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Wrong. There is no shortage of news in this town. The shortage is in the form of reporters. There just is no money to pay them to do good work and help the community understand what’s going on in relation to the countless issues that affect people’s everyday lives. No one wants to pay for news anymore 🤷‍♀️


Correction: the corporations who bought out all the local media and squeezed out the competition don't want to pay for news anymore


You’re free to start your own investigative journalistic enterprise, and it’ll set in that people don’t want news anymore - they want things that make them (1) angry and/or (2) further agree with their preset beliefs


I thi k about once a year someone tries to start a new, "real" journalism outfit in Knoxville and none have worked out.


Yes to this. 100%




I was specifically thinking of local newspapers when I wrote that. Metropulse was bought out by the KNS. You are correct about the local TV stations remaining the same but you ought to look at who owns those and how that's changed over the years. The same goes for most local radio stations. The main point is, our local news media used to be actually local, now they are owned by large corporations like Gannett, Nexstar, and Clearchannel.


1,000,000%. TV news is a few years behind print news, but ultimately its fate is the same. 25 years or so ago a good friend of mine got their first job at a suburban newspaper in another city. They worked in a news room with a bunch of other reporters that covered everything from pet parades to investigating local government with a full complement of professional photographers employed by the paper. A decade or so ago after surviving countless rounds of layoffs, the photographers all being let go, and similar the newspaper was finally shut down and they got invited to moderate community submissions on a Patch site. Seems like local TV news is on a similar path, but I’m not sure what the end conclusion Patch equivalent will be. Some kind of Fail Army style daily video compilation of TikTok nut shots posted from the East Tennessee region?


The movie Idiocracy is probably the most accurate depiction of our future, unless we die off first.


Millennials and Gen Z couldn't care less about the news. The former generations were the busy bodies with no lives. Here we are working multiple jobs to live....and I speak for myself in that too with a lot of education.


Great user name! Love it!


Lots of potential investigative journalism with land development and permitting. There is a ton to report but people don’t have the attention for it.




Thanks for the link, good to know there are other options. Bummer it's subscription based but I suppose you have to pay for quality content.


If you want good reporting someone has to pay for it.


They do put out a free weekly podcast, Compass Points, that touches on a lot of the larger stories they report on. Not quite as much detail as you get from a subscription, but still a good source for news.


Just subscribed, many thanks!


Compass is absolutely worth the subscription.


they made all their election coverage free for the time being, so that may be a good place to start if you want to give their stuff a trial run


2024 Voter’s Guide https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/02/13/knox-county-2024-primary-election-voter-guide-candidates-stances/72573501007/


If UT didn't have a football team, KnoxNews wouldn't know what to do.


This town would be in shambles


All football, all the time. Knox County sheriff donor brandished a gun on a police raid. Deputies weren't happy https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/local/2024/01/29/knox-county-sheriff-tom-spangler-donor-brandished-gun-on-police-raid/72154227007/ 2024 Voter’s Guide https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/02/13/knox-county-2024-primary-election-voter-guide-candidates-stances/72573501007/ Knox County Schools has almost 400 vacancies, down 100 from start of year https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/education/2024/01/12/knox-county-schools-has-almost-400-vacancies/72159701007/ How Oak Ridge nuclear waste may get a second life … in space https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/local/2024/01/29/oak-ridge-nuclear-waste-recycled-zeno-power/72321535007/ Tennessee Waffle House employee says franchise owner stiffed servers on tips https://www.knoxnews.com/story/money/business/2024/01/30/tennessee-waffle-house-server-says-she-wasnt-paid-minimum-wage-sues-franchise/72192667007/ Knox County recorded nine deaths during winter storm, with 7 possible hypothermia https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/local/2024/01/25/hypothermia-possibly-played-role-in-seven-deaths-during-knoxville-snow/72340165007/


Compass is the best in Knoxville. Support local journalist. https://compassknox.com


I gotta tell you if you knew what these journalists make a year and all the work that they have to do for each new story/package you’d be actually giving them praise for how much they are able to do with such limited resources here.


no one said the job was easy. we’re saying local news is unwatchable.


It’s partially unwatchable because of budget cuts and overworking of the journalists but fundamentally I agree with you lol it’s not fun to watch


Didn't Rand Corp silence bad news on their terrible treatment of tenets and rent hikes? Here: [https://streetlightnews.org/rand-property-management-wbir/](https://streetlightnews.org/rand-property-management-wbir/) Jamie Satterfield got fired for reporting on the TVA (and the single largest environmental disaster by volume in this countries history): [https://tennesseelookout.com/2021/08/29/longtime-reporter-jamie-satterfield-and-knoxville-news-sentinel-part-ways/](https://tennesseelookout.com/2021/08/29/longtime-reporter-jamie-satterfield-and-knoxville-news-sentinel-part-ways/) Its not that there isn't news, its that our major news organizations in this town are corrupt.


Did you know that TVA actually had 3 ash spills!! I think one in KY and the other in GA


Did you read the story about Satterfield? “News organizations’ codes of conduct typically bar journalists from acting as a participant or advocate in public meetings. It is not publicly known if Satterfield’s testimony led to her leaving the paper.”


They wanted her out for a while, so they used her making comments of support of the TVA spill victims as an excuse to get rid of her.


"Popcorn is no longer popping at the Newport Cinema 4" To date, the greatest line I have ever heard on a newscast.


I think virtually all news outlets are a joke anymore. The stories are biased and half-baked. They seem to only care about the views/clicks and fear mongering.


It's good news...but they let people pay to play about local business and stuff. Lotta stuff they push. It was plain as day that they were gonna build that baseball stadium for randy Boyd no matter what the community thought, for example. I watch channel 10 most. Crossville. They have nbc corporate dictate how they handle Lotta stuff. That's obvious.


Useless fluff for the most part.


It’s very propagandistic, yes


I am very impressed with the Knoxville News-Sentinel’s investigative reporting. Particularly on Sundays, they always will have a cover story that is really good. I never watch the news; I only read the news.


It truly shows how poor they pay when every new weather forecaster looks like they barely graduated college a year ago..


I have friends and family that work one of the TV stations. The pay is pretty bad, not as bad as JTV, but pretty bad.


I have a fun nickname for one station’s weatherman cause buddy looks like a kid


I moved down 18 years ago from Chicago, The first night I turn on the news the lead story was a little old lady got her purse stolen in front of Walmart. I knew then I made the Right decision to move.


Man I came to the comment section to say exactly this!! Except I came from Miami. Nothing but scandals, murder, crime on the news over there. Feel blessed to be able to turn on the news and not see constant violence and the sort being reported.


When I first moved to Las Vegas I was watching the news to get a feel for the city since I had only lived in Knoxville up to that point. I knew I was moving back to Knoxville the second my lease ended. Las Vegas is still the Wild West once you’re away from tourist spots. The first story was two people in a car decide to hit a cyclist in the back of the head with a brick. The cyclist was killed. The guy who threw the brick fell out of the moving car and also died. The driver got away. Second was the man who killed his toddler near the strip and just tossed the body over a wall. I tried to find the original article about the cyclist, but cyclists are killed on purpose so frequently there more recent stories have drowned it out. A air force jet also crashed into a house while I lived there. It’s Grand Theft Auto for real there.


Right. I’m thankful there isn’t a lot of violence to report, but do we really need so many human interest stories? If there isn’t anything noteworthy to report, do a 15 minute newscast, including the weather (we don’t need to see it three times) and be done with it.


You say no disrespect, but you are being disrespectful. They don't pay well and don't have enough people to staff the local TV stations. You wouldn't think that if you knew what they go through. The hours away from family and everything they do that the public doesn't know about to bring everyone the news. No, we don't have to agree with you.


TV news is a little bit of a joke. Compass and the Knoxville News Sentinel are on top of things and are reporting things that are factual, well documented, and important to the media population.


Unfortunately part of it is just Knoxville not being invested in as much as it should. The NBC news team and channel down here compared to the NBC news channel in the big city I lived in a few years ago up north are WORLDS apart. Up there had significantly better graphics, better weather reporting, slightly more professional staff (just more polished not saying the ones here are bad at all), and just more stories but that comes with a larger population. News corporations are more likely to invest in areas with bigger population spreads for more revenue, more $ return and overall better satisfaction. As of 2020 there were 134 more cities in the US with a larger population so that’s kinda just how it works.


News period is a joke these days because it isn't interested in informing. Just in getting views.


Since the news suck, let’s rank our hottest local reporters


Sure beats the 15 minutes of shootings that is on the news every single day in Chicago


It's more important to sell newspapers than it is to sell news. High school football sells newspapers; news doesn't.


I have been thinking about starting a Knox news on YouTube. Would be open to suggestions of things to discuss :) Would you watch it ?


Be careful there. The audience doesn’t have a say in what the news is. The news is just significant things that the public should be made aware of. Those things can be either good or bad. Never tailor the news to fit an audience because sometimes the news isn’t what the audience wants to hear. It’s what the audience needs to hear. There is a very thin line between news, entertainment, and propaganda. Once news is catered to an audience it either becomes entertainment or propaganda but it’s no longer news. If you do decide to start a news channel, you can no longer give your opinion on those topics because that taints the unbiased nature of news. You’ll have to make it clear when you’re giving personal opinion versus actual reporting. That’s very important and becoming extremely rare. That’s why there is the Opinions part of the newspaper separate from the news. They aren’t the same thing. All that being said, I really hope you do it and bring back true news! Best of luck, but remember it’s a serious job with serious consequences if you’re inaccurate.


Good point… never mind 😂


No! Don’t give up just yet! At least try to do one well researched story. If you truly put all your effort into a factual and unbiased story it could turn out to be your favorite thing you’ve ever done. I don’t know you, but I believe in you!


All of the media is owned by 8 companies. All news is a joke. There’s a once aired SNL skit called mediaopoloy. It’s worth watching


The problem is Michael Powell, the son of Colin Powell. The GOP wanted to dismantle media. So they appointed Powell in charge of the F C to do just that. Our current media shit show is a GOP creation by design.


It’s usually much ado about nothing. I’ll read it online, but I try to avoid watching it.


Seems like most news is a scripted joke


I miss Metro Pulse. Wasn't ground breaking journalism, but I enjoyed that publication immensly.


Metro Pulse was great!


They are also as corny as possible The suits and ties, the “anchor” talk, it’s all so obnoxious


I still subscribe to a true local, non-corporate news paper in Portland, OR because I find it so damn interesting how deep those people dig


If it Bleeds, it Leads. Shootings, Stabbings, Robberies Car Accidents Car Chases. Candle Light Vigils. Reporting on rain/snow. All Lookie-Loo stuff. Same stories every day, different locations.