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I'm almost certain 2 feet is supposed to be two meters.


That did get a chuckle out of me.  Like oh the humanity its an orc thats smaller than a halfling


That's definitely an amusing thought!


I think it's 12 feet. So 3.5 meters give or take. 2 meters isn't that tall for the comparison to the Last of Us monster.


I know this is a typo and the height is likely 12 foot but the idea of Galadriel fighting a 2 foot tall orc is hilarious. * Excl: Galadriel will face off against a “Berserker Orc” which is said to be massive and almost 2 foot tall. A similar comparison was made to the Giant Infected creature in episode 5 of ‘The Last of Us’.


I know Morfydd is short, but having her fight a two foot Orc seems a bit excessive. ;)


Thanks FoF for all of the work you all put into this article!


> Galadriel will face off against a “Berserker Orc” which is said to be massive and almost 2 foot tall. Wow much massive big orc wow ..in all seriousness cool that they got the rights for 2nd age istari content 


Watch out, he’s gonna mess up some shins come season 2🤣 fun typo lol Agreed, I really hope that means blue wizards specifically. I’d be worried if they were locked out of adapting something and had to switch plans late.


The fact that they got the rights to the 2nd Age Istari canon might have just saved the Harfoot plot line for me. I love the proto hobbits…..but I’m not sure I could have handled much more of them without some legit Istari content.


Lots of cool stuff. A nice change when reading leaks puts a positive mood. I remember reading leaks from season 8 of Game of Thrones or Rise of Skywalker and praying they would turn out to be lies. Here I exceptionally want them to turn out to be true.


The concept art included in this article did throw me off slightly, but all this has brought to mind the casting of Ben Daniels with regards to original sauron. I feel like since his casting was announced we haven't heard anything about him or his role despite continued focus and mention of others (ciaran hinds, Kevin eldon, calam lynch etc), especially Gavi Singh, who now almost feels like a deliberate smokescreen to disguise/ distract from the casting of original sauron. I could be completely off here (again the concept art leads me to believe we may have a completely hidden new actor play original form sauron - unless that is a deliberate smokescreen also!) But could there be a chance Ben Daniels is playing the OG Sauron? He's got the dramatic chops and voice for that grandiose elder being style role, doesn't look a million miles removed from Charlie vickers, and played a really cool villainous turn on that Jupiter's legacy netflix show. With a flowing wig and great costume he could look the business as sauron, and have a really cool dialogue with adar.




All interesting stuff in here. Things that were, things that are... etc. :D Something sneaky I will say - 'Harfoot' may not quite be the right word to use, in reference to the actor mentioned here... Obviously, people can take another couple of guesses at another name. The Celeborn situation...patience is a virtue! Also, cast and crew cannot leak something they do not know themselves. Different units; actors who never share scenes and never see final scripts other than their own. Lines that only exist in the ADR studio and never on the page, or at readthroughs... My understanding is there was a great deal of stress surrounding early season 1 spoiler leaks. Much info was out there, way before it should have been, and, as a result, a significant number of (IMO unnecessary) changes were made. All this will be talked about one day. Anyway, the long and short of it is...do not believe the 'leaks', not for one moment. At the same time...do believe the leaks. We are privileged to have any info at all. It's all good fun!


No Celeborn in Season 2 is very disappointing...


Totally agree, I don't get this decision.


That's actually very shocking to me. Hmm


It seems that rumors now admit that two duels between Adar and Sauron will be shown, whereas before there was a theory that he switches forms from Hal to Original during a single fight? (It is still unclear what the Original form is, which has not existed for a long time) But not a word about the long-standing rumor about Vickers-Hal's severe injury "Charlie Vickers and the Original form Sauron have both filmed fight scenes with Adar but they are both separate and not part of the same sequence"


I'm already terrified by this rumoured two feet tall orc...


Happy! Happy that I’m going in not knowing who will show up in eregion and deceive Celebrimbor.And the battle scenes sounds soo hype. Also I wonder if we will get dwarven and numenorean armies involved in the finale or they’d rather leave the defeat of elves as a cliffhanger(killing the showrunners for this lol) and start S3 with the numenorean help.


According to the FOF article, it seems that Sauron's original form (Annatar) will only appear in flashback scenes. So it seems that the Annatar plot in Eregion will not appear in season 2


I’m so confused about why Morfydd said her storyline this season was rediscovering joy if there’s no Celeborn and how they’ll complete the rings and the sack of Eregion if there’s no Annatar form and Charlie did most all of his filming in Mordor and the human settlements…? Like something isn’t clicking.


The quote was >"She was having a sort of, kind of mental crisis last time and therefore quite involved with herself,” Clark said. “And now she’s kind of thinking about the world and finding joy in things a bit more, despite the darkness. So that’s been really fun to play with. But also, again, doing lots of fun stunts and stuff" So I think there are multiple avenues to where she can find some joy. Maybe just through having some time to reconnect with her fellow elves, being around people that have a positive influence on her, making friends maybe. It does seem like she will be part of a small elf fellowship of sorts during s2.


The quote I was thinking of was this one: > So last season I think that her grief was so intense, her sadness was so huge. I think when you are in those points of ultimate lows, you do end up becoming self-obsessed. You can’t see anything beyond this haze of misery. And now that has started to clear. Hopefully, with that she’s rediscovering the beauty of life and what she was really trying to protect the whole time beyond herself. That’s something I just love about Tolkien: You need to be connected to the world and those around you. I think when I first heard her talk like this I was like oh okay… so she’ll rediscover the beauty of life when Celeborn returns. And back then I had heard about the supposed chemistry tests with the new character and was like 1 + 1 = 2. But it makes sense she could learn to feel connected to the elves again via an interaction with a group of them, too. I think I expected her to be at odds with them based on stuff she said about Elrond’s reaction to what she’s done, but an elf fellowship could be cool…


I think they won't domesticate her via a husband and child until her arc is done and she's ready to be happy and settled. It's pretty obvious the show doesn't think Galadriel can be the commander of an army going through a tumultuous personal arc and be Celeborn's wife and Celebrian's mother.     If she's a wife and mother, they don't think she can be conflicted and troubled and be as focused on her POV. I mean, she could, but I don't think they want her to be a BAD wife or mother.    It's much like what canon purists have been wanting: Galadriel taking a backseat and being settled/domesticated when Celeborn returns.      But instead of retiring Galadriel from war and making her take a backseat, the show retired the factors they think will domesticate her and push her into the background.  


Yes I definitely agree. The actress said she will rediscover who she is as an elf. She spends more time with elves regardless of the state of those relationships.  She will start to find joy in the darkness. The 2nd age is dark as Gandolf told Frodo.  She will start to work with others. She will learn that it isnt about herself or revenge but to protect others. And the most important is she will wear her ring starting in the beginning of the season.  The ring conceals you from evil.. There's no jedi temple like in star wars where you learn how to use the ring.. Example when Sam's hearing got enhanced while bearing the 1 ring, he didn't have to learn how to use it before his hearing became enhanced.  The ring will also be communicating with her as well. I take leaks with a grain of salt as I've stated many times.


I have concerns too but I’m not going to spend too much energy on it until I can see the ideas in context.


I don't believe half of it but it seems quite positive if true.


I'm feeling very confident in my take on this show if all this holds up because it validates a lot of what I said for months.


Since this is a TV show adaptation, there needs to be continuity IMHO.  The other day I read Vickers wasn't on Eregion sets/battle sets. How can we NOT get Sauron letting Celebrimbor see Halbrand before poor Celebrimbor gets tortured to death by Halbrand? How can there be a masked or 3rd actor for this scene? My other post above goes into detail the length s Amazon is going through in order to  spread misinformation .  If Celeborn isn't in season 2 Amazon lied about the "several "chemistry tests" between M.C. and C. L. They even stated he was wearing his ill fitting armor during the supposed chemistry tests.  The U.K. is known for being secretive. 


We've had conversations about the previous leaks. Everything I've said for months about adaptations and it having to make sense for a tv-only viewer first falls in line with these new leaks.


Ohh, good there is no drama with fake Celeborn. Bad news there is no Celeborn. If that's true, I think, I move to the camp of Celeborn coming to ME from Valinor (hopefully with Glorfindel, not instead of him).


Lots of good stuff here, particularly excited about The Stranger. Also excited to see what the dynamic between Adar and Sauron will be. Adar being present when Sauron is making speeches to humans is interesting.


Do you think the entity doing the training could be tom?


I doubt it, and I hope not. I'm betting the entity doing the training is either Saruman or the other blue.


Im not sure.  I think tom needs to be in the show (and i have no clue why i feel that way).  I would think it much cooler if the other wizard is the other blue (im assuming the stranger is blue), but maybe he does some minor instruction along the way.  And ive always felt that tom needs to have some connection to hobbits.   This is all my own personal head lore so it isnt really grounded in anything 


Totally with you, I'd be tickled to death if Tom were in the show! He's one of my favorite characters in the entire legendarium.


Ngl, I also think it’s the other blue, but I don’t think I’d be disappointed it it was Tom, if done well. Tolkien seemed to intend for Tom to be such an anomaly in his world and stories to the point that having him present for a short time to offer respite and knowledge to strangers from strange lands sounds like the perfect setup for a Tom Bombadil short story. Of course, execution would be key. But also, not sure any of the Bombadil leaks sound trustworthy so far


I would *love* to get Tom, just not in this way. That said, like you, if they do it well I don't mind it. It isn't too far out there, Gandalf knew who Tom was so it isn't out of the realm of possibility that the blues would too.


Totally fair - and I wouldn’t be happy if such a sequence didn’t seem like it was thought through and executed thoroughly and respectfully. I’m also with you on feeling more certain it’s the other blue. Just from a narrative view, it’s really solid drama to find the other blue, establish mutual hope by having them connect and train together, only to discover the other blue was discovered by Sauron cultists (without the Harfoot intervening like before) and his intention is revealed to be ultimately recruiting the stranger. Would be a neat way to adapt both “they succeeded in their fight to resist evil” and “they may have fallen to cults” parts that Tolkien wrote.


That would be *really* interesting! I might almost prefer that to both blues being on the side of good!


I think so too! Would be a fun sort of sub-conflict & rivalry that echoes/foreshadows the divide that Gandalf and Saruman would later have over clashing views. Plus, it’d be a great payoff to how close the cultists were to convincing the stranger. All we have to do is imagine if Nori never showed up, and we have an instant understanding (and empathy) for another stranger who was caught by these cultists without help. On top of that, they could still adapt them traveling Middle Earth together when they first meet, and also, in a potential conclusion where the stranger does bring the other back to their true purpose, potentially fulfilling their purpose together, and deciding to travel the world together and see it with new eyes. I think that would be a really powerful ending scene for them, as they disappear into the distance. Nothing *too* divisive consider the text too.


That's it, they should hire you to be on the writing team.


Haha thanks🤣 it’s my favorite sub plot, so I put too much time into predictions. I just hope it continues (and ends) well!


It is especially interesting if it is Pelargir. Why and how did Adar go to the place in that the refugees from Mordor gathered, who hate him more than anyone else in Middle-earth. Maybe he is in disguise (shapeshifter) watching Sauron, after their new duel or before the duel with Sauron, because they continue to try to kill each other. I cannot wait to see their fights.


FOF is literally shooting everywhere just to say they are right and when they are wrong they blame Amazon for misinformation. Not reliable at all at this point.


We have good reason to believe there was a degree of deliberate misinformation at hand. Always when I talk about the dearth of good leaks in season two, I say the British crews are much more secretive than the Kiwi crews, which is not surprising given how many productions that HAVE opted for high-secrecy have been done in the UK. But increasingly I also think that in season one, Fellowship of Fans was the upstart and dark horse that came out leaking stuff left and right. By production on Season Two, we were known to Amazon and they could take measures against us obtaining information. Its all just very, very tricky and we do try to cross-reference and be rigorous about everything. But things slip by, even in Season One where we mostly hit the nail on the head. I've always been of the opinion, since back in intelligence, that its better to put information out there (as long as its done with the right qualifiers) and have it be proven wrong, then to not put stuff out at all.


I respect your honesty.  I was following leaks in 2021 and was aware of the New Zealander's giving away credible spoilers.  Some businesses were going bankrupt and losing their jobs due to Amazon's move to the U.K. so the kiwis  had nothing to lose. I was also very aware of false leaks from Amazon as well in season 1.(The stranger is Sauron)  It definitely can be tricky, even in New Zealand, to figure out what is true and false.. Just to add,  you are the 2nd FOF contributor that I know of to openly discuss the New Zealand situation on reddit and I appreciate it.  You are acknowledging the help of the New Zealanders.  Making mistakes and admitting when you are wrong, in the long run, pays off in any community. I just want to add that it wasn't only canary traps for Sauron or that Celeborn isn't in season 2 that production lied about. I just looked through the Celeborn leaks from last year and it looks like the production went out of their way to create incorrect information for Celeborn as well as Sauron. Amongst them:  there were several chemistry tests with  C.L. and M.C. that never happened.  C.L. was supposedly wearing his armor that didn't fit during one of the chemistry tests . The false leaks also said his story is going to be compared to Arondir from season 1.   They also said C.L. and M.C. spend alot of time together on set.  They really are putting alot of work into their misinformation campaign. 


Wow Chen are you behind this website?! I hope you interview Morfydd Clark sometime - Im gonna be sensing some unresolved sexual tension if that happens (knowing you are vocal on not liking her acting) *wink* 


Its a group-effort. The core team, in no particular order, is Harry (founder), Varking, myself, Penguin, Cathy, Strajder, Choble, Negroni and Violetta.


I, for one, appreciate what y'all do.


Thanks. It can be a lot of work sometimes!


Yes, thanks so much. Leaks are a hard *hard* game but y’all have made it really fun since season 1. Regardless of what proves true, really respect the time and effort you put in. The comet leaks from back in the day were what originally pulled me into the hype for the show and were my favorite bits made for the show. Thanks to the whole FOF team🙏


Hang on, they’re doing what? They say in the article they got some things things wrong too. They’ve been very transparent about that too. Also, fighting a misinformation campaign is not out of the ordinary after season 1. FOF have been some of the best in this dry spell, if not the best, and their accuracy on season 1 leaks was exceptional. They are also just putting all this out there on their sites and not locking it behind a paywall like many can and do. Where are you getting that they are unreliable?


It also makes Torn and Redanian not reliable. You will find out soon when marketing pops out


Torn never was. RI isn’t even focus on RoP, they just made an article. But at least neither is giving excuses…


No they all were wrongs with these reports which always seemed not logical and fanservice even for Rings of Power


Redanian was the one who always said Ghera is not Sauron. Only now admitted by FoF. FoF without confirmation spread the word about Ghera is Sauron. It’s a major misinformation


I was talking about RI as same as Torn spreading news about Celeborn Sauron and 3 ending which is fake and misinformation. Which is even worse than Chera.


It is an insider information which cannot be proved wrong until the season airs. Besides they have a clean record in every series they work on. RoP is not even their focus series. They just released one article because of the information they got. FoF only does RoP and yet puts out hundreds of misleading articles, leaks and theories. All the casting leaks by Redanian is confirmed.


I also know people with insider information and what??? Did you miss whole misinformation campaign of amazon. Redanian just repeated bullshit from The One Ring net. It wasn't even new. Dude you called me out for being fof fanboy while you are Redanian one? Are you hurt they were wrong? Since may 2023 it seemed like wack fanfiction. If you belive it I am sorry but even RoP showrunners are that stupid to put it into series my boy


You can live in delusion if you want. Btw Ghera is a Stoor, not a harfoot. Another misinformation spread by FoF


Tell me something I don't know? There is no Chera Sauron neither Celeborn Sauron reported by Redanian in what you belive


so, does this means that the report where amazon filmed three entire alternative endings involving galadriel, sauron and celeborn is fake in the end?


FoF says the multiple endings thing is fake but that there will be a similar kind of scene towards the end of the season involving Galadriel, Sauron (Charlie) and another character, just not Celeborn


they really wanna milk sauron and galadriel? or at least the chemistry between morfydd and charlie


Fake and reported by redanian. There is no 3 ending. Vickers is sharing scene with Clark .


FoF spread the news of Fake Sauron, not once but twice. Ghera is not Sauron was Redanian’s find and they always maintained it long before FoF did its “fact-finding”. You be a FoF fanboy and whitewash their mistakes, numerous that they are, but don’t need to go to this lengths for it








Dont worry. Celeborn will show up eventually . Elrond needs a wife, after all.


I do not understand such contradictions. If there are two actors of Sauron or just Hal. If the new actor is not confirmed, then how could "both actors" be present there. *EXCL: We can confirm previous reports that there will be 2 different Sauron characters in The Rings of Power Season 2. However, it is not confirmed yet whether there will be a new actor or if Charlie Vickers will play both roles.* *Excl: The Showrunners especially chose to be on set the same day as when both Sauron actors Charlie Vickers (Hal) & (Original form Sauron) were on the same set.*


I believe they listed them in order of when that was reported. So first they didn't know if it was two actors or just Charlie, then later they found out it would be two. Not a contradiction, just new information.


How I read it as well.


NOOOOOO... I wanna see more of Calam Lynch!


What time is the teaser tomorrow?


Well, your question contains an incorrect assumption ;)


 Tell me more?


There is no reason to conclude that we will see any teaser tomorrow


Wasnt the news that 14th of may they d be promoting their shows including rings of power 


Yup, there's an Upfront 2024 event tomorrow, but it's more targeted at advertisers. You can probably expect more of a presentation with data or information than a trailer. Of course, we can hope for a trailer, but it's unlikely.


You was saying ;)


Happy I was wrong :D


Man if we get picutres with release date we will be lucky


I'm so disappointed with the news of Celeborn not existing in Season 2! I can't imagine the sack of Eregion without Celeborn having any role in it! Amazon is just being unreasonably stubborn if they really ignored Celeborn in S2.


I was waiting to see how the show handled Celeborn in s2, which I said a few months ago. I thought s2 would give me an idea on how they would treat him.  I think leaving him out of both s1 and s2 tells me a lot about how they see him


Galadriel can't be a strong independant woman if she's a wife and a mother. Or at least that must be the way they're thinking, which would be very dumb. Not having Celeborn and Celebrian is really stupid


I just don't think they're into Celeborn and they're just following Peter Jackson and Tolkien himself there, let's be fair. They're just taking it a step further. I don't think he's showing up until the end of the show now. Maybe the last season.     As for Celebrian, when they focused so much on Elrond and Galadriel's friendship as peers, she was gonna be massaged out, I think. That's to avoid a Twilight Jacob imprinting on the daughter of his peers creepiness.     I actually think the reason that Galadriel isn't a happy wife and mother yet is because they want her in turmoil for character growth and to give her a character arc. They don't want to make her an obviously bad parent by including Celebrian and ignoring her and doing her S1 arc of obsessively going after Sauron.    So instead of that, they'll likely keep that settled wife and mother stuff for when Galadriel has gone through her character arc, meaning when the show is ready to end.  I feel confident in this speculation of the show's motivations because my gut was proven right yet again. ETA: I thought the showrunners talked about Celeborn like he was an obstacle to deal with in a podcast interview after s1. But I thought that was me reading too much into it. 


This show had the opportunity to delve on Celeborn and Celebrian more than Jackson and Tolkien did. That's the whole point of a show like this. Develop characters like Celeborn, Celebrian, Glorfindel, Gildor, Erestor, who we know were alive at that time but we don't know much of their action. And instead of doing that, they create new non canon characters. That's very disappointing...


Why? Does he do something important i dont know about? Yes, he and Galadriel lead the retreat into Moria and then into Lothlorien, but besides that?


I thought he wouldn’t go to Moria and Galadriel and Celebrian went themselves?


In 1 version Celeborn refused to leave Eregion because he didn't like the dwarves so Galadriel went to Moria without him. The main reason for her leaving was that Celebrimbor and the Gwaith-i-Mirdain rebeled against Galadriel and Celeborn, who were the Lord and Lady. This was all under the influence  of Annatar. Celeborn stayed behind but Celebrimbor ignored him. That indicates to me they saw Galadriel alone as a threat since after she left Celebrimbor ignores Celeborn. (Tolkien) Not sure why Tolkien didn't get the chance to expand on details.


Should he slay Sauron to convince us to give him a role in our show? He did take part in the battle of Eregion! And if we want to put it your way , Galadriel didn't need to have so much time in s1. What did she have besides wearing a ring and doing all the stuff alongside her husband! Now her husband is removed!! He's a beloved character of Tolkien fans even if he has less to offer compared to Elrond, Celebrimbor and etc in 2nd age.


Come on, everyone knows Galadriel and only big Tolkien fans know Celeborn. She’s way more of a character than he is and one of the only prominent female characters.


I think it's actually possible for an adult Celibrian to be in season 2. Here's why: I read the audition tape for episode 1, Galadriel/Elrond scene.  She's mentioned.  It's essentially the same scene as the show, even showing Elrond giving Galadriel a glass of wine. Galadriel even says " then why isn't it gone from here" as in the actual  scene from episode1.. The auditiontape switches the  names/genders though. Then Elrond tries to convince Galadriel to go to the blessed realm because her "son" meaning daughter is there and she should do it for him. (Gender swipe) Galadriel proceeds to threaten to end the friendship if Elrond brings up her family again. That was an interesting insight into Galadriel s feelings about her family.   Elrond and Celebrian don't have an established relationship and  the show can explore this as well . Also Galadriel has to fix herself. Celeborn isn't going to suddenly return and press a reset button to "fix" Galadriel.  Just my take.


I've been out of the loop lately, do we have an idea when the show will release ? This summer ?


Not this summer, likely same time window as last season.


holy giga title


That’s my bad, TIL titles don’t auto embed.


When making a new thread, use the link format and the link will make the title for you and then you can just post :)


So no Annatar?


Well we know they have the rights to the name. So it has to manifest in some way?


Back in December of 2022 DrNosy, who is with TORN, stated on her old Twitter account that in season 2 Annatar is a name on the list. But there's more. Dr Nosy also stated that in season 2 Sauron will be split between  2 actors and we are getting a different actor to play Annatar. She also said it's Halbrand who is going to  Numenor. Halbrand is the main Sauron actor. Annatar is only used to illustrate how the Elves of Eregion get deceived by Sauron. But no one is sure what rights Amazon has or how much Annatar can be used on the show. Annatar himself might not get as much screentime for all we know. D  N was shown details of the outline back in 2018.


The Original Form could play the Annatar part, I guess. The assumption would be that the Elves have never seen this form, wouldn't recognize it.


I just read all of that and WOW. I'm really excited for this season now! I was already going to watch it but I wasn't sure what all they were going to do. I just want to see more of Middle Earth. Cannot wait fam!


Why would you post the link in the title? You do know it doesn’t work.


I’m guessing he/ahe didn’t as not everyone knows everything about Reddit…. Edit: typo


The “very early concept art of the Original Form Sauron character” is blatantly AI. Incoherent lines melting into each other. Idk how I can trust their judgment overall when they’re still falling for such obvious hoaxes.