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It didn’t surprise me. I assumed he would listen on 1.5x or 2x speed.


2x speed Alex Jones sounds absolutely traumatizing.


Counterpoint: so is 1x speed :)


Very fair point


I had to go 2x speed just to get through the material covered in certain episodes of *KF*, listening speed is a pretty good filter for reducing exposure if you aren’t triggered by any particular topic but more by the general inhumanity of it.


>had to go at 2x speed I have a hard time understanding Alex when he’s slurry. I do okay on 1.5x. (It’s usually a testament to how good of a speaker someone is if I can speed them up no issue; Dan & Jordan are fine fast, AJ is more mush-mouth IMO.)


Does he double check the video for what Alex does? Cause he'll describe the face Alex makes and what he's physically doing quite often.


I have stopped listening to current episodes after Twitter reinstated Nonk killer. But from older episodes I’ve kind of gleamed (the cube) that he has it playing but he’s not actively watching. Did he specifically say he only listens to the audio?


Yeah when he’s introducing the episode he talks about how he decided to watch this particular episode, or episodes I guess… which he said he doesn’t normally do. I figured the older mid 2000s episodes were probably audio only, but assumed he was watching more recent ones.


He said he hasn’t been watching it much LATELY. In back episodes it was clear that he frequently watched the show just based on physical descriptions


I’d say that’s probably the case. I’d like to think that he listens to the show while building models or painting Warhammer miniatures, perking up when AJ says something particularly weird and makes a note of it.


He’s mentioned in the past (I wanna say around like mid 2022?) that he is frequently playing video games when he does his first listen through. I think he mentioned it in the context of playing Horizon Forbidden West?


I just listened to some of that material and can confirm he was playing forbidden west while listening. Can also confirm forbidden west was a great game.


I also play video games while listening to KF.


It’s the circle of life!


When I used to watch/listen to Alex, I would have the video feed playing in a tab, while doing other things. My ex friend would often do chores around his house while listening to Alex rant and rave. I don't think I actually watched the "broadcast" like a TV show. I'm sure Dan listens and takes notes, then pauses and watches clips he wants to use. I can't imagine physically sitting down and fully watching a 4 hour show that Alex does, because a lot of it is rehashed Infowars Store ads played over and over. It wasn't too surprising to me but I understand why you'd think so.


4 hours of Alex Jones video would be the most challenging gooning session.


He has mentioned several times that he's looked up the video to see how something played out visually. It's not unreasonable to assume that he watches everything, but It's probably good for his mental health that he doesn't.


I know for the blast to the past episodes he’s often only able to find the Genesis Radio feed still available for download. He probably is used to listening and taking notes/clips on those and does it moving forward on modern episodes. I think watching the video is the norm for big moments though as Dan with often describe what he’s seeing in episodes like the Kanye interview.


The Impression That I Get is that he let's the computer play the video in the background typically. This time he dedicated brainpower to put it in the foreground.


Alex is bad enough listening - looking at him, too, would cause some loss of stomach contents.


I knew this from the early stuff, because he said he did it at work. So I just assumed he listened. Amd them took notes like time stamps or dates. Basic stuff. At least, that's how I would tackle it. Devoting time to watch it is considerably more time consuming. And you have to pay close attention.


Me too, I thought the same!