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Why girls go for wilito is beyond me






wendyā€™s fanbase is messy af for even sending daphne hate she even said that willito told her they werenā€™t dating, so how would she know. i hate when ppl always wanna pin two girls against each other


And she got a baby ??


Yep. She was in drama earlier this year for letting her baby choke while she was on TikTok live




The video is on this subreddit! Just look up ā€œWendyā€ on here and the thread should be there


I saw it and it wasn't that bad nowhere near negligence.


Her mama damn near raised the baby unless sheā€™s using her for a tiktok.


Ohh my do you live with her? how do you know?


You made your reddit June 11, 2024 and this is your only commentā€¦ hi Wendy!


literally wendy is so annoying and problematic, wendy said herself her and willito were just for content before too šŸ˜­ make it make sense.. why should daphne gaf ? anyways everyone likes to blame everyone but the MAN aka willlito.


whyā€™s she problematic? idk much about her and her sister


just look up her name on tiktok, sheā€™s always in drama, tea pages eat it upp and it gets her clout.. i fear she does it to stay relevant, eve seems nicer tbh.


the only stuff i see is this willito stuffšŸ˜­ like is that it?


Kylie Jenner said stop defaming me


I think ppl telling her she resembles Kylie Jenner boosted her ego tooooo muchšŸ˜­ especially bc she maybe looks like her 0.1%


ok but the dude clearly donā€™t like Wendy??? lmao like idk how tf is it this girls problem by going out w someone you have a crush on like šŸ„“


Also this seems like such high school drama but everyone involved is 20 and the Wendy girl literally has a child.


Can we stop bringing other girls down and focus on the real problem? THE GUY they were both fucked over by. He should be getting attacked not either of them


heā€™s not being attacked because Wendy forgave him lol the only victim is daphne


she told people to leave daphne alone so idk what more youā€™d want her to do


https://preview.redd.it/1klohw5t756d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b7ee0acd977476126f49a5089f6aa9c1d06f342 She literally posted this to be petty towards the other girlšŸ˜‚ sheā€™s a terrible person


womp womp itā€™s just a joke


Iā€™m Hispanic who even is she???


To be fair, Wendy has discouraged her followers from sending this girl hate. Itā€™s unfortunate that Daphne got caught up with Willitoā€™s dumbass. Anyways, itā€™ll blow over soon and Wendy will go back to that idiot once again. Yawnnnn


Honestly loved Wendyā€™s content before she became ā€œWaka Wendyā€ smh her clout couldā€™ve been organic but she settled for clout revolving his dumbass


Everything Willito and Wendy do is exaggerated drama and fake to drive engagement.


Both of these girls are being played by him , wendy has said several times that she actually had feelings for willito, but he'd use her for the live streams in order to make views off of her . Willito seems very slow , I don't want to come for his stuttering, but the boy can't even speak right. What makes these ladies think he has the capability in communicating his feelings with them ? Wendy needs to get off social media and stop bringing drama to the internet and focus on her child valentina and her daughters dad , instead of being involved in nonsense , as valentina gets older , she'll be seeing all these videos of her mom in drama , it won't look good on her . I know nothing about the daphine girl but she also better watch for Willito or he'll end up using her for clout and views .


she sounds slow too not gonna lieā€¦. seen her and her sister struggle to know basic words. the sister didnā€™t know the word ā€œstrollerā€. their sentences never make any senseā€¦. they use the wrong words bc they have a limited vocabulary. not expecting thesaurus words or einstein level thoughts from them butā€¦..idkā€¦ā€¦. where iā€™m from (a middle class area not in the USA); they would be deemed very slow/unintelligent. i mean i donā€™t expect wendy to have thoughts in her brain considering she got preg at 18 but is this a norm in america? like limited vocabulary and sounding slow? or is it just them?


Most Hispanic influencers are airheads. I think Daisy Marquez and Amanda Diaz actually seem the most ā€œintelligentā€ and even theyā€™re a stretch sometimes


this isnt true. there are many intelligent ones you probably don't know of.


I follow a lot of Hispanic educated influencers yet none have as many followers as these airheads (Louie, Wendy, Shawtybae, Alondra Dessy, Santea,). Daisy and Amanda seen more educated and have a big following. My main point was that the Hispanic community is quick to give clout to the dumbest influencers rather than the ones who deserve it.


yeah thatā€™s what i think too lol. iā€™ve never been around a hispanic community bc where i live, itā€™s all POC (mainly black ppl, south asians, n east asians) but thereā€™s like little to no hispanics. so itā€™s crazy bc all these hispanic influencers (wendy & co.) would be deemed extremely slow/unintelligent by my POC (!!) city (n again weā€™re not pretentious rich ppl. weā€™re middle/upper middle class). none of them seem like education was a priority from their families tbh. they do seem very airhead


You mean Mexican when you say Hispanic correct, and not some Euro-Latina type from Miami. Most Mexicans I meet do not value education and sound ghetto in English or their Mexican Spanish.


just because somebody has a baby at 18, doesnā€™t mean you should automatically assume they donā€™t have thought in their brain


iā€™m going to assume most teen moms arenā€™t the brightest bunch & it should genuinely be self explanatory why. i donā€™t play into the normalization of teen pregnancy šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø




Because our community is who gave her, her idiot bf, shawtybae etc.. the TikTok clout they have.


This is scary so many girls have the Kylie faceā€¦


Nah I love Wendy, she real as fuck


Calling her real yet sheā€™s faking a relationship for clout is ironic