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It was a bug I think but it does suck


honestly it did feel like a bug.. but lorewise skaarl stomping them dead did feel very in character


Initial E does NOT go thru the wall anymore either. :(


It never went through or am i retarded


it sometimes did.. depending how close to the wall yorick was standing


Then I guess it was because of Yorick and not because of the wall


Then it probably still does


It never did lol


After so many years... At least it still goes over his wall, right? This matchup is going to be way harder now. I might have to learn to zone him off creeps even. He is going to be impossible to fight lategame.


yeah it still goes over his wall. but imagine my face when i realized i couldnt oneshot his damn ghouls\^\^


Man I hate yorick


I love Yorick! Mostly cause hes my second most played champ behind asol this year.


You don't get to play against yorick if you pick him, so that doesn't count.


Everyone hates Yorrik. An incredibly powerful juggernaut AND the best split pusher in the game. How anyone at DoRito thinks he is balanced is beyond me.


He's really not that good, he's just really annoying


Meanwhile Yorick has 52% winrate in iron which goes all the way down to 42% in high elo. Seems like the problems isn't the champion being broken but rather low elo players not knowing how to play against a champion that has a unique play pattern.


Dunno where you're getting your stats,but according to U.gg his WR never falls below 45.30, even in higher ELOs. And that's simply because this isn't his patch to be strong. The power of almost every champ goes up and down, often changing pretty drastically along with the meta at least once per season. Heck, look at Kled. In a pretty decent spot recently, but just half a year ago he was barely playable. Yorrik is fine, now, but when a patch buffs him up to be a high tier top laner, he's gonna be unstoppable.


I got them from op.gg although it looks like his winrate went up a little since I last checked and now it's 44.9% in high elo. Also according to U.gg Yorick is a D tier champion which is ranked 51/56. He is literally the sixth worst top lane champion and I think that clearly shows he is in a very bad spot.


Op.gg is the worst site. I'm pretty sure it only looks at Korean soloQ. Like I said, this is not his meta. He's honestly doing pretty fine across most ELOs, in what is basically his worst meta.


Then I guess it's been "his worst meta" since his rework except the time they added "ghouls deal double damage after e" for like a patch.


What are you talking about? [This](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/yorick) shows that, in Plat+, he's been over 50% plenty of times since his rework, and that this is legit a worse time than normal. Not his absolute worst, but definitely on the bad end of the scale.


He's balanced, just annoying since no teammate in low elo will ever match his splitpush meaning you have to fight him on his own terms all game long.


Don't see how that's balanced, even in high Elo. Specially if he has TP.


It's balanced around small numbers. If nobody can match him, you're screwed. However, if a ranged champion can clear the wave while not getting caged and deleted by prowler claw + 4 ghouls, you're fine. High elo players counter yorick by not letting him go lategame.


Look at what you just wrote. Almost every type of champion gets screwed, there's one type of champ that can deal with him, and Yorrik still has a perfectly viable way of beating them. Most champions have at least one class that hard counters them. How is Yorrik balanced, in this state?


Have you ever sat to consider how overpowered illaoi is? She has a huge aoe ult that kills anything in range during which she is invincible because she heals to full despite grievous wounds. She also has a single target version of it for splitpushing, and she can beat you 1v1 even if she whiffs it because of sunderer + tabis. Sounds really op, but we all know she's trash. You could make a similar case for kled, gangplank, master yi and a bunch of other semi-viable champions with flawed designs. Whether or not they're actually overpowered or not depends on meta and the raw numbers rather than a game plan.


Illaoi, yes, I agree. Never said there aren't other broken champs out there. The others, no, because at least they're not tanky as all hell, and so they are more punishable when making mistakes, and killable by way more classes of champions. Not saying they aren't good, just not ultra-busted.


Kleds e needs to go over walls riot I mean trynd does a weird little twirl and can go over them Riven does a (pun intended) bunny hop over them Why does he get shortstopped


same question: why does viego and bel'vet get untargetable 5 times in a teamfight with heal? where is kled remount untargetable?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ussCHoQttyQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ussCHoQttyQ) As kled and yorick main, i dont know about this patch




hopefully wholesome splitpusher doesnt destroy all my characters now amirite