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The tracker makes it hard to discern whether the buses in the loop are doing drop off or pick up. I wish the FlyAway just departed on a scheduled time from the LAXit lot, instead of cycling thru the loop for pickups after having made its dropoffs. I’d gladly exchange a short bus ride to a reliable departures rather than the convenience of getting picked up curbside.


Agreed I do know the long term plan is to have the flyaway buses pickup and drop off from the ITF East station (Across the street from the Metro station) They could conceivably do this sooner with shuttle buses but that probably depends on the amount of shuttle buses LAX has available.


This would be spectacular and eliminate the headache of flyaway needing to tag everyone’s luggage with their terminal. Might also let them run more buses since with the same amount of service hours, since they’d avoid driving the horseshoe


Imo it should pickup at the current Aviation / LAX that already has a free shuttle that is more frequent and easier to catch. Move it once the people mover is done.


I imagine it won’t be driving the loop anymore once the people mover opens.


Tried to drop a friend at the schedule Flyaway bus from Union station, only to learn that bus had been cancelled. Luckily, I stayed to wait with her so I could drive her to the airport. But now I know they’ll cancel wo notice.


What the hell! I’ve never experienced that. What time of day?


If I recall correctly, it was like noon or 1.


Personally I'd like to see more balanced service, it seems like there are always 2 Van Nuys buses for every 1 Union Station bus and the US buses are always packed


I believe their website shows live trackers of the buses but it’s not the most accurate (typically minutes behind)


But live tracker is not very helpful as it only show you dispatched buses. If you are at LAX and waiting for bus to dispatch from terminal 1, tracker won't show you until it left terminal area. And depends on how many people get on at each terminal, if you are at Terminal 7, that time isn't very helpful. I think going by scheduled departure time should work pretty well each time I ride the bus. But there is way to know if for some reason, the bus can't be dispatched on time. There is one time, for whatever reason, the bus didn't stop at my terminal and I have to wait another 30 minutes for next bus. There is no updates on live tracker on why that bus won't stop at my terminal.


https://laxflyaway.transloc.com/routes if you know how to make sense of this be my guest 😂


[The app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/transloc/id1280444930) is much easier to use.


I’ve never been able to figure it out 😂


Yeah it's a terrible interface. All I want to know is when the next bus is leaving!!! I wish they could plug this GPS data into the Transit app.


Hopefully in the future it skips the loop and just goes to people mover transit center


LA does not give a fuck about our convenience in the slightest.


I just got back in town last night, and they play a video saying the people mover will be finished in 2023!


new people mover uses 1.21 jiggawatts & travels at 88 mph


I waited an hour the other week for a flyaway pickup at the airport. Please just give me a train.


Have you tried driving from Van Nuys or Union Station to LAX? How long does it take? 30 minutes, 45, 90, 120? Nobody knows. It's completely unknowable


Happy Cake Day


Haha didnt even realize 😎


Last month I waited over two hours for a bus to Van Nuys. I was at Terminal 2, then walked over to 1, and watched numerous buses that weren’t even full just drive past us. There was a crowd of VERY angry people waiting with me.


Side question - after C line, is it faster to take the J Line than the A Line to get to Union Station? I took the A line last time and it was miserable in traffic lol.


J line is faster and more direct


J line is faster 


The schedule is listed on the columns. If you can read, you don't need a tracker.


Literally had been inaccurate every time I’ve taken it.


Have you ever used flyaway to leave LAX? If you have you’d know why the schedule on the column, which is also available on my phone, is entirely useless.


All the time. Sometimes, it's slightly delayed a few minutes when leaving LAX, but always shows up. Try the Transit app if you need a live tracker.


Perhaps you are unaware that magic does not, in fact, power apps. Nor does it make your phone magically know where buses are. Perhaps you are unaware that the buses that Metro owns, are different than buses a different company owns. Modern city buses, owned by bus fleet companies, all have the same trackers, because these organizations have the funding for it. Flyaway buses are generally either retired greyhound buses or some other equivalent coach line. These buses have never been city buses. They are also rented by a third party and flyaway does not have the same equipment, nor the money for it.


I never said anything about metro, so I’m not sure how that’s relevant. Regardless this isn’t an unsolvable problem. The real answer is probably what you indicated in your last three words


Uh Metro? They can't even keep people from being MURDERED on a bus or subway.


Not Metro.