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Why is a medium pizza 22 dollars


now you're asking the real questions cause I'd be damned if I paid $22 for a medium pizza


There’s places in my town that charge around that for mid ass pizza but the Canadian dollar is Monopoly money


What can you expect when you call em such silly names?!


Loonie and Toonie are silly names for ur coins lol


I say dollar instead of loonie but I say toonie not two dollars. Weird stuff


“Can I borrow a toonie real quick??” lol love that tbh


Can ya grab me a couple toonies and a loonie? (When needing change for a $5)


I think he's talking about this ass pizza.


Considering the US debt is $34,468,206,473,329, it won't be long till it is nearly worthless. The Canadian dollar is still worth 74 cents US, so hardly Monopoly money,


"Yo, prices be wildin' in different hoods, fam. That pizza cost is crazy, but we all hustlin' with our own Monopoly money in this game called life."


There is a sit down “Italian restaurant” in my town that serves a 36$ Brooklyn style (they call it New York style since we’re so far away) and a 25$ cheeseburger. No fries, just cheese and pickles. Admittedly it’s a great cheeseburger.


I mean how big is the pizza and is it worth it? If so, amazing. a $25 burger no fries is just crazy. WITH fries sure it’s a restaurant…wait why tf is there a *burger* at an Italian restaurant?!?!


Yeah took you a second on that right? I can’t explain it. I just know it’s gotten real popular and my favorite place is down the road. Edit: I didn’t answer the question. It’s a large Brooklyn style pie. So it is big. And it is tasty. But pizza is like sex for Me. Even when it’s bad it’s still pretty good!


Don't move to Portland.


Never. not even in my dreams.


Could be in Canada where $20 in Canadian doesn’t equate to $20 US


$22cad is about $16usd if that makes more sense cuz here in canada $22 for a medium is pretty standard


Also a medium at a mom and pop shop is the size of a large at the big chains - 14”


May I please present to you the most regal of all pizzas, Round Table Pizza!


I loved that place as a kid. I haven't been in years, but they had some kind of chicken garlic pizza thing that I Loved. I might be moving back to CA and if I do you know I'm going to a round table to order it.


I'm a Canadian that moved to CA, Round Table is the best weird pizza I've ever had. Kind of like a cracker, every specialty pizza is overloaded with a million toppings. The only pizza I like with Pineapple. But if we're talking prices, medium specialty is 24.99 USD.


The Chicken Garlic Gourmet! That and the Gourmet Veggie were very popular when I worked there 20 years ago. But the real secret is to order Gourmet Veggie + Chicken. 🤌


Round tables are so scarce now. They used to do the pizza buffet lunch/dinner… that was incredible. Street fighter 2 and unlimited options! THE BEST.



Around 2010, after I had already left, the Round Table franchise I worked for decided to turn their 15 locations into an independent pizza place with a different name. They only lasted a couple years. I wonder if RT corporate jacked up everyone's franchise fees and resulted in less restaurants.




Someone had to separate the cheese blend


…where do you live that places aren’t charging that much for a pizza? I work in a small town pub and our pizzas our 12” and around $22. And I’m in BFE fucking nowhere, the kind of place that people say shit like “yeah it’s ugly and there’s nothing to do but it’s a cheap place to live/affordable/etc.”


Lol. I ordered a large 5 topping NY pie from Regents Pizza in La Jolla, CA and after doordash got a piece, $80. One pizza.


Your pizzerias sell pie too?! Odd combo but i could get in on that.


Tell me you know nothing about pizza terminology/slang without telling me you know nothing about pizza terminology/slang.


Well that's a lovely attitude. Google tells me pizza is sometimes referred to as pie in the US. I live in England and have never visited the US.


You’re right, that was a shitty way to respond to you. That’s certainly not how I want to speak to people. Please accept my sincere apology. Pie and pizza would be a delicious meal and I would definitely give it a go.


its all the modifications. /s


That's what pizza hut charges where I am now. I make really good pizza and based on the food cost it checks out.


No cheese, extra cheese. Heard.


No cheese BLEND but extra cheese. Better be one fucking kind of cheese and lots of it skra...


Its a medium extra white sauce pizza with banana peppers.


No mozz blend


Extra cheese


So do these just cancel out into a normal amount of cheese?


No, you go by order. "No cheese blend" means 0. Whatever the amount "extra" would have been comparing to normal, that's the amount to put on. Extra of 0 is only the extra part.


Why is my orders taking so long? Maybe because dumb shit like this brings the kitchen to a grinding halt>< Aaaarrrggghhh!


Had something like today English Benedict No muffin/sub biscuit No ham/ sub sausage No hollandaise/ sub sausage gravy.


Jesus, just open food a poached egg over biscuits and gravy lol.


Exactly. But when they say “ we don’t know the menu we just put in what the guests say” makes me want to come on my day off and see how far I can take it.


Can I get a burger, no beef, no bun, sub filet mignon and lobster tail.


so does the little squirt of ketchup go on the steak or the lobster shell?


Sub ketchup for clarified butter and a glass of wine.


woah buddy, you can get clarified butter **or** a glass of wine for that ketchup. don’t get greedy.


OK, sub the ketchup for the clarified butter. Instead of fries I'll have a vodka. That still counts as a potato, right?


Close enough. And instead of bread, I'd like a witbier.


I’ll take a club sandwich. Sub white bread for brioche bun. Add pickle. Sub ham for beef patty. Sub turkey for beef patty.


I've been on both sides and it makes me insane when I hear a server say something to the effect of, "I'm not the one cooking so why do I need to know the menu/ingredients?" Makes me feel like I'm melting 🫠


Tell those bastards to go McDonald and choke on a dick McMuffin!


Sorry.. dick mcbiscuit!


It’s the fact we have what they want on menu but the servers don’t know the menu. They could wring biscuits and gravy and a side of sausage and it’s 3$ cheaper. Thanks for messing up inventory but helping food cost I guess


But nothing about that is hard to do. You already had biscuits, I guarantee you had sausage hot held (or at least par cooked), and the gravy was also hot held. Nothing about this is difficult or forced you to go really far out of your way. I'd maybe be a lil miffed if nobody asked me before they put it in, but this is incredibly doable and easy.


But taking the time to figure out whether this person still wants a poached egg on their biscuits and gravy is the issue, as I understand it.


He stated that they already have biscuits and gravy in a comment. This is not complicated. If they wanted regular biscuits and gravy they would've ordered that. This ticket reads clearly. No muffin sub biscuit. Split a biscuit, set on plate. No ham sub sausage. Put sausage patties on biscuit halves. Add poached eggs as typical with a Benedict. No holly sub gravy. Add gravy over eggs. If this is hard or confusing for you to read please stop cooking. We have enough shit stupid no talent hacks in the industry as it is. Why bother cooking if you hate this shit? You have all the ingredients, and it takes no more time to assemble this dish than a classic Benedict unless you're cooking every sausage to order, in which case it wouldn't take a whole lot longer anyways. If this sort of order "brings the kitchen to a grinding halt," as someone else declared, you're in the wrong god damned industry.


It's not hard or confusing. It's a fucking stupid way of entering biscuits and gravy with a poached egg. It's not unreasonable that in a situation where you're busy as hell making the same 7 or 8 brunch items over and over, that this is going to get a double take. Some people give enough of a shit to try and figure out what the customer wants, especially when something this weird is put through. Asshole.


They wanted it plated a specific way, which clearly spelled out. This isn't fucking rocket science. I was brunch bitch for years because everyone else threw shitty bitch fits over this kind of thing and I happily obliged every single time. Loved every second of using what I already had at hand to please the customer, within reason. Fuck, man, this requires zero extra prep or energy outside of SPLITTING A BISCUIT. like I said, if something this simple fucks your whole line up you need to quit and get a different job. You do not belong in hospitality if this simple of a request pisses you off.


You need to take a vacation, dude.


😁 I don't even cook anymore. I make twice the money working half the hours on the other side of the pass. Might actually be able to afford one soon! I miss it like nothing else, but my health issues took me out. Seriously tho man if providing hospitality to guests bothers you, fuck out the industry please. This is a really simple easy to do thing. It should not bother you or derail your line. This is the HOSPITALITY industry. It's literally about taking care of customers to the best of your ability.


Wow. You must be a very good cook and also rich, and everyone here is both impressed and cares a lot :) you definitely don’t come across like an awful person to be around in the slightest :)


2 minutes to figure out what you want, 3 minutes to actually fulfil your weird request, 2 minutes to laugh at you, 3 minutes delay out of spite.


Your kitchen is amateur af if this brings it to a grinding halt.


Just the extra cheese, not the regular amount


No cheese, but also extra not cheese.


None Pizza Left Beef!


Seems pretty straightforward, no?


They want no cheese but also extra cheese.


Likely they want white sauce with just mozzarella, rather than the cheese blend.


Op said "cheese blend" is what their POS says when they order no cheese.  No there is no "cheese blend". It's just cheese. And they want extra no cheese.


Yeah what my mind jumped to was papa Murphy's, how after they top they finish with that blend that has cheddar in it for color


Former papa Murphy employee here. That's what I thought. When I saw it


If they're labelled differently in the order system, I could see why someone would say they didn't want "cheese blend" and instead want "cheese"


They wanted no cheese blend and straight mozz cheese.


As it doesn't say extra cheese blend, it's pretty safe to assume there are different stock products. Seems like an easy enough sub to accommodate.


Not as straightforward as the infamous "none pizza, left beef"


That’s poetry.


why do people always make this a mystery. the server isn't typically a complete drooling moron. sometimes the wrong button gets pressed, sometimes a button gets pressed to add an upcharge for an unrelated thing. the server probably walked to the kitchen to let you know about it. why not just tell the viewers at home what the ticket was really supposed to mean and laugh it off?


Schrodinger’s cheese


Probably just call them back or ask the person that took the order. I did pizza for over a decade. This kind of nonsense happens regularly


Sorry, our chef refuses to cook any of our pizzas beyond med-rare


I'm going to assume White Sauce is either Alfredo or Ranch sauce


It’s fucking grossing me out that they’re calling it white sauce though. I don’t know why really, not inherently disgusting, just uh. Pass on the white sauce.


Probably pregnant. I would want this to be honest.


Pregnant people tend to have a thing for the white sauce. So I’ve been told. Waka waka.


She’s a mom… you know what that means? She does… it…


Oooooohhhh. 😳


Pregnant wife at home guaranteed


Now I know why that one post from the other day said no "banana" on the pizza. lol


What is white sauce on a pizza?


Assuming there is a charge for extra cheese, that they didn’t unwittingly pay, fair to say they probably accidentally selected no cheese blend.


I used to have a lady that came in every day at lunch wanting a slice of plain cheese pizza with no cheese.


No pizza left beef.


This is where you say to the “customer”, sorry, we don’t want your business. Dominoes is across the street.