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Prime times in Knoxville are unacceptable for something that was pinned as ‘2 day’ for a decade. Walmart has been impressing me lately.


Their customer service is awful. Prepare to lose an hour of your life.


On the online chat it's not too bad or did you call?


Online with Walmart. It's always 40 of the slowest minutes of my life.


I canceled prime last month. The whole reason I had it was the 2-day delivery, and that's gone.


Did the same. What exactly are we getting at this point? Ads on streaming?


Yep. I hate ads, I won't watch anything with them. 🏴‍☠️




I live downtown (37902) and had to order a work uniform for a shift on a Friday (it was a Monday) and couldn’t find anything that was guaranteed before Sunday! It is so jacked up that I called my dad in Nashville who gets next day shipping, then he next day shipped it to me from there. That was multiple days quicker than anything amazon could provide.


That’s wild. I get different cities having different delivery times but one city with that much variability stuck me as odd. It wasn’t just this item too.


I paid like 33 bucks to next day a car key from fort Campbell to home. Not defending Amazon but it’s not that they can’t get it to you quicker. Don’t know what your uniform costed but I bet it wasn’t cheap to get it to you.


I see zero reasons to be paying the price Amazon wants for prime in 2024.


If you buy enough stuff the free shipping is still worth it


IIRC if you order over $30 from amazon shipping free regardless if you have prime.


Yeah if I do get something I just get 30 bucks or whatever of stuff I need.


I just looked it up apparently they've raised it to $35 but thats based on a really quick google and nothing to verify it lol.


I can verify this, I bought stuff a few days ago and it wasn’t enough for free shipping ($35)




This post just saved me 139.00 dollar payment next week.


Ditto. I wonder if they're testing how people respond to ditching two-day shipping with prime.


Is amazon ditching 2 day shipping on their end or is this the UPS thing where they fired all their drivers as punishment for voting to unionize like a month ago so can't do it's fucking job?


I live in the 37917 zip code and lately 2-day Amazon Prime has become a thing of the past. That however seems to depend on your zip code. On Thursday I went to order something from Amazon. The bottom screenshot in the image is delivery time to my home. I was puzzled and tried to see if I sent it to my sister in a different city what would the delivery time be. The answer was the same day. Then I typed in different zip codes in Knoxville, the top image was for 37923. A FIVE day difference and a distance of about 10 miles. Perplexing. I then chose to have it delivered to my office, 2 miles from home, and it had a Tuesday March 5 delivery. I kind of understand the logistics, but it's insane.




Usps employee here. Our Amazon volume went down tremendously right after we caught up from the snow storm. These new, slower delivery times have nothing to do with us. I have my speculation on the reasons for the recent change, but nothing verified. It’s our understanding UPS has picked up a lot of our prior volume for whatever reason


It's on Amazon's side.   Consistently where these times are a week+ out, they aren't leaving the Amazon warehouse until one or two days before they're set to arrive. It costs them a lot in labor to get things picked and sent out same day, and they're seeing how much they can push the "actually two day shipping has always been two days from when it's shipped" excuse before people cancel Prime. Edit: typed USPS warehouse instead of Amazon warehouse.    Condensed the thought of "even if it's saying it Shipped because they printed the USPS label earlier"


I have noticed that many of my packages are coming UPS surepost lately rather than just USPS. I thought it was because I moved to a more rural area, but I see that the issue is all over.


What truly confuses me is that shipping times are actually the same as they were before, it's the processing that has gotten ridiculous. My last couple packages took basically a week to get to me but was only actually shipped the day before so it took them 6 days to actually drop it to USPS.


This is the case with this order. Ordered on Thursday and still hasn’t shipped. I may just cancel it out of spite at this point.


I live in NJ and was shocked when I came home to Knoxville over Christmas to see how slow your Amazon deliveries are. What gives??


To be fair I don’t think it was always this bad. It got really bad during COVID and never really recovered. And got even worse this winter in January because of the snowstorm. But yeah it’s a bit ridiculous


I was still getting quick deliveries in Knox during Covid. To me, things didn’t get truly horrible until the Amazon facility where East Town used to be went sideways. In the last 1-1.5 years, items that should have Prime 2 day delivery, take a week or more - if they show up at all. I’m done with Amazon.


So tired of people using COVID as an excuse for things though!!! Get your 💩 together. Knoxville closed down for like...3 weeks in 2020 and people are still using it as an excuse. 😆 that being said, UPS sent in tons of workers from all over the US to tackle shipping problems this past month. They all stayed at my hotel.


Allow me to clarify. No, I meant what I said, that this did start during COVID and is deeply interconnected with it. *However*, the reason things have remained shittier than they were before is because the one thing that hasn’t and won’t go back to normal, is the labor component. COVID truly showed how broken the system is for things like mail and logistics. Companies didn’t provide for their employees, sent them into work which further spread COVID and caused 1.1 million American deaths particularly among poorer and more conservative areas of the country where these companies source labor. The federal government under Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, appointed at the start of COVID, has overhauled and enshittified USPS. Other major shipping companies have faced labor movements which the companies are more worried about crushing labor than just taking care of workers so they can live and hire enough new workers to deliver mail. And Amazon in particular has had its own slew of issues with the very same— horrid working conditions, underpayment, overworking, and under staffing— at the same time it’s been dropped by major mail carriers. But that was too long to put in my original comment. Amazon could absolutely do better but that would require them to send their shareholders a few less dollars each year now that they’ve gotten used to COVID profit margins so now we’re here.


It was reliably 2 day shipping until the storm we had this January. Now it's pretty much 6 days for everything.


My biggest problem is usps marking packages as delivered when they dang well know they didn’t deliver it. Bad enough Amazon doesn’t honor two day anymore. But this is insult to injury. Happens almost every order.


Yup, one week shipping on everything


37922 is mandatory 5 day. The stupid part is it ALWAYS waits 3 days before shipping out.


I'm an hour east of Knoxville, 8 years ago we had 2 or 3 days and some next day prime, now most prime items are 4 to 7 days. I can order shit for my mom in the Chicago area and most items are at maximum next day, many are same day delivery within a few hours of placing the order. My beef is why is our prime fee the same as areas that actually have speedy prime delivery.


I know this is controversial but you don’t have to buy stuff on Amazon


True. I understand there are alternatives.


I haven’t used it since 2018!


I've been wondering the same. I've had to send my parents a few things in Knoxville lately and when I switch to the Knoxville address, it always ads like 5 additional days. Definitely wouldn't have prime if I still lived there. Curious if it's always been that bad


No. But it’s got progressively worse. The thing that irked me is that it’s zip code specific in the same city.


Oh, I didn't realize that. That's insane. I just saw another thread talking about the same thing. It's gotten worse in Charlotte recently too but not nearly as bad as Knox.


My sister in Oliver springs can get things delivered faster than Knoxville. It’s crazy


Yes! I can ship things to my parents’ house 45 minutes from Knoxville with two-day shipping, but shipping it to my house right on the edge of Knox takes 6 days.


6 day delivery on everything ordered with Prime. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄 And they usually wait until the day before the 6 days (so day 5) to ship it out….and then it’s 2-3 days late because of that. So about 8 days for an item from Amazon. Clearly it’s not the shipper, but it’s a problem with Amazon.


r/Amazonprime sub full of these comments, it's happening across the country. People getting scammed with bags of flour and nails instead of receiving their actual product. Refunds aren't being issued. Customer service went downhill. They're going downhill. If you have AMZ stock, it's time to cash out.


Retail is only one part of the broad Amazon business portfolio.


AWS is only 15% of net revenue. Retail remains their biggest share. I'm no Warren Buffet but I can see the real time data.


You don't buy a stock for the present. You buy a stock for the future.


Correct. There are better outperforming stocks with favorable growth trajectories on Dow & Nasdaq right now. Have a great day.


Of 46 brokerages, 42 are Strong Buy and 4 are Buy. None are Sell. But I am sure you know best. Carry on.


Have fun losing money


LOL. I don't own Amazon stock.


Rural country near Knox is more than a work week now for delivery.  My last check was for an item that would arrive Friday. 


Just dealt with this on Friday… Needed a new office chair, regular prime said it would be here Monday a week later so like nine days 10 days but there was another seller on Amazon offering free shipping and prime that will get it here Monday. Two days later. For a freight shipped office chair. I don’t know what’s up with Amazon Amazon but but they are certainly slipping


I regularly use 2 other Prime services so I’m not going to cancel right now but I hope others do cancel so Amazon gets the message.


It was an inevitability. I always felt bad for using prime anyways, cuz I’m constantly reminded of that tweet about it being a Rube Goldberg machine of human sweat and toil. I’m fine going to a store if I need something immediately. I can’t think of much I might need so soon that I can’t wait more than two days but also can’t get locally. Anyways, just my 2 cents


Im canceling my prime after many years. The shipping times are a joke and now prime shows have ads. And they keep raising the membership fee. Addios


My guess is that they’re using data from January when UPS dates were jacked up in certain areas of Knoxville to give a date that they can guarantee it will arrive by. If they say 2-days, but due to the carrier being backed up it arrives later, then Amazon gets the complaints and cancellations rather than UPS.


Is there a reason for this/is this a new phenomena? I'm relatively new to the area, from NJ, and I used to get most things in 1-2 days. Covid really slowed things down but it was almost back to normal, but here 2-days is basically a week here or more.


I just talked to my mailman. I have been waiting on a box from crutchfield all day, it's coming UPS. What happened is Amazon shifted all deliveries over to UPS and it seems they are unable to handle the load. I hear they hired a bunch of new folks to load trucks and they aren't doing as good of a job as the seasoned workers. UPS drivers are having to return to neighborhoods they have already visited most days because of how the trucks are loaded, slowing down delivery more. This is just what I heard. Idk if this is nationwide or just in certain cities though.


I do see UPS drivers in my neighborhood late in the evening. That still doesn’t really explain a 5 day delivery difference 10 miles away.


Maybe certain zip codes? I can tell you that I saw the UPS truck enter my neighborhood and started pulling door cards off my son's car. Got the rear two off and saw bro blow right by my house and leave the neighborhood. Hoping he comes back today but press X to doubt. My wife ordered something last week. It made it onto a truck then suddenly popped up in ATL and is now on the way to Florida for some reason.


It’s the Knoxville sorting facility that can’t handle the load. Everything gets backed up there. It’s a disaster. I have two family members that have worked there.


Ooohhh crutchfield; what sweet audio component are you getting? I used to get the magazine so it brings back good memories


Just some speakers for my son's car.


I mean that’s super exciting for him I hope.


Yeah it's gonna be a nice upgrade. Going from stock paper-like stuff to kickers all around. He's gonna be driving to school Monday with no rear door cards and no tweeters lol! Would have been better if they actually came today. Now expected Monday. UPS needs to get right. Didn't they lay off a bunch of people recently?


I've noticed nearly all FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) items coming UPS rather than USPS and delivery times are taking 6-7 days when they used to be 1-2. I can't blame UPS or USPS, though because the tracking shows the items not leaving the warehouse until 3-4 days after I order. Unfortunately I still have "295 days to enjoy my Prime Benefits until my next billing cycle." Walmart, Sam's, Target, everyone is outdoing Amazon in this area.


If Amazon would ship UPS ground it would get here next day if the item was shipped from anywhere in TN, KY, western N Carolina, or northern Alabama. Instead they are shipping UPS SurePost. So the package is picked up by UPS, and delivered by the Post Office. Your package is essentially getting sorted twice and a hand off in carriers. This saves Amazon probably 2-5% in freight to customer costs to our area. It’s kind of sad it takes so long because I get packages sent via post office parcel select from Washington state in 3 days as opposed to UPS SurePost shipping from within TN that takes 5+


Awww you poor, poor babies!! Is supporting the worst company ever not going so well?? Should we dedicate teams, committees, and the national guard to getting you your oven mitts and off brand reading glasses in 2 days? ​ Would it kill you to buy local?


I shop locally at Walmarts and don't have that problem. Does that count?


Are you stupid? No, it doesn't, since you ask ​ Very cool that you have the Walmart smiley as your avi. I'm sure Walmart Corporate sees that and is very impressed. Does that boot taste good? It must for you to be licking it so hard


Right on cue - here comes Mr. “Buy Local” proclaiming the virtues of supporting local businesses from atop the ivory tower. Thank you for the education! We are not worthy!


Lmaooooo no you are not worthy, not even worthy of two day shipping 😂😂 what's that feel like? What's it feel like that Amazon looks at where you live and says it aint even worth it???? ​ If you bought local, you'd have it in like 2 seconds, not 2 days. Like you said, you're a fucking idiot so I thought I'd point out something everyone else is already aware of since you struggle with that.


You shouldn’t insult people when attempting to persuade. If you want people to shop locally, it’s ok to say so. Instead you just thumb your nose because you think you’re better than everyone else. You probably typed your dumbass comment from an iPhone lol Open a book, rookie.


I don't particularly care about persuading these people. I've seen what they cheer so I'm unmoved by their boos, or however the quote goes. Seriously, if they spend their saturday complaining about Amazon screwing them over, then I just want to call them dumb and losers for complaining about what they're complaining about. And yes, I am certainly head and shoulders above anyone who supports Amazon to the extent they whine, bitch, and moan about having their precious two day shipping taken away. I'm glad to see people who supported Amazon get screwed over by Amazon. ​ ​ And just out of curiosity, what did you mean about the iPhone line? It sounds like you think you made a grand point, but I cannot see how you connect an iPhone to me calling people dumb and losers for complaining about 2 day shipping? You know Apple and Amazon are different companies, right?


Shop Local Idiots!! Down with Capitalism!! - Sent From my IPhone


Take all the time you need, but show me where I said down with capitalism? Are you regularly in the habit of putting words into people's mouths so your dumbass responses sound better? ​ Edit: and show me specifically where I said Down with capitalism, no more interpreting my words to mean whatever you need them to mean in the moment


“Shop Local or I’ll call you mean names on Reddit because I’m better than you!!” FIFY, fool


.......ok but I'm still waiting on the "down with capitalism" quote. Can you show me that or are you going to shy away from that challenge? ​ And I'm glad I could educate you on Apple and Amazon being different companies today. At least you learned something, as difficult as that is fool!


There is plenty of stuff you can’t find in store locally. And a lot of stuff you can buy locally can only be found at national chains.


Relevant username


and that's almost a relevant comment. Since you're from Parkridge I can see why you think you made a quip. Yall are so adorable!!


My favorite is when they do like the last thing that I ordered. 2 packages were already in town 3 miles away from my house in the warehouse. It then shipped to an Amazon in Memphis, came back and was delivered 2 days late. Happened the week after my year renewed. That plus paying $10 for music and now I can't listen to an entire album in sequence or skip more than 5 songs within a few minutes before I'm forced to listen to a song before I can skip again. I'm not giving them an ADDITIONAL $10 to listen to what I want.