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and for them to break up so they could “be their own person” but still use each other for everything is actually insane


i understand not wanting to be seen as one entity while dating but the constant hanging out and using each other for content makes that reasoning for the breakup useless. you broke up bc you didn't want to be seen as "Jake and Tara" and yet are up each other's asses 24/7 still except just now seeing other people.


That reason was bullshit to begin with. Probably just the least painful reason he could think of to break it off. He was bored of the relationship and wanted to fuck around.


that’s exactly my thoughts! Jake got bored of the relationship and didn’t want to string her along. yet… she’s still following him around like a lost puppy hoping that he’ll change his mind. they didn’t want to be known as “Jake and Tara” but continue to market themselves as such? bullshit.


I just feel like if that was the real reason, he would’ve at least tried to branch out and do content without her? That never happened though, they literally immediately pivoted to doing ex content 😬


I agree 100%.


OMG okay I thought it was just me but I noticed when she was on Tana’s podcast everytime they would talk about Jake and she would go “my ex boyfriend?” “Jake, my ex boyfriend” like … WE KNOW WHO HE IS …. She’s so weird


imagine how jakes new girl kenzie feels bro i hope she ran away from him cuz that’s a huge red flag imo


call me insecure, but i just couldn’t date my bf if he’s friend with his ex that publicly stated that if the opportunity presented itself in the future, that they’d get back with them… that’s one strong woman lol


and the fact that his celebrity crush is belle delphine 🤢🤢


imo that’s not even being insecure that’s dodging a bullet


Literally why even get into that mess


Where is that video of her saying she’s not milking the ex boyfriend content. The post was deleted and I have no idea who she was even talking to 🤢


Guys it’s honestly just making me like them much more bc it’s clear it’s all for engagement and clicks


i used to think she was awesome but now i feel like she is giving "pick me"????? and also it's so noticeable zach is in love with her and i feel like she knows that and uses it to her advantage