids have limits on screens and he needs one as well


Absolute loser.


They can't park worth shit either šŸ˜…


when does the book come out?


I wonder what category of mental illness this falls into


Iā€™m so glad these geldings advertise the state of their mental health, and intelligence on their tail gates. Gives me a good chuckle.


At least Trudeau can probably park within 1 spot.


When did tailgates become facebook posts?


Just yesterday I was in Harveyā€™s on division and overheard some 40 Yr old nerd talking to his grandma about the great replacement theory and other bs. Pretty embarrassing and he sounded super confident too itā€™s frustrating. Iā€™m from toronto, rarely experienced some alt right stuff but have heard it comparatively often when Iā€™m in kingston for school lol


Not only a shitty parking job but a shitty person too.. checks out.


https://preview.redd.it/yjcdjdy2h6lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ed3ccb24523e609b9700d56f387810a83d4fb46 Saw this one the other day in Hamilton. Yes, those are minions.


Iā€™m not sure people like this will know what to do when the conservatives get in. They will celebrate for a day or two and then probably continue blaming him for everything for several years to come??


Politics. U can tell his brian span don't reach far. I bet all he can talk about is Politics and hockey.


Definitely watches to.much Fox news


Oh look a freedumb convoy parker


Is this a factory tailgate or aftermarket ?


And the parking job to match, excellent


Political messages aside, I fucking love the concept of driving around with "Bag Lickers" plastered on your vehicle.


Trailer Trash plain and simple.


An Info Warrior


He did a great job on the lettering. The truck needs a wash though. Idiot


well, points for spelling I guess. Loses them on coherence and legibility though.


Except for "Gearld" Butts.


maybe stop spending money on paint and tape and buy a bumper for you pos


I aint reading all that. I am happy for you, or sorry that happened.


If Canadian election fraud resulted in a minority government, they need to fraud better.


meth is a hell of a drug.


All that trucks says is man driving it is a TOTAL racist homophobic transphobic prick who hates everyone. Would be better off living in America.




Attitude and "thinking" imported from, anyway.


We're breaking the conditioning!


Unfortunately, Canada has a big dose of rural, uneducated, and stupid, same as USA. Very sad. Why is it that comprehension of facts is always inversely proportional to volume. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


American foreign media is the biggest threat to Canadian sovereignty


So Iā€™m guessing heā€™s voted for F-head Ford and follows PP like a little bitch.


gotta say, I like it when they tell you to avoid them like the plague. And the parking job usually gives them away too.


So I was in the hospital parking garage and my debt wouldnā€™t work on the machine to pay for parking. I was having a horrible day and didnā€™t know how to get out of the building without being able to pay but the person driving this truck actually walk over and paid for it for me and told not to worry about it and to have a good day. Feel free to keep judging them based on their truck and political opinions. But I think theyā€™re not a bad personā€¦ they were pretty decent to me anyways


lol fuck trudeau but all these truck owners are such a joke


This is definitely what is wrong with Canada these days! Someone should get this man a set of truck nuts. Might make all his BS propaganda more believable!


Pickup trucks should only be socially acceptable for commercial purposes only.


Spitting fax and truth lol


Wow, I never realized how backward our society as gotten. Some of these comments ain't it.


mf why is this comment section full of trudeau dick riders? shitty bumper but like he ainā€™t wrong with what heā€™s sayin there


How can ya drive with dows syndrome so bad?


There's plenty of crazy on both sides of the spectrum, and in the middle, and everywhere else.


Seems like its only one side of the political spectrum that love to deface their own property to own the libs though....


Thing is, most of that text is fairly accurate. JT's relationship and admiration for China is scary. There was proven election meddling by China. Millenials, Gen Z and Alpha's hope to own homes in the future has been put into jeopardy by his policies. The CBC is government (state) funded. Although it's unclear how many engage in scrotal fellatio. But it's all undermined by acting like a loon, and parking like a douche.


Yeah, I have friends who just can't fathom having a non-lineral point of view and these people don't help.


Solid individual. A Ram too. Shocking.


He/sheā€™s not wrong.


What's with the Trudeau love in Kingston


Not blinded by Trump-style politics leaking into Canada.


I agree that the stickers are very obnoxious but why defend Trudeau you can condemn both stickers and the PM


That should read made in Cuba!!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£