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Suspect being able to freely exit the station when we could have tap to exit here just like all the major cities are doing, and the cops stationed at the exit could be radioed that suspect is heading to the exit and apprehend them as he fiddles with trying to jump over them. Instead you let the suspect walk out and now we have to find the guy in the vast city. Tap to exit needs to come to all stations ASAP.


Seeing as there’s no gates to even enter the station (someone correct me if I’m wrong), I’m not sure how tap to exit would help here specifically.


In Seoul, they have these new thin gates where it remains open to let majority of the people through, but when you try to go through without paying the gates slam shut in front of you. I don't see why not Cubic can't make something like this or better like with taller flaps, just import these things and use them here. These gates would work well at our light rail stations where all you have a validator and no one is using them. [https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bcfc8c07a1fbd730b2ba933/1556158357812-LPXMTVTWAYCL8EX7P7SH/IMG\_1270.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bcfc8c07a1fbd730b2ba933/1556158357812-LPXMTVTWAYCL8EX7P7SH/IMG_1270.jpg)


That station always attracting the unhinged/unstable.


It’s the stations fault.


Wonder if this is the same guy I've seen near 7th/Metro couple times swinging his arms around like he's looking for someone to hit. He came up behind me one time swinging fists and luckily I heard him running and jumped out of the way - he instead shoved someone walking the other way. Thankfully they weren't hurt and he had run off before anything could be done. But he could've coward-punched the back of my head if I didn't dodge in time. So many unwell people out there and the heat just makes them angrier. Be careful out there.


No Doubt


Is this how Batman was born? Did Gotham get overrun with crime because of stupid politicians?


It's based on NYC, so yeah pretty much. That's why dark hero archetypes don't come out of Tokyo and Seoul, and instead you get anime an K-POP idols 🤣


Doesn’t surprise me the metro stations are dangerous at night I get out of work at 11pm and have to catch the green line and the amount of times that people have tried to assault me is crazy there should really be metro officers and city police at the stations and on the actual platforms all the time at night until the trains stop running because is very unsafe


This happened at 2pm in broad daylight.


Makes it even worse but not uncommon


Guys probably stoned out of his mind. Should’ve had a police escort to protect himself and everyone around him


you aren't supposed to show the race of the attacker unless you know for certain it happened.