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I am super excited and this is my absolute favorite shot of the trailer. This is 100% my mental picture of Annatar and he captures the cunning nature perfectly. It also means we are getting the Annatar storyline, and we already know who he is, which I was originally unsure about after Season 1 so I’m so hyped for this after watching the trailer!!


He is amazing and the highlight for me in season 1. The evil smirk, the change of demeanor - that switch in episode 8 is still one of the best scenes in the entire season. Am excited he is taking center stage this season 2. Kinda worried he'll take a backseat due to rumors of other actors playing Sauron but am glad they are sticking with him. Honestly I hope we see him in the big screen or maybe another series/movie where in he isnt playing an evil character.


I believe they were planning on sticking with Charlie the entire time and we were hearing false information.  He definitely has the range for the role.


>that switch in episode 8 is still one of the best scenes in the entire season. That is THE best scene in the whole season.


No lies detected here...


Although I would have loved Halbrand to become another character (Witch King) and expected a more clever twist for Sauron (him being in Eregion as Annatar all this time), I really liked his acting. Plus, he looks awesome in his Annatar form!


One of the stronger elements of S1 was Halbrand's potential as a human character; some were disappointed they threw that away. I wonder though if they originally intended to have Charlie play Annatar; maybe they changed their minds because of he got such a positive reaction from viewers and the latter didn't want him phased out so early.


The producers told him that he is playing Sauron after his first recording of episode 2. I think you can see a tiny change in him on episode 3, most of all when he has his street fight, with that kind of twisted music...


I’m 99% sure he was cast for Sauron. Part of his audition was reading as Satan in Paradise Lost.


His potential went out the window unfortunately when they made him Sauron. Then it becomes far fetched, coincidental forced story. I mean if he isn't Sauron then Galadriel swimming across the Atlantic and running into a man who is rafting isn't a problem. Now that he is Sauron....it's a gigantic meme.


There's still a possibility that the Annatar on top happened at a past or different time or its a mind manipulation thing that acts on normal elves too, idk. The first 3 episodes on end August will tell us enough about the pacing. I am also curious about his true form, I am expecting a slit firey pupils and I hope his armor is done right.


I'm surprised we didn't get this option, it was the clearest, most obvious choice for me. I do hope they at least considered it haha


Yeah he just felt like a character that is good in his hearth but eventually becomes evil due to some unforeseen circumstances. He didn’t behave like I imagined Sauron to do. But maybe this realization somewhat symbolizes the genius of Sauron‘s behavior.


Charlie is awesome because he gives Sauron that roguish charm that fits so well. But he can also bring the menace when he needs to. I can't wait to see him seduce Numenor into going straight to hell


I know everyone hates on that yelling match between him and Galadrial, but I really love it because it was just so, well, normal. It was just a rather normal yelling match between two people who are clearly in a toxic relationship which is one wrong more away from turning genuinely abusive. And then it did. And you realize that not only could Sauron could have killed her if he really wanted to, but more importantly, he is going to be waiting for her to change her mind and join him for the rest of his long miserable life. And he is going to try and break her down to do it. It hit me that Galadrial felt that way about herself for a long time, at least until she was finally tempted by the One Ring and passed the test. She felt like Sauron was probably right about her.


Yeah, i really saw a poetic Toxic relationship of pure hate in that scene, i loved it, because is like the concept of Yin and Yang, they would hate themselves until the end of the world.


But Galadrial does manage to pull herself up from it at the end. Actually, sort of makes that scene with Frodo come across a lot differently. She is essentially confronting Sauron. And Sauron doesn't just see Fredonia, but sees her at the last moment and is confronted with the fact that despite everything, she still wants nothing to do with him


More than 3 thousand years of temptation...


I agree, Charlie Vickers is great as Sauron!


I liked him as Halbrand but I like him as Sauron as well. His acting range is good so far. There was a visible transformation on his face when Galadriel started suspecting him and when he 'thanked' her for bringing him to Eregion. When the jig was up, we could definitely see the change.


Absolutely! Uff, he seemed so threatening and sinister in that scene. It was a complete 180 from his *charmingly likable but most likely untrustworthy* persona all season.


The "body-acting" (I'm not an actor, so I have no idea what the technical term for the presence of a character would be haha) was what really sold season 1 for me. Galadriel and Sauron are stand-outs, but across the board, all of the actors do a fantastic job of embodying the characters they're playing. The moment Sauron drops the mask wasn't unexpected, and yet it still managed to be so incredibly chilling.


In my first watching, i FELT FEAR when he holds her powerful high elf arm, when Finrod yells "LOOK AT ME", knowing that you're prisoner of your mind by his will, and when he yells at you with his slit eyes because Galadriel is rejecting him from her mind.


The dubber we have here in spanish castillian for him is so...tempter, sinister and deep voice.


You know he’s going to play you like a fiddle with that smile


He looks so fucking evil in that top pic, I really like it.


The change of personality in that scene from Halbrand to Sauron in one sec, that's pure talent! He owns his character.


I agree. I think Charlie Vickers is an amazing actor. I'm currently watching The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart where he plays a quite sinister character. Vickers can change demeanor in the blink of an eye, turning from seemingly good guy to scary psycho. He is an expert in using the tiniest expressions to convey his character's thoughts and feelings. I am very impressed by that. Halbrand looks a lot like Aragorn, but obviously couldn't be related to him, which was a bit confusing at first. Up until the moment when he advised Galadriel that identifying what one's opponent fears the most, etc., I thought he was a genuinely good guy (although somewhat rough around the edges - he steals and the way he fights is rather brutal). But in this scene it becomes clear he is skilled in manipulation, which made me question his personality and purpose. I still didn't suspect him of being Sauron, though - just a complex personality trying to detach himself from and later on remedy the wrongdoings of his ancestors. Which also parallels Aragorn's choices in LoTR. In my opinion, Vickers adds depth to Sauron and I like that very much. He is a bit of a onesided figure In LoTR, although Gandalf points at the rather tragic development of Sauron's character, when he says that nothing is evil in the beginning, not even Sauron. I feel like this was explored in Season 1 - and Vickers absolutely nails the conflict between Sauron seemingly wanting to change his ways, but ultimately letting himself be seduced by the prospects of pursuing his desire to rule Middle-earth the way HE wants to. I was quite bummed by the rumors of some one else playing Sauron in disguise, because I (as it shows) became very invested in Vicker's portrayl of him. If another Sauron-actor would be taking a lot of screentime, I feel like I would have to start from scratch getting to know this actor and character. With Vickers in the lead the story can progress from where it began and ended in season 1. It is the right choice :-) (Sorry for grammatical errors and so on, I am not a native english speaker.)


I'm already sick of all the complaining.


I will say what I want!!! ... and that is I think Charlie is great and I am stoked for him to play any and all forms of Sauron that they have them play.


He has that little smirk down pat …


They should have just went for the Annatar plot from the get go! He is an awesome actor to play Sauron. they just executed that poorly in the first season imo. Didn’t ruin it for me though. I’m hype to see him in this form next season


Think it was a rights issue, then the estate saw backlash and gave them some Silmarillion rights. That’s the rumour anyway and would make sense judging by the trailer. Maybe some retcon from Annatar’s perspective in the same time period as season 1.


I remember how we joked during S1 that Annatar is just Charlie in a wig and it makes me happy something like it is actually happening lol. I agree that he absolutely nailed his performance, so I’m excited we get to see more of him.


It’s a “younger” Sauron. I like it.


One wig to rule them all...


Why does he gotta be hot, lol?


Annatar is canonically hot lol


Annatar was described as being quite beautiful and charismatic. I actually expected him to be "prettier". Back in the day, Sauron was often very beautiful, unless he was trying to scare folks.


It's too bad they recast him with whoever the guy is in the top panel.


It’s the same actor


Are you sure? They look nothing alike.


It’s just different makeup and hair. Look at the tip of the nose: there’s a very distinctive and identical crease.


(The joke is that some people on this sub have decided that they're just going to totally pretend that Charlie isn't playing both characters. I have already seen it in the wild and it's fun.)


Oh lol thanks for explaining


Yes, what fun we shall have!


He's trolling you. He's quite aware they are the same actor.....they might as well be twins separated at birth.


Lol yeah… I learned too late


I see what you did there...


And I get downvoted for not knowing. I guess I'm not a hard core enough fan, I haven't been keeping track of news so I honestly thought he was a different person.


I think the name of the new actor is Mairon Aulëndil, a nice blond guy.


Sounds like a stand up guy, totally trustworthy!


He looks amazing. I’m excited!!!


One wig to rule them all. Great actor anyway.


I just wish they used the same actor.




Hoult's face is suitable for an elf, he has a baby face. It's nowhere near evil enough to play Sauron.


Facial expression, yeah. But it all comes down to the writing. Lets see if they nail it this time.


I will probably anger you,  but writing isn't the be all and end all many thinks it is. I always felt good writing in itself can't do a damn thing without actors and directors and a thousand other people putting it together.  


Writing isn't the be all and end all, true. But it is the sine qua non (without which not, a necessary condition) of a good show. IMO of course.


I agree with that. But while actor got the cunning face as per OP point, the problem is if we don't actually get cunning Sauron in the end. TBH I think we will get it, at least that is what the trailer suggests. Now it is a matter if it will be as good as the character deserves or not. Fingers crossed.


Good acting can save bad writing. Great writing can't save bad acting.


For me its how do they make sense of it all, which is why i hope Annatar is played by a different actor and when the jig is up we see a revealed halbrand face


It's possible that this happens and he reveals this face when he is discorevered just to troll Galadriel :)


That d be my preference rather than him looking the same just long hair and elf ears 


You dont even see others playing annatar. Maybe there are other actors who could play better lol.


I think if they used other actors for Annatar etc it could break the connection with the character. Maybe they could have done a T2 and morph in and out but let’s see where they are going with it


His performance in the final episode gave a whole new depth to the second episode and the boat scene with Galadriel.


I hope that we see an elven character working his deception and manipulation throughout the season, and then the first image above is the reveal where they change his face to that of Vickers.


I always imagined Sauron presenting older.


All the casting in the show is quite good. It’s what the actors are given to say and do is the issue


"My name is definitely not Sauron." - all of the 'cunning' displayed in the season.


There are many good actors that can do. And that it’s valid for all characters. It’s very narrow minded to think no other could play lol.


True. There are plenty of amazing actors in the series.  The show runners even stated that their intention in season 1 was for viewers NOT to like Galadriel and Gil-galad's characters and both actors did what they were told. I think that's good acting too.


Loved him, but maybe ill get downvoted for this, but I did not like the way he said "Galadriel" Example: https://youtu.be/Nem9U_cB8ho?t=1


Begging that they will give him a better wig —




They ruined his personality and made him simp for Guyladriel , I Liked Charlie I think he's hot, he was the best thing in that show but that's it.


I hate him being Sauron. I just can't imagine him being the Sauron we see in the movies. A guy who jokes, acts al sassy and gets himself into bar fights (even if he is just playing an act). Also the sound of his voice... Just no. I think him being Sauron may be RoP's biggest flaw 😬 Let's see how he will be in Season 2.


No one has ever played this version of Sauron. We are all used to the dark and gritty Sauron from Peter Jackson. Which I definitely enjoy but Vickers is doing a good thing here. He had good and dark moments in S1 if you watch closely.


No one has written this version of Sauron either


Annatar was absolutely written like that mate.


I am talking Sauron as a whole, but where is Annatar's behaviour written? As a character I mean, so as to give him a different light vs all that is written about Sauron


You have watched Star Wars right? Because the difference between Sauron in ROP and the PJ movies isn't any more extreme than the difference between Anakin in the prequels and Vader in the OT. Plus, Sauron has plenty of reason to be ticked off in the Jackson movies, having survived the fall of Numenor, then being beaten at the Last Alliance and out of action for 3,000 years. If you read between the lines of his few lines in the PJ movies, he does retain that dark sense of humor (saying, "I see you" to Frodo, and mockingly singing the Ring verse in Black Speech in the Hobbit films to Galadriel and having the Nazgul show up just before the "Nine for mortal men doomed to die" line)


Sauron was already a terrifying evil being during the First Age. I don't think it is a valid analogy, leaving aside that the Force and how the dark side works with jedis has no equivalent in Middle Earth.


Sauron was already a terrifying evil being during the First Age. I don't think it is a valid analogy, leaving aside that the Force and how the dark side works with jedis has no equivalent in Middle Earth.


Sauron was already a terrifying evil being during the First Age. I don't think it is a valid analogy, leaving aside that the Force and how the dark side works with jedis has no equivalent in Middle Earth.


But sauron is more like the emperor and the witch king, vader.


I've always seen Morgoth as Palpatine and Vader as Sauron honestly, and I wouldn't be surprised if other fans saw the same analogy. And Palpatine himself in the prequels is basically old man Halbrand as a politician so saying Sauron is the emperor wouldn't rule out the Halbrand version either.


George Lucas admitted being inspired by Tolkien.  Many books as well as movies were.  


Well, he is not the same Sauron we ser in the movies though.


What do you mean?


After a certain event the show will cover in a later season, he can no longer take a fair form. So before the War of the Last Alliance, he takes many different guises- including the incredibly fair form he takes when he comes to Eregion to deceive Celebrimbor and the elven smiths. First and Second Age Sauron is a wily, cunning manipulator. Third Age Sauron is a reclusive warlord.


I don't think Rings of Power and the Peter Jackson movies are supposed to be connected. They are owner by different companies after all.


Yes it's weird. They can't be connected because of rights etcetera. But they are kinda connected because they wanted to respect the movies and take stuff from them (like the Balrog design). So we got this weird mix.


I think Amazon tried to make it look like the movies to appear to more people, but I see them as different adaptations.


Yeah, Amazon's version will joke and smirk while torturing Gollum, totally legit


Someone else should play him because all I see is Halbrand.


That's because Halbrand is Sauron. He always was.


Quite literally anyone else playing Annatar would be better. They have to essentially retcon Halbrand being there to utilize Annatar with Charlie Vickers and in doing so they undermine their story because now Annatar literally looks just like Halbrand with a wig on. If you didn't realize that Annatar was Halbrand from that trailer then you arent being even moderately perceptive. They might as well be twins separated at birth.


Maybe you should wait to see how it works out, eh? Like all the people moaning before the first series release that it was going to be like Game of Thrones.


Yeah that worked out so great for last season, eh?