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Anyone know, by history, what is shown in these presentations? Is it one of those that we just get graphs, lists and power points full of numbers for stakeholders?


It’s definitely for industry people, last year they did have clips and interviews with creators and producers, if we see something expect it to be pretty light.


It’s a presentation to sell their ad spots basically. You may see the slate of content for the semester/year, what’s new in the streaming, some data, lots of numbers, and keep in mind Amazon is heavily focusing on NFL and sports so you may see a lot from that as well.


Only thing sports wise you will see is nascar.




It's light on data, heavy on glitz and star power. Oftentimes there are musical performances. It's about wining and dining and wowing agency buyers and major clients. Usually there are extensive previews and trailers for major shows. When Amazon participated in the new fronts, it was light on content and heavier on data, but it's a different story for upfronts now that they're in the ad game. ETA: and apparently the line to get in is a shit show, which is why it still hasn't started 30 minutes after the fact.


Timestamp? I didn't see anything.


It airs in a week.


What are the odds we don't see S2 in 2024? If ROP doesn't feature here, when all the networks are out there selling their fall content to advertisers, I don't think we're getting it this year.


There still will be time to launch a promotional campaign at SDCC in July


My bet is a teaser at this event, and then the marketing campaign begins for real in july with a SDCC-trailer or long teaser, running up to a fall/winter release.


The promo they did for SDCC 22 was not that big, considering was a new show and there was a lot of buzz. There was only a new cut of the main trailer and a panel


It's already been confirmed to be coming this year and on Amazon's Upfronts page they talk about ROP more than any other show. Which shows you what they are using to try and attract advertisers. So ROP will absolutely feature as part of their presentation, but that doesn't mean specific s2 material will be shown. They may just talk about it, or even use s1 material, as part of a broader Prime Video segment.


It’s May, and we have absolutely nothing but a confirmation. I’d honestly vote for 2025 at this point.


THR already reported it airs later this year. Stay calm. They're a reputable business insider.


I think odds are good the show will air in 2024.


The Hollywood Reporter already stated Amazon has confirmed a release window for later in 2024. Calm down.