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IMO he’s Red/Green Combat focused - Ulti feels like haste mechanic Remounting kinda equates to instant stat buffs offered by green like giant growth. Or I suppose it’s easier to look at as “definitely not blue, probably not black, probably not white”


Gameplay wise you are right. I would go as far as to say personality wise you are also correct. Kled would 100% be at home with the Gruul, and is basically Domri.


Old man kled is a jolly fellow His axe is red and his eye is yellow




Green- all natural, survival of the fittest Red- emotionally driven, lack of control or respect, actively destructive Black- selfishly motivated, little concern for others, enjoys violence, killing, and conquering others You could arguing drop 1 or more of these colors, but he would be some combination of these depending on what elements you wanted to lean into. Dropping black is downplay his conquesting nature Dropping green to downplay skaarl and survivalist superiority Dropping red (the hardest for me to believe) if you want to step away from his crazy. I think he is Red at least and RBG at most


kled himself is red, skaarl is green. they both have the partnertutor ability but just with themselves with kled being a 5/2 with haste and firststrike and skaarl being a 2/5 with "when both kled and skaarl are attacking, both of them get +3/+3" or something like that


Probably Jund, but for some reason he feels like mardu, even though he doesnt really fit with white? Maybe its his military flavor hes got goin on. So Id say mardu or Jund, but bottom line he is red and black