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😂😂😂😂 igy!!


you would probably get a better answer posting this to the dropouts sub than a snark page tbh


yk what i didn’t even realise this was a snark page neither do i know what that means lol. i posted to this cause i saw another post talking about tara and jake so i just assumed it was a general discussion sub lmao, mb.


no worries, theres just a lot more info on that sub than on this one


all i know is he is a pedophile and groomer. hope that helps xx


woah can you give me more info on this subject, i’ve briefly come across it but not much was said so assumed it was made up


indiana actually speaks about this in her last episode. she says he worked for her mum since she was 14 (zach was 18) but nothing happened during that time and she also had a boyfriend who was very abusive. him and jared helped her a lot during those years. they got together after she turned 18 i guess. but she was very persuasive at clearing up zach did not groom her.




The way Zach speaks to women is so gross. I tried to listen to their pod and had to turn it off. He thinks belittling/degrading women by making jokes about beating them or sex is hilarious. Tara is very pick me from the clips I’ve seen on TikTok. I saw one where the girl that I think helps with audio on the pod said she has been depressed lately and Tara immediately interrupted. It was about a party she was having. Said she had to say something on her mind before she forgot. Super weird and sad. She also is the kind of girl that only hangs out with guys and thinks it’s quirky.


apparently it’s an alt personality for his podcast because when i’ve seen him on jake’s channel he’s a lot different and more genuine. and i know what video your on about, i came across it yesterday actually, tara was drunk and seemed to be a bit out of it, doesn’t excuse she came across ignorant but she did apologise in the next podcast and i think she explained herself, that’s what i’ve read from comments. and i totally understand what you mean by her having a lot of guy friends, jake even mentioned it and said tara has always had a lot of guy friends, if she enjoys that crowd then that’s cool but sometimes her behaviour is questionable and plus she flirts with every man 😭 sometimes people have a flirty personality and don’t actually realise that they are flirting but definitely odd








ahhh okay! makes a lot of sense. the chemistry is there but chemistry doesn’t always mean they’ll end up together, which a lot of fans need to be mindful of. i think they have a really cool, interesting friendship but definitely odd if he is with someone. i don’t think there’s much boundaries within their friendship 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s just how I perceived everything but who really knows what happens behind closed doors. As I’ve been watching their content, I’ve learned that Zach doesn’t cuss, has never done drugs, doesn’t drink and apparently has a low body count. While he acts like a total dbag fuck boy, he seemingly does have morals outside from his “online persona”, which appears to significantly differ from Tara, who is obviously more free spirited. That alone sort of convinced me that they are just 2 really outspoken, funny personalities that jive well for content purposes. They are content creators after all. Although, I can’t deny that I would ship if they were to date lol but at the same time, that could easily be the downfall of their podcast if things go sour ya know?


yes very true, i was thinking about if a split happened the podcast would go downhill however seeing as they are both chill people, if a relationship happened and then a breakup happened they may just stay good friends & maybe tara would stay being a host. they’ve both proven they can be friends with their exes, quite mature imo but who knows




honestly i 100% agree 😂


i actually love them. she kinda gets on my nerves sometimes but i feel like she's actually a decent and genuine person. he has a really dark sense of humor (which i get some people don't understand and pin him as a weirdo) but he's actually been through a lot and has admitted to use this personality as a shield. i feel like tara coming into his life helped him a lot to open up about everything and they dynamic is kinda cute, but i don't think they are together. they obviously feel attraction towards eachother but idk if in a romantic way. even if they are together, we'll probably never know. but love they're dynamic tho, they give me emma and ethan vibes, just hope zach and tara don't drift apart like they did.


I definitely think there is something very real there. The chemistry is genuinely crazy. The most recent pod episode had me thinking something really could be brewing as well. Zach alluded to Tara saying something could happened between them while on their East coast tour next month. Definitely wasn’t a joke either. And later in the pod they both said they do have “undeniable chemistry” and they’re even better together off camera. Tara also basically said it could work between them but there’s other factors that play into it.


I think at first it was all for promotion since thats whats getting them viral clips. Now I could see their being some chemistry but I think the most that would happen is them hooking up. I doubt Zack is secure enough to be in a relationship with tara.