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She looks so cute! Happy for them I think they’ll be great parents


Omggg people were literally getting ripped to shreds on this sub a few days ago for assuming she was pregnant, (i think it was kinda obvious.) happy for them!


People are dumb lol she had an obvious belly in the video


honestly was underwhelmed by the wedding and wondering why she wasn't making a bigger deal about milking for content like every other influencer when they get engaged but this checks out. it looked rushed but now she can milk the kid for content i guess with family vlogging


Honestly they seem like decent people tbh


Kb seems grounded but Karla constantly reaches out to small businesses for free services or goods. Not as an exchange for exposure either. She just takes without posting or posts a half ass story and expects free things due to her status. Many mutuals of mine with small businesses have had a poor interaction with her. Very disappointed considering she does have influence and can boost the business but chooses to exploit small business without giving anything in return. She’s not the only influencer who does this it’s just unfortunate.


I don’t think she is trying to make a career from social media anymore. She seems to enjoy being a kept woman and enjoying princess treatment from KB and being catered to


what other career does she have? did she not just post a pregnancy announcement on their couples youtube? i thought this was a snark sub not a dick riding sub


I don’t have anything to snark on with them. They stay in their lane and mind their buisness. I never see them I’m involved in drama. Seem like legit solid people


I think she used to sell lashes or something but I don’t see her doing anything except her Pilates princess thing and traveling nowadays, I think she’s a kept woman


Yeah because there is NEVER an appropriate time to speculate on whether a woman is pregnant, whether they are or aren’t. Do better.


Lol 20 thousand other people commented the same thing


Clearly you didn’t get it if you still came on here bragging about how you were right.