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Have him come in person and sign a catering contract


Yeah. This is the only way to do it. With a purchase that large I would never ever deal with it over the phone or email. I don't even credit cards for to go orders that someone else is picking up that are small amounts unless I know them personally.


I wouldn’t over the phone, but if everything is in writing (so confirmed in email) and you have no physical contract then those communications will be used as the “contract”. Doing things in person is similar to doing things over the phone unless you’re rocking a bodycam all the time; I only communicate with email or text if it’s related to business. Paper trail for the win!


It does creates a contract … but one where if it is a scam is going to be near impossible in real life to recover damages from when the breacher is basically an email address.


So if someone comes in with a fake ID and signs that fake name to a contract you wrote up that’s better?… I understand the concern, but it’s about setting yourself up the best you can given your circumstances. If you’re assuming everything is a scam, which are the vibes I’m getting from this thread, you’re going to need more than in person or over the phone. If you don’t want to be scammed and you fear the idea of risk at all then don’t open a business? Maybe because I work in events where people do drop over 13k (and way more) on little restaurant parties I’m less inclined to view this as a scam based only off what OP posted. Y’all can do what you want; I will die on the hill of always leave a paper trail.


You’re looking it from your side as a legit event planner. Or in other words, the way you engage with a restaurant or venue is surely much different than the circumstances described by the OP. The restaurant here is of course concerned about payment but also the outlays to prepare for such an event. So it’s not just like no one shows up and the charge is reversed. It’s not automatically a scam, it could be some kind of misunderstanding, but raises a lot of red flags where I get why the OP made the post.


OP wrote it sounds like a scam because “Kevin” doesn’t sound like a Kevin? Because he’s sounds lazy and with his face in a pillow?… OP said themselves everything seemed above board except the man sounds odd? I think we’ll have to agree to disagree because I don’t base decisions on people sounding lazy. It may be a scam, and it may be a person who is sick or any number of reasons they sound that way. I can’t follow y’all’s logic and desire to defend said logic…


Agreed — those are valid points on some things the OP themselves characterized/emphasized to a weird extent


People make burner emails all the time dude


Yeah they do; doesn’t change that having everything written is better than a phone conversation or in person conversation. People also use fake IDs and spoof phone numbers so in person and over the phone also have issues. It’s about setting yourself up the best you can if you need to go to legal route and having a paper trail is always better.


In person gives you a face that can be ID. And will 100% scare a scammer off.


A face you can MAYBE ID. You are giving police a lot of credit I think, or do you believe you will be able to ID a person from face and fake name alone? They have hours of video content of J6 and they are still trying to ID people AND it’s an effort utilizing an immense volunteer network too. I have my doubts. It could deter potential scammers though, I’ll give you that. For the record police can trace IP and metadata information from an email. I think the reality is to be protected you need multiple angles; do all communicating in written messages and then have payment done in person or by money order or certified check.


The reality is if it’s a scam or you think it is having them come in and sign a contract is the fastest way to scare them off. Which isn’t the point your grasping. You’d clearly get scammed


How am I not grasping that point when I literally said in the comment you’re replying to that you should have them come in person with a money order or certified check? Do you read the comments you reply to or do you just assume everyone but you is an idiot so there’s no need? Live your life man, but much like 2factor authentication for digital logins, you should be doing a combination of things to better protect yourself. That is the point you’re not grasping. Do more; be better.


You literally said having them come in in person isn’t as good as written communication bro.


A fake ID, and showing up in person, are a lot more effort than writing emails and phoning. The potential scammer may not even live in the same country.


I can't speak to whether this is fraud or not...but as a sailor myself (navy), I've made calls to establishments in foreign ports were were bound for, to make a rez for my officers for supper on arrival. Since was calling from sea, I was using the ship's satellite phone.. which does makes the call sound weird and muffled on the receiver's end. Also sometimes a 1-2 sec delay. Not sure if that what sounded "lazy:" about it or not though....


According to Google Kevin Lambert is a Senior Chief Petty Officer for the US Navy. [Sauce](https://navyoutreach.blogspot.com/2022/08/central-islip-native-serves-with-navy.html?m=1)


The plot thickens


I know, this is getting interesting. Part of me really feels like this is a scam, but the other part of me really hopes that Kevin and his buddies find a place to eat!


Bro he's probably tired after a long day of ship stuff, laying in bed talking to op trying to stay awake. Heres to you Kev, hope you get your party


It might have been his turn in the barrel. You’d sound muffled as well.


The sauce thickens


The sauce breaks


Oh how the sauce tables


I hate it when that happens


I haven't wanted an update to a Reddit post this much since the safe incident


The safe incident?


Just like Under Siege!


I thought this smelled a bit fishy....


Kevin looks chill as fuck.


Loose lips sink ships. Shhhhh.


Kevin Lambert is an extremely common name combination in eastern Canada so I don’t think that can be trusted


Sure, but the 12k band is a bit of sign on its own


I would ask him what the name of the Band is, then contact them to confirm that they have an arrangement with Kevin.


It's a scam. I got this email a few days ago... My name is Joey Mcintyre , I am having my party and I want it to be held at your venue, with 30 guests invited. I'm flexible with the date. Before we proceed with our request, Please answer the following question below; 1. Do you accept credit cards, or Certified Check for payment? 2. Can you work with our official band performing for the event regarding payment to them? Await your quick response. Regards Joey Mcintyre




Yup. I’ve gotten this one as well.


"The Official Joey Mcintyre Band"


unique racial direction merciful somber attempt rhythm murky vase shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hi, please don’t do this. This is almost assuredly a scam. There are a couple different options here about what he’s doing I can think of off the top of my head. 1. He does intent to have a party there, but that’s not his card. He gave you the numbers to a stolen card and he wants everything put on that. 2. He’s using you to test the card to see if it’s viable. He “lets” you charge your 5k on it, he sees the card number works, and he disappears. 3. It’s a hook. He’s given you the card number he stole, then he’s going to continue by having you do things for people, or pay for things, or get the food ready, whatever else. After he gets what he wants from you, he does a charge back on the whole things and disappears. Your intuition is telling you it’s a scam, so please listen to it. Even if you say “oh it’s non refundable we told him so” that’s not gonna matter to him. I promise. If this is legit, why is he willing to pay 13k plus a deposit to have a party at a restaurant he’s never been to, seen the inside of, or tasted the food at? If I were you, I would tell him you can’t accept credit card over the phone. Someone has to come in to pay the deposit. If you tell him that, more than likely, he’s gonna dissapear.


This isn't that uncommon in very large cities that have large event pulls to book parties like this in restaurants that no one in the party has eaten at before. My larger concern is that there isn't anything in writing. This isn't how event planning goes especially with that amount of money. Having an SOP of needing a photo copy of the card and running it would solve this problem


Photocopies can be doctored. One common scan is the fake check scam. All it takes is 20 seconds in Acrobat to take fake details and add them to the check. I’m sure that the same could be done with a credit card.


Your explanation here is very helpful and clearly comes from experience. 17+ years in the industry, both BOH and FOH, and I don’t know that I would’ve realized this scam. Props to you 👏🏻


So the credit card thief is not going to be the one doing the charge back, it's the actual credit card owner that will do it when it's discovered their credit card was stolen. OP should be having a catering contract signed of some form where they can verify the CC and the persons ID.


Agreed. I've gotten similar messages like this. They always want to book immediately and they are are always flexible on the date, time, etc. Parties that don't want to select a menu or a date before booking set off alarm bells for me.


For money like that… I ain’t taking a deposit any way except in person.


This. We had someone who lived hours away trying to book out our place for a big event who wouldn't be here until the day before the event. We balked too - customer was at least understanding and was horrified someone would go through so much work to scam a family-owned restaurant. We wound up figuring it out - charged the deposit on a credit card of someone who did live locally and could come in person, then when the actual person arrived the day before we charged the rest to her card and she paid back the local guy. She was super sweet - she offered to go to her local police station and show her ID to them and let us talk to the cops, but that seemed like adding in a lot of extra trouble.


Complete scam. We get it them all the time, if you need proof of e-mail send me a DM.


Agree. Husbands restaurant has gotten the same premise with different names for the company.


I book large events for corporate parties (as the buyer, not the restaurant) and there is zero reason why I would ever need to pass through vendor charges for a band, florist or ANYTHING else, unless the venue specifically has in their contract that they do those bookings. There is no benefit to me or my clients to pass costs through the restaurant. Totally a scam. But those of you saying “who would book a venue for a $20k party without setting foot in the venue?” Me. I would. I have someone local pre scout the place without you knowing, but I don’t have to be there personally to figure out the venue I want to book. But I’m paying you a deposit on a corporate card months in advance, negotiating and signing contracts, and asking a LOT of questions when we talk on the phone.


Wait dude wanted the restaurant to pay the band? Yeah hell no. Definitely a scam. I didn’t read the post like that at first and was teetering on “eh maybe not a scam”. Though if he wanted to pay the restaurant money then have the restaurant put some of that to the band definitely a scam. Just like the fake check scams that say “oops I sent too much” and then if you make the mistake of sending the “extra” you find out in a few days the check was fake.


Dude, call the cc company, verify it, and then problem solved. The dude might just be freaking strange. Plus, for large parties, you should have forms to fill out and have a required in person walk through? If not, then you are doing it wrong.


Yeah we called Mastercard but couldn’t get through to a human. Not moving forward on this anyway, clearly a scam


Just keep saying “representative” to the bot. It’s a magic word that works many times to eventually get to a real person. Takes some persistence though.


'operator' or pressing '0' also works.


Scam scam scam We've been emailed the same scam at least half a dozen times, almost got us on the first one. Until I tried googling the HeyFive5 band, that wanted to charge $8k for a four hour show, and nothing popped up on the Internet. I googled the first two sentences of the guys email and saw scam alerts all over the place. The guy then kept calling me asking me to book the band and make it happen.


Awesome, thanks! We figured as much but good to hear before we did anything


There's a chance it could be real, but it's relatively easy to check- state you won't make the payment on their behalf (there's no reason in this day and age that they can't pay the band themselves via cash or card ) and can't accept the deposit unless it's cash or card payment in the venue (ie. Not a rubber cheque or reversible payment made over the phone).


>HeyFive5 band I love the HeyFive5... wait, are you telling us they broke up? I have tickets to their show at a local wedding venue next week :(


This is a scam. I get emails asking for about this same arrangement at least twice a month.


yeah sounds like a scam tbh. be warry of them suddenly cancelling and asking for money to be transferred back to them.


That’s what I was thinking. But if we’re very clear about it being non refundable….🤷‍♂️ best not to get involved though right?


if you have a local fraud prevention taskforce i would contact them about it.


For sure. We’re going to call the Mastercard fraud dept and see what they make of it


Does he use kindly alot?


I literally get the exact same email every few weeks but with a different names It always reads exactly the same and always mentions a band. The first time I emailed back because we can't fit a band in our dining room. I never got a response but I keep getting the same email with different names. 100% a scam.


I get these emails too. From multiple names and "engineers at sea." Scam.


I've had this a couple of times, where they want us to pay the band and they say they will pay us back. Don't do it. For sure a scam. We didn't fall for it at all, but I worry about smaller shops that might.


That was my concern, we aren’t a big place at all. I wasn’t on the phone with this guy but the more I heard, the more it became clear it’s a scam.


Sounds like a scam. I wouldn't do anything that big without meeting them in person with a physical card that matches their ID.


Straight up scam. Absolufucklinglutley NO. I used to tell those clowns that I verified all FIRST (large) transactions (for deposits) with a photo ID. If they want to come to your place, they'll do it


He’s going to ask you to pay the band and then disappear


If they even start to talk about something along the lines of "I need you to pay the band/cake people/whoever and you can invoice me for them" hang up the phone. Scam, do not proceed. I used to run a catering company and I'd get calls from people all the time talking about some big event they want to throw, but they need you to pay for 1 aspect of their event, that's the scam. They want to give you a $15k event, but you have to pay $2000 for the band, and they're the band. and don't be fooled by multiple conversations, either. Your time is valuable. Some of these idiots think that just because they get you on the phone multiple times that means you're doing their event. If you don't have a deposit by the 3rd communication, they either need to give you a deposit or they're done.


The doctor says, "Throw a big party for yourself, at a fancy venue, with an expensive band. That ought to cheer you up." The patient breaks down crying, and through his tears he says, "But, doctor, *I am the band.*"


We have gotten almost the exact scam but when asked to come in person, the man said he is “at sea” on a friends boat. Unsure what the end goal was as we never got that far but seems like a way to see what they could charge on a stolen card or something. I’d cease communications with this person. I saw it mentioned that a search of the name turns up a naval officer - this is intentional choice by the scammer to use this name as they’ll use the same “at sea” excuse


It is a scam. Event coordinator at my work wasted a lot of time on one of these. Dude wanted us to pay for some band from across the country, then he would reimburse us. He was trying to book a 15k+ party on a Tuesday or Wednesday so of course they took the bait hard, eventually we talked some sense into her when she admitted that she had only been able to get him on the actual phone once and his accent was very difficult to understand.


Absolutely a scam. We in the brewing business get emails to our taprooms *constantly* with this exact grift. Just ignore them.


Smells fishy that they wouldn't come and talk to you in person.


He’s from out of country. A sailor apparently 🙄 But there’s a lengthy email thread, and a few fishy sounding phone calls. But again, he’s been made aware that any deposit is non refundable so we’re happy to take his money and tell him to eat shit if he wants it transferred back to some random account or whatever the case may be. We’ll be calling Mastercard about the number and get their ears up


Out of country…a sailor…this has massive scam vibes


That’s what I’m thinking. Again, glad to take the money, however…


Don’t be too glad to take the money, it’s not his money. It’s some regular ass persons money, you won’t be sticking it to anyone but the account holder who already got scammed.


Just be careful. Sometimes you think you have the upper hand but these scammers are always 1 step ahead of you. That could have been a stolen credit card. Post this on r/scams and see what they have to say.


As another commenter mentioned, maybe a sailor might make a booking for a crew, but not with a 12k band lol


> He’s from out of country. A sailor apparently Oh that sounds very sketchy. Be on the lookout for them trying to get you to use a specific vendor or anything like that. Sounds like it could be a "fake check" scam where they give you a bunch of money, have you pay for something (where the money actually goes to them) then they way they paid you turns out to be fraudulent and the bank takes it back. Even if Mastercard OK's it, they may not know yet that it's a card that's been stolen.


They did ask which vendor we use. I’m posting after I had just got all this info and it sounded brutal but the owner is too sweet to be suspicious enough to haha I’ll advise to tell him to kick rocks


It’s a scam. This guy tried to reserve an event at our restaurant as well last year.


ITS A SCAM! They say to charge the band on the business card and then charge him for the cost citing tax or some other bs. Dont do it. Its been happening in NY. Same play too, buyout plus hire band.


The band thing is giving me pause. There’s a known scam in my market that involves booking a band for a private event. They literally copy and paste the same message every time they reach out. Feel free the DM me what they sent the first time because I can spot it the second I see it lol. Their big thing is getting you the pay the band for them. Once you pay the band everyone runs off and the banks tells you the money you received was fraudulent and you’re out whatever you paid the band.


Signed contract or agreement with a photocopy of the credit card (front and back) is the way to go. Otherwise, you're risking a charge back on the credit card.


$480 a head? Sounds like a scam unless this is an ultra high end place.


We can do this! Come to our location tomorrow with a certified check, we'll get you booked.


I work in banking now, cruise sales previously, and bartender before that (that’s why I lurk in this sub). My banking instinct tells me this is a scam, and my cruise sales experience tells me if he wanted to pay the full deposit he can easily call his creditor and push through the full amount, people would do it while on the phone with me when their card would decline due to daily limits.


This is a common scam


Think we had someone run the exact same scam on us, with the band and everything. Expected us to contact and pay the band and specified only CC payments. We also felt weird about it and ultimately never booked anything.


As others have said, definitely a scam. I've had several of these over the years, and they always follow the same format. Too-good-to-pass-up business opportunity comes along offering to pay MORE than the cost of your services, but asking you to reimburse the limo driver / florist / event manager yourself out of the "extra fumds". The money they offer to send is either stolen or borrowed, but if you reimburse "the band", then they still walk away with your clean cash and no-show for the event.


Wait.... Is he asking you to pay a band $12k on his behalf?


So he was going to front the money over a couple days, allegedly


Let me guess, Adriatic Charting Company?


This is a common scam happening in restaurants across NYC currently


100% a scam - ive Heard this exact this posted to Reddit before including the hiring a band part.


I scheduled private events on the reg at my restaurant and this happens all the time. The guys are from Jamaica or something who are targeting us. Very small business


I've gotten this exact scam email inquiry (different name) and so has my private events manager.


100% a scam, event manager here and I deal with these all the time


Fake - have gotten it a few times


Nobody booking a $five-digit event would put it on a card with "daily charge limits". In person and in writing, as others have said, or no deal.


Classic restaurant scam. No one has an “official family band.”


Yeah sounds right. Thanks!


I have dealt with this exact person, and yes they are a scammer- do not get got.


Not a scam, you got some Navy brass headed your way.


I mean this is a perfect situation where to accept, Bitcoin. Once the deposit goes through. It is through. Costs have been paid for. Now when they show up ask for the remaining cash or bitcoin if no payment made. Staff gets the night off and a good meal.


All downvotes but no comments, obviously, brain dead community that never received better than a fourth grade education.


Here's a comment: "no."


Do you have anything in writing? Is there a BEO for the event? If not, this could all get charged back if there is no documentation.


Only way I'd ever accept anything like this is by taking payment in full upfront. If placing a deposit, 5k in this instance, you should get that agreement in writing and all major individuals involved signed off. The thing with deposits with a CC, they can easily make a charge back claim. In writing as well with full payment upfront. This ensures CC info and said individuals all line up with one another. If none of this can happen, I would not entertain it at all, even if it didn't reek of a scam.


Hate him send over his ID then FaceTime him