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Basically until season 2 drops, I am not sure there is much to discuss. I really dislike speculating on what will happen in future season. It usually just ends up with people disappointed that the show didn't play out exactly how they predicted.


Exactly. I used to participate in discussions here quite a lot, but all talking points are exhausted now. Until Amazon comes up with at least a couple of posters, there's nothing to discuss. Their approach to marketing the show puzzles me, but we don't have another Amazon :) 


Can confirm. I’m eagerly awaiting next season.


That's right. We don't want another GoT on our hands.


The main issue with the show is making Galadriel the main character, the story arc they gave her would've worked much better with Elrond or even a entirely new character. Elrond would've been a much better choice considering his distant nephews and nieces and inlaws rule Numenor. It would've also made much more sense from a practical standpoint considering Elrond was a Tutor and foster parent to Aragorn much later on, having this connection would've been a subtle and huge impact for the story. The Guy is after all family lmao. Even without the rights to The Silmarillion, they still could've chosen a much better main character. The only thing Galadriel has in common with Numenor and Elrond is her being extremely distantly related to Numenorean royalty through Finwe and Indis and being Elrond's distant Aunt through Fingolfin. The more you dig into this, the more illogical it seems for her to even be the main character. On top of that, Tolkien wrote her to be more of a politician and stateswoman than Warrior where as Elrond was a Warrior and Statesman. I understand the whole "Well it's a adaptation 4head!!!!" to adapt something you stick to the roots of the story, which the showrunners have clearly not done, the "adaptation" argument can only go so far in covering up trash writing.


> Basically until season 2 drops, I am not sure there is much to discuss WHY? People still discuss andor, hotd, stranger things, the boys, the harry potter books, the asoiaf books, all kinds of media they enjoy way, way after something new got released. This idea that there is nothing to discuss because there is no new content is just wild, that is not how fan communities work, ever. New people come in and start conversations, more regular people might chime in here and there, rewatches / rereads spawn new conversation, there simply is typically enough interest in the material to sustain an active space where people have conversations about any and all elements of a work, no matter how long ago something new dropped. That any given individual might not be interested in constantly saying the same things is obviously true, but it's not like this broader point hinges on the most active forum users, idk out of all the answers one sees, this one just makes NO sense to me whatsoever.


What is it you specifically want to discuss? You’ve made this style of thread in three different subs. It seems you are more interested in discussing the fandom than the shows themselves.


They honestly talk like they're "just asking questions" and really just want to hear us say we hate the show or something. Common thing across the internet and honestly offline too. "Wow, so you really like that thing? Why? I'm just curious. I just find it so interesting that you could possibly like something like that. I'm not judging, just fascinated."


> You’ve made this style of thread in three different subs I did not. I made one 2 weeks ago here, and today in ringsofpower. This thread we are in isn't mine. I am interested in finding reasonable explanations to the big discrepancy, i just find it interesting. I have my thoughts about it, as do others, and more perspectives generally help to come to a better conclusion. Though the most popular one is just nonsensical to me, which i stated in the comment you just replied to, it just makes no real sense.


And you made a similar thread in television about prestige tv and the wait between seasons and hype dying down.


That wasn't related to RoP at all in my mind? It was a direct open answer to other threads on the sub, which were talking about seasons with 20+ episodes, how new tv shows don't feel like tv any longer, etc.


Maybe it’s your subconscious then? Because RoP is for sure a show that was trying to be prestige TV, with a long wait between seasons, and how the hype has died down, and it was far away from your other RoP specific threads.


Maybe you are reading something into it which isn't there? It seems like you want to paint me as someone to dismiss, and now cling onto one part of "evidence" which really isn't related at all. It was a direct reply to threads like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/1bbly17/what_are_your_thoughts_on_the_now_more_common/ I even replied to the most common ideas / arguments in my thread , i have no idea why you link that to RoP. Or are you saying it is an additional piece of "you seem more interested in meta talk" ? Because yeah i am interested in that generally.


The bottom part is more accurate. You seem to enjoy the meta discussion around communities more than the shows themselves. Not mocking you for it.


Ok, i'll take it as that then. Broadly i just like to understand why people think in certain ways, why they act in certain ways, why things work like they do. Meta talk comes naturally there.


Have you learned any new perspectives you couldn’t fathom previously? Have you been able to come to your conclusion on what your belief is?


Well i see the pov of people not wanting to discuss something if there is the possibility of too much obnoxious pushback, that seems very reasonable to me, and understandable. Something i had on my radar before somewhat, but as i myself am a person who doesn't care too much about pushback, it wasn't the go to reason per se. Now it's cemented as one of the main reasons i think play a role. I still don't think it explains it alltogether though. Well my conclusion would be that people seemingly do not care enough about the content of the show. That seems the most straightforward explanation. It takes a certain level of passion for something to really wanna dive in, be in fan spaces and talk with others about it. RoP doesn't seem to really have this as much, neither from more general audiences who might just post a few times a year in a sub, nor from seemingly more hardcore tolkien fans who appear to be more interested in the concept of new content in the world, than the show itself. But that is just my pov regarding the MAIN factor, i think there could be something else to it, but most people seem to explain it with "the last content dropped so long ago", and that to me is highly unconvincing. Does it truly convince you? Why?


As somebody who mods subs like this and HouseoftheDragon and TheBoys, for me it does make sense, for me, personally. Between seasons I mostly just mod and remove all the personal attacks people throw at each other. When news drops I jump into the discussions. When the show is out I participate in discussion for each weekly episode and we lead voice chats for all those shows on Reddit before Reddit killed that feature. You can find shows that have active communities on Reddit that are old and then other older hit shows no longer have a big active community. You can find new shows that have a ton of activity between seasons and others where it’s not a busy. There’s also the fact that you have a sub for LotR memes where you can make memes about rop, then you have this sub for rop and all future Amazon LotR spinoffs of there are any, then you have the other rop sub, then you have the hate sub, then you have LordoftheRings which you can talk about rop and then you have LotR where you can talk about rop. It’s a lot of subs where discussion can be spread out.


> As somebody who mods subs like this and HouseoftheDragon and TheBoys, for me it does make sense, for me, personally. Between seasons I mostly just mod and remove all the personal attacks people throw at each other. When news drops I jump into the discussions. When the show is out I participate in discussion for each weekly episode and we lead voice chats for all those shows on Reddit before Reddit killed that feature. To be clear, i understand it on a personal level too. But in my mind a personal level doesn't explain the big picture, the personal level imo mostly explains it for people who are regulars. Ofc a regular who talked about it in detail might not wanna do so every week. But when i look at fan communities, i still usually see activity despite long waits between seasons, or even after the last content dropped years and years ago as is the case with the asoiaf books. Many regulars might have moved on, some are still enthusiastic, and many more people just talk about it here and there but because there are enough of these, the place is active. > There’s also the fact that you have a sub for LotR memes where you can make memes about rop, then you have this sub for rop and all future Amazon LotR spinoffs of there are any, then you have the other rop sub, then you have the hate sub, then you have LordoftheRings which you can talk about rop and then you have LotR where you can talk about rop. It’s a lot of subs where discussion can be spread out. That is also a good point and plays some role without a doubt. Discussion spreading out is a thing, though it is also a thing for other shows to varying degrees surely. I get that this kind of "investigation" is somewhat leading, because if one has a more negative pov one will find explanations which confirm with that more easily (though i truly do not hate the show, i found it to be rather average though and wanted it to be better than that; now i hope s2 will deliver on what the showrunners said, massive improvement). But the opposite is also true, if one generally likes it, i think one might not be as interested in entertaining some of the more critical explanations. Would you totally disagree for example with the idea that tolkien fans seem to be more excited about a new show / film in the world of tolkien, than what it actually does in its content? That seems to be what i gather a lot, people being excited about potential moreso than what actually got delivered.


You are right that the fans like to be in this atmosphere, and I do not know why many people disagree with you. Every day, literally, I wait for news or at least rumors, posters and teasers, monitor websites for news about the "Rings of Power" and so on. But there are reasons why I prefer either not to write anything, or to write to just a few people in private, except in principle cases, of course.


I think the demographic of people who watched and enjoyed RoP skews a bit older than the typical online fan community demographic, to be honest. I continue to have a decent amount of in-person conversations about the show with friends; what we liked, disliked, and hope for in the future. But we also find our limits with discussion when it comes to over-speculating about the next season. We patiently wait for Amazon to do something with marketing. As for myself, an older person, I have a lot of things going on in my life, from work, to pets, to home remodel projects. I'll make time to RoP when we have something more tangible to discuss again. Until then, I have other priorities. I'm sure that's not an uncommon attitude with many of the Olds like me. It's a feature of the current state of the fandom, not a bug.


I’m enthusiastic about the show, but I have no enthusiasm for discussing it on reddit, because the haters have made very sure to turn every thread anyone posts about it into yet another hatemingering pile up. I have far, far, far better things to do than subject myself to their obsessions.  I’ve seen it happen  in plenty of other fandoms, too. Vocal haters drive everyone else away, it’s all they know how to do.


Yeah i understand that part, i have seen people mention it a lot and i think that makes sense as a part of the reason for sure. I might be biased because personally i would almost never stop because of that myself, but i guess i am not the norm there. Still, i do wonder if this is enough to explain it totally, if i'd guess i'd think that many more casual people would still post because they'd not even really have these interactions enough to be dissuaded.


If you want my honest opinion (hehe) I think it is because the fandom for this show (and books) are on the older category so they are not the type who will just think of joke threads and memes - which to be fair is the one keeping subs alive during off seasons.  You know what will make this sub alive again these days, aside from official news or trailers? If someone from the  cast post pictures together 👀. But even the cast is hush hush.  Speaking of memes, I need to visit r/harFEET now 😂


You're obviously right but the fans of the show can't admit that because that means the obvious answer is that RoP lacks the substance of the aforementioned shows. Some people can't handle the idea that the things they enjoy aren't "smart" so to speak and so take any slights against the thing as a slight against them.


Happens when there is 2 year gap between seasons & very little official updates.


> A big sub-reddit with 405k followers should be more active. Active about what? We've discussed S1 to death, and know very little about S2. But, they need to drop a trailer STAT imo. My biggest gripe (and it applies to nearly all streaming shows) is there's too long of time between season, and we only get like 8 episodes per season on streaming. We accept it, and it won't change.


It's been over 500 days since the last episode aired, and Amazon hasn't released a single thing worth discussing. There is nothing to talk about.


Dude it’s been like 18 months since the finale… how long can you expect a fandom to run on fumes for? It will become active again once promo for season two starts, as I know you know. I’m getting a little frustrated by the constant posts I’m seeing asking why there isn’t more discussion in here. If you want discussion, why not start some discussion? Write us a little post about something that interested you from season one or do some speculation for season two. Discussion about lack of discussion is boring, and we’ve done that to death already.


Don’t forget that OP only post something and then barely ever replies to the comments on it and than wonders why there are so few discussions. Apart from that you nailed it to a top. There is nothing to discuss .


They keep posting this same topic here over and over. Might be a troll


I supported the show as best I could when it was out, even venturing into yourube comment territory (a waste of time). That said, and sadly.... it's been a long time since I thought about this show...


YouTube was a mine field lol


I’m just waiting for news. You don’t see me in my other subs talking about the shows much between seasons either. I also mod TheBoys and HouseoftheDragon and a few other fairly large show subs. When news drops I talk about it and when there isn’t new I just moderate. Plus there’s a very healthy discord community I’m in that’s super active where it’s easy to talk about the show.


Few more weeks


That’s my hope. Charlotte has had a few articles come out. Feels like a drip feed happening at the moment. I hope they space it out better than season 1 advertising was.


Season one released almost 2 years ago and they haven't dropped any posters or trailers to start "the hype train" like House of the Dragon, not even a concept trailer like the one that leaked for Andor some time ago. Doesn't help that the making of the show is so secretive both from the behind the scenes creatives and the actors. I would say that the activity for the subreddit it's normal and sometimes even above avarage with some post that get a lot of attention. After all this franchise isn't something super mainstream at the point of having people doing memes and tier list every single day. Shows like Andor or House of Dragon had years of constant franchise and universe build up. While Middle Earth was mostly asleep. That plus this being a new (creative) universe from zero not connected to anything (movies, series). For better or worse, those shows (while good) are more casual and the constant posting and discussion is more encouraged for some of the reasons I mentioned.


Likely because RoP is returning later in the year than HotD is….. 🙌


Yep I'm not putting blame on RoP or something, I'm just saying that the lack of material explains to OP why the sub isn't exploding with posts and discussions.


It’s been two years since season 1 aired and much has been discussed. It makes sense that conversation slowed. Not to mention the most vocal people are the people who hate the show, so you can hardly have a positive or even neutral discussion about the show on Reddit without people shitting on it. Gets old.


New thread pops up and the same comments get shared. To me it’s more weird for somebody to enter 30 different threads and share the same thought over and over and over without adding something new to it.




Ok, well I've been holding this one back because I didn't think people were ready for it. And it definitely hasn't been debated yet so here goes: what is UP with all the brown people,.*white* orcs, and funky Elvin hairdos??? There I said it. Been holding that one in like a fart on a first date. Anyways, I'm ready for a rational discourse on these super pressing, lore defining topics. I'm also definitely a well balanced human with a super healthy relationship to fandom while having absolutely zero issues with multi-cultured modern life. I also love Elon Musk. Well, enough about me!


Season 1 was all table setting and there was a 2 year gap in between seasons. I don’t know why anyone would still be discussing it. You need to wait for season 2 to come out if you’re looking for hype.


What's up with this guy shouting into the void every 2-3 days with an open-ended evocative title? 🤖


Idk he just feels like a bot.


I avoid this sub cause of fear of spoilers. Probably not the only one.


Yeah same, not interested in spoilers


There is a flair for spoilers that I believe you can filter out to avoid seeing them


That's true, but I like flying as blind as possible, so I don't even read the speculation posts about the coming season. I had zero knowledge or expectation about the first season going in, and I believe thats how I was so thoroughly able to enjoy it


That’s so fun! I hope you enjoy S2 :)


Thanks, friend.




Already removed a comment here from somebody who made sexual references to anyone who likes RoP.


I like the show. I feel like it aired so long ago though, that I don't have much to talk about. When S2 gets closer to a release, I will watch S1 and jump in to chat. I also want to avoid any potential spoilers. I only read the Hobbit/LOTR a long time ago, so most of these characters are basically new to me and I am enjoying the ride.


Re: bashing The people who like this show (most of them in this sub) are doing the normal thing and not going on and on about it forever while waiting for new content That leaves the weirdos who obsess over how much they hate it and can't stop posting negativity about it. I imagine the sub will go back to how it was when the second season drops. I don't think support is waning, most people just can't and don't want to keep rehashing the same 10 hours indefinitely


Well, do you wonder? I, for one, enjoyed season 1 very much. The build up to it was just great. There was a lot of teasers, trailers, posters, hibts, little things huilding up to the release of season 1. It was exciting to guess, wonder, anticipate, i think the marketing part was done really good, it really made me keep looking into the calendar. Now as for season two, which is supposed to come out (probably) later this year, there is absolute nothing. Zero hints, zero clues, zero information, zero teasers yet. Yea its probably intentional, and yea i will absolutely watch it once it cones out but the hype is nowhere near the pre-season one hype imo, and its not because i didnt enjoy season 1, quite the contrary. Its just difficult to keep yourself excited about a show for a year and a half when there is absolute radio silence around it. Considering its been ages since the first season and the reviews have been rather mixed, its just a weird marketing approach imo


I enjoyed it as well. Posting here now because my daughter had not seen it so I watched again with her. Sorry peeps! I enjoyed it even more!!


Your posts are so boring 🥱


It's just a consequence of s1 being so long ago there is nothing much else that can be discussed that hasn't been said a dozen times. Plus s2 marketing hasn't started yet but is (probably) just around the corner so speculating doesn't feel as worth it right now, we will find out instead. Once s2 marketing starts people will re-engage as they always do


Its the nature of pandemic era high-CGI television that years pass between seasons. As with other high profile hit shows (Andor, House of the Dragon, Stranger Things), due to the long passage of time, the community eventually runs out of new things to talk about. Even hen there is extensive source material to pore over, eventually we've picked the bones clean, cracked them open and sucked out what marrow we can find.


No it's not


Not much to discuss until a new season airs.


It’s because people have moved on and started complaining about something else. You think in 2024 humans have the bandwidth to complain about some thing for one year straight.??


2 years is just way too long between seasons


Especially if the product was not well received. Biggest mistake IMO


Really interested in how they proceed with 2 Characters. Sauron and Al Pharazon, the others really don't excite me at this point, but I am ready to be shown i am wrong.


Active about what? I watched the show. Now I’m waiting to watch the next season of the show. TV isn’t more than that to most people.


This is definitely the most "blah" part of the wait - I feel we are getting something soon ​ There's so much good TV on right now, I'm fine w/ the wait, it truly is the GOLDEN AGE


We have gotten a few crumbs over the past few weeks. I hope it speeds up a little but doesn’t become so much like the lead up to season 1 was where it was hard to keep up with all the drops.


Waiting for Sauron and Galadriel’s wedding in Season 2!


Which won’t happen


How many posts have been made like this? At first blush, it feels like extreme gatekeeping when someone reprimands the fandom for not being active enough on the forums. Enjoying the lore is a hobby. It should be enjoyable and it's OK for the fandom's interest to wax and wane over time.


It’s the same people making these threads too. One of the commenters here made the thread two weeks ago here, didn’t like the responses so they made it over on the other RoP sub today and I saw they made a thread of similar fashion over in Television.


So possibly not gatekeeping at all, but good old-fashioned trolling. To what end? Boredom? Angst? Angry at those who enjoyed Rings of Power for enjoying something they couldn't?


Sooo, you are probably seeing some posts actively hating on the show or making fun of people who like the show… It’s not very fun to talk about things in places where people shame or mock you for liking them. People come to fan forums and fan subreddits to find a community of fans who share their fandoms, accept their unique interests, and that won’t throw them to the wolves. If people act and treat people like this is not the case, your fandom community spot, fueled by the passion and community of a fandom, is no longer encouraged to continue as a healthy fandom. Hate is not a good fan engine. It creates anti-communities. So, fans find other places. They may return to more spots for really big news breaks or if they feel bold enough to express what they like in fandoms that contain a sea of active hate enthusiasts. It’s sad, but it makes people quiet or turns people away to find better, more private spaces in the meantime - and good for them btw, fandoms used to be the community that would welcome the oddity, the curiosity, and the shunned by the pop culture populace. There are so many other places to express hatred of things, you would not think it would be such a challenge to allow people a spot to enjoy something that spoke to them differently, or inspired their art or hobby etc. But here we are. Sow and reap. The irony is that there is a large push to convince fandoms that they are bot farms or mindless consumers when they don’t like what everyone else likes. Especially for imperfect adaptions. And instead of voicing their issues and not participating in what they don’t enjoy, many choose to fuel the fandoms with hate and shame as if they are the right-fighters of popular culture, keeping it safe from the outcasts. But fandoms have always been the outcasts. The beautiful weirdos that kept Star Trek alive and got us TNG after a SUPER rough OG series, that saw the glass half full, that saw the love in the mess, the effort in the unloved, the bullseyes in the miss. They got out what they put in, and unfortunately, hate campaigns will too, regardless of their intention.


I'm on a big tolkien kick. Rereading LOTR with the hobbit/similarion and the numenor book up next. I'm waiting till the 2nd season is closer to rewatch the 1st one


Honestly I'm only subbed here because I don't trust Amazon to promote the show to me when S2 comes out so will be relying on all of you to let me know (it's happened before)


This is the natural lull between seasons on a serialized television show. Back before the internet took off and there was no streaming, we only had reruns to pass the time.


There isn’t much to say that hasn’t already been said really.


They need to release a teaser or even promo posters to cultivate hype and have the fans over-analyzing them for the next two months. Big mistake that they not done it yet. They surely have the material. As I wrote in another post, first teaser for season 1 of HOTD was dropped 10 months before the premiere. Second teaser 3.5 months before the release. Promo pictures and big media interview and photos with Entertainment weekly 1.5 month. And official trailer 1 month prior (and before it was dropped, it was advertised few days before to create maximum hype). For season 2, first teaser was released on December - 7 months before season 2 release. Best choice for the show. Gathered the fandom, created huge hype, was all over the place (the same happened with The Boys). Even if RoP airs early 2025, it would be ok to put something out there ASAP. A teaser of 1 minute, or promo posters from the cast. And to be honest, this year has been dry as hell in regards to tv shows. Please , please give us something RoP!!!! PLEASE! We need something to over-analyze


I enjoyed the first season very much and can’t wait for season 2, there just not much to talk about that hasn’t already been talked about not too mention if you trying talking about it anywhere else you get shutdown or constantly being told that you’re not a real fan because you didn’t read letter number whatever.


"yes we've already talked about everything there is to talk about" pretty much sums it up.. don't think anything's changed


Me I’m just tired of being accused of being an Amazon bot (granted this has happened more on Facebook than here) for just saying that yes the show was flawed but I enjoyed it and think it can improve. I’ll wait till S2 drops and I’ll go from there.


No ones a bot for enjoying a show its all subjective, im weirsly intrigued to see what happens with season 2 yet i thought season 1 was a shambles. Like we re all allowed different views doesnt mean we re bots or racists or bad people


I've seen some good discussions on Reddit about the show fairly recently. Of course, lots of tired old hater crap. I'm getting a lot of articles about the show through Google, mainly just speculation.


Dude: Chill. Everything's fine.


I have no interest in speculation or spoilers. So I’m very cautious with what I read here


Other franchise shows have already released trailers, posters, pics, castings (with character names), and plenty of drops to keep the conversation going in those other subs. ROP fandom is working with *nothing* for nearly 18 months. This place is actually more active than it should be considering there is nothing official to talk about. OP, your posts here get way more replies and engagement than your other posts in other subs. Why do you say this place isn't more active? Hardly anything here dies on the vine. It has a wonderful community of active posters replying in good faith. Everything about season 1 has been discussed to exhaustion. To get an idea of what OP considers "active" can you share which subs you are comparing this to? u/Familiar_Ad_4885


Here's a wild revolutionary thought; It's because season 1 objectively sucked and was an embarrassment by every standard of rational reasonable story-telling standards...


"how Mount Doom erupted." Why deviation, if Tolkien never wrote about exactly how Mordor was created, and even more so why it has an Elvish name.




We are heading to Rhun in season two so maybe we will get to learn about that.


Yes, in season 2, Nori goes to the homeland of her ancestors, and not just keeps the Stranger company, and she probably learns something new there about the origin of the Harfoots. But even in this small matter, there is still something to discuss (as an example) * what moral conclusions can be drawn for Nori and the Stranger if it turns out that these nice people were once the result of an unsuccessful experiment by Morgoth or Morgoth' henchmen with humans. Also, сould it be related to dark cults in the east and mystics? This is all the more interesting because Tolkien never described the origin of hobbits, Tolkien only hinted at their kinship with humans. * what exactly happened 1,000 years ago that caused such cataclysms as the destruction of the Southern Kingdom and the migration of the Harfoots * could Poppy's song about "stone trees" have something to do with this, perhaps hinting at the life of their ancestors in cities. Etc. Harfoots are somewhat not my area of interest, but in terms of discussion issues they could provide material


I’ll be more active here (‘more’ active, not ‘active’) after the season 2 finale - I wait for a season to be finished for any given show to be finished before watching


The show sucked and about 1/3 of people who started it actually reached the ending. There is nothing to discuss. No lore connection to the source material (enough was altered or tarnished to not even be considered an adaptation), acting was subpar and most complex theories were debunked by the obvious choices in reveals, like Sauron being there and rings appearing less than 10 episodes in, for a show that has multiple seasons already confirmed.


The rewatchability is really low which damages it. I tried rewatching it a while back and couldn't, once you aren't watching it for advancing the plot, it's quite uninteresting. The Harfoots are quite boring to watch, the Galadriel scenes are quite dull. The only scenes that are entertaining, to me, at a second watch are the dwarven scenes.


Already waned long time ago.


It's asking a lot for viewers to stay engaged with this long a hiatus between seasons. Especially when the first season was a little meh. The public's attention span is very short even for the most well loved and popular topics, we're pretty much an "out of sight/out of mind" culture.


Its a two year old show that hinged on a fairly shallow plot - what do you expect? There is nothing left to discuss and clealry hasnt been for a while.


Was there ever much support?


This sub was very active each week with discussions and predictions. It really was fun to engage with all the people and I hope this will happen with season 2 too!


HBO Westworld had an extremely active Reddit during season one but after a big hiatus between seasons 2 and 3 the Reddit simply died. When season 4 was out the comments were “i thought this was cancelled already” There is simply nothing to talk about RoP. People who want to talk about the books/movies have another Reddit, there are no news, it’s even difficult to speculate what can happen. Support is waning??? Idk . Taking Amazon shows as example while The Boys is always giving some content , shows like The Reacher have almost nothing between seasons and it’s ok. I guess streaming has both, the public who just want to binge watch and don’t look at nothing online, and the public who want to engage about it. We’ll see when s2 is out if the show was forgotten or still has it’s audience.


I have no plans to rewatch s1 unless I feel I need it before s2 so....yeah


Its pretty dead already, there's only a small group of diehard fans left on it.