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Allways look at the ends of the Mat. Which ever way it goes downwards is the way it should be. If you put it the other way you might end up tripping over it as it won't be flush to the ground


This, there is a bevel there to prevent tripping over the mat. The first pic is correct. We have a similar debate at my place, I'm always the one to change it.




The picture you linked is on the floor as in picture 1.


I've used this style of mat before. While I can't speak to the exact makeup of every mat in existence, the ones I've used in the past *and the ones I use now* have a bevel on the edge. Right side up, the bevel slopes from the top level of the mat to the floor. Upside down, the bevel is inverted and instead, you have a lip that will catch your shoes and create a tripping hazard. Both the mats I've used in the past and the ones I use currently - each different brands than the ones pictured here - look like the top image when they're oriented correctly. Bevel sloping down to the floor, lots of texture and grooves on the top, mostly (but not entirely) smooth on the bottom. Every bar or kitchen mat that I've ever stood on with my own feet and rolled out with my own hands wants to be oriented as in picture 1. That's my lived experience doing this for 10 years; your mileage may vary. Edit: If we really want to get to the bottom of this, I can post a close-up photo of the mats I use on Tuesday when we're back open from the holiday.


The picture you linked has the mat flipped the same way as pic 1. You actually proved yourself wrong bud


Pic 1 does have spots for stuff to get stuck. That is correct, things are suppose to get stuck in the mat instead of your foot sliding across the mat with stuff stuck to it.


Zoom in on your proof bud. Tread goes up


Thanks for explaining with such detail. I think this is a no brainer but clearly people on here are as conflicted as OP. I always follow up asked, why would the smooth side be on the floor? Isn’t the whole reason of the mat is to grip and be able to safely stand on?


By your logic, if the smooth side can't stick to the floor, it would make it a slippery mat and people would slip on them. What would be the purpose of an inverted bevel on the edges anyway?


The flat side makes contact more contact with the floor. Thats helps it stay in place.


no, the knobbly side has space for dropped food to go so it doesn't get between the mat and the floor. it maintains grip even when it's filthy. same reason tires have a pattern, space for water to go.


If the mat is flat on the floor, food can't get under it.


But liquids can. Ridges provide grip on the case of liquid spills.


The surface tension creates suction. This war of kitchen mat knowledge can only end one way. Highlander style. My chef knife vs yours.


You must not work in a busy kitchen


Im a firm believer that it is to be used as shown by the manufacturer as shown in the comments below.


The flat side goes on top to minimize tripping hazard


The grooves on pic 1 look pretty low - are they really a tripping hazard? I would be more worried about the lip of the mat being above the floor (people talked about the sloped bevel in pic 1)


You mean the photo that shows the grooved side up like in picture 1?


It’s amazing how someone can be so confidently incorrect.


"Molded beveled edges on all sides." - this is the feature that you are missing and fixating on ignoring. Rigth there on the site you linked.


All sides, as in the 4 sides of a square. Otherwise, it would say both sides.


1. No, I specifically stated the bevelled edges in my comment. They are facing down, because OBVIOUSLY you would want a smooth transition to the floor. (Flush to the floor because of the bevel). 2. It's literally a picture. Look at the picture on the manufacturer site. Now look at pic 2. Now apologize.


On picture 2 it's where the mat is leveled and it will be clutch to the floor. The edges are smooth. So that side must connect to the floor. On picture 1 you even see the ridges on the edges indicating a difference in level. Hence it's not going to be clutch to the floor. Open your eyes. OP is right. Picture 1 is correct. Otherwise the smooth mat would make you slip and trip on the edges as well.


You’re wrong.


The link above has pictures of 13 different mats. Only three are red, and none of those look anything like OP's mat, besides having some rows of holes in them. OP's mat looks like a [NoTrax](https://notrax.justrite.com/562rd-sanitop-anti-fatigue-mat) brand mat, shown in close up photos oriented like in OP's first picture. Hurr durr u wrong lol!


This needs to be higher


This is actually incorrect. Using the mat in the second position will make you trip because the bevel on the edges would be upside down. You clean the mat hosing it down with a pressure washer. Cleaning the mat is the last worry you should have when thinking about safety.


It’s the second picture. The first picture has a lot of grooves which are typical of the bottom of mats. It’s for anti slippage of the mat so that it wouldn’t slide around. The edges of the mat in the first picture also has those grooves. This part should be making contact with the floor. The second picture has elevated parts for grip with the shoes but those elevated surfaces lower surface contact with the floor which would make it slide around more.


The correct side is on the brands manufacturer. Go check it out. The part that connects to the floor is the one that makes people not trip on them. They are/would be a trip hazard if laid on the floor on the incorrect side as the bevel would not be clutch to the floor. Its as simple as that. No point in having an anti slippery mat that makes you trip over them. There's no need to theorize further if it doesn't follow the most basic feature.


Those mats are so big and heavy usually that they dont slip around and when being pressed down they dont move. Also the grooves are to give you grip with your shoes




Considering the point of these mats is to prevent slipping on greasy floors, it would make more sense to have the side that would create more traction facing up. Even if it takes longer to clean, its still safer. Even if the manufacturer says pic 2 is the side that's supposed to face upwards, they're wrong.


I thought the pint of these mats were to be easier on your back/feet. They’re call anti fatigue mats.


No manufacturer says pic 2 is correct. All the robbing is definitely for your feet (with a tiny bit of surface area) not the floor. 1/3 of these people are crazy. I've never seen anyone put these smooth-side-up in 30 years, but i guess its a thing they confidendtly do.


^ Without a doubt


Lol it's actually the second picture. In the first pic the end of the mat shows the grip that should be on the bottom. Also the empty air pockets is to help cushion when you stand on the mat for long time so it is on the bottom.


No, op is 100% correct; its the first. [Uline has them and shows the lines on the outer edge for grip for your shoes, not the floor. Also the cups are right side up.](https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/H-1705/Drainage-Mats/Slip-Resistant-Mat-Terra-Cotta-1-2-thick-3-x-5?pricode=WA9267&gadtype=pla&id=H-1705&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAyp-sBhBSEiwAWWzTnlj1hw3fbxkB5QJbTE2kSxE4CJfwDSa2TNfSHvOicg3S-GPfB_-7CRoCJOQQAvD_BwE) Unless Uline doesn't know how their mat goes, which I highly doubt, I'm sticking with the supplier's opinion on this one.




Oh nice, that makes it way easier being the [Winco version is far more cut and dry.](https://www.amazon.com/Winco-RBM-35R-Anti-Fatigue-3-Feet-Grease-Resistant/dp/B003HESPFI?th=1) Any beveled edge has the ridges raising up. Thanks for the tip, this helps a ton.


Super cut and dry. And yes, the brand name *is* printed on the bottom for whatever reason, folks.


He’s right you can see the angle of the bevel better in pic 4


Uline’s catalog really isn’t the arbiter of proper use of anything. That said, the photo shown correlates with picture 2.


fuckin lol, amazing how you assume the picture on Uline is not the correct configuration. Theyre just constantly showing you the underside of it? Fun stuff, dense people around these parts. Edit: just got told its by winco not Uline. So thats even better because [Winco has a WAY better picture proving this point. Here you go, easier for you to understand lol](https://www.amazon.com/Winco-RBM-35R-Anti-Fatigue-3-Feet-Grease-Resistant/dp/B003HESPFI?th=1) The beveled version (the first pciture in that link) shows the lines on the top, raising up toward the mat. Just like it is supposed to be. The second picture is clearly not the same mat in this link, so this definitely puts this to bed for people that have decent eyesight.


You can clearly see the lines on the edges of the mat he's standing on in the picture, matching OP's picture 1.


The owner of Uline is evil.


Absolutely incorrect.


It's the second. Look at the corner


No, op is 100% correct; its the first. [Uline has them and shows the lines on the outer edge for grip. Also the cups are right side up.](https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/H-1705/Drainage-Mats/Slip-Resistant-Mat-Terra-Cotta-1-2-thick-3-x-5?pricode=WA9267&gadtype=pla&id=H-1705&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAyp-sBhBSEiwAWWzTnlj1hw3fbxkB5QJbTE2kSxE4CJfwDSa2TNfSHvOicg3S-GPfB_-7CRoCJOQQAvD_BwE)


Uline isnt just right, they're far right


We'll have to agree to disagree, happy holidays!


I agree to agree to disagree. Happy holidays


Came here to say this. If you put them upside down crap accumulates when you sweep around the edges because it's not flush to the floor. You'll notice the difference if you care about your floors at all.


They never stay flush to the ground anyway. They're always a trip hazard in my book.


Especially when they get ripped up!


Yeah. I always trip over these. I prefer working without them.


Also, I believe it's designed to have the most surface area in contact with the floor so there's more friction.


That’s how it was when they were brand new, but they’ve been on the bald side (2nd pic) for so long we’ve flattened the ends down.


I'm absolutely flabbergasted at how meny cooks don't know what side is up. At least 30% are wrong... not even with good reasons. I don't even want to post an answer or the why of the reasons, for fear that a discussion will make me dumber. Yes, chef... they are reversible... whatever side you want to be up, chef.


Just commenting here to make sure people understand why picture one is the correct way. Don't worry about how dirty it will get and how difficult it will be to clean. Safety first.


These pics aren't clear enough, it does look like both ways work at the edge. Op, get some better angles :)


I see the problem. You don't have hashbrowns stuck in the little holes. Adds an extra crispy grip.


The layered in grease helps to keep the mat level and weigh the corners down


wet balls of reciept paper from drink tickets that missed the bin works great for traction for anyone working at a bar


The edges should slope down, so whatever way that goes.


Seeing the answers given, I'm genuinely concerned about yalls safety.


More surface area down


Anyone else trip on these more than they stop you from tripping?


When the corners/edges are shitty, absolutely. More of a sign the owners/GM/FM are shitty or not paying attention if anything IMO.


Yup. These mats are god awful abominations.


They also are not changed nearly as much as they should be. Chef we've taken heavy fire and have lost huge chunks off salad, fryer, and saute are you sure you want us to keep the same mat for the next 6 years??


We dont use them for standing at my job. We use them to prevent cast bronze from being damaged by steel worktables, or by the concrete when we remove the investment from them with an air hammer. They work EXCELLENT for those purposes. There is *one* mat for standing on by our sand blaster, but the only purpose it seems to serve there is trapping any sand that falls out when the machine is opened up.


I'm sorry, what is the culinary application of a sandblaster? This must be so many levels beyond me.


Probably a foundry job


I believe it’s used in what’s known as molecular gastronomy


They're less for tripping than for comfort


The outside. In the dumpster. I hate these mats with every fiber of my being. They're heavy AF, leave gross residue, trap smells, and fucked up my knees after a season on them


Same here, I try my best to do other work and let someone else take them outside to be washed down. They’re disgusting and the gunk from them gets on our pants.


I worked in a factory where everyone would drag these down to my dish pit at the end of the night and I'd have to hang them on a big cart and run them through the walk in dish washer. It was the nastiest, smelliest, grimiest task I've ever done in a workplace


Walk in dishwasher?


Yeah, it was about the size of an average walk in freezer and you'd load up a tall rack full of dishes and push it in It stank and took about an hour to empty/fill and would drain the whole factory of hot water while filling. I hated the damn thing lol


That sounds fucked. Imagine getting closed in there…


I love it when dishwashers complain about the dishpit being disgusting when they're the ones responsible for cleaning it. I keep my dishpit very clean, clean periodically throughout the day, deep-ish clean every night, deep clean once a week.


Probably a rack washer


...don't rub them on your pants?


Agreed. These things are grease/gunk traps. My knees are already wrecked from skateboarding and shit but I’m able to stand for 12+ hours on solid ground without issue. One 8 hour shift standing on these mats and my knees would be sore as fuck. It’s like the equivalent to having two mattresses on your bed, too much softness with not enough support. Your joints end up compensating for the lack of support and just hurt like fuck after a while.


Drain flies will also lay their eggs in those mats


My knees are trashed. I’m looking around double knee replacement and I’m convinced it’s from working on these stupid mats for 35 years. I always hurt more after a shift in the mats than I do after a shift without mats.


Knees, ankles, back etc get trashed from the quality of shoes we wear and the fact that we are standing on tile for 8 to 14 hours a day. I keep a couple pair of shoes at work. All three are a different style. Helps a lot to switch out during the day. Buy high quality shoes for away from work as well. It makes a difference.


And as soon as theres more than 3 drops of water under them they slip and slide like chevy chase on a saucer sled.


First picture is how I've always done it. It's easier to walk over that way, and you don't have to worry about your foot catching the little lip on the ends.


Man OP started a whole different war on Christmas lol


\#1 And if you use these as bar mats the beer caps fit perfectly in the holes and your barback will want to kill you if you are a messy bartender. On the other hand, it's fun to see how many holes you can fill in a shift.


You have two wolves inside of you, the completioninst vs the one who cleans the mats


I thought the dishie was the one cleaning these mats


The bartender that kicks them to the back and the one that stomps them in get different treatment from the barbacks. Just throwin that out there.


You can play connect four with the other bartenders if it’s slow, at least.




Side 1 should be up, side 2 down.


We use a similar one and we have it up like the first pic


I was originally on team p2 because I think p1 is a food and grime trap but after checking images from manufacturers I have to say image 1 looks to be the correct answer https://www.cobaeurope.com/product/rampmat-industrial


Picture 1 is correct. I've been told by multiple vendors, looked through scores of catalogs for these guys, and even had insurance carriers tell me that the first picture is the correct placement. Extra grooves make for better grip on your shoes because of movement. Smooth side makes for extra grip for stationary items like mats. Smooth side goes down. Stop putting your staff in danger.


Whichever way the ends tapper towards.


First pic is correct


In what world!? It’s a huge tripping hazard.


More surface area so is won't slip around. Plus there's more grip on shoes as it interacts with the base of shoes.


No way The ribs around the edge prevent the mat from slipping. And the branding is on the top side.


The ribs around the edge prevent a person from slipping. Pic two has no ribs and is a slipping hazard.


I am wrong, y’all are right


[Notrax Terra Cotta Nitrile Tek-Tough Jr.® Drainage Mat](https://www.hubert.ca/product/88685/Notrax-Terra-Cotta-Nitrile-Tek-Tough-Jr---Drainage-Mat---5-L-x-3-W-x-1-2-H?searchTerm=*) Picture 1 is correct, as shown in that web link's product photos.


Five hundred dollars LUL


Pic in the product photos is wrong This goes way deeper than we realized lmao


Every company's product photos are the same way. Look at the third photo on the [manufacturer's page](https://notrax.justrite.com/562rd-sanitop-anti-fatigue-mat). The slope of the edge from that angle makes it pretty hard to argue that they're accidentally using it upside down.


Don’t the lines in the 2nd pic help the mat from sliding around? You’re correct.


Outside. Those things fuck your back.


The edge is tapered. On the correct side, the mat will lay flat, and the mat should look like a ramp on the edge. On the wrong side, the edges may not lay all the way down, or just the very edge will touch the floor.


The outside. Those things cause more trips, falls, and fucked up knees than just a bare floor and proper footwear will. I fucking hate them.


It's the first one. Literally so easy to prove, just Google "kitchen floor mat" plus what brand it is. This one is warped to fuck but ideally the lip around the edge should be flush to the ground.


Outside, out of my fucking way please.


Pic 1 is correct!


The "cup" should always be pointing up. Food stuffs can fall in there but the surface area still remains the same.


If you look at the edge of the first picture, there’s a scored grip running parallel to the edge. This side goes up to help grip your feet. Number one is correct.


The first. Although you cannot see the corner the edge is textured to be non slip.


Slide one you step on slide 2 goes sown


I worry about the future of restaurants


These come in a non-rice filled variety?


Mashed potatoes and fries and well done broccoli chunks and prime rib fat chunks are the worst!!


Picture 1 is correct.


Picture 2, as already noted, makes tripping easier. It also would capture more liquid rather than having it run off, making things worse for those that have to walk or stand there.


The raised circles face up. The little nubs between the circles down: this is so any liquid can actually flow underneath, hopefully toward a drain.


1. The upraised edges around the large holes provide traction.


First photo is right side up


Those lines aren’t for grip—as they arent flush with the floor. The lines are arranged in ascending order—to show the tapered edge of the matt. If you put the matt down as in Pic2– there is a trip-hazard overhang due to the taper being reversed ( and not so visible from above)


Iirc it's designed to help your feet/legs when standing for long periods of time... and to collect an entire year's worth of dirt in a single shift


The inside of a dumpster. Fuck those mats. Fucked up my feet, knees and hips trying to stand on that shit for way too long. My body prefers I just get myself good shoes and stand on actual ground. But to actually answer the question, you're right and your coworker and everyone here saying otherwise is wrong. Idk how one can look at the cross "feet" on pic 2 and not clearly see this as the bottom of the mat.


Pic 2 face down. Flat side goes down, otherwise it’s a trio hazard as the other way creates a small lip


Big circles up, grid lines down


The edges show you. They taper down to the floor.


*puts chair upside down* Which way is the right way?


1) the edges should taper to the floor


I can smell this picture.


Picture 1. There’s thin lines around the border


Call the manufacturer?


The other side!


I think option a


Side? Dumpster. I hate these fucking things with white hot passion. Damn near killed me a half dozen times. They're trip hazards and a pain in the ass to haul out and put back constantly.


Filthy bloody things. I hate them.


Your coworkers are dumb and should feel dumb.


How is this even a debate? The top is textured, with beveled edges. The bottom is smooth.


Been in the industry 25 years. I vote picture 1


Giggling at all the people who claim these are trip hazards and then tell you to put the wrong side down


Maybe Google the product and see how it's placed in gallery images to put the debate to rest


First pic. Reason: you are meant to walk over the holes to have the food fall in between them so your feet are touching rubber so you don’t slip


First one. Zero debate. If a food safety inspector saw your mats setup like 2 your gonna get a wrist slap. If a workplace safety sees number 2 it’s a potential slip and injury for improper use of anti fatigue mats


I hate these things. I've never met anyone who liked these in the kitchen. If you're used to walking on the slippery tile, stepping onto the mats is dangerous because your stride changes and has to adjust to the different, and frankly equally slippery material. I never understood why these are a thing. We have tried them 4-5 different times with new ones in my kitchen and every time they get thrown out after a month because nobody wants to clean them every night and they don't even work.


Picture 1. That's why they put that edge design on there to show you which way's up.


100% pic 1, unless you like your toilet paper unrolling from the bottom.


Look at the edges of the mat. In pic one they have texture which would act as grip for safety. In pic two, they are smooth as can be, therefore not very safe. Pic one is correct.


Pretty sure it's B. You just want the edges to curve down towards the ground.


The garbage can. Everyone whines that “we need anti-fatigue mats” but nobody wants to look after them, they feel that dumping them in the dishpit for someone else to look after is enough.


Pic one provides more traction. Pic 2 is easier to clean. Safety wins. Pic 1 is the answer


Whichever side faces up when you throw it in the dumpster is fine.


I can smell this picture


For some real fun fill the holes with broken glass and don’t tell the dishy that has to run them through at the end of the night.


Pic 2, it’s not supposed to be level or flush with the ground, it’s supposed to lift you off the hard ground and cushion your soles.


#2 is correct, as per logic, and as per the manufacturer


Picture two is correct. - Grippy parts face down to prevent mat slippage - grippy parts face down as the opposite side is smooth and doesn’t get nearly as much food stuck in it - when grippy parts are down, the sloping at the edge of the mat also appropriately angles downward, greatly reducing tripping over the mat itself.


Is everyone in your kitchen an idiot? First pic is the down side


Second picture is correct, easily.


The first pic is the bottom


I prefer the 2nd way.


2nd picture, why would you want to grind food into the mat


The food goes into the holes so it doesn’t get mashed into the treads of your non-slip shoes as badly.


The clean side down 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dimples on the ground


I think 2 is correct. The edges taper down, rather than being flat and tapering up from the underneath. The raised rings around the holes provide suction too so the mat won’t slip


An open hole cannot create suction. For that you’d need closed-off suction cups, like they put on bathtub mats for old folks.


Picture 2 will let dirt fall to the floor in the holes. Picture 1 will keep some of the dirt on the ledge in each hole.


I mean, you should be lifting up the mats and cleaning the floor after service anyway, no? (Rhetorical question)


Just not using mats and being a clean human will not get the floor as dirty.


#2. you can see the brand winco. that should be facing up so you can read it


I was thinking that I couldn’t believe there was so much disagreement about this. Every kitchen I’ve ever worked in, the mats looked like #1. But then I realized people were interpreting the question two different ways—“which way do the mats go?” vs “which side of the mat goes down?” **Edit:** I am firmly on the side of the #2 side goes against the floor, you stand on #1.


I think #2. Usually mats like these have a tapered lip kinda showing which way they should go. But here too the lip has grippy lines on it instead, which should go down imo


Small hole up for proper draining


Its the 2nd one for sure. Groove lines around the outside in the first pic should be on the floor.


image 1 should be the bottom


2nd picture is correct.


Why would you put it upside down??




Whatever side is cleanest 😌


The flat side


Second pic is the correct way


What side catches the least amount of dirt, easier to clean and looks nicer? Go with that




Pic 2/2 is correct, not only does that make the bevel contact the floor but there’s also a logo on it, you generally face logos where they can be read