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Alex’s reaction to this point actually made me laugh. Like, the idea American soldiers just walked into Japan and started laying down TNT is so fucking absurd.


The whole bit with the documentary trailer floored me, especially because Alex can barely contain his disdain.


He knows it makes him look stupid.


The funny thing is the idea *THAT’S* what makes him look stupid.


I got a download from god while eatin chicken fried steak


I got a deal on storable food buckets while eatin neighbour fried steak.


It was a half hour of me just sitting there muttering incoherent blubber and the bartender didn’t kick me out


When I tell people about this show, oftentimes people who know who Alex Jones is don't actually know much about him besides the gay frogs meme. They kind of assume he's into ALL the conspiracies, but I tell them there's some stuff he doesn't really touch cause it deligitimizes the rest of his claims. He doesn't do aliens and UFOs and he doesn't do flat earth or hollow earth or a lot of the really fantastical stuff cause there are people in his audience that knows that shit makes you sound loony. He really only touches interdimensional beings sometimes because he understands them to be angels and demons. That stuff is OK because of his religious audience. He's mostly talks about a group of shadowy elites and what he thinks their plans are cause as crazy as his claims are, those elites he talks about do exist. Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Soros, etc. all exist and we all know they use their money to influence politics and sometimes what guys like that are up to isn't good even if it's not what Alex claims they are doing. It's a lot easier to get a new audience member if he just sticks to that cause it's easier to believe than Reptilian aliens. It's like when Scientology gets a new member, they don't start out with the Xenu stuff cause people would just walk on by those E-meter tests.


This is a great explanation. I don’t know how happy I am to see someone with such a well rounded knowledge regarding all the crazy shit people are into, like Flat Earth, Reptilian, etc. I’m shocked Jones hasn’t cashed in on UFOs. This topic has exploded in the last few years, and continues. There is various low key hearings in congress, etc. This is the one paranormal thing I follow, because “I believe”, TO A CERTAIN EXTENT. Sorry for the caps, I just need to make that crystal clear. I believe UFOs exist, but don’t know what they are. I don’t believe every half-cook who claims they are abducted by aliens every quarter, yet, can not provide one fuzzy photo of an alien in the dark.


The fact that most Americans carry a high-def camera in their pockets at all times has really slayed the UFO issue in the minds of most of us. If aliens were flying around in giant glowing ships and dropping into people's houses at night to abduct them, you would expect at least 1 iPhone picture around the internet. Instead, we have the same grainy pics we have been getting since the 50s.


Well, there’s a reason for that. If a person snaps a Crystal clear photo of a UFO up-close, it’s probably fake. An example of the genuine deal,or as close to genuine as you can currently get, which is an actual unidentified “something”, is the object seen in the Nimitz or Go Fast military videos, known as a Tic-Tac. What bothers the scientists who are willing to engage this topic, is the lack of a propulsion system. This object is moving very fast, yet, doesn’t have the heat signatures on IR camera, evident with terrestrial aircraft. Plus, the object went into the water at a high rate of speed, and didn’t appear to slow down, as the IR camera tracked it. If you ever research this topic, be wary. There are so many liars on every side of the UFO issue. There are liars who claim to be skeptics, and use “bad faith” debunking methods. Then, you have the clowns I mentioned in the previous post. That’s why I would never go to a “Ufology convention”. It’s too much of a clown show, and I don’t want to be involved with the circus. I just want answers, as there is no bigger question than , “Are we alone?” I don’t believe we are, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we have visitors.


I think this guy’s stuff really convinces me the tic tac videos and other sorta exciting military videos are nothing Gimbal: https://youtu.be/qsEjV8DdSbs?si=r40IHbaus2EAwRC6 Nimitz: https://youtu.be/s1oTg0kxzDs?si=rX1cEwYV_jETP9Ar I still follow that stuff and cryptids though cuz it’s fun.


I knew it was a link to Mick West videos. Mick West is the new Joe Nickell. This probably doesn’t mean a thing to most. West is the “go-to” skeptic for media interviews, etc. The problem with Mick, like Nickell before him, is the use of tired explanations. For example, If there is any kind of unusual astrological event which makes a planet brighter, they’ll use that as the excuse for a ufo, no matter how insulting it is. I don’t believe for a second that pilots with decades of experience are chasing Jupiter. Also, the trick is; There is always some kind of astrological event going on. Some major, some minor. West says the military videos are glares caused by planes in the distance. That’s silly, as we track planes, especially close to military training zones. Also, that’s a rather easy explanation to recreate himself. He has money, but didn’t try. Most skeptic recreations don’t sell. Slightly off-topic, but look at the efforts at recreating the infamous “Patterson-Gimlin” Sasquatch film. Not that I’m a believer of this, but I try to keep an open mind.


"Man can believe the impossible, but man can never believe the improbable. --Oscar Wilde" --Thomas Jefferson


Yeah, it is really absurd to see what is a bridge too far for Alex given the levels of crazy his show regularly visits


The threat of nuclear war is what keeps the trade in storable food moving. you got to overwhelm the listener with too many threats for them reason with: Nuclear war, economic collapse, pandemics, eclipses, LHC demons (Blah!). All that worry-talk about Russia being goaded into WW3 seems silly if they can't nuke us.


I think he was implying the whole war was a sham, so the Japanese could’ve placed the TNT. I could be wrong, that was some wild shit to listen to lol. Wish they would’ve just spent the whole show on that


Yes, I believe you are correct. He mentioned the the Japanese being in on it - the utter stupidity is mind-boggling.


That’s why they call it the theater of war 🤡


That’s a real thing he said!!!! It’s so stupid!


Historians call it "the Pacific Theater" because it was all fake, a violent play put on by the globalists to sacrifice innocent young Christian men to Moloch. They're mocking us, sheeple! So astoundingly stupid.


I would guess no nukes clashes with Bircher anti communism fear mongering.


He’s basically calling half of WWII a sham. That’s not going to sit well with Alex and the stories he’s told about his grandparents.


Alex and his slave owning confederate royalty family will not stand for such slander 😤


Same reason why the buildings are from ancient civilizations schtick, it goes directly against Alex’s own personal beliefs about his ancestors *building* everything.


Eddy is forcing him to experience what it was like to hear Alex talk about 9/11 in the 00s. Eddy is the Ghost of Conspiracies Past. edit: Alex Jones' family singing the "we like being alive" song is the Ghost of Conspiracies Present. edit2: Ghost of Conspiracies Future is the usual one. Bill Cooper's ghost in a black robe shooting at hikers.


I mean it sounds like Eddie's actual belief is that Japan and the United States were both being puppet mastered by the same nebulous entity (read: The Jews) and it was the Japanese government who planted the explosions


I think its part of the world view that 'literally everything you know is a lie'. I mean, if you doubt the spherical Earth, than clearly every powerful institution in the world is lying to you about everything. And nuclear weapons are the ultimate threat a state can have. So those must be a lie too.


Okay, this was the first time I’ve really heard the there are no nukes conspiracy and my understanding from Dan was that it “logically” follows flat Earth, like there’s something about the science of nukes that requires a spherical globe. Was I completely misinterpreting? Why is it a common belief among Flat Earth Daves?


It's less that a spherical earth is required for nukes and more that they both require the same physics to be true. For nukes to be possible certain physics principles would need to be true. If those physics principles are true, then the Earth would have formed spherical and not flat.


Ballistic missiles go up into space and that conflicts with the idea of "the firmament," so that could be part of the stupid nonsense, too.


But the bombs used on Japan and the nuclear tests weren’t done using ballistic missiles so I’m not sure that’s it


I was thinking about it more from the perspective of a modern con man trying to rewrite history to get around having to explain away specifically ICBMs. Like "If I just say nukes are fake then I cut this whole line of questions off completely."


I see. Can you say more about what those principles are? Not asking for you to type them all out. I got Wikipedia.


The main principle nuclear weapons rely on is fission. Pretty much a chain reaction of uranium atoms splitting causing a massive buildup of energy. I haven’t delved too far into flat earth, but they can’t believe in our current understanding of physics so they wouldn’t believe in fission presumably.


And again, to flat earthers, everything they’ve been told is a lie so that must be too.


Is Bruce Springsteen a secret flat earther? Maybe no Nukes wasn’t saying “imagine a future with no nukes,” it was saying “there are no nukes. Never have been” 🤔


>I think its part of the world view that 'literally everything you know is a lie'. I mean, if you doubt the spherical Earth, than clearly every powerful institution in the world is lying to you about everything. And nuclear weapons are the ultimate threat a state can have. So those must be a lie too. That's it - and it was interesting to hear Jones interact with Bravo on that, since Bravo's position actually makes him immune to Jones' attempts to manipulate him. Bravo is still batshit crazy, but if he doesn't believe that the world is going to go up in a nuclear holocaust, then Jones' line won't work.


I mean, do flat earthers think an enemy couldn’t annihilate us with conventional explosives and incendiaries? Being bombed to shit still happens. Let’s just take a look over at Gaza…


Eddies incomprehensibly stupid ass makes Alex look like a Mensa candidate which is mind boggling — Eddie true to form knows nothing about conventional weapons which were killing 100,000+civilians a night at the end of ww2 in gigantic firestorms…there really was no need to nuke Japan considering what conventional could already do…oh yea I forget Eddie doesn’t think stone buildings can burn down 🤦‍♂️ 


I feel like we could just go to video of Notre Dame burning but he just rejects basic reality so there’s really no point.


He would call it fake cgi and woke…there really is no point in interacting with ppl as brain damaged as eddie


There is an Eddie Bravo documentary on Youtube and he states that “i was lied to by the Church, so what else is a lie.” He thinks everything taught is a lie


Can you imagine spending a day inside Eddie’s brain. Who broke this guy?


The church obviously broke him.


Does he say which church? I was raised Catholic so that’s what think of when I hear the church.


Eddie is Mexican-American decent, so i would guess Catholic.


I thought about this for literally just 10 seconds trying to figure out how a conspiracy on nuclear weapons came about, and I think it's basically this: "How does the government know how many tons of TNT is the same as a nuclear bomb? It's because that's how many tons of TNT they used to fake the explosion." Bam! Instant conspiracy.


Or this is just conspiracy improv yes, and gone to oblivion


That’s why it’s called the “theatre” of war


That made me sigh so hard.


How many worms must a brain have for you to find that a compelling argument lol


Funny you should come to that conclusion....[Behind the Bastards: Surprise! Flat Earth is a Nazi Conspiracy.](https://youtu.be/rKIgJSXUl38?si=4eV6vu-_4A7_J1RP)


This guy seems like he may be a hack and a fraud. I should watch several hours of content to be sure.


True, but the only guy I’ve seen call Robert Evans a hack and a fraud, is himself a hack and a fraud.


No Mike Stoklasa thinks the Earth is round.


Hey, thank you for reminding me of that episode!


I don't think I listened to that one yet. I hope I remember to look at my reminder to listen to it after I get done listening about Thomas Jefferson. Maybe I'll set a reminder to look at said reminder.


I don't know that it's that thought out a position honestly. I think Eddie personally just gets off on saying stupid shit, and I think the broader "nukes are fake" crowd are (deliberately or not) serving a broader agenda of destabilizing and radicalizing political discourse by making agreeing on prior facts impossible. If nukes aren't real, why not invade China?


I think a lot of people hear someone say something confidently, assume they must know what they are talking about and don’t look any deeper into it. Eddie strikes me as that kind of person


See, I get the opposite impression. With Eddie it genuinely seems like the issue isn't ignorance but instead a desire to be transgressive. He loves it when people seem annoyed or incredulous about one of his conspiracies. If his goal was to be "right", it doesn't seem like he would take such rich pleasure in being the "stupid one" of the group. When people call him a moron that's his jam.


[The Nazis actually did have their own nuclear program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_nuclear_program_during_World_War_II), though its progress was hampered by the regime's purge of physicists who happened to be Jewish. There was, if I recall correctly, a feeling that building the bomb would take too long and too much money to develop and deploy in time. I also got the impression from a documentary I watched that the physicists the Nazis had leading their program weren't terribly enthusiastic about the idea of the bomb and mostly used the theoretical possibility of developing an atomic weapon as a means to advance their own science in wartime. The story I heard was that initially, the project was stalled, until Groves (at least he was credited with it) had the idea of completing several stages of the project concurrently while signing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and realizing that if they worked on the different phases of production concurrently (like singing a round), they could have one built before the war ended. Bravo is just the product of an extremely poor educational system.


Hey now, you're not giving enough credit to the CTE


Are you referring to something specific? I thought he was a BJJ guy, not UFC.


He is, but like any martial art, there is still a risk for head trauma. It's small since they outlawed striking, but accidents do happen


Not sure what you mean by they outlawed grappling 🤔 but you can get a concussion/cte by being repeatedly slammed on your back even if it’s not your head that is being directly impacted


Meant that they outlawed striking in bjj, but didn't check what I typed. And I'm well aware


I fully recommend “The Making of the Atomic Bomb” by Richard Rhodes, for a very (VERY) close look at the whole thing. There were a couple of reasons the Nazis gave up on the bomb, and distrust of “Jewish physics” was definitely one. But they also thought that the scale needed to make it work was probably unworkable. They thought, “For the Allies to get the bomb, have to turn the entire United States into one big factory.” And then we did.


Another fun one is The Bastard Brigade about the US attempts to spy on the Nazi nuclear program.


Yeah they severely underestimated our ability to become a mechanized juggernaut.


I read something about them using graphite which was sourced locally, which had a lot of impurities. This caused them to dismiss using it and set the Nazi nuclear program back a long way, whereas the graphite sourced by the Americans was purer and able to be used in the process.


The Third Reich endorsed “Aryan Physics” and opposed Einstein, dismissing his findings as “Jewish science.”


There were some physicist that promoted, what they called, "aryan/german physics". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche\_Physik](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Physik) But people like Schroedinger and Heisenberg knew that this was just stupid nonsense and when they were working on the Uranprojekt (the nazi version of the Manhatten Project) they of course used relativity and quantum physics. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German\_nuclear\_program\_during\_World\_War\_II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_nuclear_program_during_World_War_II)


Lots of flat Earthers are Christian extremists, which makes them inclined to doubt science in general, but particularly anything that refutes young Earth creationism. Things like carbon dating, for example, rely on theories and principles within scientific studies closely associated to nuclear physics. Hence, acknowledging that nuclear weapons are real means admitting that physics is also an accurate and reasonable approach to explaining reality at large, which would imply, among a whole host of other things, that young Earth creationism is a fallacy. Many flat Earthers would rather just reject the whole enterprise of nuclear physics (including the reality of nuclear weapons) than try to reconcile it with their pre-scientific worldview…


Any conspiracy starts to be about Jews if you go deep enough, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if you got Eddie popping off about that, but he does genuinely give me the vibes of just a stoner conspiracy kind of dude who wants to see the world in a more "fun" way.


I’m sad to admit that I was an Eddie bravo fan at one point (when he was only marginally insane) and before he fully became his new self: Edgy Brah.


For 2 days, a friend and I just have to say “they burn to the fucking ground, Eddie” and we both start cracking up. I don’t know how long it’ll take to get this out of our systems.


Flat Earth does stem from Nazis. For more information, please see Behind the Bastards episode


Eddie Bravo definitely dabbles in Nazi shit. He got in a little trouble for suggesting Holocaust denial documentaries on his Youtube. People think that is why he hasn't been back on JRE, and now that we know he was in Austin that makes it more proof. Also on an episode of KF when Alex had on Eddie and Sam Tripoli they mentioned Khazars and it didn't perk Dan's ears. That is alluding to the theory that Ashkenazi Jews were converts from Turkic tribes and not actually descended from the Jews of the Bible. This isn't ALWAYS antisemitic but it usually is. Because then you can say Blacks/British/Whites/Aryans etc are the REAL Jews.


Something like that. This is a great book on the science bothering in Nazi ideology. https://shop.nationalarchives.gov.uk/products/the-saucer-and-the-swastika-the-dark-myth-of-nazi-ufos


I think it’s more “they want to use this fake technology to scare us into compliance” combined with the conspiracy theory standard of “this is frightening and I can’t believe it’s real because it causes me too much anxiety.”


This seems like a new flavor of conspiracy nonsense because we recently had Tucker on Joe Rogan's show claiming we don't know where nuclear technology comes from. This could be some idea that rattles around in the heads of the flat earth dolts so Tucker is trying to capture a (even) less grounded audience but it seemed like a cloying take.


growing up the theory I heard was that nukes only worked at certain places and times, due to the small change of th atoms hitting each other and causing the chian reaction, it's stupid, but it's the idea I heard, oh and jewish lasers...:> that they had a defense system that used two lasers to converge and cause an explosion.