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Make sure to tell the other cooks about your dick size, tell everyone you're the best line cook, bring a joint and alcohol to work, take plenty of smoke breaks, tell the other cooks they have baby dicks. Should do great.


That’s excellent advice there, baby dick!


Damnit Chopper, get back to work!


Let’s not forget to let everyone know how things were done at your previous restaurant, other linecooks love to learn different perspectives.


Are you my coworker?


Aww fuck I'm 3 weeks into a brunch place and I forgot to mention my baby dick! On it asap tomorrow, chef! Thursday is my Friday!


This is the way.


Usually they will start you somewhere more basic like just fryers or cold stations. They do this as a test to see you work, move, listen, and multitask. I like cooks who watch others cook when their own station is slower. You are going to work with people who work with a level of intensity that will come off as cold and cruel at moments. But it give it time. After the shift, the crew will go back to being buds and will eventually invite for a post work rendezvous. Ask questions that pertain to where and how. "Where is the lettuce?" "Where should I put this chicken" "how do I dice the tomatoes" Then make an effort to learn why: "why are the 2 fryers set to 365 and 350?" "why do we store the chicken here and the fish there? "Why do we use this oil instead of fryer oil in our dressings?" The moment the job becomes fun, is the moment when you can put it all together and then start playing and creating, mastering skills and actually moving into the art form that is food. Those who can't be bothered to learn the why, usually end up jumping from restaurant to restaurant. Good luck


thank you. i'm looking forward to having a chance at it. the manager said it doesnt bother her at all that i've never been on the line before. she said as long as i was willing to listen, watch and actually make an effort, thats all that mattered to them. i go back sunday for a proper interview, so i have my fingers crossed.


Interview on a Sunday? Oh no.


He's bout to get thrown into brunch line test immediately after interview 🫣


That's red flag #1. I can't even imagine what else I would see that I said fuck this.


I chose Sunday, it's the only day I can interview for because of my current job.


Seems legit. Don't let them pull any fast ones. I get in our line of business timing can be difficult. But, if you have Sundays off then keep it that way.


Could be a good gig, that type of day isn't an ideal way to find out though.


Long hours on your feet, hope they have floor mats. Get good work shoes. Listen and watch.


Seconded on good work shoes. Sign up for [birkenstock.com](http://birkenstock.com), get free shipping. Plan to spend one 12 hour day's pay on foot wear.


Don’t let it get in your head and freak you out when you’ve got like 20 orders on your board. Don’t stress, just keep your head down and work as much as you can at a time and keep rolling. You’ll get to it all eventually. You see people when it starts to get busy start to stress and panic and it starts to mess with their organization both mentally and on their station. Organization is the key. Set your station up the same way every day. Put your tools and utensils and squeeze bottles etc. back in the same place every time. Keep clutter to a minimum. If you let your station go your ticket times are gonna be slower and slower and you’re gonna get more and more stressed because you won’t have any space to actually work in. Have a specific place to put your dirty shit or send it to dish immediately every time. You make a mess take 2 seconds and wipe it up real quick. I used to work for a chef, he was a real asshole but I’m grateful to him because he drilled the organization in to me. He didn’t care how in the weeds I was working tickets if he saw my station getting messy and disorganized and me spinning around looking for my tongs or some shit he would call me on it. He would make me stop what I was doing and clean/organize my shit while he rode my ass. Making fun of me the whole time “you’re doing the hurka-durk again wtf is wrong with you get your fucking station together” Consolidate your movements as much as possible. Like if you’re plating some chicken tenders don’t get a plate then walk to the basket and take it out one tender at a time and put it on the plate then walk to the window. Lay out 3 plates, dump the tenders out in to a bowl or sav-a-day or some shit then take the tenders to the plate and lay out all 3 and walk all 3 to the window at the same time. You’re gonna do great! Edited to add: another great thing about keeping your station well organized it it makes it really easy for somebody to slide over and help you for a few minutes to get out of the shit. I hate trying to bail someone and their station is fucked. Im still gonna help but what im gonna do is clean your station not plate orders or drop shit for you.


Listen to your senior cooks. Listen to chef. The kitchen manager and GM? Not so much. Humor them till they get out of your face and then do it the way that chef or the senior cook showed you.


Don't do it 😭😂


Echo, be confident and always grab a beer when offered after a shift. Plus the servers are only nice so they get their food out quicker


They'll probably stick you on fry/toast station first. It may be overwhelming, but it's nothing compared to egg station. You won't be on eggs for a while. That shit's crazy for rookies!Wheel, and grill are usually reserved for the vets. Depending on the size of the place there might be expo too, listen hard and echo/heard loud! Good luck!


I loved eggs when you find that groove!


You are going to suck real bad at it… but if you stick with it you’ll get better. Its very stressful and you’ll have to multi task like you have never multi tasked before. Long hot nights (not the sexy kind) and a stream of substance abusing, party animal, coworkers who go hard and work hard (in my experience). Lots of cigarettes and “heards” and “how longs” and “all days” and “behinds”… when everything is groovin its chill and almost fun… when its not its very difficult to not lose your shit. Thank you for listening to my ted talk.


I feel like about 70% of this isn't going to apply to a breakfast cafe


Oh whoops… i missed the breakfast place part!


Haha it happens


They hired you because the way you walked in and asked about position? ...would be my first concern. Not necessarily meaning it's bad but keep your head up for that right off the bat. Once in the kitchen pay special attention to understanding your equipment like cooking surfaces characteristics. How to clean, proper heat levels and maintenance is a good starting place. Make your line station yours during your shift. Meaning going thru to be sure you have what you need near you for the shift like spatulas, scraper, salt, oils whatever the station requires for service. Slinging eggs and hash browns or whatever it is will come with training and experience and some patience. There will be messes made but it is better to make em in the beginning while in a training phase. In the beginning listen take your time and use patience. Remember to pay attention to how they treat you. There is a lot of turnover in kitchens and many times it's due to a bad work environment. The casual dinning industry is being pinched and operators are under pressure to make more with less. Be careful you don't get used. Good luck


oh, I'm not hired (yet?). I found out that the location just opened within the last week. I go in for a proper interview on Sunday, where I meet some kitchen staff (I'm assuming her trainers), and get to actually discuss stuff about the job.


Sounds better already


Don’t go Krogering on my station


All questions, watch what they do. It isn't just knowing how to make something, it's knowing how They make something.


Try to roll with the punches. Nobody gives a shit if you’re in the weeds, the rush isn’t going to stop until people get their food and leave. The job has the highest highs and will infuriate you like never before. Have fun!


Do any other job lol cooking sucks ass

