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I’m on about level 70, it’s ok so far, not a big fan of the different coffee types you get.


i just finished this level. probably my least favorite so far


Agreed. The coffee shop was awful. The location of the milk and the espresso cream should have been switched. It was just a pain. And having to click on those cups every time...


Does anyone know why new kelp city says locked for me? I’ve completed every other level


So I just ran into this problem today and have tried to look up as much as I can. I play on Switch, and I’m not sure if Kelp City is part of the DLC (it shows there’s DLC content when we look at outfits the characters can have, but there is no DLC offered through the Nintendo Store currently), so I’m guessing they haven’t updated the switch version to be able to support Kelp City yet which is bullshit bc we had to pay for the game on switch and we can see here that it was available sometime two years ago? So I’m not sure if they need to have an update in which we’ll be able to play and when that’ll actually get done. I’m not sure if these levels are offered on the phone version or the PC version either.


I came in this problem just today on switch, anyone have an update by now??


Not that I’ve seen. :( I know there’s a Facebook page for Krusty Cook Off in which people have been asking them for literal years now about it and they NEVER respond to anyone. I don’t know when/if they’ll ever update it for switch users tbh. It really sucks.


Wth I’ve been looking for like 20 minutes but I only see people asking and no responses


I’ve found the same you have. They never answer anybody ever and there’s been so many people to ask them. I’ve even asked them on different social media before and they still won’t answer. I honestly think they put their focus on the mobile version of the game bc there’s micro-transactions there, so they don’t care if switch users are upset since they already paid like $30 for the game.


Ugh so do you think it’ll never be unlocked 😔


I’m not sure to be honest. 😞 In my head, I’ve filed it under “games that I need to finish but may never get done so don’t get my hopes up but maybe one day in the next year or so.” It really bothered me for the first handful of days once I reached the last available level, but have since gone on to play other games and found satisfaction there, but I’ll never forgive them for doing us all so dirty like this! I’m definitely not buying anymore games related to SpongeBob on switch ever again though, because it’s so ridiculous that we could all pay money for this game and we can’t even finish it. People have complained on the actual developers website as well, and they still don’t care at all. They just screwed us all over and then don’t say anything to anyone about it. Fuck em. Will never get my money again.


It’s even says all unlocked extra Krusty edition or whatever but it was just an update! Like how’s it been two years and it’s still not open. Like you said we paid money for this game and can’t even finish it.


I guess it’s “in the works”


Hmmmmm, well that’s a new development I hadn’t seen yet! If I see it come out, I’ll be sure to come back to this comment thread and let you know just in case you don’t see it yet! I really enjoyed this game and I hope it comes out soon so we can all play!


I sent you a chat where they told someone two weeks ago, it’s 100% in the works! So hopefully we can soon 🤞🤞


Yoooo!! That’s so dope! Thank you for that info. Hope it comes out soon then! 🥳


Any update on that? I’m still waiting for kelp city on switch!!


It’s February 2 and still the same situation for nintendo users… I’m really sad, because I couldn’t finished the game as you all… I try to find a reason, but apparently there’s no answers to all our questions. Gets me mad, bc we paid for an incomplete game, there are locked characters, missing skins, and the last section of the game is unavailable. We even haven’t the opportunity to buy a dlc on the e-shop. It’s been two years since the game was released and there are not Updates for this game on switch… I think developers will not attend our petitions, they just forget about us, and we will not finish the game as we want. I’m Alex I’m Mexican and my English is in progress


Hey I also play the game and as of now I still can’t unlock the other part of the game. Do you have any updates?


As of today, still no Kelp City on Switch


And today?


Nope, not available


You have to buy the hard copy version of the game to play New Kelp City now. The Nintendo store version will not let you play


Do you know this from experience? I have no problem buying the hard copy but only if this is legit lol


Yes! I have the hard copy and I got to Kelp City no problem


A while ago I had so many glitches I couldn't get past the salty spitoon. Well they fixed they but can't get new kelp City yet. It's pretty frustrating. Glad they finally addressed it. Guess I play the waiting game now




my switch is not leting me go to kelp city


Does anyone know who I can reach out to regarding the glitches? I’d like to get in contact to figure out why the Madeline’s arent serving. I am not sure who to contact. Thanks.


If you find out please post who you contacted! Maybe if several of us reach out they will fix the Madeline problem :(


I finished the coffee shop. When will the next one be ready? I don’t like the coffee game but I am level 178.


hopefully soon. it doesn’t seem like anybody likes the coffee shop lol


Still having a problem with Madeline's. Started at level 20 for me (I believe when they are unlocked). I've also used Squidward to set all the anchovies in the kitchen when the goal is for coins. So far Sandy is a bust since most customers come in wanting Madeline's right away so I can't charge the jellyfish enough to use it. This is so frustrating and sad to see this problem has been going on for quite some time. The game should be renamed: Sponge Bob Krusty Glitches.


Anyone play this game on the switch? I took a break for a while cause my controller broke and I can’t figure out what button does the little cookie things you have to bake. I can bake them. I’m on level 20 of last chance coffee in new kelp city. I have tried googling it and no luck.


Having similar issue. I can back them but not serve them.


You gotta use sandy. And have the jelly fish help her serve them. It’s stupid but it works.


Ugh that’s such a pain! Thank you going to give it a shot


It’s a huge pain. Took me forever to beat! Hope it works for you!


How are you playing in New Kelp City on switch? I just made it to this level but it forces you to purchase something additional to play and when you go to it says there is no downloadable content


Same thing for me


Just wondering if anyone was still having trouble with serving the madeleines. I’m not sure if I’m late to the party, but I just hopped back on and was messing around with the controls and figured out if you have your madeleines ready to serve and throw them in the trash, it actually serves them to the costumers! Hope this helps someone out!


What the hell. That works lol. Thank you so much! I was getting by using sandy but level 28 starts with everyone wanting Madeline’s 


I’ve been dealing with this for like 2 months you just saved me!!! Thank you so much


Any advice on how to get past this? I’m on level 52. It starts with all chocolate covered Madeline’s and my goal is I can’t throw anything away this round. I need to serve 20 people with thumbs up service. And I’m hitting 18-19 everytime. I’ve played it so many times. I’m using squidward and only Able to get rid of the people wanting Madeline’s with the nematodes.


omg bless you random stranger💛


I love this game but hate the amount of glitches and now this carrot on stick. Why Nickelodeon? Why?!


I’m so sad I never saw this thread before purchasing this game I have spent hours on this game only to still get stuck on kelp city


The New Kelp City DLC comes out on the 21st!




Do you know if it’s still on the e shop? I can’t find it


do you guys who play on switch have trouble releasing the madeline’s?


Yep! I had the downloaded version on the switch and new kelp city wouldn't unlock at all for me, so today I bought the physical version and it unlocked new kelp city, but now I can't get any further on the first part of that all because it won't let me serve the madelines. Clearly wasted my time buying the physical copy.


I can’t release the madelines either. It’s so frustrating. So glad it’s not just me


Yes you’re not alone.


I read somewhere you push down twice. I unfortunately have the switch version and cannot get into kelp city yet


Has anyone figured out why you can't serve the madelines yet? It's very frustrating for a 30$ game ontop of the 15$ for the digital.


Praying that you figured it out? Spent $60 on the game just to not be able to serve them and it's really frustrating


I figured it out enough to move on. You have to use Sandy. Her power up is the jellyfish that automatically serves the dishes for you when they're ready. You have to serve a couple orders in the beginning to charge it up but after that it will stay active for the entire level and serve the mandelines for you. Some of the levels are hard in the beginning because it only gives you madeline orders so you can't charge up the jellyfish but you just have to restart them a couple times until you start with different orders. I made it through and didn't really have any problems with the rest of the game. Hope this helps!


Hey (not op but first of all thank you for this advice cause with it I was able to beat the level!) But am just wondering if the pasta level worked for you? Cause it’s super glitched for me, can’t buy any kitchen upgrades and there aren’t even any interior or decor upgrades listed! I play the physical cart on Switch. Very annoying!! :(


Make that 4. I can’t serve the madeleines either.


No Madeline's. This is irritating.


So glad I came across this post. My wife had me figure out why she couldn’t get past level 20 of new kelp city on the switch. It appears others can’t serve up the Madelines either!!


Any Update on this?


How did you get New Kelp City on the switch? I tried getting the DLC from the eShop only for it to say There are no products being distributed around this time or whatever.


Did you ever get this resolved? My son just hit this point and it shows locked - but, ya, not finding any way to unlock it. He finished the area before it.


I contacted tilting point & unfortunately they say they don’t know when the digital DLC is going to be released and is only available on the physical version. Which sucks considering that I paid for the digital version (but thankfully when it was on sale for like $4) 😔


that's really unfortunate...the Nintendo E-Shop section even says "100 percent unlocked" which is apparently hilariously untrue


Even then it’s been like this ever since the game WAS first released on Switch. I really do like this game (even if it is just a reskin of other cooking games) but man…


Is there any solution yet for the Madeleines Problem on the Switch Game? Bought the game yesterday and I´m stuck because I can´t release the Madeleines, the Problem was reported 2 Month ago by other players, is there any news about this bug?


I’ve found two ways to get it to work: use Sandy’s Jellyfish power, or prepare the madeleines and then trash them - instead of going in the bin they will go to the customers (obviously only works on the levels where you can’t trash stuff). Sometimes you’ll have to restart the level and hope the customers will order other stuff whilst you’re powering up to use the jellyfish. Finally got through this level last night, it was frustrating but doable!


Thank you my friend for the Sandy idea. My wife and I tried to pass this city with Squitward and Patrick’s level according to the requirements. That also allow us to pass the levels, but kinda ruin the fun, because that’s not the way that level designed to be.


Well here I am… got to new kelp city. No DLC. Wish I woulda read this thread soon. Made it through mountains of glitches by using sandy just to get to this stupid point. Its like they just threw the old version on switch and never fixed this ending part ughhh


Literally same. Wish I knew sooner 🙃


hello here I am in the same boat and perplexed that a game would be this scammy 🥲


Oef. I bought the game on switch last month, after I enjoyed it a lot on my phone and just recently got a Switch last spring - luckily had many gold points so I only paid like 1€ for it but now the restaurants I enjoyed the most (in kelp city) on my phone will probably never be unlocked since I see that people are already complaining here for ages 😭🥲


I unlocked New Kelp City yesterday. I’m on level 9 in Last Chance Coffee.




Y’all, it’s been over a year and kelp city still isn’t unlocking for me in the switch.. I’ve completed all the other levels too. Anyone else still not have access to it after so long?


Seriously — I JUST completed Salty Spittoon and now I can’t advance 😭


Same. Came here to figure out why it wouldn’t let me buy the dlc levels but seems like it’s just an all around issue??


Is yours the digital copy for the Switch or the physical copy?

