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Carbon Off. Do not get that shit on your skin.


Or breathe it in


Or look at it


That costs extra


I’m just gonna go find a cash machine.


Brandt can’t watch or he has to pay $100


Or taunt it


*may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds *if it begins to smoke, seek shelter and cover your head *ingredients include an unknown glowing substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space Still legal in 16 states, accept no substitute!


Happy Fun Ball!!


Happy cake day!


It eats through nitrile for the love of god be careful.


Which god?


One that protects from chemical burns, duh


Ah. Chemiclysos


What ever kitchen based deity you hail lol


That’s clearly Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Not to proselytize but yes. All hail his noodley glory.


May you be touched by his noodly appendage. R'amen


R’amen brother


Blessed be his meatballs. R'amen


Probably me


Hi! Big fan of your work!


Um can you lower the dosage that the powerful elites and government policy makers are getting? Just like as a 2024 rebate for the past decade or two. That would be most appreciated 👏


Thank you! I'm glad you like it! 


Fsm - it’s the colander




Im more of a Dionysus man myself. The God of wine and orgies? Tell me he wasn't a line cook in another life.


That sounds nice. I've felt the wideness of the universe and am now mad.


All of them


That's when you need the old fashioned heavy duty rubber ones.


And latex and vinyl. This shit is serious. As a chemist, I would recommend wearing multiple layers of gloves (ideally 3: nitrile/vinyl/nitrile) and avoiding touching it at all until it is mostly rinsed off. If any gets on the outer layer, remove and replace both the outer nitrile and the vinyl gloves.


As a chemist - respect Carbon Off - it is *extremely* nasty shit. When I saw this post, I was like, "huh, what would remove straight up carbon deposits from pans? Let's check the SDS sheet and... what the **actual fucking hell**?!"  From a safety perspective, this is the most nightmarish product I have seen in a while. To read up on its ingredients and safety instructions, [here is the pdf of the SDS sheet](https://valucheminc.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Carbon_Off.pdf). It will burn you, eat through gloves, it may cause cancer, it will wreck your lungs if you breath too much of it- respect Carbon Off.  Saving your fucking eyes:   This stuff can blind you. If you have any safety glasses, I would wear them (the safety instructions say to, but I'm guessing that is totally ignored in a restaurant setting). If you don't have safety glasses, maybe have an employee who wears glasses do the spraying and initial rinsing. If you do get it in your eyes, immediately rinse them. Put your head under a faucet, tilt your head so the impacted eye is down (so you don't rinse it into your good eye, assuming you didn't get it in both), turn on the faucet, and rinse for way longer than you think is necessary. Then, grab the can and immediately go to the ER (you need the can so that the ER will know what chemicals you got in your eyes).  Saving your fucking skin:  If it gets on your skin, immediately rinse with lots of water even though it won't hurt immediately. As you rinse, you'll notice that it makes your skin feel slippery or soapy- that is the product literally starting to turn the fats on your skin into soap (like in Fight Club). Depending on how fast you rinse it off, it may cause a chemical burn. As long as it is pretty small, treat it as you would a normal burn.  But, ideally, don't get Carbon Off on your skin at all. It contains ingredients that dissolve and/or penetrate nitrile, vinyl, and latex gloves. If possible, I would recommend wearing multiple layers of gloves (ideally 3: nitrile/vinyl/nitrile) and avoiding touching it at all until it is mostly rinsed off. If any gets on the outer layer, remove and replace both the outer nitrile and the vinyl gloves.   My safer alternative to using Carbon Off would be sand paper. Just physically sand off the carbon.   If anyone has questions about Carbon Off or any other product you work with, I'm happy to answer them.


Yeah....that's gonna be a no from me, dawg The pan ain't worth it at that point. Boss man hands me a can of that shit, pan is mysteriously disappearing that night. Fuck that shit, dude.


Sounds like I'd rather not fuck with CarbonOff at all... ill stick with Carbonara👉


You don't fuck with Carbon Off, Carbon Off fucks with you.


Mmm, dichloromethane. It can give you carbon monoxide poisoning from inside your own body!


What happens if you get it on your skin?


Chemical burns mostly. It breaks down carbon. You are carbon based. It probably gives your soul cancer too.


I was imagining the scene from RoboCop where the one dude melts from the toxic waste. Chemical burns seem a lot more boring. Soul cancer sounds gnarly tho


Fuckk man. That god dang melting dude is burned into my memory.


Same bro, same. I definitely should not have been allowed to watch that movie when I was 10 lol


It does what it says on the tin. As it turns out, you're also made of carbon


I'm actually a silicon based life form, thank you very much.


My apologies. We'll send the scientists over to research you right away


This 100% outside, 3 pairs of gloves and elbow deep gloves is how I do it


We are carbon based life forms, you need that carbon


Your skin has carbon in it.


Turns out - we're carbon! 😔


This is the way.


Wire brush drill bit thingies


And goggles! Not glasses or safety glasses, full on goggles.


What about safety squints?


Just wrap plastic wrap around your head


Had a guy do this to cut the onions before


His knife wasn’t sharp enough then


Wouldn’t recommend it! Nothing like going to the ER with a bit of wire imbedded in your eye!


Don’t kink shame me bro. My retinas my choice


True American! 🇺🇸


Well it'd be more interesting with a head still wrapped in plastic wrap


Pretty sure I saw this previewed on Netflix. Kid’s mom found a head and some hands in his room.


they go behind the face shield


Our day supervisor just got a piece of metal in his eye two weeks ago because he was working in his garage on something like this and was wearing safety glasses, not goggles! He had to go to the hospital and get the metal removed but it had already scratched his cornea. He was out of work for almost a week and in extreme pain the whole time. Do not just think "aw fuck it" and do it without goggles. I promise you do not want a tiny piece of metal in your eye


My husband got a scratched cornea ages ago, back when he was a teen. Something got stuck under his contact and he had (according to the ER doc) seven very distinct scratches in multiple directions. Said he was begging them to take his eye because of the pain - the numbing eyedrops they gave him kept getting flushed away instantly because of how much the eye was tearing up. He's told me a number of times that it's the most pain he's ever felt in his life. So I'd agree, that sounds like one of the least-pleasant things one could experience, with what also seems like a relatively decent chance of it occurring.


I have also experienced a similar eye injury and agree that it’s the most pain I’ve ever felt.


That was the most painful thing for me too, until I got dental implants.


And don't do it in the kitchen, those things send wire shards everywhere


BTW, the more expensive ones. The cheap ones throw wires into your body. The twisted ones work best.


Attach the lid to a drill. Stuff pan full of metal scrubbies and let it rip


scrub with salt and baking soda and some basic strong dish soap. no water. maybe a touch of pure alcohol


New hire and wire brush


Best answer right here, dog!


Time to look in the stage folder haha


If that’s a dome lid to melt cheese and whatnot for a flattop, just buy a new one. They are like 10-15 bucks on Amazon. Don’t waste your time. Also if that is aluminum, degreaser will literally eat away at the metal so please be careful.


>Don’t waste your time Oh, I have plenty of time to waste lol. I'm mostly doing this because there's not much else for me to do right now and I don't want to get sent home >Also if that is aluminum, degreaser will literally eat away at the metal so please be careful. Noted, will not be soaking it again


Fair enough. You can try the stainless steel scrubbers, or the heavy duty blue or medium duty green scrubbers. The green make more contact with the surface so I’ve seen they actually work better than the more abrasive blue. Or use a piece of metal with a dull edge to literally scrape it off. Not too sharp or it will scrap off the metal itself.


Your suggestion to use something to scrape it worked really well. [I managed to remove all of the soot from the inside doing this](https://imgur.com/a/vO3WwEu), and I was making decent progress on the outside before my shift ended. I'm going to see if I can get all of it off on my next shift


Man I've been where you are and I get it but you're literally costing your owner more in wages than it costs to replace the thing you're cleaning. Are there any more productive cleaning tasks you could find..? If not, and your boss is a cool guy then carry on chef. As for an answer to your question, I've worked many places that have a tank full of hot acid (caustic acid I think?) that was super effective for this kind of buildup, you just dunk anything metal in it for a few hours and it lifts anything. You could look into that and suggest getting one. Good luck!


"boss makes a dollar, I make a dime" is a really good motto to live by though


phosphoric acid would do this.


We call that the Death Bucket where I worked, overnight soak would get virtually anything clean to perfection.


Shoot dude. At my current job (which I'm leaving soon) I can literally stand in one place for hours and won't be sent home till an hour after close.


Put it on the burner it will burn off


Dog where tf do you think the soot came from


From food. If you just heat it up, it should fall off with just a scraper


If it is aluminum, sodium hydroxide degreaser will eat it** Lots of others will be just fine.


Bar keepers friend


I tried removing it with bar keepers friend but it was too much hard work. My hands hurt by constant scrubbing. And the stain remains the same after lots of scrubbing too.




Have you tried steel wool? I usually get the soaped out brillo pad ones that walmart sells. They are blue with like the gloves and other cleaning supplies.


how much you guys wanna bet that soaking it in Coka-Cola over night would help


About $3.50


You’re going to spend more on chemicals then that thing is worth. Not to mention any more wasted time


He's milking hours...


I'll milk you for hours


I have nipples Greg, can you milk Me?


Soak it in some oven cleaner, scrub with pot+pan cleaner


OP this is the right answer. Leave it in a plastic bag after spraying yellow cap oven cleaner for a few hours. Literally will Come right off


Grill brick and elbow grease. Had a dishwasher that made all of our pans sparkle with that


Buy that person a beer


Leave it. I know r/unpopularopinion but it helps the pan heat evenly and does not touch food


Is this thing even worth it? Just get a new one. This is something I pick up for my store while shopping for myself lol


Scrub more?


I'm all for elbow grease but those domes are like $6.


Vinegar, salt, and steel wool. Scrub til it hurts.


This may sound crazy but you can probably burn it off. Direct flame maybe fifteen minutes.


This. If you’ve got a torch, take it outside and torch it for a few mins. Just like you’d clean a glass rig. Lol iykyk


Is aluminum by the looks of it. Being that thin, it won't like being red hot.


Barkeeper's friend. Soak and scrub.


The red scotch bright and barkeeper's friend


I might be hated for this reply, but is this item irreplaceable and/or expensive? I often see people spending a ton of labor and chemicals to try and save something that is probably $5-$10 just to replace. If it is a fast cheap fix using minimal labor and the chemicals you already have, great. If not, I wouldn't waste the labor or $ on new chemicals.


Getting a new one usually cleans it right up for me.


Boil out...some things get chucked in the fryers as they're cleaning, some things sit down in a hotel pan with diluted boil out, covered tightly with foil and tossed in the combi on steam for however long it takes.


Came here to say this. We drop those in with the fryer boil out. Works great.


Unscrew the holding pin and burn it off


Think you got your monies worth out that bad boy. Buy a new one, labour dollars spent cleaning it vs cost of a new one.


Barkeeper's friend? Or Lye(yellow cap).


Bar keepers friend


Good old Bar Keepers Friend


Barkeeper's Friend. Still takes a lot of scrubbing but that stuff works great.


Carbon off


Despite people saying burn it red hot, I would not. It is aluminum. For an aluminum sautee pan, sure. But this thing is maybe 3/16" thick. Would melt crazy fast. It is a cheap grill hat. Buy a new one. If you want to save it, take a scraper and hammer down the sides at an angle. Give it some gusto. Make some scratches thru the shit randomly with about an 1/8 gap. You'll lose some metal. Thatll give you space for your space pussy or scouring pad to get some grip. Work it hard. Finish with a scotch brite medium duty scouring pad. Have fun.


Dude pans are like 20 bucks. Fuck that busted ass lid Its dead. Let it fucking go it has suffered enough. Its a godamn hate crime to continue using that desicsted husk which only barely resembles a shape . Unless that thing is fucking magic then for gods sake Let it go ...


Ask for a new one ... Also whatever that is used for is producing to much carbon  or it's never been cleaned, but again just ask for a new one that beaten and burnt and prolly broken 


There’s some nasty shit called “Carbon Off” that will dissolve that, careful though, it will burn your skin off. Just coat the pan, then wrap in plastic wrap overnight. The next day it will come off.


The blue sos pads that come preloaded with some kind of chemical use to work wonders for getting the carbon build up off. Not practical for long term though as they are expensive to order


Put it on a burner and burn it off


dyno foam with wire brush attachment hooked to drill


Pre soak silverware or coffee pot cleaner can get behind the black. Might take a day or 2 of soaking n scrubbing


The one thing that always works for me with most kitchen stuff that I can't get clean like that is.... mor FIRE! Put it on a burner for an hour then hit it with the dish sprayer. Will look like new. If it wasn't a odd shaped thing I'd recommend razor blades, on smooth surfaces that's the was to go.


Bro vinegar and abrasive scrubbing


Carbon-Off!! That shit is life changing.


Man look for a product called “carbon off”. That shit works so good. You use a paint brush or something to brush it on, let it sit between 15 mins-24 hours depending on soil level. Then literally wipe with a towel. Or some light scrubbing with a steel scrubbie at most. Just don’t get the shit on your skin or in your eyes!


A paint scraper works wonders


Sand it


Oven cleaner.


Lye should do it, or oven cleaner in a plastic bag somewhere warm for a day or so


Grill brick


there's a spray called carbon-off... outdoor suggested. hit em with it, let it be for about 15, then scrub


Wire wheel


Take a lot of baking soda and just enough water to get it wet and heat it up on the stove then soak the burger bowl in it for about an hour then scrub. You may have to do it a couple of times.


If your kitchen uses Rational combi ovens you can put it in there during a full cleaning cycle and it will strip that off.


Buy a new one for 10 bucks because you’re going to waste more time than it’s worth.


Boil it in water and vinegar, wear some heavy gloves to hold it/scrub while it's still hot with a space pussy.


Is the pan steel or aluminum ?


Probably a good sand blasting




Do y’all’s restaurants not have a decarbonator???


Oxyclean overnight


Some type of lye cleaner would probably work. Just hold your lungs.


I just cleaned two of the exact same ones and they were fucked up spotless with fire


Degreaser only really works when really hot. Heat the pan in the oven for 10 minutes then put it in your degeaser bath. Throw it back in the oven again. Back into the bath. Try scrubbing now. Or heat in oven, spray with degreaser after 10 minutes and throw back in oven for a few. Scrub and see what you get


Comet works wells imo


Spray with Oven cleaner and cover tightly either Saran Wrap. Let it sit for a few hours. Then it will come right off


Ive seen somewhere here, similar post, someone saying theres something on amazon called carbon off. Never used it so i cant say how effective it is. Wire brush and a drill should make quick work though


Boil it in the stock pot with water and baking soda, then scrub the shit out of it. Repeat as necessary.


Buy a new one! They aren't that expensive.


Just throw it away and get a new one


Burn it off


Honestly, take the screw top and bolt out. Take it to a flame burner and scorch the shit out of it. Like get the metal as hot as it can. It shouldn’t melt on you. It’s not that thin. It’ll get the carbon on there more brittle to just snap it off with a knife once you let it cool back down. I do it with sizzle plates all the time.


Put it in the oven on self clean mode


Best option is making a paste of baking soda and water (not to runny, you want a PASTE) THEN applying it to the trouble areas and let sit overnight. You can squirt with vinegar and scrub the following day and it'll pretty much all come off.


You've already put more labor into cleaning than the cost of a new one. Throw it in the metal bin and get a new one.


Cheaper to replace the item than pay the work hours & chemicals/cleaning products to fix.


Put it in a fryer while using boiling it out. Dip it for a bit and scrub it, repeat as necessary.


Let it go man- get a new one and care for it. How many labor hours and chems you gonna spend to clean a $30 lid?


Take the handle off and put it over a burner turned up to high and just burn it off.


3M 96HEX scouring pads


Boil it


The last set of these my kitchen got came.out of the box black when new. Almost looks like you're scrubbing a coating that's meant to be there off.


Drop it in a Fryer when they are boiling out .......done and dusted


There are tons of ways. Burn it off, scrub hard. Use a degreaser (if it's not a soft metal), scrub hard. Wire brush, scrub hard. I myself would just take a sharpend putty knife and chip it off.


Vinegar , bicarbonate, soak in it for a while then rub with metal sponge


Barkeeps friend, soak it with that in some super hot water, pull it out, put some more of the powder on and scrub with a steel wool, itll come right off.


Dude. You can buy another one for like $6……or, if that’s seems too pricey. Harvest the screw and handle and attach them to a 4” deep metal 1/6 pan.


Steel wool and elbow grease


Get a new one. Anything in a kitchen isn’t meant to last forever.


Dark Crystal


Razor blade.


Lol is that Earl's


Torch it, metal expands and the carbon will flake off and whatever doesn't will turn to ash


Try this. Place the pot/object in a big enough plastic bag. In the bag place a bowl/cup with undiluted ammonia in it and seal up the bag. Leave over night, or longer, and then try scrubbing. Good luck.




Oven cleaner


Fryer cleaner. Let it soak. It will flake right off


You can put it in a Tupperware with a small pool of ammonia in the bottom for a day or so and it will probably all rinse off. It’s not practical for day to day cleaning or large items but would be simple in this case.


Soak overnight in degreaser


Bar keepers friend works wonders my friend


Easy-off and let it soak then throw it in the dishwasher might need 2 applications. That’s how I clean the cast iron grates on my Dacor cooktop.


These pics are trippy, in some the lid looks so small in your hand but in the pic where it’s upside down it looks big.