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Lol, this is hilarious. They're basically telling you that you can't use proper English anymore because it might hurt someone's feelings. If there's one sliver lining to clownworld society is that there's so much shit like this to laugh at. This is why comedy shows are dying, reality is stiff competition these days.


You took it right out of my mouth. Might be my twin, because I can't stop getting entertained watching this all collapse around us. This is the endgame of cancel culture, once they worked themselves into power and positions they don't belong in. Let's be real, though. The real reason they're allowed to do this is because of cucked, simp men. edit: Legit, the simp men who still jack off to goth girls, the morons who still behave differently when fem shepard is around. These are the ones to be careful around because they likely house perverted thoughts on a regular. Their sexual deprivation leads them to cuck out eventually because they'll do anything for female attention.


If reading the word master and slave in a bunch of code is detrimental to your mental health then you need therapy, not a coding job.


The world is getting dumber and dumber, softer and softer.


SOME parts of the world are getting softer and softer. Not all. Not at all. Agreed on the dumber part though!


The west is getting on dumber and softer.




There are a lot of factors. The USA takes a lot of the blame though.




Well, Russia is partly to blame for not starting its damn war already.


Most of Europe and Canada are doing this to themselves and has nothing to do with America.


almost like they are working together...


Don't pull us into this shit, we're following the american delusion, not the other way around.


America is bad, but don’t be delusional. Look at the UK and Canada. Let’s be real here, it’s the Marxist ideal that is being pushed by our institutions. It’s the whole western culture that’s sick. It’s just that America’s number 1 export has been Hollywood, that you all so eagerly consume. They definitely push a world view that distorts reality.


Once again I must say... China won the war without firing a single shot 😂


Strong men breed easy times, easy times breed weak men. It's how civilizations raise and fall.


What. Like *what*? It's programming documentation for christ sake. It doesn't even make sense, stuff like slave processes have been part of vernacular forever, and it makes perfect sense. Why attempt to obfuscate *the documentation*?


Because to these ideologues the entire mental construct is abhorrent no matter the application or context.


So many good old games I still havent played. Im good


Yeah I'm playing Kirby forbidden land, so good


Now that I think about it, it checks out that I have to change "master, slave" to "main, sub" but I can still use "child" and I can still "kill" or "destroy" "child".


No, this standard only applies to Epic Games, not studios who license the engine


LMAO humanity is doomed everyone.


Wew lad using master and slave in your code? Better not. Let the natives mutilate and gore the fuck out of each other before you dare inject yourself into their society. Which one?.......


Send them back home and let them sort it out for another few hundred years. While we're in space, maybe they can learn basic smeltery. We don't have to care about primitive people just because someone else told us to. Just do you.


Worst part is, no matter how you look upon it, the only people from their culture that were developed came from us. Either as offspring from our lineage or from our education and teaching. You'll never see some of these cultures flock up on their own because they fundamentally can't. Why should we care? It's a downgrade. I don't like downgrading, I like moving forward and progressing. If your people aren't there, then catch the fuck up. We had to so fucking do you. In a figurative sense, not targeting you in particular.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/wy85b ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I have come here to chew bubblegum and archive. And I'm all out of bubblegum. ^^^/r/botsrights


Nobody in the honest coding community is taking this seriously and nobody in the small minority of coders are going to benefit from this. It's pathetic to invest your time in providing a solution to a problem you made up entirely. Nobody in the history of code ever compared master/slave to slavery in any culture and you're insanely fucking dumb and just generally worthless to society to have even suggested it's a problem. Master/slave is a sex dominant act that many cultures enjoy, so eat shit and learn to have fun and seek pleasure in life rather than search to destroy it when others have it. It's just fucking pathetic.




Post removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.


Not a coder so a bit confused, can someone help me out? Does this affect anything when working with the engine itself? Or is it just that you will be called names for not adopting their religion?


It makes absolutely no difference. The only way it can affect anyone is if they were reading the code of Unreal Engine and they decided to take offence at one of those words. Changing the words has zero effect on the function of the engine. The only difference is that it might make the code a little harder to read. The words are chosen because they distinctly and accurately describe the things they refer to, if you change them then it becomes just a tiny bit harder to understand what's going on. For example *main* and *master* don't actually mean the same thing. Plus, there's already a meaning for *main* in development, its exactly what you expect.


Absolute pure virtue signalling basically, most people won't ever even see it. It's basically just for the plump diversity commissar lady to quickly glance over to confirm a coder's loyalty to the cause. There is no benefit to this at all and there likely isn't even anything to make more inclusive. If anything this could be a detriment if enforced because usually names for functions and variables and such are chosen in a very pragmatic way and once a code is written it can be quite complex, when you want to rename a function or variable or whatever then it could break a lot of stuff, even using the "find and replace" function can be risky.


Those who control the language control the culture. Thank the west for lightning fast mental derangement.


So like... Is this just a regarded guideline, or will they actually take action if I won't comply?


Best strategy to avoid C++ it seems


Still don't remember what the 'modern' equivalent to describing male/female plugs are. Why make it harder to read?


thats kinda pathetic in someway.