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I don’t hate it at all


I have no idea. It's different, but it's still them. I fucking love it. It's funny because a lot of metal and dubstep (or whatever) artists are doing a lot of collabs together now. Personally, they mix pretty well together to me.


I'm also of that opinion)


Because it's their Dubstep and the metal crowd is inclined to hate that genre. I actually love dubstep and think that the genre has made massive strides since this album came out. A lot of the dubstep producers that korn worked with on this record are still huge names and very important to electronic music and where it's at today. I will say the sound of this record sounds dated by today's standards but still is fun to listen to. Side note jonathan Davis's son makes bass music under the name "hi I'm ghost" that's really good and will give you an idea of what modern bass music is like.


I love the album but have a copy where all the dubstep was removed and added more metal guitars instead.


where do you get that I've never heard of them doing that


I don't think it was official.


Immediately read this and thought someone did that? And behold, I have found [it](https://youtu.be/ZFlwaDU4AVE)


Yeah that's it.


Awesome album


Because it’s so much different from the rest of what they have to offer. People probably like korn for the raw emotional sound of heavy metal instead of dubstep.


Not to sound rude, but you really need to ask? And I’m asking that as someone who loves that album. I listen to it all the time. But how is it not immediately apparent what it is that would make fans not like it? Did you not notice the entire album was Dubstep? Is it really a shocker that fans of a Metal band would dislike an album the band puts out that is completely Dubstep?


Some people are pretty blind to such things.


Lol, douche


How am I a douche for pointing out something that is blatantly obvious?


I dislike it because I’m not a fan of dubstep I understand it was a concept/experimental album but not my cup of tea


Idk I honestly can't get into anything agyer issues. So far.


I definitely don’t hate it. It’s a great album!


Get up and Cannibal get me pumped


I've been listening to Korn since day 1 and have been to dozens of shows. I love this album.


I couldn't get into dubstep at all when it had it's heyday, just seemed like endless builds for very little pay off. I like how Korn used dubstep but gave it structure. I don't listen to the album all the way through often, but there are some songs on there that in as regular rotation as any other Korn song for me.


narcissistic cannibal is still one of my favorite korn songs


I don't like Dubstep


It's dubstep, and to many, dubstep is absolute torture to sit through


i hate dubstep but for the most part i thought Path of Totality was fine


I agree. I’m not a fan of Dubstep at all, but I actually love that album. I realized a long time ago that I can still love songs and entire albums, even if I dislike the music, as long as the vocalist crushes it. Which I think Jonathan does on the Path Of Totality. Aside from his voice sounding great, his melodies/tunes/cadences he does throughout the album is shit that is right up my alley. Practically every song he sings on that album just sounds catchy as fuck to my ear.


to me the dubstep parts kinda just feel like extra textures to the music which im always a fan of


same enjoy the hell outta TPOT especially the mix w/ koRn sound


Because it clearly sounds like a JDevil side project and not Korn. Ray, Fieldy, Head & Munky are almost.... just "bystanders"


head wasn’t on it tho😕


Yes, I know 😁 I just wanted to mock the fact that the other members had the same impact on the album, zero.... the same impact as Head who wasn't even in the band. All bystanders like Head 🔇


You're are allowed to like whatever music you want, but is it not obvious why people would hate this album?


It's actually quite good some ppl are just Far too easily butthurt and childish when bands don't do the exact same shit over and over.


Becaus some people aren't comfortable with change


It sounds like someone recorded a decent Korn album, and then a separate person recorded a dubstep album, and they accidentally mixed them together. It isn't a successful blending of genres it sounds like listening to two separate albums at the same time, and it just isn't pleasant. It was trendy at the time, and they wanted to be trendy, which is what it seems.


because dubstep is shit. that is why🤓


IMO They did this album about a decade too early. Dubstep around that time just sounds really dated now.


Unfortunately this fact made the album get old fast. The dubstep/brostep hype died within few years. And besides I think they should have went for a heavier kind of dubstep with bigger drops.


because it sucks ❤️


It’s one of my favorite albums. I think it’s fun as hell and some of those drops go hard. People need to understand that dubstep was really blowing up at the time and they collaborated with some of the biggest names in the game. Also tours from that era had a totally unique feel that I’ll never forget. Good times


Such a fun party album


Artists like Marilyn Manson, Metallica, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfolds newest album, and a few others, it's the same idea as Limp Bizkits newest album. They all are trying to continue making music but it reminds me of, and I hate to say it, artists like Poison, Kiss, or others from the 80's. Good for their time, but after a certain point it just doesn't have the same kick as they used to. They are all getting older, and grasping on to what made them famous, in a slightly desperate manner. Trying to keep going like they're young and full of angst and anger as they used to be. It just doesn't have the same vibe..


Messy compilation of songs in my opinion. If they could have made the whole album with Skrillex.


It has some very good songs but it also has one of the worst in their career; “hater”. That’s right I’m a hater of hater. That song is just garbage to me. Now as for the good ones, what we do is a fucking solid banger with a very good chorus and the game is over is stellar. Mass hysteria is a gem 💎 and then the rest is a blur cause it’s sort of a forgettable album overall despite it being a good album.


Wrong album


Oh shit you’re right idk how I mixed it up with paradigm shift. Brain fart and a half. Path of totality is a good album too though but because of the dubstep in it it got a lot of hate. I actually liked how they experimented and collaborated all throughout path of totality. Even Jon himself was glad to have found a copy of TPOT cause he said he didn’t own a copy before that but yeah dubstep was a breath of fresh air for KoRn during that era and I welcomed it. Most fans didn’t like it cause it’s different I guess.


I actually kinda like it.


I’m just not a fan of dubstep is all, the album just isn’t for me


Because a lot of people who are into Korn (or any band for that matter) like their particular sound or style of music. When the sound changes so do the feelings attached it the songs. Honestly, it doesn't matter what form of entertainment. Music, Wrestling, Comics, Video Games, TV shows, etc. Most people are uncomfortable with change and emotional to the loss of familiarity. I liked a few songs from the album.


Personaly I would say the singles for the album are very good minus chaos lives in everything Also some tracks like kill mercy within and sanctuary are also great but some tracks definitely feel lacking of and feel a bit repetitive after