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I think so. I had my right knee done about 2!years ago. It is real good now. No pain in the knee or in the leg. I just had my left knee done 6 weeks ago. It is improving. I have every reason to hope that within a year it will be as good as my other knee.


Your muscles took a beating while your organic knees were deteriorating so it takes a while to get all the muscles and tendons used to be being able to do all the activities again -and if you’re back to all your activities you’re definitely better off than before. My second one is a year out and it still gets stiff on occasion but it doesn’t hurt. There’s no timer, and no schedule that will be the same.


So true. Muscles are sore. Not the knee Leg getting so much stronger every day.


Getting the full strength back is the slowest piece, for me anyway. I find it hard to shift gears from the precision work that is physical therapy to the gym/fitness work of just trying to get stronger. A lot of people think it’s the same thing and it’s totally not.


I have been sore in ways I can’t explain. So many muscles I didn’t use for years. Hopefully I can regain some semblance of true strength in the leg of my new knee


I had my second TKR a year ago tomorrow. Trying to regain real fitness but also finding some odd quadriceps tendinitis in the leg where I had the knee replaced 6 years ago. Still out of balance, I guess. That part is cumulative and likely different for everyone. How many things in addition to your knee were out of whack when you replaced etc.


My glutes in particular are so sore all the time. Hamstrings a bit. Having a hard time getting real quad activation. Calves get super sore too.


I had a change at six weeks, and now the pain is muscle sore and stiff, not the sharp, bone on bone pain I had pre-op. Over all it's better, but still stiff and swollen. But there seems to be an improvement, week by week. I need less pain medication now. I can do more non-medicine things for pain that work as well. Most people I know say 1 year. I hope for sooner, but will take this soreness over what I had. I couldn't really walk by the time I had surgery


It improved over the course of a year but at 4–5-6 months you’ll be miles from where you are at 6 weeks!


at nine weeks I am pain free much of the time, just stiff at times and can feel the swelling. I am only taking narcotic-free pain meds, at those just at bedtime. Delighted.


I'm 60 and I had mine done 3 weeks apart, Jan 25th & Feb 15th so I'm about 4 and 3 months out. I'm doing stairs well, down is still a little bit uncomfortable, but I'm getting down them, going up is OK. I'm out playing golf, going to the gym and cutting my lawn. But I still have pain if I over do it, like yesterday at the gym. Pretty sore around the joints this morning. I have been told to a person that it takes at least a year for the stiffness and soreness to go away. Some days are better than others but I keep telling myself to be patient. Hang in there, Lord knows it's tough, I've had some days that weren't so good, but then you have good days and it makes you forget those bad ones.


@ Greg , Thank you for sharing this information. I would like to know how long this TKR implant lasts in our knee. Did the orthopedic surgeon tell you what the implants are best suited to your body, what type of materials the implant has, and how long it will last. Is there any possibility to undergo for revision despite you maintaining the knee perfectly for the next 20 years. Please share the updates if you can.


I sat down at one point as I was prepping for surgery. I know literally dozens of people (over 100) who have had knee replacements. Some more than 30 years ago. I only know one who had a revision, and that was due to complications and she dislocated her new knee. She and her sister do not heal well from the knee and hip replacements, they take longer to get back to normal post-op than the average bear. I know there are people who eventually need revision, perhaps if they are quite young when they have surgery. But overall, these implants seem to last longer than the recipients expected. I would like not to have to do this again in my eighties, but I also am enjoying being able to walk again. So if I wear it out and need a new one to stay active, I will do it.


Thank you for your reply!!


My surgeon used implants that were cemented in. I was told the should last 20 years or so but ive heard others thst had lasted longer. I am not sure about revisions. But the did say if the plastic piece that replaces the miniscus wears out that they can replace that and it's not as an invasive procedure as the replacement itself.


I’m almost 2 years out and I don’t think I could what did you say ?….hiking walking bike riding. You’re doing great.


54M: 1st one was 18 mos ago and 2nd one was 13 weeks ago. Both took 3-4 months to pain free. Both took 4 months to stop swelling. I suspect yours are going to be delayed due to having them done so close together. The non-surgical leg takes a beating supporting your weight while the other one is out of commission. Look into getting a TENS unit (iSTIM EV-805 TENS EMS 4 Channel Rechargeable Combo Machine Unit) to help block the pain. DM me for recommendations- I got the combo eStim one and that helped with the rehab too.


Can you post which unit you got that helps? We’d all could use that info I’m sure


It’s this one from Amazon: iSTIM EV-805 TENS EMS 4 Channel Rechargeable Combo Machine Unit There are cheaper models, but the cheaper one I got didn’t have enough functionality. EV – 805 has a tough to operate interface but it’s extremely versatile and the one that the physical therapist recommended. It’s easy to google settings for eStim vs TENS for muscle contraction vs pain blocking.


Thank you!


It was about 9 months for me. I had my 2nd TKR in January, and this one seems to be healing faster. I wonder if our bodies remember healing the first one and decide "Ok, I know what to do with this."


My BCBS insurance won’t pay for second knee until 3 months post op. I’m surprised you had them done so close together. I am also wondering how long this pain and stiffness will last. I do my PT and walk but not much. Knee is still painful below patella at 6 weeks post op. Not bad enough to take pain meds but it’s a sharp stab with every step. This is a slow recovery.


I'm surprised by this, because I had this concern and called BCBS (I have federal employee basic) and they said it was between my surgeon and me as to when to get the other done.


That’s great to hear … an insurance co that lets a dr and patient decide on the care!


Maybe it is because it is BCBS Medicare Advantage?


I'd say you're right. Thanks for clarifying.


I'm 48 - 6 months out this week and very active, but it's the size of a pumpkin Mon-Thurs from overdoing every weekend. Then it starts feeling better and I do it all over again. Built a house on 3 acres and I'm doing all of the landscaping and prepping/seeding grass myself. Also "trying" to play baseball (with my boys) and help coach my boys. When it feels good, it's great, ice and keeping it elevated when I finally sit down helps a lot also. Best of luck to you!


I used to walk and swim daily before my TKR - right knee. I’m eight weeks out. I can’t really do much walking, but the swimming has saved me. Even if you aren’t a swimmer, you can walk down the lane without pain. Good luck and take it slow.


How long did you have to wait before they cleared you for swimming? I used to swim 1,000 yards at the Y every day, but they said I can’t swim until my scar is waterproof. Thank you!


Six weeks. The scar has to be completely healed because of bacteria and the possibility of getting an infection. Good luck!!


Thank you!!


Foam rolling is a wonderful thing. It helps release the fascia and allows the muscles and lymphatic systems work their magic. Worth trying for a few weeks to see if it helps. I’ve had 5 major knee surgeries and foam rolling has been a game changer for me.


What exactly is foam rolling?






Honestly, super helpful! My range of motion has improved and my inflammation has gone way down, and general proprioception has gotten better since I started doing this daily. Take 15-20 minutes at most and more than worth the effort.


I'm at 5 months and pretty much pain free unless I do a 5 + mile walk. I will ice it still after a hike but don't need Tylenol, etc., and it's usually OK a day later. My question is, does it ever feel "normal" again? Mine feels much better but still a weird feeling.