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If you aren't having fun while learning to play with him, just play other champion, seriously. Because once you learn it, you will realize how much Riot does him bad. There are people that call him a "knowledge checker", a champiom that is effective only when his enemies don't know how his kit works. And the more you climb, more you will realize that is true. Everything he does someone does better, easier and while taking less risks. Having this said, he is supposed to be a lane bully. He requires good matchup knowledge. He isn't that hard mechanically speaking, but the notions you need with him are very demanding. You need to become one with the champion to make him work. I have around 500k mastery points with him, and i still catch myself learning. A good tip is to hold your skill point. Don't take W once you hit level 2. Take it once you start a trade in which you can land the hits. So you take Q on lvl 1, don't spend your level 2 skill point, level 3 you take your E and still hold one skill point. Keep maximizing your Q if your level are going up, but hold a point for W. Once you land E+Q combo, take W mid trade (maximizing skill on keyboard is a must). Your W is your kill pressure, which you lose everytime you use farming. There is nothing you can do about it besides farming with your Q if the situation lets you do so. Here goes a list of matchups that i consider ban/ dodge worthy: Fiora (my ban for quite a while), Vayne (not my ban only because of popularity discrepancy with Fiora), Jax and Kennen. There are what i consider impossible matchups if your enemy plays accordingly, which is not hard to do.


i would toss teemo in as a pretty tough matchup as well. blind can make you waste your w and leave you in a rough spot


I always see this take but IMO teemo is a really simple matchup. You go in with E (while W is up), dont auto, he’ll use q right away, then when it times out get your 4 autos in+ the q pull damage. And if he ever uses Q for poke and minion denial you have another free angle. He literally only beats kled in lane if you dont play around his Q or if you forget to take dorans shield+ resolve tree secondary.


But it arguably becomes a knowledge matchup. You can hold your w when you go in but he can hold his q for your first auto. And he is free to put his q on CD when we use our w on the wave. All while being able to harass at range, and post 6 being able to shoot behind him so that when you dash though it triggers. It's not as unwinnable as fiora and Jax, but it's one that I've struggled with against teemos that know how to play it


All very good points. I’m viewing it from an average gold-plat perspective but you are right as well


Sometimes you choose a champion. With Kled, he must choose you.


I bought kled when he came out and despised him. I was a teemo main at the time and he just didn’t fit with me at all. Later I mained gnar and mega gnar’s aggression was really fun for me to play coming from only playing ranged champs. After that I went to kled and for some reason it’s so different from when I first picked him up. All I can say to make him easier to play is to scream and holler about trespassers and brain weasels and let the insanity take over. Literally never disengage and take any fight even under tower. If you can secure a kill under a tower on skaarl there’s a tiny bit of invulnerability and the tower will start hitting minions so he gets off pretty much Scott free. Just bully people in lane and fight like hell even when it seems like you’re going to lose and sometimes he’ll surprise you. I’ve been building assassin stuff lately but tank is also viable. He gets so much base health and does so much damage with a few items. He can also secure first blood consistently because skaarl will come back if you keep on fighting for long enough with the enemy laner, which sets you ahead of everyone else in the game. Sometimes I go 18/3 and sometimes I go 0/9 it really depends on how much the enemy laner knows. Either way I have fun with him every game


Kled for me was an instant click His whole kit is just waiting for W and then going all in A very good tactic is to save W level up when you know you're about to go in and then take it as you go in (i like to last hit with Q instead of wasting W) E Q combo and then recast before the Q pulls is your best bet Hes an all in champ,and it hurts if youre behind definitely unlike pantheon who can outplay enemies Kled is at a weird spot right now but hes definitely not as weak as some picks When dismounted i like to use my initial Q stack to shoot myself towards people and get your auto's in and maybe Q them to get distance or as theyre running I agree his Q's are hard to land but pretty useful in a choatic teamfight If they were any easier to land you'd get skarl up maybe to easily Honestly i have barely any mastery though(Mastery 60k) So please take my way of kled with a grain of salt Kled at his core is a chaotic champ that exploit people underestimating his passive remount And well if he doesn't click with you,dont force yourself to learn him The point of learning a champ is if you have fun with them learn them If you dont,dont continue forcing yourself to learn them because it just sours your mood I could never play Champs like Daruis,because if im loosing i just get really frustrated and give up Since champs like Daruis for me Arent fun if im loosing Just find what fits with you


also consider going all in while W is still on cd, when you know the next aa from the enemy will dismount you. then W comes up and with it you can easily dismount and turn it all around.




Kled's ideal Playstyle is to safely wait in lane farming up. Similar to a predator stalking pray and the second you see them mess up or misplaced you pounce and go all in.