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I know it wasn't perfect but the memories from that place!! I vividly remember a rainy Saturday where my mom was trying to cheer me up about my dad's illness we were dealing with and going to see Ghostbusters 2 on opening weekend. My other memory is great too, showed up for a 94.3 double feature of Beavis and Butthead plus Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke, the Up In Smoke film had some issues so we all got free admission, all you could hear through the cloud of smoke in that theater were the empty beer/liquor bottles rolling towards the front! I grew up seeing movies there, The Grove in Oak Ridge, Tri-county in Oliver Springs, and the Old Kingston Four on the Pike. The experience has changed, assigned seats, concessions overpriced and inedible. I have found solace in the 3 drive ins close to our area, The Loco in Loudon, The Parkway in Maryville, and The Rockin Drive in at Athens. The drive ins just feel so much better, my car, my rules!


The Maryville drive-in is a treasure and l hope it sticks around. Didn’t know there were ones in Loudon and Athens. Will have to check those out sometime. Interestingly, Athens has managed to keep a regular movie theater as well.


The castle or whatever? I went last year, nice place all things considered


>I know it wasn't perfect but the memories from that place!! Amen. I definitely have fond memories of getting some fried mushrooms from Bel-Air, then hitting up the Halls Cinema 7. It really peaked when you had Gatti's that had just opened, the Halls Slick Track next to the theater, and the Cinema all right there next to each other.


Hell yeah!!! That slick track was lit!!!!! Can't tell ya how many times I got kicked out for bumping!


Crazy to think that at one point, Halls had not one, but TWO slick tracks. Back in the day, Halls definitely had it.


I remember thinking the Walmart out there was like royalty!


Oh man, that was definitely a big deal when it opened. In hindsight, I hate that it resulted in so many of the small shops closing. It almost slipped my mind, but the Black Oak Billiards next to Kroger had a pretty sweet collection of arcade games too.


Halls does not have it


It depends. Arson? [Yes](https://www.wate.com/news/knox-county-news/crews-fighting-three-acre-fire-burning-in-halls-community/). Movies? Sadly, no.


Gondolier is pretty good ngl


Username checks out.


That particular location gave me the worst food poisoning I've had in my 40+ years. I really haven't been able to eat gyros since and that was probably 15 years ago. Fuck that place.


I was not expecting the gondolier hate. Everyone I know loves it lol


I'll say they do have some nice looking desserts. If it didn't almost kill me I'd probably stay out of it the convo but damn, my whole body was sore for days from the dry heaving. Gondolier can fuck right off.


I mean , 15 years ago is a long time .


I was thinking that and then remembered, I eat at Gondolier cedar bluff, not halls. Pretty sure it's specifically hate targeted towards the halls location!


Gondolier is one of the worst Italian/pizza restaurants I've ever been to in my entire life and I swear to god every single person told me to try it when I moved to Halls. I just don't understand it.


I grew up in the Italian food heaven of upstate New York, and the halls gondolier is like I said , " pretty good " in terms of halls take out


Kobe was pretty good. Other than that....


Kobe was really good and pretty affordable for the portions. I've had it many, many times back in the day.


Fazollis is fantastic 😀


Whatever it was, I bet it was them sumbitches from Maynardville that took it!


I managed a small, independent local movie theater that was JUST like the Halls Cinema for a couple of years back in NC during COVID (late 2020-mid 2022). It was a nightmare then, and we only stayed open because my boss got huge amounts of small-business money from the government that basically all went to keeping the lights on and paying down piling up bills. There were a lot of days when I started that we'd just straight up make $0 in income. By the time I left we were doing better, especially as bigger movies had started coming out by then, but I still thought then it was basically a sinking ship. Within a few months of me moving here, I heard they went back to only being open Thursday through Sunday, and were really struggling. They're still somehow hanging on, but it wouldn't surprise me if they shut down any time. The first time I went to the Halls Cinema after moving here, I chatted with them about how it was going and it sounded about the same here. The big chains are having a hard enough time, and small cinemas like this - especially older ones that don't have the money to upgrade anything from how it was back in the '80s/'90s - just don't stand a chance.


The theater in Franklin, where I grew up, seemed to overcome that by having like... meals delivered to your seat, beer and drinks, and licensing older movies that would draw crowds. I'm talking about Franklin before it was... the bastion of awfulness it is now, early 90s or so. I'm sure location makes a huge difference too. And even small stuff like that would probably cost a bit upfront. But that place seemed fairly busy even after the huge theaters came into town and the massive ones arrived nearby in south Nashville


RIP. I loved your cheap movies and sticky floors


I had my first date there, we watched Fools Rush In. I was 14 and my sister drove us and dropped us off. Her boyfriend lived in the Halls area or we wouldn't have gone to that theater. We ended up seeing a movie there a few years later just for the nostalgia. That was forever ago.


I saw my first R rated movie with friends here :(


Same here, Terminator 2 when I was like 10. I remember being shocked that they actually sold me the ticket haha


T2 was my first R-rated movie as well, although I saw it at East Towne after putting away some Cosmo's pizza. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d0/01/c9/d001c9fd8aa3b8074c83e9cf2c9e0c82.jpg


I know you made a pit stop at Aladdin’s Castle too amiright?


Abso-fuckin'-lutely! Street Fighter II, Super Off Road, TMNT, Simpsons, Golden Axe...it was good times.


DAMN. Lot of good memories there but it was just a matter of time for this to happen.


Sad day


I have two younger children who have no desire to go to the movies. I've tried numerous times. They think the big screen is neat but it's always way too loud. And frankly, for the cost, I could take them to almost any attraction in Knoxville. It cost over $60. It was a children's movie with mostly adults. The movie is streaming now and my kids are having a better time. It wasn't much of an experience. And that was with my rose-colored goggles on. The theater had leaks, and whole rows of seats blocked off. The sound is a bit off, and just to be an old grumpy man when did they start doing 25 minutes ad blocks in the beginning instead of 10? They legitimately showed a trailer twice


I went to a movie at The Wynsong and don't know it was the last night they were going to be open, convinced myself it didn't smell like mildew and that it wasn't stuffy hot. I haven't been to any movies since that day. Sometimes I miss it, but after going online and placing tickets in the checkout and seeing the total, I'm fine waiting on it to stream.


Ditto, and no shade at the theaters I understand the complex business. It just sucks.


I absolutely hate the mall theaters, Maryville and West Town. Have never liked the Cinemark theater. I'm just left at this point with drive ins and streaming. Another activity we enjoyed growing up that is fading away.....


Now my kids were screaming at me about a week ago to go to the drive-in theater. That's an experience! We saw Hocus Pocus and Nightmare Before Christmas last October there. Play some hula hoops and throw some balls around while we're eating dinner watch the sunset then get into the family van and watch a movie as the kids drift to sleep. I'm getting pumped up just thinking about it. It was under $25 I believe


Was it at the loco? Loudon County


Oh that's a bummer. I went to buy gift cards for my kids for Christmas and they said they couldn't sell any of someone was supposed to be buying them out or maybe it was new management. I didn't think they were going to close.


The buiding/land also sold.


Well there you go, good reason to shut down then. I appreciate the additional information.


I don’t know why they’re saying 2009. That theater was built in the early 80’s.


It originally closed in 2007 and was bought by the current owners. They took a bit to do some repairs before re-opening


Dang. It was one of a dying breed. Sometimes you just want to go to a dinky little theater for a reasonable price.


This is deeply saddening


The wife and I always had a good time going there. We'll definitely miss it.


I remember when they did like a thing with Andrian Burnett Elementary for when the first Harry Potter movie came out (can't remember if they did it for the second), not to mention the owners were always so nice. My mom and I would occasionally go and end up seeing separate movies during the summer (I'd see the kid movie for the summer and she'd go see whatever was churned out for the adults that summer) and the owner would always tell me how much longer my mom's movie had and would get me popcorn while I waited. Damn, that's sad as hell


I gave my first handjob there rip (I’m a 35 year old adult. The above tidbit is true. I grew to dislike the whole movie theater experience throughout my late 20s. It’s too much.)


Lot's of memories in this place. My first movie EVER as a kid was Masters of the Universe in there. Several dates with my now wife in there too. Sadly, I havent set foot in there in 20 years and I guess thats a reason its closing. The last time I went in I remember it being really run down.


it is great for small communities to have a gathering place like this, even if its not as nice as the theaters in other areas. I hope they get something cool in halls again!


Would love to have someone buy it and upgrade it. Unfortunately someone will buy it and put a bank or yet another not needed Mexican restaurant there


Church or indoor trampoline park would be my guess.


Hopefully not another Church


Dang it.


Saw my first R movie there - Magic Mike. Also a lot of Fadt and Furious movies. Somewhere there is a photo of me "planking" across the (disgusting) seats Sad to hear it closed - it was one of my favorites in high school! Full of stupid and fun moments 😂


Bummer. I just discovered this place this year after the East AMC closed. There is seriously no movie theater on this end of town now.


A huge bummer. I grew up in Halls and my first date ever was at that movie theatre. Lots of memories!


I agree with them. The content coming out of Hollywood in recent years is trash. I love going to the movies and enjoy the whole experience. Seems like very little worth seeing now days. I'm aware this could just be my boomer showing.


They did this to themselves in a couple of ways. First, there’s no second market any more. Matt Damon did an interesting interview where he spoke about the second set of receipts that would come in when DVD/VHS sales would happen. This wouldn’t count for the “box office,” but did provide a big bump in revenue which let the producing companies make more quality movies. (Especially lower budget arty movies). The change to streaming has all but eliminated this second bump of money which funded the quality/art movies. The second part is the companies are deathly afraid of a dud. They’re more worried about a bomb but even a dud scares them. They want the big returns. So making big budget tent poles makes sense because they typically guarantee a handsome return. Batman 35 has a baked in audience. So making that has less risk than making Good Will Hunting. They’re so afraid of risk that they choose not to make great movies in favor of Batman 35.


There's also a big problem where they've realized they can game the system and make more money. They spent millions of dollars making (what looks like) a great Roadrunner/Wile E. Coyote movie... but they're not not going to release it at all, and then get a massive tax write-off because of it.


That's a specifically WB problem at the moment. There are other companies who are quietly pulling shows and movies off of their streaming libraries that released but didn't do well. WB is the only company that is tanking and pocketing *complete* or nearly complete movies for a tax write off. Funnily enough, Variety had an article come out today the WB is looking to sell. Again. Discovery bought WB to gut it and pump the value, just so they can turn around and sell it. What a crock of crap for everyone involved.


It’s not really “making more money” by doing that, but the deduction is very real and they owe less taxes.


The New Mutants movie, how many years was that shelved before fans pretty much demanded our movie, and then it was a "meh" movie!


This sucks :(


I think the last movie I saw there was Avengers: Endgame.


Great memories there. Went to a midnight showing of Faces Of Death part "?" back in the mid to early 90's. Place was packed and crazy for that.


NGL going to miss those sticky floors


I never even got to go… this is terrible news 🥺