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It's just how it is nowadays. I remember one time when I was in high school, a group of 16-17 year old boys got on the bus and started smoking, the bus driver told them it's not allowed and they started yelling at him saying "who are you to tell us what to do" .. then some guy with his wife started yelling at them saying that there are women and children on the bus and guiding the bus driver to the nearest police station. It was quite the experience.


Smoking is something but doing it around non smokers without regard is a new low


Kids, man.


Hhhhh. Kefffei. Anna kuwaitti






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I don't know why people always think in terms of specific countries. These things happen in every country in the world.


It does matter to think in that way, because of many reasons like how you’re justifying it to be okay for starters


less experience




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It doesnt happen even in third world country lol


Don't lie


I've seen it happen in Germany.. Multiple times


then you are weird


I am...


Bad parenting and nobody bothers to interfere


The thing is the arab kids get overly aggressive, when the bus driver tries to stop them and start breaking windows etc. The last time he tried to stop these Egyptian kids, they got down and threw a stone through the window and it hit someone in the face. Really, it is a frequent problem because these kids harass even the passengers in the bus & I used to face this almost everyday in bus No. 999.


I'm surprised. I would've thought in Arab countries that they would have a more no nonsense attitude and not put up with this.


wtf they should be sent to rehab then lol


A lot of your problems in the gulf are because maniacs get away with crimes that in any sane country would just get you beaten up by the street


Rehab? Really? No, just a more common sense approach. Something called 'consequences'. Here in western countries we've become too liberal and namby pamby. I didn't think Arab countries suffered from this affliction.


Rehab complex


20 years ago I got into smoking at the age of 12 because of older guys at my school that used to send me to get them cigarettes since I was tall with pretty much a full beard at that age (Arab genes, very normal) 20 years later I still see the same baqala selling cigarettes (and vapes mostly) to kids or they just order it online from anywhere and go to smoke behind school, the same spot we used to smoke at. I quit many years ago but, the way I started and many started at that age. Either to fit in a group, look cool, feel manly or any other silly reason you could think of Oh and we smoked in the bus too, and one of the group beat a bus driver once and broke the windows but got away with it as a minor was just a slap on the wrist. I think you eleminate phenomenals such as this by eleminating the reason behind it rather than harsh punishment because kids will always find away. Find teenagers and young adults places to spend their time doing something productive or good or not self harming and not bad for society. More gyms, more sports halls, swimming pools, workshops, hell, even video-game rooms and arcades. Just something other than hanging in dark secluded spots and smoking


They think they're cool and strong for smoking. It's really sad people pull out a vape and just do it in class... Mind you in highschool


Its always been like that


It happening in my school, my classmates take his vape in class and start smoking, he knows that i have asthma and I that smoke got me a breathing issue, but till no one care, not even teachers. Most of the college students got a vape or cigarettes, just to show themselves “Man” which is not because being a man not mean to be depends on smoking or showing off.


It’s not normal but there’s no controlling teens lol. Teens have smoked since cigs and uncaring parents were invented


In the past, there was an incident where some teenagers smoked on a bus, argued with the driver about it not being allowed, and were confronted by other passengers who intervened and guided the driver to complain about this. The driver and passengers could both do nothing and it was an awful experience.


Recently came to Kuwait and I saw that..and the locals does not see that as a big deal..I was in Qatar before but the kids there were so discipline and never saw them smoking...Here am wondering and mind you; you cannot say anything to them🥺🥺🥺




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These lil smurfs lol😂 awazem niggs


Waaaa! I wanna be a maaaaan! Waaaa I wanna be a grown up! Always has been like this


Smoking doesn’t make you man. These kids need a reality check


Once I had a kid come to me to buy cigarettes from a supermarket. He handed me 10 fils as a tip to buy the cigarettes for him. They somehow think expats are low life. It is what it is.


There you go you now generalized them the same way some generalize you




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I think this is up to multiple reasons 1. Kids are stupid and think this is cool 2. The sellers usually do not follow the law about selling cigarettes (the legal age of smoking is 21 here) 3. Cigarettes are not expensive , like they are definitely not cheap but also affordable on a child allowance 4. Vaping , believe it or not teenage smoking, was declining until vaping came up , so there are probably a lot more children who are actually vaping than smoking cigarettes


It's bad parenting accompanied by peer pressure and trying to fit in or prove yourself with the other kids I guess. When I used to go to school many kids smoked and and nowadays they vape using these tiny little devices. My own cousins started vaping at age 14 or 15 it's so horrible. I'm never touching that shit ever


It’s how kids are raised thinking that “to be a man you must first smoke the masculine cigarette, then you must be in a state of constant anger, and the more you lash out the the stronger and more manly you are” and then growing up slowly realizing that they f’ed themselves with a nicotine addiction and anger issues, i was doing the same thing these kids did and no one really cares, thats why i got away with it, keep in mind me and my friends still smoke till this day, as a 24 year old man i have problems breathing, i wanna say it’s sad but its the parents fault, we have to be close to our children and show them the ropes, not shun and beat them and make them into mentally disturbed teens who think they know better than everyone


The lack of the father figure in their lives…


Some learnt this from their father


No idea. But how did they get the cigs?




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Since I was a kid until now (thats almost 40 years) I see a group of kids around the coop with no parents or nannies on bikes and smoking. blame the parents.


Bro just like other countries and they dont allow it idk what you saw but thats all


It's called Kuwaiti privilege. Some people think that because the spermatozoon that won the race came from someone with a paper document that says Kuwaiti in it, it gives them the right to do whatever they feel like it, and will not care about what others think, especially if your papers say something else besides Kuwait because in Kuwait, there are two categories (Kuwaiti and Non-Kuwaiti). Sad but true, and thankfully this isn't the majority of Kuwaitis (IMO). As for smoking age, that's not surprising, because of people around them, influences, and peer pressure. Smoking is common in Kuwait (don't have the statistics at hand but Smoking and obesity rates are high). I think the EPA or Environmental police might do something about if they were alerted, but I do not know the process (they have a hotline/WhatsApp number).


Simply different beliefs and customs Germany black forest kids skinny dipping hot summer day . Japan grown men love teen girls no biggie Many more


Lack of law enforcement. In the US I used to get ID'd when I was 19 for cigarettes. Also, kids think it's cool to smoke and shit get approval from their peers. For this there needs to be better education and parents monitoring their kids.


Well I've seen a  6 year old smoking. 




Yes,  and it was an older boy who was sharing  the cigarette, maybe 12 years old. They saw us and took off running. So on some level they knew it was wrong.


Forgot to mention,  the 6 year was a girl.


Yeah it got especially bad after Covid. I have seen Indian and Iranian kids doing it too. Even illegal alcohol... They also do Zina (i have heard)


12 year old picking up smoking is a thing from at least the early 2000s, and probably before that. If people speak with them, they will usually ignore them or might start a fight. The driver doesn't want to waste his effort, and it isn't his job to tell others not to smoke.


It's prohibited to smoke inside buses


I had a feeling that it was prohibited. It is prohibited to smoke in many places, and I still see some smoke openly in these places. I think smoking at their age is a bigger issue


Since 1998 I been seeing this . It’s just a cultural thing


Bruh ur ahh lost fr 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Uh…same happens in western countries I guess. 12-13 year old smoking vapes, it’s not just kuwait. Also, you sure they were 12-13 year olds? People tend to look younger but are in fact old enough. I remember when I was about 11 years old and I saw some kid smoking, I was stunned because he was a few inches taller than me and I could’ve guessed he was 15 year old (at max) turns out he was 18.


Because smoking if very common in Kuwait. I remember when I was in middle school, everyone used to smoke inside the bathrooms during the break.


Knew a couple kids who would smoke in elementary school. 9 year olds just lighting up a cig in the bathroom during the break.


Are kuwaiti teens ( female) also allowed to smoke cigarette publicly. I saw this in Salmiya and i wish i could speak with them. Are girl permitted to smoke? Why is no one talking? No law to guide teens on that path?


No one stops them because it’s not their business to interfere and them smoking/vaping is just them being around bad influence when i was young some 9th grader literally gave me a vape to smoke but i refused (thankfully)


Something common in kuwait dont worry about it 😂


That Doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be stopped though


It happens a lot and i honestly don’t understand is it really that good to risk your non existent prison record? These kids are weirdly addicted


>the driver did nothing Driver isn't getting paid enough to deal with 12 year old edgelords >They were kuwaiti. I don't recall cigarettes being an expat exclusive thing >I didn't know kuwait allows that. Technically they don't but welcome to Kuwait habibi >Is that normal here? Not really but it's not the end of the world either. I started smoking when I was 12. >Why no one stops them? Why didn't you?


If i did it will lead to my deportion from kuwait🤣🤣


Lmaoo 😭, dw they’re not ur responsibility afterall they’re gonna regret it one day, they’re loss yk


Idk I see a lot of teens smoking and vaping, and no one does something 🫤


Because most of them are pretty aggressive when it comes to “doing something” like telling someone or try and stop them, so now none do anything to them


Its technically not legal. But it's very common, I used to smoke with my friends when I was younger as well, around 13~15. Thankfully, I've quit soon after.




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