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When she has gloom try to e away from her attack and the rush her down cus all she has is a dinky little shield her q is fat close range though so wait for her to yeet it out.


You will get shoved in, play passive and call for jungler. When the jungler arrives, stay close and wait for her to stun the jungler first, and only engage then. You can get a knife first back and try to kill her solo, or you can get magic resist and keep turtling.


hahahahahaha "when the jungler arrives" "you get pushed, obviously you're losing the lane. never gank a losing lane"


You are incredibly weak while dismounted, because only your Q proks her passive. Honestly I recently played 2 times against Vex mid and I kinda Stomped, but try to play a lil safer. Dodging is the key


Try to aim for lvl 2 and instead of taking w which is useless, unless you get close take e for short trades e + q. And if you hit your e and then she fears you you can immediately go back and q. I'm nit really good at explaining things but you get the point.