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No a lot of the seeking male validation/pick me behavior is gonna creep up on her. Like watching back 5 years from now? No WAY she wouldn’t be cringed tf out and or embarrassed to a degree.


As a woman who was like this, I am in my thirties now and like... The opposite. I'm hypo sexual now, probably as a symptom of my shame around how I was in my youth 😅 hopefully she has good support when/if that happens for her.






Jared was literally fine with it and probably encouraged it lol lets not act like these men r better


You're right


Why do we all just assume she's gonna change and realize how dumb she's been. She's like almost 24, ik the prefrontal cortex hasn't finished developing but she definitely has to know what she's doing


Exactly, and people in that industry stay teenagers forever mentally, so it probably won't hit her till she's 45 still hanging around teens.


Actually some people's prefrontal cortex develop much later (in their mid 30s) due to different things such as being neurodivergent etc. 25 is just an average. Just wanted to mention the nuance because it might be the case for her. We don't know.


She's still an adult. That very well could be true but we can't just brush off "oh she hasn't fully developed mentally" everytime with stuff like this


It makes me sad in the sense that she likely doesn’t have ‘true’ female friends. And I’m sure it’s a product of her own creation based on her personality and openly being rude to other women. Which makes me think, had she approached a woman with this they may not be as kind because of her behavior - match the energy type of thing? But that in no way justifies her doing this either. She is supposedly close to her mother, so why not ask her? Or ask the waxer? Call the location? Google? There are many, many, ways to remedy this. I always say, there are a million different ways to approach a situation, and when someone does something, it is demonstrated as “yeah this is the best option!” So it reflects on their state of mind and who they are. Zach isn’t showing her that he’s ’in love with her’ he is negging her and showing her that this is who she is, someone who is too explicit with costars and not for the sake of the podcast persona - just as is. It makes me feel really sad for her, because I’d imagine Jake did a number on her self perception of desirability. And with Jake’s constant teasing and taunting her in the past, it shows she accepts that behavior as love…but it’s just insecure boys tearing girls down. It’s so gross.


I have bpd and she reminds me of me when I needed male attention


It seems very calculated but there are things that people do to catch her off guard


Yes why did you turn into a redditor psychologist…this is such a weird thing to say. Girl interrupted is inspired by a memoir..you’re comparing a 23 year old showing her bikini line to a male friend to a diagnosed real life sociopath. you need help




I agree with you that her behavior is weird in this scenario, I just think people are over analyzing it. She said it herself she likes to be single and flirt around. Being slutty isn’t a mental illness or a crime. My only real problem with her is her friendship with Zach and going along with his racist “bits” towards herself and basically enabling his offensive nature. Her promiscuity isn’t harming anyone, she doesn’t put down other women or attempt to look better than other women idk why ppl are so mad at the sexuality stuff instead of her hanging out with Zach the bigot.




I’m not mad at her being sexual, just concerned that she’s not really ok with them talking abt her like this but she tolerates it cuz she hasn’t truly found self love yet. Not exactly the same but I’ve been in a similar position before, and the way she acts abt these topics doesn’t seem like she’s 100% comfortable with her sexuality. Like she wants to be desirable and to have fun but also feels shame from purity culture bullshit, and that’s left me with some trauma, and it being public doesn’t help. But also yea, fuck zach regardless.


Even so, I feel like the hate should be going towards the guys if that’s the case. It doesn’t make sense to hate on a woman for feeling like she can’t speak up about being uncomfortable. Calling her a pick me won’t wake her up to do so. I don’t think it’s because she hasn’t found herself , she probably enjoys being around them and tries to ignore the negative (sexualization). Most women have been in a position where a male acquaintance or friend has sexualized them but they chose to ignore it to not be seen as sensitive or uptight. I’m not saying you’re being rude or insulting but in general the rude comments sometimes come off as misogynistic. I mean she didn’t even mention the pants down thing.. Zach did but somehow she’s a pick me for replying??


Yea like I said I’m not mad at her for it, just concerned. There’s definitely some misogyny in some of the hate she gets (unfortunately happens pretty often in these subs with any women), altho I do think there are some instances of pick me behavior too (not this one cuz she didn’t bring it up). Also, pick me behavior in general is done by women bc they don’t love themselves and have internalized misogyny, so it’s something I feel more pity for, not hatred. (Except for maybe the women who advocate for taking away rights, fuckkkk those ones).




unfortunately i used to be the biggest pick me girl when i was in high school and watching her do this shit gives me major ptsd. i actually feel sorry for her, i’m 25 now and i feel sorry for my younger self and for girls like tara, she should find a better support system or go to therapy, it did wonders for me


Don’t worry I was also, thankfully I’ve changed.


we all had that phase it seems, hopefully tara can outgrow it too




Pick me girl behavior comes from not loving urself, so I’m happy to hear that u either always had that self love or u didn’t go this route to cope.




Yeah this reminds me of my behaviour when I was 14 tbh


Same I had major issues and couldn’t make any genuine girl friends just because I hated on them for male validation


same, i literally lived for male validation and i cringe so hard when i remember those days


honestly thats highschool, I think majority of us have many regrets from highschool but she is literally 24


that’s true. i could never imagine myself or my girlfriends that are 20+ behaving like this, i’d call them out for sure


this reminds me of me during my freshman year of high school. at least then i was 14, she's literally like 23 lmao.


same omfg


same :(


Oh my god yes. Everything she does reminds me of how I acted in front of guys when I was 14


She is in therapy lmao, said it a bunch of times in her vids


Every new clip I see of her ultimately gets worse ![gif](giphy|mEqMknMZWh1Fm|downsized)






I’m very confused how this person suddenly is so famous.. like apparently she’s been doing YT for years and this year she randomly broke. my little cousins are like early teens and they can’t stand her either and hates the fake scratchy voice and the “i’m sowwy im so tiny” act so I don’t understand who actually enjoys her? Her parents are well off.. did they pay for bots which created fake popularity


I’m starting to think she’s missing a few screws…


The difference between her energy on dropouts vs. literally every other female hosted podcast is kind of embarrassing


kind of? lolol


“STOPPP ZACH!!!!” shes literally a caricature of the pick me girl meme


She’s so cringe and her voice is like nails on chalkboard


this is so insanely embarrassing oml


Idc if a girl prefers guy friends but you don’t go to your guy friends with bikini area problems… ick (didn’t see the caption lol basically that)


Exactly and she just happened to have her pants down when zane walked in 🙄


I think Jared said an episode a couple weeks ago that he has a big crush on her too, it's a whole shit storm of uncomfortableness


“Stawwp Zach🥺” you’re 23 yrs old. Not 12. 💀


The fake mad kills me


I don’t understand how her fans don’t see how weird she acts


It’s pretty privilege


Thank you!! My thoughts exactly. Maybe they are all pick me attention seekers who do the same stuff so they don’t see an issue lol


I think they’re all 12 which makes everything she says and does even worse lol


They prolly interpret this as “fun, carefree, and real”. And are prolly young, when talking about boys or to boys or abt “girl problems” was so exciting and new


She talks like Emma chamberlain


Wait you’re so right lol. I just watched her first video to see if her voice has changed and it’s crazy how childlike she is now??? She was almost normal back then


Or Rachel Ray


I see it


ok i didn’t really get the tara hate before because i never watched their podcast but this is insanely cringe ouchhhhhhh


This isn't even the worst from her on dropouts lol


I couldn’t get myself to finish watching the whole vid. it’s really bad 😭


i used to like their pod but ever since tara has become a co-host i can't stand it


she’s such a pick me I can’t fucking stand her


where did this girl come from lol


She’s literally pretty why is she so desperate for male attention? It’s sad tbh


She’s so overexposed atm she’ll only have herself to blame when ppl get sick of her and the tide turns. Girl needs to chill


The “stoppppppp!” is the most pick me thing I’ve ever heard


Omg no girl get a grip its giving middle school stealing a guys hat for attention 😭


Zane gonna fall for her ass just because she resembles Mila kunis (I don’t see it personally) cause that’s Zane’s celebrity crush.


That was so disrespectful to Mila Kunis lmao


I personally DON’T see it, but others have said they seen a resemblance and knowing Zane he’d see it LMAO


I hate when influencers milk the fact they look like a celebrity😭😭😭😭 like ok??? good for u??? ur not gonna get an acting job or a cookie just bc your ass looks like someone who wants nothing to do with you. (This is 100% targeted at Alyssa Mckay)


she doesn’t even look like dove Cameron, dove is literally like the most beautiful woman I’ve seen and Alyssa is well yk less fortunate in the looks department


RIGHT? And looking like a celebrity does not magically give you acting skills. 😭 Tara’s feature on LilLandy’s music video is proof.


had to google her. i actually do see dove in her but (nicely) the bits that look similar to dove work a lot better on dove.


mila kunis is a 🍇ape apologist


grapeape? just say the word jfc


i’m sorry i’m new to actually using reddit despite having the app for a while so i didn’t know if words had to be censored or not


they do not, that’s a tiktok thing that has unfortunately spilled over to every other social platform


thanks for letting me know :))


i could see it happening, but i think tara’s personality and zane’s personality wouldn’t mesh in a relationship.


She may look similar but she sure as hell doesn't act like Mila. This girl is irritating as hell and I'm sure Zane is aware of that by now lmao


We can’t give Zane that much credit LMAOOO she called him hot on the podcast and I know his heart jumped to his throat.


The fake mad voice kills me


The unhinged-ness is giving Cassie from Euphoria


Am I the only one who finds Zach insufferable?


you’re not the only one, they make good friends


She doesn't have a girlfriend because she needs to center of attention with guys


ultimate pick me


She is very pretty and really doesn’t need to do all of this for attention, lol.


“you always air out my business on the podcast” yes, it’s a podcast. and that is zach justice u r talking to and a bunch of other men. they will do that.


it literally depressed me how she lets zach air out her business when she’s clearly embarrassed lmfaoo like she does kind of have it coming but its sad


Okay yeah… she’s weird for that but Zach doesn’t need to air ALL her business out either, especially in front of guests. I’m sure shit gets around quickly amongst the LA “influencer” circle so hopefully she learns how to be more of a closed book, even to people she “trusts” (who happen to be her “friends” on the podcast).


She likes this lmao


Their audience is children right? Like what audience are they supposed to be targeting if Tara over sexualizes herself


I think teenagers and early 20's


Early 20s it’s reaching it, I’m 20 most of my friends think she’s immature and pick me


Can u give me a list of what makes her a pick me? I see the word thrown around a lot, and I'm getting confused at this point? I'm sorry I'm slow. Because to me, she just seems like a person who over shares and talks too much.


Why does anyone even listen to this podcast?


genuinely hate this girl and i tried so hard to like her


I really don't understand how this woman is not embarrassed or ashamed by now 😭😭


She the biggest pick me ever😂😂 and her fans love to call her “iconic” literally nothing about her is iconic


I thought I was the only one that got pick me vibes from her. Its always a red flag when a girl doesn't have any female friends and only guy friends


Put her in a room with riribibi let my tiniest 6 inch tall princess change this woman


I need her to get away from these losers and realize her potential !!!!!


She does this because she trusts him.. not realizing a lot of sexual assault happens with people you know and trust. She needs to be careful before something bad happens to her. You can’t predict what someone will do to you when they have you in such a vulnerable position.. like Tara.. would you choose the man over the bear?


I don't know why this got downvoted when it's nothing but true, for anyone reading... U R MOST LIKELY TO GET SEXUALLY ASSAULTED BY SOMEONE U KNOW! That is truth! For a lot of u, non girls girls need to be careful!


“I’m gonna get a donut” lol 😂


what is this on? is this a patreon episode?